Home » Glenn Greenwald: on the Hunter Biden laptop coverup


Glenn Greenwald: on the Hunter Biden laptop coverup — 22 Comments

  1. It’s all very well that Greenwald and others have now caught on to both the Russiagate hoax and the Hunter Biden cover-up, but aren’t they a little late to the game? It does not serve the public well when even our intrepid journalists stay hornswoggled just long enough to ensure that their reporting can have no meaningful effect.

  2. they don’t want to know the truth.

    The thing about not wanting to know the truth, the main reason you wouldn’t want to is that you’re certain it’s bad news for your side.

    Right now at least, I strongly suspect that a large number of Biden voters know damn well that the laptop wasn’t “Russian disinformation”. Of course they probably believed the Russian disinformation narrative before the election (if they even heard about the story at all that is). But by now my guess is many know the truth.

    Whether or not they actually care is perhaps a seperate issue, and somewhat contingent on their opinion of the job Biden is doing. And the worse things get, the more Biden bungles things, many of them will start to care more. It’s just another negative on Biden, another single straw on the camels back among many others.

  3. The Press has a constitutional duty and it is failing at it.

    I don’t know how we survive if this continues.

  4. The propaganda machines in Bolshevik Russia or Hitler’s Germany had nothing over that which exists today in the USA.

    The VOLUNTARY collusion in the USA of the conventional and social media with the major intelligence, investigative and prosecutorial branches of the Federal Govt, AND with one of the two major political parties, is a combination of resources that Hitler or Stalin could never have imagined.

    In those repressive regimes of the past (and present) the citizens know they are reading/hearing/watching govt. propaganda. Whether they believe it or not is one thing, but at least they know information is being disseminated by govt. owned or controlled media outlets and that most (all?) of it is total bullshit.
    “There is no news in Pravda and no truth in Izvestia.” as they would say (or was it “There is no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia?”)

    Here in the USA, because the conventional and social media are “independent,” many people believe they are hearing/reading/watching honest and objective news.
    Why would the media lie? Or why would the social media suppress views /ideas?
    They wouldn’t do that, no sir.
    After all, the media / social media are not run or owned by the govt or any political party, so why would they lie or be biased?
    So a significant percentage of the population believes what the hear/see/read and question nothing.

    Of course, it’s up to the individual to actually “think” and question. But it’s clear that about 1/2 the electorate does no such thing.
    They just believe.

    The left in this country knows this; that about 1/2 of the people just believe. This is why Joke Bidet, his grossly incompetent generals, Blinken-lites-out, Jenn Psaki, etc. just lie through their teeth.
    They realize enough people are either too lazy or too stupid to question anything and their constant lies are a manifestation of what they really think of the intelligence of the average citizen.

  5. “…a little late to the game?…”k

    Um, no. They were on it from the get-go. Along with the NY Post.
    They were publicizing it from the very beginning.

    The news was suppressed, as described.

    The NY Post published it, but it too was suppressed by the Holy Ones—the Gatekeepers—of FB and Twitter, of the corrupt media and its squalid minions.

    Only now has it officially been “acknowledged.”

    Our moral “betters”, our ethical “superiors”, our towering elites are living in their own Stasi reality cum paradise and they would very much desire that we accept that reality, which they’ve created and nurtured.

    Moreover, they believe they have vays to make us decide—grudgingly or joyfully—that it’s in our best interests to do so.

  6. Nonapod:

    Prior to the election, I could not find a single Democrat among my acquaintance who appeared to know of the Hunter Biden laptop at all, except for a couple who had some vague notion that there was a claim about such a laptop and that it was all bogus and there was no need to pay a particle of attention to it. I didn’t speak to everyone I know about it, but I did speak to a representative sample of those who supposedly follow the news.

    I feel very confident in saying that I believe that were I to ask them now, they would not have heard any more about that laptop.

  7. I used to read Greenwald occasionally just to see what a relatively sane progressive would say about some egregious event; now I go looking for his work.
    Of course, he has been read out of the Party, and is considered one step away from Qanon (if that far).

    A young reporter for Politico, Ben Schreckinger, has published a new book entitled “The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power.” To his great credit, he spent months investigating the key documents published by The New York Post and found definitive proof that these emails and related documents are indisputably authentic. His own outlet, Politico, was the first to publish the CIA lie that this was “Russian disinformation,” but on Tuesday — without acknowledging their role in spreading that lie — they summarized Schreckinger’s findings this way: the book “finds evidence that some of the purported Hunter Biden laptop material is genuine, including two emails at the center of last October’s controversy.” In his book, the reporter recounts in these passages just some of the extensive work he did to obtain this proof:

    My question: what is Politico’s agenda in outing the lying liars while Biden is still warming the chair in the Oval Office?
    Politico is not anyone’s idea of a rabid right-wing broadsheet; although less overtly biased than some others, the spin is always leftward. Who gave them permission to blow the whistle? And how did Schreckinger do his research without getting shut down by the same Axis of Evil that Greenwald so ably chronicles?

    I don’t agree totally with this chart’s labeling of media outlets, but it’s a good first approximation.


    Some relevant memes – people are so creative!



  8. Since the Tet Offensive in 1968 my confidence in our legacy media has greatly declined.
    I just don’t trust them.
    This all reminds me of the court scene in “The Verdict” with Paul Newman.
    The judge is obviously biased & hostile to the plaintiffs case–after deeply incriminating evidence is presented against the defendants the judge angrily throws it out & directs the jury to ignore all of it as if it never happened, that it would carry no weight.
    And here we are.
    It’s all bullsh*t and we’re f**ked.

  9. For those who believe they’ve reached peak cynicism, there always seems to be someone whose gotten there first…
    (Still, the competition is fierce…)
    This is from someone who’s been marinating in it for quite some time; who has had time to view it all from all angles. His tongue is mordant, his despair eloquent.

  10. neo relates,

    “A response there adds, “Worse, they will hear it, and dismiss it.”

    And still another person comes back with, “This is what I am realizing now. It’s not that people on the left (traditionally my people), don’t know the truth, they don’t want to know the truth.”

    Both types exist. Those who dismiss it, basically take FDR’s approach. When it was pointed out that an ally was a “bastard” FDR replied, “yeah, but he’s our bastard”. What counts for them is which side is someone on, nothing else.
    Those who “don’t want to know” embrace willful blindness. It’s an abdication of personal responsibility, engaged in by moral cowards.

  11. I play in a golf league of guys in their 50’s and 60’s, not wealthy but engineers, insurance guys, lawyers. The sort of people that one would think of as natural “conservatives “, as in not radical , and not “Republican” as in reflexively defenders of upper-class prerogatives.
    What consistently baffles and dismays me is that most of them seem to swallow the Dem BS hook, line and sinker.
    One would think that, in the current circumstances, they would either be somewhat critical of the current regime, or at least seek to avoid politics as a point of discussion,
    But-No!-they will constantly bring up the latest crap about…Trump! “Did you hear that Trump’s niece has a book out?” “Hey, Trump is being indicted in NY. “ l respond that, hey, Trump is not the President anymore, the guy you voted for is, let’s talk about the latest idiocy, if I were you the last thing I’d want to talk about is politics, etc.
    It doesn’t seem to register. If I thought they were just trying to get a rise out of me I would get it (and there is some of that, which is all good fun), but mostly they don’t want to know, and buy what they hear.
    And that is what scares and depresses me. The propaganda works.

  12. @Boatbuilder:

    They’re just Normies. They won’t awaken until their neighborhoods burn.

    Plus there’s an element of not wishing to ‘Lose Caste’ by adopting lower caste enthusiasms. Like it or not… and it doesn’t matter whether or not you or I like it… there can never be any kind of successful popular reaction without some more presentable Elite Defectors. Otherwise your Normies won’t play.

    What bugs me is that these Normies are the product of 50-60 years of several hours per day max broad market spatter gun TV consumption plus some newspaper and periodical consumption. That’s child’s play. Hardly what you’d call immersive. Imagine what it will be like when there are 60 year old products of a lifetime of social media conditioning and individually targeted advertising.

  13. I have known that the US press has been in the tank for the Democrats for years but I am not sure I really appreciated just how corrupt they are until they successfully buried the laptop and Bobolinski revelations just prior to the election. Have they not heard of the gulag?

  14. Collusion with Ukrainians and Russians, with the Chinese regime that undermined American policy, and perhaps others. Now Biden the father is setting the stage to follow up on Obama’s legacy of premature evacuation, redistributive change (e.g. reordered claims), and transnational wars from Tripoli to Kiev.

  15. Boatbuilder;

    A friend of mine – a retired federal DOT accountant and devoted NY Times reader- is just like your golf pals.
    What’s weird is that he routinely would tell me while employed with the Federal DOT how inefficient, wasteful and ineffective the govt really is. He would tell me that “in theory,” govt programs, etc. work just fine, but in real life they are a waste of time and money.
    Yet, he votes liberal progressive 100% of the time.

    People like him are just not interested in upsetting their own horse-blinders encased apple cart. It’s much easier not to think and not to question.

    It is this attitude held by many Americans , that will enable any sort of repressive, totalitarian regime to take hold in America; all under the guise of protecting this or that group.

    The demonkrats know this; they know their lies and obfuscations will be believed by about 1/2 of all Americans and never be seriously challenged by their media propaganda outlets (e.g. conventional and social media).

  16. Zaphod and JohnTyler are right: this is pure caste signalling.

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it” (attributed to Upton Sinclair). Just substitute “position in the social pecking order” for “salary”.

  17. As y’all keep forgetting:

    The Liberal Midnight Reset Button®.

    I’ve written about it here, @ nnc, but these three pop up when I search on it.




    All of this follows from it, and the WQ issue mentioned above.

    And I also note that I’ve been commenting on it for over a decade, now:


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