Home » Here’s the latest on the 2020 election in Fulton County, Georgia


Here’s the latest on the 2020 election in Fulton County, Georgia — 28 Comments

  1. Why “incompetence”? They did exactly as they were told. “Fraud” is business as usual.

  2. There was definitely fraud in the Georgia vote count with whomever was doing the tally manipulating the votes. Biden certainly did not win.

    You’re right that the Presidential election won’t be overturned because there is no Constitutional remedy for fraud. But there are other consequences if the fraud finally is made public. Biden will lose all legitimacy and his authority to do anything will go to zero (yeah, yeah, I know the press and the Democrat party will throw dirt in the air and everywhere …). It’s also quite likely that down ballot offices were also won by fraud. The States can do something about that. Imagine the screeching if a Senator or two is decertified by the State legislatures, along with a bunch of Congressmen with the resulting flip of both the Senate and
    House to the Republicans. Won’t that be exciting!

  3. If you watch the State Farm videos you would not be surprised. That is why the DOJ is weaponizing their Civil Rights Division. That is why they are sending signals to the Rinos BACK OFF JACK!. That is why they are getting their media mouthpieces to spout the narrative. And I would not be surprised to see ANTIFA or their ilk deployed.

    But we the deplorables will not be dissuaded. We know what we saw.

    I had a very intense discussion this afternoon with my local city clerk about drop boxes not at city hall which is not normal. She “assured” me they were monitored and no irregularities occurred in 2020 (and I believe, because Oakland County still has institutional memory on how to conduct elections). Which I said “okay” but we are watching. She was not happy.

    Vigilance is always the key.

    “For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” John 3:20-21

  4. I think the argument of ‘changing the 2020 election results’ is the preferred strawman to set up dismissing any ‘clean-up-the-vote’ arguments on the basis of Trump Deplorablism. But it’s purely a going-forward story: People overwhelmingly want clean elections with auditable results. Bi-partisan commissions have written the criteria for establishing them.

    Fulton county was pretty much run by Stacy Abrams in the 2020 election, and there were plenty of verifiable instances of people voting from parking lots and UPS stores, amidst volumes of irregularities. For the SOS to say he’s shocked! Shocked! to discover fraud is just him trying to rehabilitate his reputation for re-election purposes in 2022. But I don’t think he’ll outrun the facts or the outrage. I wonder if it might be an indication that the pre-news intelligence for the ‘Professional Class’ in Politics is beginning to emerge out of the Arizona audit, and maybe it’s driving a panic response? That’s usually what such a marked change in direction pans out to be, heading off and shaping the expected public opinion.

  5. Paul in Boston: We can fight with other means. Sue that:

    Take it to the courts and make them regret dismissing the lawsuits. Take it to the legacy media and make them explain why they repeated propaganda points. Take it to the state legislatures and get on record why they failed in their duties. Sue the election officials for improper conduct of elections. Make them take a stand. You will see cockroaches scurry about like a light being turned on.

    The truth is coming out. Slowly inexorably because deplorables are not taking this lying down.

  6. Another point: David Perdue came whisker-close to winning the senatorial race against Ossoff – but did not reach the threshold required to avoid a run-off.

    If bogus ballot counting did occur – that may have prevented a Republican majority in the Senate.

  7. Nothing is going to change but the chances of a more fair election in 2022 is the key. That is why I expect frantic efforts by the left coming up.

  8. Fraud is fraud. Fraud is a crime. Shrugging one’s shoulders, Ah,well, we can’t do anything about it is being complicit.

    I do not believe the Constitution allows for impeachment of a POTUS on grounds other than personal misconduct (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Treason). Pretty clearly Dopey Joe did not orchestrate vote fraud though he benefitted from it.

    So we are left with a crime, fraudulent election of a POTUS, that cannot be prosecuted? And we must accept the result of such vote fraud? Where then does our future lie with impregnable Democrat fraudulent conduct?

    Seems clear to me that “I am Spartacus”s lines of attack will never work. In the end, it will come down to guns and bullets. I read a great book recently, titled “Last Stands: Why Soldiers Fight When All Is Lost”, by Michael Walsh. I hope to be on that Last Stand.

    Aggie’s “Bi-partisan commissions have written the criteria for establishing them” (minimizing vote fraud) have been widely honored in the breach.
    That will continue. Stalin’s edict that it is who counts the votes, not the votes themselves, that matters, is now established in the USA as customary. After all, the State of Texas had “no standing” to bring its vote fraud case before the Supremes.

  9. I am in OK and I am comfortable with most of the voting rules. The one I am not sure of is if someone else can get on the website and request an absentee ballot to be sent to somewhere. So, I do check the website to make sure that the ballot has not been requested. But, I need to check to see what safeguards are in place.

    But, I am going to contact my rep/sen to make sure that some form of audit is required each election. And if errors are found that there is a specific route of correction & improvements.

  10. The incompetence seems always goes only one way

    The 2022 election is coming, why couldn’t it be a Presidential election?

  11. The greater the ease and convenience in voting, the easier it is to cheat.

  12. “Easy to Vote
    Difficult to cheat”

    That is lunacy if the two are linked.
    Making it harder to vote makes it harder to commit vote fraud.
    We have given honest voting away, inch by inch, to the Left, over the decades. Started with the agitation of turn-of-century feminists, then absentee, then mail-in for all, now HR1 looms.

    All of this under the guise of caring for the disabled, the ignorant and those who can’t make it to the polls. Most of this is phony Civil Rights era stuff. Why should a grunt with a hoe who cannot read be granted a vote?

    IMO, votes except for the military abroad, should occur only on Election Day. After all, we have Juneteenth, now a federal holiday, to celebrate the freedom of the ignorant, uninformed, propertyless.

    The right to vote should apply only to property owners; people whose brains have matured (age 25 and older) is a separate criterion. Poll taxes are fine with me, as is a civics exam to be passed at the polling place before being allowed to vote.

    America was founded on the idea of an educated, informed voting public. Now the more ignorant one is, the easier we make it for the dolts to vote.

    Instead we have drive-by voting, drivers licenses as ID, massive mail vote fraud. I believe California lets non-citizens vote. We should restore voting rights to felons despite their high degree of recidivism? What?

  13. @Cicero:

    “The right to vote should apply only to property owners; people whose brains have matured (age 25 and older) is a separate criterion. Poll taxes are fine with me, as is a civics exam to be passed at the polling place before being allowed to vote.”

    Property Ownership is best. Even here you’d have to nail it down so that ownership of a postage stamp in Alaska doesn’t count.. or a niche in a Columbarium. The Supreme Court has discovered more bizarrely fictitious stuff before in that wonderful Living Constitution you are lucky to possess.

    Poll Taxes not good. Progs will just find way to recycle the money or direct poll tax vouchers to their preferred voters. See Investment Visa Schemes.

    Civics exams: Every Chinese I’ve ever met has rote memorised far more difficult material in far more quantity than any White has had to deal with in living memory. Walkover for the Yellows and the Brahmins (just a Spelling Bee for dummies to them) So forget that.

    Is nothing without Hard but Fair Men running the electoral system… and we’re at a stage in the Cycle of Civs where the Hard Men do not have fairness on their minds. It’ll come around again in a few hundred years. Then the trick will be how to hang on to it and not repeat all the same mistakes.

    One more thing. If there are no rules forbidding personal electronic devices in polling booths, there must be. This is absolutely essential. The State Owned and various Fellow Traveler Enterprises in HK require their employees to vote *and* to send snaps of their completed ballots to their bosses by WeChat.

  14. “Easy to Vote
    Difficult to cheat”

    Glenn Reynolds:

    America’s voting system is in trouble. To do its job, it needs to produce clear and trustworthy outcomes. It’s not enough to produce a winner and loser. The losers have to believe that they lost fair and square, and the public has to have enough confidence in the system to be skeptical when sore losers claim fraud.

    We don’t have that right now. To get there, we need paper ballots, voter ID, and open counting – plus a bit of self-restraint among our political class.

    Good advice; good luck with that last item on the wish-list.
    Details at the link are vintage Instapundit: thoughtful & practical.
    Even the Lefties agree with him. Well, “agreed” in the past tense.

    The goal is simple: one person, one vote – with both person and vote authenticated.

    I’m not the only one to endorse paper ballots. After the Democrats’ Iowa caucuses debacle last year, where a smartphone voting app failed miserably, the New York Times ran a piece headlined “The only safe election is a low-tech election.”

    And as Sen. (now Vice President) Kamala Harris noted, “Russia can’t hack a piece of paper.”

    Relevant to the Georgia brouhaha:

    Of course, to be trusted, votes must also be counted fairly. I recommend an open count at each polling place. Counting votes on the spot would eliminate problems with ballots being “lost” on the way to a central counting facility or being “discovered” in the trunk of a car during the count. Everything should be done out in the open.

    There should also be accountability for voting officials. Votes lost or found? You lose your job. The responsibility is vital, and there should be serious consequences for failure or dereliction.

  15. Vote fraud must become as egregious and heinous as civil rights violations and punished just as severely.

    The Paper Parchment jockies (SCOTUS) buried the Constitution, believing they could save for themselves.

    Time Will Tell. But until the change comes, no vote will be safe in the US

  16. If Ossoff didn’t actually win, he could be pressured to resign, allowing Kemp to appoint a replacement. Ossoff won’t resign, though. He’ll point to the runoff. It would be interesting to see what McConnell would do in that circumstance. Heck, it would be interesting to see what Manchin and Sinema would do in that circumstance.

    Frankly, I hope things don’t get that interesting.

  17. Expect the media narrative to change from “its all a conspiracy” to “Republicans have been suppressing the black vote since 1619, so it all evens out (Also you can’t prove anything)”

  18. The problem with the quote “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence” is that a tremendous amount of malice can be accomplished once you’re conditioned to accept “incompetence”.

  19. Actually, the “problem” in this case is that the Democrats are much more than competent…when it comes to criminality.

    Helps to be diabolically driven and pathologically motivated (as well as to have the support of the media), certainly….

  20. If it were mere incompetence, the impact wouldn’t consistently favor Democrats. No, they are highly competent at cheating. Republicans are highly incompetent at preventing it.

  21. Barry M:
    Amen, amen.
    The unfortunate conclusion has to be that the Left’s Long March thru the Institutions has succeeded. The American Republic has been captured, ceded, indeed surrendered, inch by inch by RINOs to Democrats. And what the Democrats could not win, they stole (see JFK and LBJ).

    Many years ago, my son, who has lived in Boston most of his adult life, sent me as a joke a small book of Sen. Jesse Helm’s (R-NC) quotations. He thought Helms was a rube, very amusing. I found every quote agreeable and sound. Helms was of course a minority, did not hesitate to vote No on most Senate bills, and NC is now “purple” because of Yankee infiltration (sorry, Neo!). I was on the Duke faculty long ago and saw Yankees descending on NC like a cloud of opportunistic locusts. Then, Asheville was a sleepy little mountain town. Now it has a Democratic Rep., Democrats everywhere, enormous home prices, lots of gays, lots of restaurants. A mini-San Francisco, if you will.

  22. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.

    State legislature authority (to certify and decertify electors, etc) combined with proof of fraud legally adds up to a change in election outcome. Opposed to legal standing is the power of courts to ignore evidence and deny standing. If justices are determined to impose a fraudulent result, they are empowered to do so. In choosing the latter, they would dare We the People to do anything about it. The corrosive effect of imposing fraud on the republic would be immeasurable.

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