Home » CNN still characterizing the January 6th Capitol incursion as a “deadly riot”


CNN still characterizing the January 6th Capitol incursion as a “deadly riot” — 31 Comments

  1. According to Vice, some reporters who covered the “armed insurrection” in the “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” (an act, perhaps more damaging than Pearl Harbor and 9/11, committed by “white supremacist domestic terrorists”, who are, of course, far and away the “most lethal threat” to the nation) remain traumatized by the horrific events of that day. Meanwhile, AOC is apparently still in therapy after Ted Cruz “almost had her murdered”. Is it any wonder that so many rational and sane citizens fear for the future of this republic?

  2. To state the obvious: For a while we have been in a realm where parsing the words of politicians and now pundits is necessary. Being intentionally misleading is becoming the norm.

    I loved the Lester Holt and Kamala Harris exchange some weeks ago. “We have been to the border,” Kamala said repeatedly. Then Lester said, “You have not been to the border.” Does he still have a job? (Rhetorical question.)

  3. An action egged on by FBI infiltrators? An incursion that should have been prevented by the Capitol Hill Police leadership, who were informed of possible attempts to enter the Capitol Building? An intentional plan by the Democrats to provoke (through FBI and BLM/ANTIFA infiltrators) an incursion and then allow it to happen by intentionally not having appropriate security in place? A plan that could be used to try to further damage Trump and his followers?

    It is looking more and more like that is what happened. Right out of Alinsky’s rules.

    RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
    If you can egg your opponent into attacking, you can pose as the helpless victim of an unjust attack.

    RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”
    In this case the target is those unwitting people who went into the Capitol Building. They have been isolated and cut off from sympathy and normal justice. What is happening to them is outrageous, but the GOP and Trump followers are for law and order – it’s hard for us to defend people who have broken the law. Yet we know this is completely out of proportion to what went down. Diabolical!

  4. By the way, I have asked my Congressman (a lonely and feckless Republican in SoCal) multiple times, ‘who killed Ashli Babbitt?’. The last time I was close to insulting, and I finally got a stock (we used to call it boiler plate) reply, quoting the DOJ that the police officer would not be prosecuted because “intent could not be proved”; and that the identity would not be released since no charges were pending.

    I suppose Derek Chauvin, and many other police officers, would find that explanation bizarre; perhaps even dishonest. I certainly do.

    As an afterthought, I wonder if that defense could be used by, say, drunk drivers who unintentionally kill or maim? Maybe the “Negligents” who will certainly face litigation, and quite possibly prosecution, for the condo collapse in Surfside will also think of that defense.

  5. Oldflyer, I wrote my (NH) federal delegation that I thought it was time to bring the troops home, i.e. get the National Guard out of DC. All of them sent me the “boilerplate” insurrection, worst thing ever, etc. note. Not one of them proceeds based on representing NH folks and not one of them has any personal values on which to base their own thinking. Their value basis? Personal financial statements.

  6. All who work at CNN and MSNBC are vile propagandists who shelter under and defame the First Amendment.

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

  7. CNN is announcing on CNN Int here in Germany that it is starting an Arabic channel. I don’t know whether they are just trying to stay alive or whether they want to propagate their lies to our enemies in the Middle East. Al Jazeera has a friend or rival I guess.

  8. Lee Also, me Also. My wife says I get angry too easily and she is right. Despair at all this and nothing I can do. Voting really doesn’t help either.

  9. Just ran into this quote and think it appropriate; “An Ambassadore is a man of virtue sent to lie abroad for his country. A news writer is a man of no virtue, who lies at home for himself.” —Sir Henry Wotton

    “Sir Henry Wotton was an English author, diplomat and politician who sat in the House of Commons in 1614 and 1625”.

    I guess we’ve “circled back” to that sad state of affairs.

  10. CNN Reporter / Exec when he/she/it arrives home and head hits pillow:

    Johann Sebastian Bach – Sheep May Safely Graze

    For so long as this pertains, YOUR beatings will continue.

    Why would they stop? They’re having too much fun. Everything is going their way.

  11. CNN is a subsidiary of Warner Media, which is a subsidiary of AT & T. Warner Media accounts for about 11% of AT & T’s workforce. Supposedly, A T & T is going to unload Warner Media, which will in the process merge with Discovery Inc. The new CEO will be the current CEO of Discovery. Condign punishment for the creatures who have ruined CNN would be a decision by the new executive team to shut it down and sell off its equipment.

  12. Neo are you doing a story on the expansion of the Congressional Police force to a nationwide system of field offices? I am reading that they are exempt from the normal FOIA criteria normally employed as a check and balance. The Imperial Storm Troopers, fanning out…..

  13. I was at the rally (best tailgate party EVER!) but didn’t enter the capital building but did talk to a person who did. He was let in by the capital police who are now Nancy Pelosi’s personal Pretorian Guard. Here is an announcement below how she is using her Pretorian Guard. This move is part of a bigger plan to suppress us.


    Tell every Biden supporter that they voted for it.

    This is an effort to Federalize the police. Here is an extract of an essay I wrote to fellow patriots who are working with me to fix this mess.

    “Remember the Police are not our friends. – one goal that the Totalitarians have sought is to Federalize the police and remove them from local control. So like the Chinese who sent the Mongolian Army units to crush the dissidents at Tiananmen Square, they can send police from Oregon to Michigan to take care of those pesky Trumpers and vice versa. Like they sent USPS security (not police) from New York to Florida to arrest triple amputee Brian Kolfage and made him crawl to the van with his one arm and laughed at him. So they want the same for us. This we have to watch out for. This is why they want to defund the police to respond to a panicked public call to federalizing police.”

    We know who killed Ashley Babbit. It is now being released.


    I wonder if he will be deployed to a remote location.

  14. “Nancy Pelosi Directs Capitol Hill Security Police Units to Regional Offices in California and Florida, Future Locations Coming”

    There’s no saving fools from their folly.

    Pelosi has to know that neither Sen. Rubio or Scott are being threatened by “domestic terrorists”. So this is a veiled threat against DeSantis. I wonder if she’s contemplating his arrest. Its also laying the groundwork for nationalizing the police.

  15. Take note of recreation of Kim picking up all of 6 plastic bottles on a otherwise spotless floor.
    Those people will never let Reichstag Fire II go, it’s their sole reason for the takeover of the government.

  16. in·sur·rec·tion
    Learn to pronounce
    a violent uprising against an authority or government.

    Donald Trump was president on 6 January, 2021.
    Nobody was uprising against his administration.

  17. Lest there be any confusion…..
    CNN has proved itself.
    If you MUST give “ink” to CNN…
    “And CNN said something today” Will do.

  18. }}} still processing the violent riot,

    As opposed to the “mostly peaceful” burnings of cars and buildings, the overt physical abuse of the elderly and journalists…

    This word, I do not think it means what they think it means.

  19. Who killed Ashley Babbitt? And the answer is Capitol police lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd, assigned to “guard” the Speaker’s lobby.

  20. }}} RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
    If you can egg your opponent into attacking, you can pose as the helpless victim of an unjust attack.

    One of the main tactics here is to use your agents to do the smearing, then when they, knowing you’re “in charge”, respond to the attacks, you act all innocent, “What, me? I’ve said nothing to you for weeks!!” Bastards.

  21. To state the obvious, our constitution presumes it is enforced by honorable men. When that is no longer true, it is mute, and that is where we find ourselves today. Checks and balances do not work when all sides are dominated by crooks.

  22. Call it a flying pig with an adjunct circus… does it matter given that no matter what they call anything there is no consequence? well, one potential consequence is that their BS may cause a change of venue in the prosecution of the ‘miscreants’ captured (and now being tortured *) by the American state…

    * The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be torture.

    NYC has new HALT act to end the practice…

    Then there is the issue of bail…

    Want to bet that with competent representation that the fit will hit the shan over “evidence’, due process, etc… after all, its not the news that fires up the mob that gets to run the kangaroo court…

  23. I for one am ready to watch the fun… you dont think it will be fun? well there are over 500 videos… there are videos of every area inside… and if the state withholds evidence, the defense can make claims that the state cant easily refute given its withholding evidence… a catch 22 for the state..

    Not only were a great number of the participants using their smartphones to document themselves and their compatriots as they launched the attack, but many of them in turn shared the footage on Parler. That social media service had of late become the right’s chosen alternative to “Fascist-book,” as one participant at the Capitol referred to Facebook.

    Some people managed to grab the material before Parler went down, and one of them shared a trove of videos with ProPublica. We culled the collection to some 500 videos uploaded to Parler by people in the vicinity of the White House and Capitol on Jan. 6, and sorted them by time and location, thus giving the public an immersive experience that would previously have been impossible to achieve without being there amid the clouds of tear gas and pepper spray and the crush of bodies pressing toward their goal.

    AND these are not all the videos…
    there will be internal videos from security cameras..
    and more than just what propublica put up!

    constant chanting of USA, USA, USA!!!

    you guys now have hours and hours of footage.
    please reference the time if you find anything interesting!!!!!


    The more videos you see the LESS of an insurrection it becomes
    there certainly were enough people there to completely take over by sheer numbers akin to the Zulu nation attacking the British…

    In fact… if it was a coordinated planned thing, it certainly took hours of people standing around with flags doing mostly nothing… its going to be hard to make such a case given the hundreds and hundreds of videos and hours on display

  24. 4:15 p.m. • Near Capitol
    looks like people changing clothes – “false flag?”

    4:35 p.m. • Near Capitol
    Blood drippings..

    The court cases will bring tons of stuff that the left and politicans do not necessarily want out…

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