Home » Open thread 7/12/21


Open thread 7/12/21 — 49 Comments

  1. The clip is hilarious. I received an equally hilarious Irish joke from a friend the other day that is indirectly about “penguins”. The setup: two nuns are sitting at a stop sign in Dublin when a carload of obnoxious drunks pull up alongside. Sadly, it proceeds downhill rapidly from there to a place far, far below the standards Neo maintains for this blog and its comments so it must remain untold.

  2. Barry – the DW post links Julie Kelly’s article mentioning the change in filings, and more information about the Capitol 500.


    Commentary by V S Hanson, pretty much along the lines of “this is how you get more Trump.”

    “The Left is well on its way to incurring a massive pushback, with the potential to make the Tea Party boomerang seem like small stuff.”

    One of the AG commenters lamented that “we can’t even protest peacefully anymore.”

    That’s a cue for my favorite Mark Steyn Maxim, slightly paraphrased: “When you cut out all the peaceful protests, all you have left is the violent ones.”

    Read his first paragraphs, and you will also add Thomas More’s “cut down the law” speech.

  3. The actual quote from Steyn is “If the political culture forbids respectable politicians from raising certain issues, then the electorate will turn to unrespectable ones.”
    It plays well with the rest of V. D. Hanson’s essay. (not V S)


    He was writing about UK elections in 2004, but the observation is even more accurate now.

    Indeed, the real problem in Britain would seem to be a lunatic mainstream, set on a course of profound change for which there is no popular mandate whatsoever. …
    In the late 20th century sur le Continent, politics evolved to the point where almost any issue worth talking about was ruled beneath discussion, beyond the bounds of polite society

    Yet already Britain’s lunatic mainstream is lapsing back into its customary condescension on this issue. If your views on Europe don’t fall between the broad parameters from, oh, Neil Kinnock to Chris Patten, you must be barking mad and we need pay you no further heed. The political class has refined Voltaire: I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death my right not to have to listen to you say it. Are you still here?
    This is unworthy of a democracy, and more to the point deeply unhealthy. One reason why the Eutopian dream has fizzled across the Continent is because the entire political class took it for granted no right-thinking person could possibly disagree with them, so they never felt they had to bother arguing the case and, now they have to, they can’t remember what the arguments were.

  4. Indeed, the new normal: “But of course you can protest peacefully!!”….
    (IOW, probably should repost this…. – Barry

    I suspect there are many many more clips like that on the sequestered videos.
    And the clips of the actual violent “protestors” being totally different from the Trump rally groups.

  5. Keeping with the focus of the DW & AG posts, and Hanson’s, wind to whirlwind, here is how the left believes non-violent political offenders should be treated.


    A Texas man who was hailed as a national hero after he queued for several hours in order to cast a ballot in last year’s presidential primary, was charged with illegal voting earlier this week.

    Hervis Rogers was arrested Wednesday in Houston, charged with two counts of illegal voting, according to a report on Houston Public Media. He is being held in jail, unable to pay bail set at $100,000.
    “Mr. Rogers is being held in jail on an extremely high bail amount that he cannot afford for what amounts to simply attempting to fulfill his civic duty. This is not justice,” said ACLU of Texas legal director Andre Segura. “He faces potentially decades in jail. Our laws should not intimidate people from voting by increasing the risk of prosecution for, at worst, innocent mistakes.”

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is alleging that Rogers voted while on parole for a 1995 conviction for burglary.

    Our laws [or those supposedly enforcing them] also should not intimidate people from protesting by increasing the risk of prosecution for, at worst, innocent mistakes.

  6. It’s almost like they invent ridiculous lies that are so incredible (vast RW conspiracy,the dossier piss tape, no WMD in Iraq, CRT) no one sane person would go along with them so that later when all the “good people” are invested in the lie they can’t back out without losing all that’s left of their credibility.

  7. The Dick Morris speculation, that Biden staffers are leaking bad things about Harris to prevent her using a 25th Amendment process on Biden, is at least plausible, but who knows what the gang on both sides are up to, really?

  8. Kate:

    Thanks for the specifics on the Morris article. (I don’t click links without given *some* hard information about why I might do so.)

    Dick Morris is an uneven fellow — I can’t always tell how the straight dope and his own agenda sort out. Still, he does sound plausible in this case:

    Morris said … “the rumor I keep hearing from sources close to the White House is that Biden is getting worse. That the dementia is really becoming noticeable and harder to control and harder to camouflage. I believe there may be a move coming to invoke the 25th Amendment against Biden and replace him with Harris.”

    In order to defend against this possibility, which Morris indicated might increase, “Biden’s people are pushing back against it by shooting at Harris and saying that she’s not really ready to be president.”

    Morris added that “the Democrats are realizing they’re cooked in 2022… They will lose the House. The Senate, they might also lose. I think that there is a sense of panic among Democrats” about their electoral prospects.


  9. Yeah, huxley, I seldom click without reason, either, but I was curious as to what line Dick Morris is peddling these days. It’s always a question as to whether his “sources close to the White House” are any such thing, and why a Democrat White House would be talking to Dick Morris is another question.

    But the idea that Biden is sliding fast and that his wife and team might be trying to circumvent Harris is not implausible.

  10. But WHY would Biden want to keep being president? Or, rather, why would the people with their hand up this particular sock puppet want Biden to remain in power? The internal factions are fighting. These people cling to power so hard it’s like they’ve got something to hide. Like, if they step away from their power suddenly all their many, many sins will be exposed and they will have no way to suppress the evidence. Why else would the Clintons keep at it all these years? THey have more money than either of them or their ridiculous kid will ever need.

  11. Ambition and Power are like drugs for nearly all people, I think.

    Those who claim to be interested in neither usually have had little exposure to realistic opportunities for the exercise of either of the above. It’s like a Wahabi in the Empty Quarter saying “I’d never become an alcoholic” — How would he even know?

    So you have to be a bit careful about putting folks as apparently pure as the driven snow in the same room with Potentialities.

    Conversely, when power is not hereditary or not channeled and nurtured through a combination of Birth + Cursus Honorum (not your get ‘elected’ DA travesty of same), you’re going to end up ruled by a Kakistocracy for precisely the reason that it takes a certain kind of extreme sociopath to grow ambition and power from a small seed.

  12. I haven’t followed Dick Morris of late. But he was a real Clinton Whitehouse insider until his acrimonious split with them was played out in the media. I don’t trust anything he has to say about Bill and Hillary because there is real hatred there, but beyond that he could be playing things straight.

    Don’t underestimate Jill Biden’s ambitions or her impact.

  13. Bullsh*t on display;

    “Conversely, when power is not hereditary or not channeled and nurtured through a combination of Birth + Cursus Honorum (not your get ‘elected’ DA travesty of same), you’re going to end up ruled by a Kakistocracy for precisely the reason that it takes a certain kind of extreme sociopath to grow ambition and power from a small seed.”

    Like much Winnie the Poo, he do.

  14. Cheerful Post of the Day:


    “…Therein lies the primary reason that Europeans have been so willing to murder one another over ideas. Lots of different people means lots of different cultures, which means a diversity of institutions, like religion, political ideology, and so on. The one universal among Europeans seems to be universalism, the belief that there must be one universally correct way of organizing a people.

    This reality provides an insight into what is happening in present-day America and what will most likely come of it. There are two things that have been true about America from the very beginning: It is a highly diverse place, and it has a lot of space. It used to be understood that the latter was the solution to the former. Until it became unfashionable, children were taught this in school and their entertainments.
    The hard lesson America is about to learn is one that the Europeans never seemed to learn, despite plenty of opportunities. That is, diversity plus proximity must always end in violence. The internet age has brought every American into close contact with every other American. No one likes what they see in the other camps and increasingly no one thinks they can live near the other camp. The result is predictable.”

  15. I wonder how many of us agree on David French being the freshly-deposited $%^& that he is? I suspect most here would agree with the author of this piece, except for the bit about French being a poseur for rescuing an African Kid instead of one of his fellow countrymen’s children.


    “Ever since he has been waving the kid around to remind us of his goodness. Here we have a piece in the far-left site The Atlantic, where America’s greatest Christian, a Christ-like figure himself when you consider it, tells us we are letting him down. Here he is on NPR, repeating the same slanders. You see, owning an African was not the boon to his career that he imagined, so it must mean America is full of bigots. America is just not good enough for a benevolent figure like David French.

    Now, the CRT debate offers him a chance to wave around his trophy kid and lecture the rest of us about his goodness. Here he is arguing in The New York Times that the people who oppose Critical Race Theory are bigots. To prove he is America’s messiah, he partnered with a black guy who hates white people, a Jewish guy who claims Trump is actually Hitler and a mulatto who hates himself. You see, America’s leading Christian is uniting the races in the war against the bigots.”

  16. Clue to Can Do!

    Few consider David French America’s leading Christian, except maybe those who consider David Brooks a leading Christian writer from the NYT. You know, French may be speaking for those Christian denominations most notable for declining worshipers. But just my view from a congregation in the USA, not from Hong Kong.

  17. Re: David French…


    The shine went off that penny a while ago — as my respect for Trump went up and my assessment of the National Review for its shortsightedness went down.

    I still can’t get behind the Zman’s snarkiness. French is not stupid nor evil. He is locked into a mental bubble glued shut by his self-regard. But that’s a rather common human problem, not one invented by David French. Zman sounds no better in that regard.

    However, I must say French’s most recent moves are worse than I expected.

  18. @Huxley:

    “I still can’t get behind the Zman’s snarkiness.”

    You want your Prussian General Staff to be dispassionate masters of logistics, timetables, masters of grand strategy, and so on.

    You want your Austrian Corporal running back and forth under fire risking death every day to be motivated by a more than a moderate degree of disdain for his enemy and all that he stands for.

    I’m using the worst possible analogy here for a reason. The worst possible analogy has been used for 75 years now by the Left to hammer us into impotent submission so that the Left gets to hurl hatred at us, but we have to laugh it off like some kind of Eunuch and Act Nice while they don’t have to. They are fixing to go launch Open Season on people who look like you. Minnesota Nice is not going to stop them. And David French is a traitor and a sellout. Contempt and abuse are the least of his deserts.

    That, at least, is how I see it. Some might argue that I have been a bit, shalll-we-say, De-Sensitized. I couldn’t possibly comment.

  19. I don’t see we are in that sort of war yet, though you and your comrades seem to believe we are and it’s now a matter of getting your brownshirts out as well-armed as their brownshirts, and let the most vicious win.

    That is one way to look at it.

    Let the Race Wars begin!

    I’m not there.

  20. Reading Orwell on Burnham, I can see Burnham’s appeal for your side.

    What Burnham is mainly concerned to show is that a democratic society has never existed and, so far as we can see, never will exist. Society is of its nature oligarchical, and the power of the oligarchy always rests upon force and fraud. Burnham does not deny that ‘good’ motives may operate in private life, but he maintains that politics consists of the struggle for power, and nothing else. All historical changes finally boil down to the replacement of one ruling class by another. All talk about democracy, liberty, equality, fraternity, all revolutionary movements, all visions of Utopia, or ‘the classless society’, or ‘the Kingdom of Heaven on earth’, are humbug (not necessarily conscious humbug) covering the ambitions of some new class which is elbowing its way into power.

    However, the main thesis [in both of Burnham’s books] is not abandoned. Capitalism is doomed, and Socialism is a dream. If we grasp what is at issue we may guide the course of the managerial revolution to some extent, but that revolution is happening, whether we like it or not. In both books, but especially the earlier one, there is a note of unmistakable relish over the cruelty and wickedness of the processes that are being discussed. Although he reiterates that he is merely setting forth the facts and not stating his own preferences, it is clear that Burnham is fascinated by the spectacle of power, and that his sympathies were with Germany so long as Germany appeared to be winning the war. A more recent essay, ‘Lenin’s Heir’, published in the Partisan Review about the beginning of 1945, suggests that this sympathy has since been transferred to the USSR.

    –George Orwell, “Second Thoughts on James Burnham”

  21. @Huxley:

    Tsk tsk. Let’s not put too many words into my mouth, if you please. I’m quite capable of convicting myself.

    FWIW if anything I’m much closer to being a Francoist than a Nazi re methodologies and politics. And by that I mean a Royalist. I’d have sent the Phalange off to die on the Eastern Front in WWII once they’d outlived their usefulness, too. Yes.. That’s Cold. Fortunately I’ll never make Town Dog Catcher.

    And if the Spanish Civil War teaches us anything it’s that First Mover Advantage is a Life or Death matter. These things take on perverse logics and momentums of their own in the same way that the August 1914 Mobilisations did. You may rail against the insanity of it all, but nobody ever said that complex systems have to make any kind of sense. They do what they will and we are sometimes if lucky offered some chance to avoid being ground up in the wheels. What we do with that chance is up to us. I don’t recommend the Gandhi approach. That worked because he was up against fundamentally decent and humane folk. Not so this turn of the wheel in the here and now.

    We were both lucky to be born in a rare period when Modern History was sleeping off a bad hangover. Bitch be waking up now. Do I like it? Hell, no! But as the flyover proles say in their more philosophical moments: It is what it is.

  22. Zaphod:

    So what’s the plan? I enjoy your fast talk and elusive allusions, but I do notice that’s as much a cover for what’s really on your mind as an advertisement for your smarts.

    How different are you from my Green Beret friend who really and truly sought to start a civil war of Whites against Jews, Mud People and Race Traitors?

    I’d like to know. And if “contempt and abuse” are the order of the day, I don’t mind asking bluntly.

  23. @Huxley:

    With respect, I think you presume a little too much re some hidden agenda of mine.

    I’m no planner for anybody or anything. But I hope that ordinary flyover normie Whites will wake the hell up and figure out that they’re singled out to be the sacrificial goats in the next social upheaval. They need to start thinking of themselves as a distinct group with distinct aims. Currently BadWhites are the only folk not permitted to express their own identity and group interests. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Dot Indians, Mongolian-American Paraplegic Lesbians all get to shape-shift at will between ‘Americans’ and their Ethnic Groups depending on what works best In the Moment.

    All I want to see for Whites is the right to do the same without being persecuted by the State and Corporations for doing so. I do not advocate violence against any other group except in self-defense. If advocating for those rights involves breaking the speech codes an adversarial culture has imposed and in the process hurting some feelings, then that’s just too bad.

    Don’t really care much for grand philosophies of everything, but I do believe that without Freedom of Association there is no true freedom. That means the freedom to not be forced by the State to associate with people you don’t want to have to deal with. If you look around you carefully, you might observe that Poor Whites are just about the only people who don’t have freedom of association.

    Pretty simple, really. And 100% anathema to the worldview which raised you and me and which is now working itself up to erase you, your relatives, my relatives, and those who built your country and mine.

    Little Addendum re the Jew Thing. I don’t want to have to go through a Holocaust of my people in order to finally gain the rights they have acquired to defend their own interests. I find it ironic that sometimes (not always, mind you) they allow their previous bad experiences to get in the way of it seeing that next time it’s more likely to happen to the BadWhites and that aspects of their Culture of Critique have been less than helpful in this regard. I for one, would not mind my own little nuclear-armed Ethnostate. You may call this snarky and backhanded.. But that is exactly what they got for their troubles. I’d prefer avoid my kin going up the flu to get it though.

  24. Can Do! Not your country. Neither is Hong Kong. What are you doing about it other than being a keyboard warrior about flyover whites and proles, or class (again we aren’t Great Britain). Funny that we US citizens will be the ones dying while you keep your social credit score tidy by stirring up despair and division here.

    And who are “your” people? The Scots/Irish in Great Britain? You aren’t a US citizen, chappie. Don’t forget that. You would have to pass that test to become one.

  25. With respect, I think you presume a little too much re some hidden agenda of mine.


    It’s hard to tell. Your comments dance around Something and that Something, if pushed not that much farther, connects to Other Things I know well enough.

    Then you mention a First Mover Advantage and my eyebrows crank up another notch.

    So I’ll mull over your latest, clearer (thank you) missive and get my first sleep. (I’ve been sleeping in two shifts lately. Not sure I like it.)

  26. @Huxley:

    A bit of an allusive show-off verbally-flatulent dickhead … sure… guilty as charged. And have zero intention of reforming.

    A fair bit of shallow learning spread even thinner… so sue me.. not news at all 🙂

    I’ll more-or-less grudgingly accept correction when incontrovertible annoying facts turn to be orthogonal to some statement I’ve made.

    Open to moral arguments too. Really.

    But pretty much shameless. Won’t work. That weapon has lost its edge against folks at my end of the Overton Window. Been overused too much too long. Simply doesn’t work anymore. Five minutes on Gab will make that very clear.

    Pity. Really… Honour/Shame Societies have their good points. Honour died long ago in the West. Until it comes back, Political Shame belongs to the Left and is their flail. It means nothing to me.

  27. Let me just state for the record that I’ve had cause for self-reflection and moderation of opinion from one or three quiet disagreements or refutations from Jewish Gentlemen in the comments here. I won’t name names as they might not appreciate my appreciation.

    And several others.

    Less convinced by most of our esteemed hostesses’ s chastisements which I often find a bit myopic but still, it is her Blog and she *is* tolerant.

    I guess what I’m trying to say here, in my roundabout way involves Something Beginning With the Letter O.

    Om: There’s gotta be a better way.

  28. Reading list – companion to the Schrier post.
    BTW, if some of her arguments sounded confused and inconsistent, a couple of commenters do the clarification work for her.




    Glenn Greenwald invited Darryl Cooper aka MartyrMade to expand on his essay that Neo posted recently. A lot is repetitive, but there is some good new stuff.

    Why we are dealing with CRT now: because we let the camel get its nose into the tent 50 years ago.

  29. A couple of people mentioned Neo’s post at Legal Insurrection; it’s very good (of course) and although none of her observations are news to any of her readers here, it’s great to get the wider exposure.


    Some of her other recent posts – they are sparse, unfortunately, but maybe some LI readers are coming over here to check things out.


  30. ….“this is how you get more Trump.”…

    All very well and good.

    But it seems to me “we” got a whole lot more Trump on Nov. 3. 2020.

    (A whole lot more. More than the Democrats dared to imagine—or even Trump supporters dared to fantasize about…the lamentable, Democrats having FORCED wide open the eyes of a certain, perhaps even sizable, number of liberals, libertarians, “White” Hispanics and “You-ain’t-Black” Blacks…)

    But even more than a whole lot more Trump, we got a whole s***load more of electoral fraud.

    So much electoral fraud in fact that Joe Biden “garnered” more votes than any American president in history (which of course had to happen to put him over the top, as it were).

    I’ll repeat: WHICH HAD TO HAPPEN.

    So….if the November election becomes a precedent and the “For-the-Pipple” Democrats will be doing their damnedest to replicate; doing their damnedest to ensure that NOT ONLY will such massive electoral fraud BE a precedent but that it will be enshrined in their “Ten Commandments” reduced to ONE—engraved on tablets of tungsten—then yes, we may “get more Trump”…but it won’t matter a whit.

    But what will matter…is the question.

  31. The overarching “idea” of America is liberty. Personal liberty. Religious liberty. Economic liberty. Political liberty. Together with the all-important ability and right to “pursue happiness”.

    With NO Royalty and NO state religion, except—one might argue—allegiance to Law, to the Constitution. (A living Constitution, one might add, in the sense that it is open to change, within the limits of the Constitution itself.)

    “Out of many, one.”

    It’s all a delicate balance and it hasn’t been, and isn’t, perfect—sometimes far from it—but the idea is there. And it’s been viable enough to attract millions upon millions of people from other countries seeking to improve their lives and escape from political and/or economic hardship.

    The Democratic Party (and its allies in the media, info-tech and the universities) has taken this idea of liberty and turned it on its head in Orwellian fashion. Using the slogans of “human rights”, “anti-racism” and “anti-fascism” it has striven to stratify, divide and foment hatred among Americans—based on race alone.

    In doing so, the Democratic Party is in the process of fashioning a kind of bogus “religion”—based on race hatred—that it fully intends to establish as a state “religion”.

    And using the slogans of this “religion”, the Democratic Party fully intends to stratify, divide and foment hatred among Americans, while accruing for itself as much power as it can for itself—fully exploiting the multitude of national crises it is intentionally creating to cement its power—even as it attempts to neutralize, even destroy, all opposition, whether it be from political parties or individuals.

    “Out of many, hatred, chaos and destruction.”

    In other words, the Democratic Party et al. are manipulating this state “religion” in an attempt to squelch the liberty—and future—of the country’s citizens.

    And to fundamentally destroy the country itself.

    There are Americans of all colors and creeds, preferences and inclinations, who have become aware of this benighted, anti-American policy—this EVIL “religion” of race hatred and bigotry masquerading as “human rights” and “anti-racism”—and who oppose it totally, even if they don’t agree on every issue; even if they come from different backgrounds or cultures.

    What they do have in common is the “culture” of liberty…and the fear that the Democratic Party and its allies will succeed in taking it away from them.

    Efforts must be made—are being made—to create bridges of such like-minded individuals and groups.

    A “rainbow coalition”?

  32. Zaphod:

    I don’t mind your wordplay. I enjoy it and, to be honest, it gives me a chance to show off a bit myself.

    But I hope that ordinary flyover normie Whites will wake the hell up and figure out that they’re singled out to be the sacrificial goats in the next social upheaval. They need to start thinking of themselves as a distinct group with distinct aims.

    I understand this too. I tend to think of it in more class terms myself. It’s clear there is a war against the largely white middle-class/working-class because, as the bank robber Willie Sutton said, “That’s where the money is.” Perhaps more importantly, we are inconvenient to the global, hand-rubbing plans of the ultra-elite.

    Admittedly I am squeamish about the W-word because of history and a concern that tactically it will boomerang.

    I still feel the best way forward is colorblindness and let diversity be diversity, not strength.

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