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Hunter and his dad — 35 Comments

  1. Most political bribery is done through making book deals, but Hunter has already cashed in on THAT ($2M, with 10% held for the Big Guy). The Clintons invented a phony charity.

    Give the Biden crime family credit: they’ve invented a new way to bring in the graft.

  2. Of course Joe Biden loves everything Hunter does, he’s a chip off the old block. Everything Hunter knows he learned from “the Big Guy”..

  3. The world of contemporary art is, and has been for decades, a realm of aesthetic idiocy and ludicrous financial speculation (perhaps money-laundering as well) by parvenu social-climbers with far more money than good sense or good taste. Two recent examples of this flight from reason are last year’s acquisition by the Guggenheim of Cattelan’s (actual) banana affixed to the wall and Garau’s “invisible sculpture”, which sold recently for more than eighteen thousand dollars as part of the craze for NFTs. There seems to exist nothing any longer which is uninfected by sheer madness.

  4. From the two small examples shown, Hunter is a better painter than I expected. The paintings aren’t the nutty conceptual or political statements we find all too often in the art scene.

    It takes some skill to produce such abstract confections. But not a whole lot. I’m sure every university art department has students equally capable.

    The real trick in today’s art world is to market oneself and Hunter already is a brand.

  5. If I claim to be Joe’s long ago love child, perhaps people will start buying my paintings, too.

  6. I rather like his red flower painting. The rest not at all. Another element in the pay to play scheme. As avi states, probably not a new one.

    Monica Showalter reports on these bits from Hunter’s laptop, dated 2018.
    According to text messages found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer, he conversed with an employee pal at the famed old grand West Hollywood hotel Chateau Marmont, a celebrity redoubt he had been using as his flophouse, writing:

    “Did you know that I have to get pre-approval from the GM at the Chateau before I am allowed to make a reservation?” Biden texted a Chateau employee. “Seriously I tried to stay there late last night and the Ass handing me keys when he read a note in the system that said under no circumstance am I allowed in bldg without her pre approval.”

    The employee offered to check on Biden’s status and texted later with an update.

    “Apparently you were banned for ‘drug use’ is what I was just told, which is bull****,” the employee relayed.

    Then the following exchange occurred:

    Biden: “Manager – GM – f*** them. It was so f***ing embarrassing. The two women at the drive were right there and said wtf. Drug use???? You have to be ducking kidding me. I was banned for drug use at the Chateau Marmont. You have to be f***ing kidding me.”

    Employee: “Lol exactly.”

    Biden: “Well that’s a f***ing first in the Hotels history I guess. Should I take it as a badge of honor. Tell you what?”
    Employee: “Don’t stress. If you need anything just ask. Let’s grab a drunk soon.”

    No, he’s not the first. And no, it’s not a badge of honor. Hunter joined the likes of Brittany Spears who had been banned in 2007, and Lindsey Lohan, who had been banned in 2012, both for revolting behavior.

    This is the hotel on Sunset Blvd. where John Belushi and Heath Ledger OD’d.

  7. AoSHq had a big discussion on Hunter, my opinion it’s money laundering to pay off the Leftists top echelon just as books bring them millions with only a few thousand sold.

  8. Art is a good way for politicians to get bribed without violating the laws, who’s stoping china from paying millions to purchase one of this artistic genius’ masterpieces?

    Seriously, what if slo joe is as good at running the country as he is being a father?

  9. Perhaps my favorite 20th century artist, at least when I’m feeling cynical, is Elmyr de Hory, a Hungarian painter of great talent but who failed to catch on, so he made his living forging Matisse, Modigliani and Renoir, among others.

    Since his death, his real paintings are now valuable, and — to no one’s surprise — have been forged by others.

    See Orson Welles’ intriguingly odd documentary, “F is for Fake.”

  10. Hmm…you used to be able to see all of “F for Fake” on YouTube, but it looks like Apple bought up the rights and shows it exclusively on iTunes.

    However, I also note the number of videos about “F for Fake,” particularly as a model for the video essay, not documentary, which has become a strong new form on YouTube.

    For example, check out BarelySociable’s offerings:


    I’m glad to see “F for Fake” getting respect these days. Welles thought he had invented something new and great but the world yawned.

  11. My daughter, who has an MS in Library Science, worked at a Venice CA art gallery which sold lots of high end paintings like David Hockney. She found a forgery the owner had paid big bucks for at Christies. He returned it and got his money back (around $250k) and was grateful. They probably sold it to another sucker.

  12. What could be a better format for Pay to Play than an auction to the highest bidder? Poor old Hillary must be kicking herself for not thinking of trying to get away with it, first.

  13. @Aggie:

    I dunno. Pretty sure Bidens have a way to go before catching up with the Kindly Ones.

    BTW, you *are* in good health and good spirits, aren’t you? Haven’t been suffering from depression of late?

    Best throw a sack of salt over your left shoulder or something.

  14. I bet the IRS branch of RST (Rosemont-Seneca-Thornton) will not look too closely at any such “investments”.

    I am still waiting for my Kamela/Nike/CCP knee pads. They might be useful even if the black lace straps don’t hold up.

  15. One of the most darkly amusing things I have seen on the cable networks has appeared on Fox: as certain female anchors work in a little compassionate editorializing with reference to that P.O.S. son of the P.O.S. in the White House; i.e., as one “Who has struggled with drug issues …” as they begin to report on the latest revelations flowing from the bottomless well that miscreant’s misdeeds.

    Nods all around of course, by those compassionate conservative hens of both sexes who are unwilling to judge drug addled traitorous vermin lest they be judged … And after all, there but for the grace of Gaia go we all down the very same inevitable path of cocaine, corruption, and bathing in communist Chinese prostitution.

    “Human! All too human! Pass the mood meds please.”

    This effen polity, and much of its degenerate, weepy, sniveling population deserves exactly what it gets. LOL

  16. brinster wrote, “I imagine the alphabet agencies are keeping an eye on Neo and her commenters.”

    Yes, comrade. That’s why we communicate in Egyptian hieroglyphics cleverly embedded in granny porn positions. But for how long? The babushkas are wearing out the spetsnaz.

  17. Zaphod on June 18, 2021 at 9:35 pm said:


    I dunno. Pretty sure Bidens have a way to go before catching up with the Kindly Ones.

    There is always the hope that son of P.O.tuS. will follow in the footsteps of some of that other glorious clan of Eastern seaboard Irish pols, and try downhill ski football, or piloting his own plane.

    The damage these … persons … have done to this country is almost incalculable. But then, they have to be enabled in the first place by folks not too dissimilar in principle and disposition and outlook or worldview, in the first place.

  18. AppleBetty on June 19, 2021 at 9:23 am said:

    brinster wrote, “I imagine the alphabet agencies are keeping an eye on Neo and her commenters.”

    Yes, comrade. That’s why we communicate in Egyptian hieroglyphics cleverly embedded in granny porn positions. But for how long? The babushkas are wearing out the spetsnaz.”

    There is no one reading this stuff but us miceses.

    And what could they possibly object to? Someone laughing at the prospect of California sinking into the Pacific, or the surpassingly uncanny Garabandal prophesy turning out to be true after all, and a great chastisement frying 90% of the Demonicrat Party membership?

    You cannot arrest someone for enjoying the outcome of a good Fairy Tale … I think.

  19. There is no doubt in my mind that the NSA hoovers up neo’s blog on a regular basis, as well as most other political blogs. The computing power to do so is trivial. Likewise they have broken our identities.

    I imagine they sic some machine learning on the content too, but I doubt anyone at NSA reads us unless some cross-linkage emerges they want to check.

    If someone here becomes the next Unabomber or joins a real radical right group, you can bet they will read back through these posts and comments.

    Just because they don’t use the info they’ve collected doesn’t mean they won’t someday.

  20. “NSA is feeding their data to the UFOs.” – om

    They broke our cover.
    E.T. says “Time to go home.”

    “If someone here becomes the next Unabomber or joins a real radical right group, you can bet they will read back through these posts and comments.” – huxley

    If anyone is tempted to build a better bomb, or finds themselves in a Conservative Chess Club infiltrated by the FBI, be a love and give us a heads-up before you get busted so we can activate our Zombie Apocalypse Bug-Out plans.

  21. I am still surprised that the Biden Clan was so tolerant of Hunter porking a 14 year old neice after feeding her drugs and posting photographs on a porn site. Then again, RST (Rosemont-Seneca-Thornton, i.e. Kerry, Biden & Bulger) are not old-school “made” men with morals.

    Makes you wonder what “Whitey” threatened to tell, or who that “message” was meant for. Looks like fracture lines that could be exploited.

    I wonder if “Whitey” should be added to the Clinton totals.

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