Home » If you want to follow the Kyle Rittenhouse trial…


If you want to follow the Kyle Rittenhouse trial… — 19 Comments

  1. “So I fear a jury pool will be highly tainted and I have great concern that the verdict will be political however strong Rittenhouse’s self-defense claim might be.”

    Change of venue from Kenosha is necessary, maybe to the northern part of the state.

  2. Regarding Kenosha, interesting town. I would assume one could seat an impartial jury there. I certainly wouldn’t recommend a change of venue to Milwaukee or Madison.

    I would think there are a significant number of residents who don’t appreciate the rioting that went on there and would sympathize with a young man wanting to help their community. A lot of hunters in Wisconsin. Folks are used to seeing rifles and shotguns and people peacefully carrying them.

    I also don’t think a year has helped the prosecution’s case. President Brandon’s impact on the economy and using the DOJ to target January 6th protesters and parents attending school board meetings affects people in Wisconsin too.

  3. Robert Barnes has been giving weekly updates on the trial preparation and surrounding issues in the episodes of Viva Frei that he co-hosts. Barnes is one of KR’s defense attorneys – I think he may be participating pro bono. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuN9YhIhQ7Q

    He’s identified that same concerns that Neo has and been working to address those, both publicly and by taking actions to restrain the prosecutor’s attempts at character assassination.

  4. That the prosecutor even brought a case is a scandal. By the way, the abusive prosecutor in this case was elected unopposed as the Republican officialdom elected to throw the contest.

  5. Every miscarriage of justice and Rittenhouse even being charged is certainly an injustice, brings a terrible reckoning ever closer.

    Should he be convicted, it will add many more straws to the camel’s back.

  6. We should all think it through: if I am ever on a jury will I hold strong? Will I stand up for truth regardless of the pressure exerted?
    If my family is threatened … if I can only create a hung jury and they’ll just try the defendant again … will I still stand strong, if it’s the right thing to do?

  7. I’m more hopeful about the outcome.

    I think that what Rittenhouse has going for him are the videos. It’s hard to watch them and not believe that he acted in self defense.

  8. The Minnesota Supreme Court recently held that Derek Chauvin could not represent himself in the appeal of his conviction. They also held that he is ineligible for a public defender because he is not yet bankrupt. To my knowledge, no attorney has stepped forward to represent him.

    This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And they cut them all down to get at Derek Chauvin. Doe we really think we can stand upright in the winds that are starting to blow?

  9. JimNorCal,

    Yes. This is no ordinary struggle in which we are caught. If threatened in that manner, the first thing I’d do is contact one trusted relative to warn them and rely upon them to spread the warning. The second thing I’d do is go public and in open court where it couldn’t be easily covered up.

    Our forefathers knew full well that if they revolted, innocent civilian bystanders would die. Their deaths would rest upon the hands of those who forced war upon us. Liberty is not to be surrendered.

    Jefferson had the right of it when he wrote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

  10. “Do we really think we can stand upright in the winds that are starting to blow?” Cap’n Rusty

    Too old to easily bend with the wind, but I can damn well take more than a few of the bastards with me.

    Fools playing with fire and too blind to realize just how hot will be the firestorm they are feeding.

  11. Minnesota is actually fairly conservative. But Hennepin and Ramsey Counties are pure blue. Alas, that is Minneapolis, and Saint Paul, respectively. Thanks to those two counties, Minnesota is rapidly becoming as much a failed state, as California.

    The Twin Cities is not a nice place to be.

  12. Satan controls most of humanity. Soddom is on the horizon. As 2020 was not a mass death via corona, that was reserved for later when people voluntarioy injected bio weapons into thenselves. Plus children.

    Did you all think god and i would ignore your evil deeda forever?

    It is time ti be held to account in the harvest. That means kyle gb blm, whomever. Which means everyone. Judgment.

  13. Tyro,
    vivafrei says, “You [myself] are forbidden from entering this site.” Whoa. ??

  14. Rittenhouse is a hero

    Yes, deterring criminal activity, rendering aid to those affected, offering a measured response to an immediate threat to life. Certainly, not a “hero” of Democrat, perhaps just Pelosi et al.

  15. This case will be very educational in that it will show how far gone the country is. The Chauvin case is depressing but this one is more informative as the boy was being pursued by the Antifa thugs. The jury may be intimidated as the Chauvin jury was. That is a worry.

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