Home » Masks, now and forever?


Masks, now and forever? — 66 Comments

  1. Sadly, my media-brainwashed 91 year old mother, who has been fully vaccinated since January, was sporting a mask yesterday when I took her to the doctor’s (they told her she could take it off), and donned it again to go into her senior-living place, which has been mask-free for a couple of months. So it’s working on her. And I do think I have seen a slight increase in masked people lately in stores (this is in Florida), including the return of several of plastic visor and latex glove set.

    Troublingly, my mother also re-introduced political comments into her conversation, which had been pretty much absent since after the inauguration in January. I infer the MSM has been turning up the heat.

  2. Nancy B:

    I’ve heard a number of friends indicate that unvaccinated people are causing the uptick and that they’re all science-denying Trump supporters.

  3. In WA you don’t have to wear a mask and I never do except for medical settings but a lot of people still do even outside but WA usually follows California with 2-6 week lag on crazy ass policies so I would say it’s a better than 50% chance the mask mandate will return here eventually.

    So then what does a normal person do when the person at the grocery store says you have to wear a mask? Refuse? Leave? Wear the mask?

    Unfortunately my faith in the American people to resist this stuff is pretty much gone at this point.

  4. The smell of merde de vache is just as strong across the pond. The Dissident Frogman posted yesterday about Macron’s latest attempt to out-Biden Biden: “. . . Emmanuel “Jupiter” Macron, President of Le Pays des Droits de l’Homme, the ‘nation of human rights,’ as some French like to call this country, appeared in the idiot box and announced, right on the eve of Bastille Day, that:

    ‘Our choice is simple: to put the restrictions on the unvaccinated rather than on all.’

    Restrictions being Macron’s byword for segregation, to be implemented on people who have not been covaxxed into submission—whatever the reason we have, of which there are many, ranging from the borderline insane conspiracy theories to informed common sense and caution.”

    Much more at the link, including Macron’s Bidenesque habit of going back on previous promises:

  5. neo,

    King Jay of WA went on a rant the other day blaming Trump voters for our state being at ‘only’ 70% vaccinated.

    Something like 40% of adult 20-34 are vaccinated in King County (Seattle area). How many of those 20-34 year olds in Seattle are Trump voters?

  6. I’m in Florida and the mask use is steadily declining. Outside you see very few of them. Some still where them in grocery stores, but their number is less and less. I think the tipping point will come when so few wear masks, that the masked will start feeling stupid and ditch them as well.

  7. Here in upstate NY, everybody was quite compliant with mask requirements throughout the winter and spring — you rarely saw anybody inside a public place without a mask on, though almost nobody wore them outdoors. But the minute the mask mandate disappeared, so did almost all of the masks. You could almost hear the universal “Whew!” Now, when I occasionally see somebody in a mask, I assume there’s a medical reason for it — for instance, at the ice cream stand the other day, only one of the five or six teenaged employees had a mask on. I don’t think people here would put up with another mask mandate for one minute — I agree with Neo that the trust in authority simply isn’t there.

  8. SW Michigan. Went to get a haircut, no mask required, no asking about vax, barbers not masked either. My grocery store doesn’t require masks for the vaxxed and doesn’t ask. Only a notice a few masked other than employees.

  9. Comic relief: a COVID news story about the Texas Dems who fled to The Swamp in order to block passage of a GOP-led bill back in Texas: Three of them tested positive for the Woo-Woo Flu after they arrived in Washington. Twitter photo posted at the link with the comment, “This is quite possibly the biggest disaster of a trip not seen since the S.S. Minnow. Perhaps all of these Texas Democrats ignoring the mask mandate on the plane to DC led to this. Look forward to seeing the coverage…”
    Followed by another photo of the group with the photoshopped label underneath: “Delta Variant Air Lines.”


    As the blogger remarks, “Is it wrong to laugh?”

  10. I also think people have to remember seasonality.

    Remember last summer was when Florida, Texas, Arizona, but not so much California (hmmm wonder what the difference is?) were having the big surges of cases. It was not in the northern climates.

    So the real test will be come about October when the ‘cases, cases, cases’ will inevitably rise because of seasonality in the northern climes. That may the final test for the mask mandates. If they don’t return or if people refuse to comply then we may be clear of that particular tyranny but the summer is not a good time to judge in my opinion.

  11. I likewise live in Western Washington, but, unlike Griffin, I try to ignore our bumbling doofus governor as much as possible (calling him a king suggests he has some autonomy or rational thought, which I doubt; he’s an empty suit who just reads and signs what’s put in front of him).

    In any event, in the absurdly blue capital of Olympia, a vast majority of people are now maskless. In the last two weeks, I’ve encountered only one business which still requires masks for the fully vaccinated. People are sick of it, including most liberals/leftists.

    That said, Griffin is correct that Washington often follows California in loony government edicts. And, with enough of a media scare campaign over ‘Delta’, I could see a new mandate coming down within a month…and most lefty automotons complying, indeed celebrating it….. because….. SCIENCE!

  12. Just got back from my once a week volunteer day at the New England Air Museum. There’s no mask requirement in place. Last week I guesstimate about 40% of the visitors wore masks. This week close to 85%. None of us older guys who volunteer wear masks, and of the visitors not wearing masks most were north of 65. The younger crowd almost 100% masked.

    The politicians along with the Delta are regaining control. I’m just waiting for Lamont to follow Newsome’s lead.

  13. Broward County Walmart – all week and last weekend, mask deadenders were about 20%/ Today (Saturday) maybe 60%?? Mostly middle age to elders. Given that more than 75 per cent of over 55 are vaccinated, what is this about?. Read that 4100 plus vaccinated have been admitted to hospital/died (Cali I think). Reading below the headline, 76 died (mostly over 80). Of the others NONE were admitted for COVID. So I am thinking they were admissions for stroke, heart attack, gunshot wounds, etc and wouldn’t have known they had Covid if the hospital had not checked before admissions. Truly we live among idiots – who are really lapping up the drama in their dull lives and are reluctant to let it go….

  14. The really terrible, absurd thing is that fabric masks are basically useless in preventing virus transmission. Papers exist on this, none referenced by the miserable Fauci or the CDC.
    I am not talking about the N95 masks, the true surgical masks, but the crap fabric masks everyone delusionally wears.

    Social distancing makes good sense. As does quarantining those infected with any communicable disease, not entire populations-the ChiComm method.

    Lock the Texas Dems up in DC for 14 days! Buncha pigs.

  15. I would get the vaccine, but I have ethical and moral issues with the three available ones. J&J is using fetal cell lines in the PRODUCTION of the vaccine . Moderna and Pfizer, both used fetal cell lines during testing, but not in production. I want one that is not compromised at all. Our very conservative, pro life pastor covertly encourages people to get the vaccine by thanking God for their debut, though I have never heard him specify which type. For now, I continue to take zinc.
    The local feed store has warning signs on the animal medicine Invercetin , not to be used by humans.

  16. Can’t go on forever. Gait recognition algorithms and phone tracking mostly gets it done, but there’s still a place for facial recognition in your overlords’ arsenal — and probably always will be.

  17. Yup. Anecdotal confirmation of your analysis from ground zero in the deep blue bubble(west coast): I was at the De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park today and some younger mostly Asian people had masks on but all the old hippies were maskless. Despite the signs encouraging masks. And those are the people who make the decisions round these parts.

  18. @Pa+Cat : “Perhaps all of these Texas Democrats ignoring the mask mandate on the plane to DC led to this.” I read this, and I have to admit did want to laugh, thinking about that case of Miller Lite they had stacked on a bus seat on their way to the plane. They picked the wrong beer, it shoulda been ‘Corona’.

    But even funnier: Greg Abbott has said that he’s going to arrest them when they get back and ‘cabin’ them until the legislative Special Session work is completed. Now it looks like he can stand on firmer legal ground and meet them at the airport and demand they quarantine for at least two weeks before taking on the legislative work. It’s a terrible delay, what a shame, but….choices have consequences. You guys don’t mind being quarantined for the public good – right? And wear a mask after, too – right?

    Coming back from all their Democrat hobnobbing they might want to consider de-lousing too.

  19. NEO, you should ask your friends if they are afraid that gain of function research going on somewhere in the world will create Covid-21?

  20. Sigh. The delta variant is no joke. It’s already overwhelmed the hospitals in the southwestern quadrant of the state. Covid hospitalizations and ICU bed usage there are already higher than the winter peak, and a call for help has gone out to four neighboring states.

    From the looks of things the crisis will be statewide within weeks. All because people can’t be bothered to get vaccinated or to wear a mask. People are dying for their obstinacy.

    It didn’t have to be this way.

  21. mkent,

    What is this state you’re always referring to? Last week it was the western part of the state now it’s the southwestern quadrant. If you want to be taken as more than a crank then more specifics are needed.

  22. Hey Kent – post a link of these fabled overwhelmed hospitals or put a sock in it.

    Fearmongers and attention seekers are usually full of crap.

  23. The masks have never been demonstrated to have any effect in reducing Covid-19. It’s simply ridiculous (plus detrimental, and criminal) to require masks when there is no evidence they work at all. The DANMASK-19 study at the very least demonstrated their effectiveness, if they have any at all, is marginal.

    Masks actually are equally likely to have a detrimental effect on a population, since general mask-usage protocols (don’t touch the mask, dispose or clean thoroughly after use) aren’t followed, and masks themselves breed harmful bacteria, fungus, and virus that the wearer repeatedly breathes in.

    The simple and non-totalitarian solution is simply tell people to stay home if they’re worried. The mask mandates empower petty tyrants to police everyone else, instead of focusing on making decisions based on your health risk.*

    * Making decisions based on health risk cannot be allowed, since health risk for the under-65 demographic is negligible. You’re at higher risk every time you get in a car.

    Note: I fully expect mask mandates to return in some areas of the US over the next few months. Alongside that we will see a huge amount of fearmongering about variants, and an attempt to blame variants on unvaccinated people. Accompanying this next phase of panic, the illegitimate US federal government will roll out its vaccine passport plan to monitor and track every US citizen. Trust the Science™

  24. Griffin:

    It’s the state of permanent Panic.

    Soon mkent won’t be able to post any comments because of the WuFlu interweb virus, the DeltaUpsilonMuBeta strain.

  25. mkent,
    Do you think Gain of Function research on viruses should be done anywhere on planet Earth?

  26. Wow. Such anger. Anger at basic facts during a deadly pandemic.

    From an article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the most godawful website I’ve ever seen that doesn’t appear to be either stable or linkable:

    Mercy’s hospital in Joplin on Wednesday had 62 COVID-19 patients, surpassing its record number of patients reached in November, said Jeremy Drinkwitz, the hospital’s president…Mercy Springfield last week surged past its winter peak of 113 COVID-19 patients and has remained above 130 patients for several days.


    The Springfield-Greene County Health Department and the Springfield-Greene County Office of Emergency Management submitted a request to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and the State Emergency Management Agency for a COVID-19 Alternative Care Site (ACS). The request was created in coordination with CoxHealth, Mercy and Jordan Valley Community Health Center in response to the growing need for medical care in the region due to the rise in severe cases of COVID-19 requiring hospitalization and critical care.

    From the Missouri state Covid site, statewide Covid ICU bed usage peaked at 685 on Dec 22, fell to a low of 116 on Apr 7, rose slightly to 148 on Jun 1st, and skyrocketed to 440 as of Jul 14th, the latest data available. Those are statewide numbers, not just the problematic counties.

    Since St. Louis is now starting to see the same uptick that Springfield and Joplin did last month, officials here are preparing for the same spike. They already have less than normal surge capacity since they’re already taking the overflow from out west.

    But keep on mocking those 1,440 people hospitalized with Covid-19, and the 440 in intensive care because of it. Keep on telling them they’re full of crap. It’s the decent thing to do.

  27. So mkent is from Missouri?


    It’s not them that are full of crap. It might be someone very close to you.

    Beware the delta, mkent, it’s got your number. (not really)

  28. Mkent, Nobody’s mocking Covid patients.
    There is highly justified suspicion of Covid stats.
    Based on the history of Covid gaslighting and misinformation
    In general and specifically when
    -quoted out of context
    -accompanied by eeyoring, virtue signaling, concern trolling, failure to engage the argument/deflection, and insults.
    Your posts are a primer on how not to persuade.

  29. I just posted a long and substantive comment that did not appear after I hit the “Post Comment” button. It contained the name of the Dutch virologist and vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche, who is out of favor with the WHO/CDC/”Biden” cabal. Not to be paranoid, but is it possible that this site is being censored?

  30. @MollyG:

    Apparently the WordPress comment engine does this for things that TPTB don’t like. I’ve had run ins with it on other topics before.

    Exact same behaviour: hit post button and comment doesn’t appear. In future if you expect something might be contentious, copy the text before you hit the post button and then experiment with spelling and other obfuscations of what you think might be the offending terms until you hit the jackpot.

    For example I’ve learned that I cannot type Oxy and Contin together as one word and get away with it.

  31. My county of Santa Clara (Silicon Valley) follows LA. “Suggest” wearing a mask indoors, “seriously urge” business to refuse service to unmasked. To protect the unvaxxed.

    It’s long, but recommend listening to the YouTube-banned Joe Rogan interview on Ivermectin. If you can find it. Terrific observations on the stifling of legitimate dissent as medical and political establishments crack down with eager assistance from media and Big Tech.

  32. “For example I’ve learned that I cannot type Oxy and Contin together as one word and get away with it.”

    Let me try Dindoo Nuffin. Banned by some comment-engines as disrespectful to members of the crim class who reflexively claim “I didn’t do nothing” to any accusation.

  33. but is it possible that this site is being censored?

    Jonathan Turley used to have wretched spam filters. I discovered yesterday that Neo’s were eating a comment of mine and I broke the comment into pieces to find the offending word. One quite commonplace word (which I’ve now forgotten) was causing the whole comment to be deep-sixed. WordPress tried to shut down The Conservative Treehouse / Last Refuge, so I put nothing past them, but I cannot imagine their censors are after banal terminology.

  34. But keep on mocking those 1,440 people hospitalized with Covid-19, and the 440 in intensive care because of it. Keep on telling them they’re full of crap. It’s the decent thing to do.

    Missouri had between 31 May 2021 and 29 June an increase in the 7-day moving average of daily case reports from 441 to 824. The increase in the 7-day moving average of daily deaths since 18 June has been nil. Missouri has 17,000 staffed hospital beds and 2,000 ICU beds.

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  36. The Delta variant came and went in India over the space of about four months. As of 15 July, about 14% of the population in India is fully vaccinated. About 250,000 people died during this wave. The thing is, India has an enormous population and 6.4 million people die in India every year as a matter of course. (And, of course, some of those COVID deaths are substituting for deaths from other causes, not added to the total population of deaths). This is a problem calling for mitigation strategies. A problem is not a crisis. One thing you don’t do is insist on measures which have time and again shown to have an effect to small to matter. Another thing is to do very destructive things which seem to provide modest benefits, such as broad-based lockdowns.

  37. I haven’t been tracking Missouri at all, but took a quick look at its data via worldometers. WoM data at the state level can be a bit off, but I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time backtracking.


    Anyway scroll down to the Active Cases graph. It shows MO peaked in active cases at 330,000 on Jan 19 and reached a low of about 45,500 on June 11. The new upswing in cases is now at 67,400; 48% increase, but still 80% less than the peak in January. ie not even close to the worse case already experienced.

    Now the Delta is more contagious, but consistent with evolution/biology is less fatal. It can’t reproduce effectively if it kills off its hosts when the supply of hosts has decreased.

    Further down on the page is new daily deaths for MO. It reached a peak of 194 on Feb 2. As of yesterday it stood at 3; or 1.5% of the peak in February. More importantly the graph shows since May 28 with 17 deaths, deaths have decreased and are now level over the last 10 days averaging about 2-3 /day.

    Comments from mkent???

  38. The Left loves the masks. The masks are a symbol of our subjugation.

    The moment Trump did not embrace masks they began to worship masks.

    On it goes. How will our country ever emerge from this evil?

  39. I was thinking about how Fauci originally claimed people should not wear mask. Imagine if they had the censuring
    networks in place then that they wish to foster on the country. So Fauci says “no mask,” and someone else says, “Yes, wear mask.” The establishment says that Fauci IS science. So the person saying “ Wear mask” would then be banned as “ anti-science.”

  40. Isn’t it amazing how your average lefty is so concerned that unvaccinated people might create new strains of Covid-19, yet they , by and large, either have no idea about the concept of “ gain of function” research on viruses, or dismiss it as conspiracy theory , or justify their continued funding? The very practice that by its VERY NATURE IS MAKING ANIMAL VIRUSES BE ABLE TO JUMP to HUMANS. If Republicans were smart , they would make a lot of noise about banning all gain of function research on American soil, just so the Dems have to acknowledge its existence to their clueless base. I Know, the media would find a way to keep much of the base clueless anyway.

  41. A county in CA announced recently that their covid case count was 25% lower than reported. Crickets . . .
    And where is the info on the failure to revise the covid cycle threshold number for a positive. It is in 48 states =/>40, but FL uses 30 by law and Kansas 35 by law. When the sample analysis is too deep, as with the #40, just about any organic material may show a positive. Which may be why vaccinated people are showing so many positives now.

  42. amr, Still quite true with regard to PCR testing. While I believe the CDC encouraged a slightly lower cycle standard, it’s not at all clear what states are using except for the 2 you cite.

    We may be back to where we were previously, but even more so as “CASES!!!” rise most likely due to Delta but deaths remain very low. How many of these cases are again asymptomatic? Certainly seems to be the situation with regard to the three renegade Texas Democrats. If they weren’t tested would they even know they were “sick”; in the physical sense not mentally? 😉

  43. physicsguy,

    Why in the hell are we testing so many vaccinated people that are showing no symptoms?

    Have we ever done that for something like the flu vaccine?

    If we did what would be the positivity rate?

    This is so dumb.

  44. Art Deco wrote: Missouri had between 31 May 2021 and 29 June an increase in the 7-day moving average of daily case reports from 441 to 824.

    It’s not 29 June any more. Since then the calendar has advanced to 17 July and the 7-day moving average has increased to 1,913. That includes 2,276 this past Tuesday, 2,240 on Wednesday, and 2,337 on Friday. I did not see the reported number for Thursday.

    Physicsguy wrote: I haven’t been tracking Missouri at all, but took a quick look at its data via worldometers. WoM data at the state level can be a bit off, but I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time backtracking…

    …Further down on the page is new daily deaths for MO. It reached a peak of 194 on Feb 2. As of yesterday it stood at 3; or 1.5% of the peak in February. More importantly the graph shows since May 28 with 17 deaths, deaths have decreased and are now level over the last 10 days averaging about 2-3 /day.

    The Worldometer data for Missouri, particularly the data on Covid deaths, goes wacky after 31 May. It appears the state stopped tracking deaths on that day. The daily death rate went from 17 / day the week prior to 0 per day for the next three weeks, a statistical near impossibility. Your current 2-3 per day statewide figure can’t be right as local reports have us losing 4-5 per day just in St. Louis, clear across the state from the current outbreak.

    Look at the state data. Missouri is claiming only 9,474 deaths statewide from Covid-19, and that’s the number they report to the CDC. However, if you add up all of the Covid-19 deaths by county, you get a number well north of 10,000.

    For example, the state of Missouri claims only 475 Covid deaths in St. Charles County, but the county website shows 597 confirmed Covid-19 deaths and another 31 suspected Covid-19 deaths. Considering the county is home to only 400,000 of the state’s 6.1 million residents, that suggests the state’s number is short by 1,860 to 2,330 deaths statewide, or 20-25%.

    The outbreak is so fast-moving, however, that the current death rate is probably not a good indicator of what’s coming. Cases shot up first. That was followed a few weeks later by skyrocketing hospitalizations and ICU bed usage. I would expect Covid death rate increases won’t be seen until a few weeks after that.

    Art Deco wrote: Missouri has 17,000 staffed hospital beds and 2,000 ICU beds.

    14,158 out of 16,877 (84%) of the state’s hospital beds and 2,263 out of 2,693 of the state’s ICU beds (also 84%) are currently occupied. This compares to 8,425 out of 17,309 (49%) of the hospital beds and 1,494 out of 2,539 (59%) of the ICU beds this time last year.

    Those are statewide numbers. The current outbreak hit first in the southwest part of the state. That’s the area currently being overwhelmed. It’s only now starting to spread to the rest of the state.

  45. Physicsguy wrote: We may be back to where we were previously, but even more so as “CASES!!!” rise most likely due to Delta but deaths remain very low. How many of these cases are again asymptomatic?

    I’m not talking about asymptomatic cases. I’m reporting that Covid hospitalizations and ICU bed usage are at record levels in a significant portion of the state, and the statewide numbers are headed in the same direction.

  46. amr: “A county in CA announced recently that their covid case count was 25% lower than reported. Crickets . . .”

    My county in CA revised their deaths-from-Covid down. Down 20%.
    In my book that’s a large number.

  47. I’m reporting that Covid hospitalizations and ICU bed usage are at record levels in a significant portion of the state,

    And we checked the numbers and found out you were wrong.

    The outbreak is so fast-moving, however, that the current death rate is probably not a good indicator of what’s coming.

    I just gave you a comparison of the case counts increment to deaths increment with an 18 day lag between the former and the latter. It’s not having a visible effect on death tolls at all.

    It appears to please you to be alarmed. Not our problem.

  48. And we checked the numbers and found out you were wrong.

    You did no such thing. I reported that the southwest region of the state is being overwhelmed now, in mid-July. You retorted that the statewide numbers were OK in late June.

    Statewide numbers in June tell you nothing about southwest Missouri in mid-July.

  49. mkent,

    You throw out numbers with no links to the actual data you are citing. Give us the links!!

    I took your advice, and also based on my past experience, went directly to the Missouri state government site. Here’s what it said as of today:

    New PCR cases in past 7 days: 8935, again no mention of PCR cycles used.

    Deaths: 19 over 7 days, average 3 per day, as I quoted before. Show us your data.

    Hospitalizations: 1440 as of 7/15; 438 in ICU…helluva lot different from your claims. Again, cite your sources.


  50. Here in Michigan masks are only required in medical facilities. I live in the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor. Here on the north side many from SE Asia reside. And many of them are still masked in doors or out.

    At the grocery store today I saw an American born woman with two small children and all three masked. I see more young people masked than old but most of them look like they hail from SE Asia. University students most likely.

    Masking is mostly done here but if there ends up being an uptick in cases our evil governor has threatened to lock us down (or something).

    About 30% of small businesses closed in 2020 in Michigan. Even here in AA.

  51. I wrote: …1,440 people hospitalized with Covid-19, and the 440 in intensive care because of it.

    physicsguy wrote: Hospitalizations: 1440 as of 7/15; 438 in ICU…helluva lot different from your claims.

    Uhhh……..yeah. I don’t have time for this now. Perhaps tonight after I get some work done.

    cite your sources

    Apparently you already have them.

  52. The plastic shields at the registers are still there, and I bet they’ll remain.

    And everybody leans around them to speak, because for listeners they greatly reduce the high-frequency pitches in our speaking which comprise CONSONANTS. For vets who spent weeks on the rifle range without ear protection (it was considered ‘unmanly’ when I went through basic), we can hardly distinguish the shielded clerk’s words even if we make that lean, because our high-frequency hearing was donated to national security, and those useless shields just add insult to injury.

  53. mkent:

    Your credibility needs some work. Are you one of those rare “can fool all of the time” people? 🙂

  54. You did no such thing. I reported that the southwest region of the state is being overwhelmed now, in mid-July. You retorted that the statewide numbers were OK in late June.

    If you bothered to read what I wrote, the purpose of quoting the case counts from June was to compare them to the death counts during a range of dates 18 days later.

    We’ve also checked the spot counts for hospitalizations in July. Both he and I consulted the same source material.

  55. Insufficiently Sensitive,
    Thank you for your service. The masks were terrible too.

  56. “The delta variant is no joke.”

    (Pssst: spoiler alert; the survival rate for the Delta variant will be well over 99% too)

  57. }}} The rapid and sustained increase in cases in Los Angeles County

    Cases. because cases are all that matter. Not deaths. Not hospitalizations.

    Just the count of “cases”… which can keep increasing indefinitely, as long as they keep finding “variants” to worry about.

    This is the eternal war of 1984, just fought against “disease”. The primary disease is mental, but few are figuring that out, just yet…

  58. Cases have always been their only pillar to stand upon.

    Doing complex math like dividing the number of deaths by number of cases is a bridge too far for them.

    They don’t have to. They follow the science.

    Just shut up and put on your mask!!

  59. It turns out Dr. Muntu Ramel Davis is black, trained in family medicine, a sign of American medicine’s future.

  60. > they would make a lot of noise about banning all gain of function research on American soil,

    They did that already. That’s why Fauci and his friends were sending money under the table to Wuhan, because it could no longer be done here.

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