Home » Vast and conspiratorial: more Durham fallout; plus Hunter Biden


Vast and conspiratorial: more Durham fallout; plus Hunter Biden — 25 Comments

  1. Russiagate was certainly far more egregious an example of political criminality than Watergate, not least because it made “journalistic heroes” out of the truly insufferable Bernstein and Woodward, the former even more unhinged than the latter, although Woodward has recently been defending the indefensible Milley as a “true patriot” who had every reason to be concerned that the evil orange dictator was on course to destroy the entire planet. The corruption of our entire ruling elite should be the stuff of which Pulitzers are made for young journalists, but most of the miserable members of the MSM are content to be puerile and pusillanimous purveyors of progressive propaganda.

  2. “…probably have only learned the leftist spin on it…”

    Oh, you must be referring the good-old “Evil, hypocritical, anti-American, anti-Constitutional, anti-intellectual REPUBLICANS POUNCE” formula, reflecting the Left’s extraordinary powers of profound, in-depth analysis and inciteful, fastidious commentary.

    The funny thing is that I ALWAYS fall for it. I can’t help it. It’s all so incredibly convincing. Hits ALL the right buttons. Brings up all the right (frothing, uncontrollable, hideous) emotions.

    Yep, the sublime argument of—and for—the intellectual’s intellectual! (Well, um, Orwell’s “intellectual” that is…)

  3. It is possible this will cause serious problems for the Democrats and hopefully the deep state.
    The Clintons are losing power since they now longer can give people much. The Obama clique is the current power but the figure head is an man who was always second rate and an idiot who now seems to be losing what mental ability he ever had. The fraying of the old power base with the new power base unable to hide their authoritarian tendencies may finally allow something of a move back toward classical American values.

  4. }}} who control the levels of power

    Pretty sure you mean “levers” here…

    }}} The corruption of our entire ruling elite should be the stuff of which Pulitzers are made for young journalists, but most of the miserable members of the MSM are content to be puerile and pusillanimous purveyors of progressive propaganda.

    Even if they were not, the ones who decide what gets a Pulitzer certainly are.

  5. “To understand is to forgive”…so they say, at least…

    Alas, to truly understand just what’s going on here just a wee bit better one has to get down and dirty (if only metaphorically):
    1. They LOVE fake news. Its aroma, its texture, its feel its malleability, its elasticity, its sheer usefulness.
    That’s right; “Biden” and the “they-ban-horses-don’t-they?” Democratic Party just LOVE Fake News(TM). Simply love it (it can be soooooo exquisitely useful/utilitarian/equitable/manipulatible…and THEN, quicker ‘n you can say “Joe Biden” you can turn around and accuse your opponents of manufacturing it!!: e.g., the topic of the current post…or rather, just the “Vast and conspiratorial” part.)

    2. Never too late for a bit a’ schoolin’ regarding the Democratic Party’s favorite pastime (“fantasy footsie”) and how it’s the key to practically EVERYHING!…

  6. Substantial credible evidence that Hunter paid part of his income to Joe. Did Joe report this income? Or was it a gift? Were gift tax returns filed?

    Corruption runs deep and the Fake News doesn’t care.

  7. As long as exposure represents a threat, evil will always portray itself as of the good for only through deceit can it prevail.

    “By their ‘fruits’ shall ye know them”

  8. I feel a tiny inkling of hope that this may mushroom and the Democrats will experience a very long sojourn in political siberia.

    And Durham has surprised. Perhaps he is very smart and very adept at nailing very bad people.

  9. I’d still like to know why Durham’s case is so late. Did it really take this long to dot i’s and cross t’s?

  10. “…in political siberia…”

    Well, they’re already, spiritually, in Moscow Oblast; so they’re definitely headed in the right direction….

    – – – – –
    As for the “ultimate distraction”, I wonder whether shutting down the government is less a distraction and more a ploy to derail Durham’s investigation and allow all those foul miscreants to buy time and give them a chance to get—or stay—out of the limelight. (Pure conjecture since I don’t know how these things work; but if the government shuts down, then I imagine so does Durham’s investigation…for as long as the shutdown continues, at least…though forever would certainly be convenient…)

  11. “…dot i’s and cross t’s…”

    Maybe, above all else, he enjoys the thrill of the chase.

    Or maybe he enjoys letting certain less than savory but otherwise bright, caring, intelligent, clever, loving and all-around wonderful people believe (with a long sigh of relief) that they’re off the hook…before he reels them in? (IOW a person with an “interesting” sense of humor….)

    Or maybe he’s that most exasperatingly difficult of all personalities: A perfectionist…

    Who knows? Who cares? as long as he’s able to untangle the knots and peel away the layers of criminal conspiracy and subversion that—somehow(!)—has permeated, and saturated, totally corrupted and perverted, the Democratic Party.

  12. Who knows? Who cares?

    Barry Meislin:

    If it’s just prima donna perfectionism, a serious indictment in 2020 could have made the difference in the 2020 election and so much else that has happened since.

    Or if Durham has calculated this to look good, but too late.

    Or if Durham was a coward and only recently got his courage up.

    I care about those.

  13. huxley asks “I’d still like to know why Durham’s case is so late. Did it really take this long to dot i’s and cross t’s?”
    Three or four reasons: Trump DS has been a complete cockblock against serious prosecutions. Second. enemy occupied terrritory of DC had to be worked around. Even DC had more support for aggregate minor party vote than Trump-R. Finally, there’s the pandemic that’s been slow and uncertain to play out, not to mention the Xi-Den fiasco. These wild cards appear to be playing out favorably well. For the Good Guys.

    Martin’s telegraphic spec may have legs.

  14. Barnes Law has been busy wrapping up a federal court case this week.

    Nonetheless, comes the Sunday weekend – we may get some insightful opioneering.

  15. huxley on September 23, 2021 at 8:44 pm said:

    Good points. I agree. A partial answer, and I’m not sure where I saw it, except that it was here or linked here at Neo’s blog, but Durham needed to prove who Sussman was representing when he was feeding info. to the FBI. That representation proof, billing records I think, was held at Perkins Coie and they did not want to give it up. So Durham had to pry it out, which takes time.

    I can’t believe that it would take that long for that one thing. I’d guess that there were a number of other steps and delays before Durham even knew he had to pry those records out of Perkins.

    But this is still not much of an answer. It leaves most of the above questions in place. My notion is that various Dem operatives have an array of delaying tactics laid out ahead of time. But that’s just my bias.

  16. “…could have made the difference in the 2020 election…”

    Um, no. (Not to worry; I realize full well “you gotta believe”—I was a Mets fan once, Horatio—and that you’re far from the only one with such unrealistic/false post-hoc hopes/assertions/certainties.)

    But NOTHING would have made the difference in the 2020 except electoral integrity. (And electoral integrity turns out to be RACIST. Gosh, who knew?….)

    I’ll repeat: NOTHING. NOT John Durham. NOT publicizing (i.e., being able to publicize) Hunter Biden’s hyper-altruistic public service record. NOT a non-partisan media/info-tech sector. Etc.

    IOW, the Democratic Party RACE HUSTLERS cum DEFENDERS of ELECTIONS and DEMOCRACY for all (and then some) would MERELY have had to manufacture a few more ballots—or a bit more than a few….

    No problem, Jose. Easy peasy.

  17. Not sure intentional, but Durham seems to have weighed in at a moment when Biden’s polls are way down and our country is careening stupidly for all the world to see. Independents are turning away from Biden.

    This may be the best moment he will get to strike.

  18. Jeanne,

    I hope you are right, just as I hoped Barr or Durham were playing 4-D Chess dozens of times prior. But just as it seems that justice will be served Lucy pulls that football away.

  19. Um, no. (Not to worry; I realize full well “you gotta believe”—I was a Mets fan once, Horatio—and that you’re far from the only one with such unrealistic/false post-hoc hopes/assertions/certainties.)

    Barry Meislin:

    Then we’ll have to disagree. You don’t have a crystal ball anymore than I do.

    Also, I find ridicule the opposite of persuasive.

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