Home » Andrew Cuomo “credibly” accused of sexual harassment in the workplace


Andrew Cuomo “credibly” accused of sexual harassment in the workplace — 19 Comments

  1. A most interesting afternoon in New York State, Old Andy C is in trouble and it appears as if his own party is ready to go full ‘Off With His Head’.

  2. Average democrat voters won’t hear about this. Those who do will blame Trump.Richard

  3. This may be the last straw for Cuomo. On the other hand, remember how many people, including democrats, called for Ralph Northam’s resignation, yet there he still is in Virginia’s governor’s mansion.

  4. Since the Ds never do anything that doesn’t increase their power and standing, why are they throwing him under the bus?? What’s the end game in this scenario? He was already gone as a possible presidential candidate. Is it just to crow about the Ds “protecting women”?

    Someone with more political acumen needs to help me.

  5. Cuomo is a creep, and it appears that he signed a law making creepy behavior criminal. However, he’s a Democrat, so he may be able to avoid resigning. I hope at least this scandal will prevent him from being a senator or president.

    Creepy behavior is okay with national Democrats. Look at Joe, swimming nude in front of female Secret Service agents, and getting way too familiar with women and girls in situations where they can’t really just scream or slap him.

  6. “Average democrat voters won’t hear about this.”

    It’s all over CNN’s web page, so at least the average democrat voters I know will hear about it.

  7. The Cuomo’s were always pseudo-masculine and that is the type that does these things. (As opposed to genuinely masculine men who are usually gentlemen.)

    Notice, how Cuomo is everything the left said Trump would be.

  8. This would go away if it were inconvenient for the Democratic Party (see Ralph Northam’s pratfalls in Virginia). James herself is devoid of real skills; her significance is that she is open about turning the Attorney-General’s staff into a political weapon. This is that with which Democratic voters in New York are content.

    It’s a reasonable inference that James, the bosses in the state legislature, various and sundry lawyer-lobbyists, the Sulzbergers, the local chapters of the sorosphere, and the New York Democratic Party’s major donors have decided chattering amongst themselves Sonny is expendable. Guessing Kathy Hochul will be occupying the governor’s chair ‘ere long. She’s filler and the hive will wreck her if she doesn’t stay in her lane and stand down next year.

  9. Re-watching House of Cards. This fits the storyline, underling setting up higher ups.
    BTW, much of the behavior used to be defined as flirting. Some of those old movies have the hero stealing a kiss, getting slapped, grabs the woman for a longer kiss while she melts in his arms. These old geezers learned form those movies. Young kids now learning from porn on internet.

  10. The Cuomo’s were always

    Critics of Mario Cuomo maintained he was one odd and vindictive fellow. (Reporters would get calls from the Governor at 6:30 am complaining about coverage. One reporter later said the call he got started with “You cut my testicle off!”). Odd and vindictive he may have been. He was also very much a bourgeois Italian of a certain vintage. He was generally formal around strangers, didn’t like traveling, didn’t like living any appreciable distance from his mother, loyal to old friends, respectful of a menu of inherited norms, substantive and formal. His son is a vulgar and unpleasant man.

  11. “His son is a vulgar and unpleasant man.” Art+Deco

    His son is a mass murderer. Of far more than died on 9/11. In fact, what ‘American’ has murdered more innocents than Andrew Cuomo?

  12. “I would have to lose my mind to do such a thing” to a woman he hardly knew with multiple staff members around..

    Ah, the “master criminal” defense. If I was stupid enough to do this I would get caught. Everyone knows I am not stupid, ergo I did not do this.

    Even (or should I say, especially) very smart people get complacent or arrogant, when they’ve been allowed to get away with things for a long time.

  13. New headline: “Biden asks Cuomo to resign” for this.

    I haven’t bothered to check if this is an accurate report.

  14. @neo:I tend to be skeptical about the word “credible” in contexts such as these, but sometimes accusations really are credible. If there are witnesses and contemporaneous texts, that lends more credence to the accusations, although it doesn’t make them true although it makes them much more likely to be true.

    You were almost the only blogger to explain what was wrong with the accusations against Roy Moore. He was (and is) a difficult person to defend… others defended Kavanaugh but it was essentially the same situation and the difference was because Kavanaugh was “one of them” and Roy Moore wasn’t. I started regularly following you because you saw this.

    In Cuomo’s case this is not he said/she said from 30/40 years ago. This is from 2, 3, 4 years ago, including at least one photo, and not anonymous rumors leaked to reporters but official interviews with hundreds of witnesses.

    Important for us to be fair, and also for us to recognize the differences. Not saying you personally haven’t. But there are degrees of “credible”, and we’re in a very different place than we were with Moore and Kavanaugh.

  15. Frederick:

    I agree that – as I indicated – the evidence seems more truly credible here.

    And I still defend Roy Moore – although yes, he certainly wasn’t and still isn’t any favorite of mine. But the evidence just wasn’t good at all.

  16. @ physicsguy “Since the Ds never do anything that doesn’t increase their power and standing, why are they throwing him under the bus?? What’s the end game in this scenario? He was already gone as a possible presidential candidate. Is it just to crow about the Ds “protecting women”?”

    Started to post a comment here, then decided to combine it with the thoughts sparked by the other Cuomo thread.


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