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The news on the 2020 election — 25 Comments

  1. So, even if somehow election fraud is finally proven, it’s usually way too late and/or impossible to do anything about it in terms of changing the election and unseating the people who are now in office as a result. That acts as a motivation for fraud, if the goal is to win elections and take power.

    This is a pretty big structural flaw in our current system. Remember the Senatorial Minnesota election back in 2008? I seem to recall that it was proven that Al Franken only won through fraud, yet he was allowed to keep his seat.

  2. When Democrats challenge election results, it’s heroic; when Republicans do, it’s an unspeakable outrage. When our prestige media has the power to frame things like this, it’s impossible to have a real investigation.

  3. The worst a candidate can expect from voters is obtaining zero votes.
    Trump, in several instances got NEGATIVE votes.

    That is, if he was up, say, 100,000 votes somewhere, suddenly the 100,000 votes were “deducted” from Trump and, miracle of miracle, the 100,000 votes ended up in Bidet’s favor.
    That is, Trump just received NEGATIVE 100,000 votes.
    How interesting.
    Yep, the elections were not rigged.

  4. What I have found interesting is that people who are purported to be Republicans, like Jonah Goldberg and David French, add descriptions like “fraudulent” and “delusional” every time they write about the election fraud investigations. I suppose they qualify as never-trumpers, but you would think they would at least have an open mind toward the possibility that all the anomalies in the vote-count justify recounts in places like Philadelphia and Atlanta. Nope, it’s just a knee-jerk way of writing. They have to preface every mention of any doubt about the count as dishonest at best and criminal at worst.

  5. F (4:36 pm) referred to how “people who are purported to be Republicans, like Jonah Goldberg and David French, add descriptions like ‘fraudulent’ and ‘delusional’ every time they write about the election fraud investigations.”

    Y’know, if they’re doing it to maintain street cred among their newfound sociopolitical bedfellows, but are actually trying to slip in non-approved (by the left) ideas under the left radar, then bully for them. (Especially Goldberg, who wrote with such utter contempt for the left only a couple of short years ago [I loved it]; not really familiar with French.)

    If they’re doing it to suck up to their newfound peers, then they can go discreetly perform an unnatural contortionist sexual act upon themselves.

  6. Election fraud is the only fraud that is dealt with in such an inane manner. Sarah Hoyt at Insty this morning posted a link to a piece on how we deal with fraud in other cases and how election fraud should be dealt with, but that would require some leaders and officials with courage. So election fraud will be treated like California treats shoplifting under $950.


  7. Have a gander at the IRS 990 for the National Review Institute, calendar year 2015. Annual compensation:

    Lindsay Craig: $267,000
    Richard Lowry: $325,000
    Jack Fowler: $246,000
    Jonah Goldberg: $264,000
    Kevin Williamson: $212,000
    Kathryn Jean Lopez: $129,000
    Jay Nordlinger: $125,000

    Note, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics the annual mean salary for editors in this country is $74,000. Add another $13,000 a year for fringes (the mean in the economy), and you arrive at $87,000 a year in total compensation. Per BLS, mean compensation for general and operations managers is about $139,000. Chief executives of private corporations receive a mean of about $210,000 a year; nb, the average such chief executive has about 450 employees; LinkedIn reports National Review has fewer than 50 employees. Their compensation isn’t determined by arms-length transactions.

    And for all that misappropriation of donor money, Lowry has a very spotty record at recruiting engaging contributors and has lost a number over the years. (He has no trouble recruiting bores like Ramesh Ponnuru).

  8. The other day, I saw something about the very latest discoveries in the Antrim County situation by one of the attorneys working on it, Matt DePerno – this right here.

    I don’t know anything about Mr. DePerno’s background or whatnot, but he seems – if one can judge such things from four minutes of screen time – a reasonable fellow, and a determined one. (Are he and Spartacus acquainted?)

  9. MSM and social media are still going after people who were at the Capitol “insurrection.” For whatever reason Chicago is making a big deal about a CPD cop being at the “insurrection” so he’s currently suspended saying he has ties to Proud Boys (so what if he actually does).

  10. Sundance, as usual, is poking around in the forest looking at the more unusual trees.
    See the note * about some muddiness in the post’s narrative. I left in all of the Daily Mail post in case some of you were open to vulnerability in that hack.


    In March of this year the media reported about the U.S. Department of Homeland Security getting ready to hire public companies, individual contractors outside government, to scour public data and social media in order to provide information for the new “domestic terror watch lists.” From the description it appeared DHS was going to pay “big tech” (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, etc.), via contracts, to hire and organize internal monitoring teams to assist the government by sending information on citizens they deem “dangerous”, ie “domestic extremists” {LINK}.

    To facilitate that national security objective the Feds were going to need to work with outside government entities, FBI contractors, to permit access to monitoring systems. However, additionally interesting…. immediately after that DHS announcement suddenly there’s an uptick in cyber intrusions, pipelines hacked etc. Then the FBI says they recovered the ransom payment by knowing the private credentials to the hackers. That’s very fishy.
    Now today:

    (Daily Mail) Hackers have stolen 26 million user logins for tech giants including Amazon, Apple, Facebook as well as vital payment information in the latest online security breach.

    The malware hack, exposed by cybersecurity provider NordLocker, also saw payment details nabbed from 3.25 million computers that run Windows software. It was uncovered after researchers discovered a 1.2 terabyte database filled with stolen personal information.

    The other firms whose accounts were targeted include eBay, Instagram, Netflix, Paypal, Roblox, Steam, Twitch and Twitter. It saw victims computers’ infected by opening emails, or downloading bootleg software, and enabled the malware to take screenshots of their browsing activity – including private login details. (read more)

    In the background of these data breaches CTH is noting that U.S. officials are now admitting* U.S. election systems are connected to the internet: “according to a team of 10 independent cybersecurity experts who specialize in voting systems and elections. While the voting machines themselves are not designed to be online, the larger voting systems in many states end up there, putting the voting process at risk. That team of election security experts say that last summer, they discovered some systems are, in fact, online.” [link]

    Obviously I’m professionally cynical of all DC interests and motives; nothing they do is altruistic and everything is based on their model of self-preservation of power. As a consequence I cannot help but think this sudden uptick in hacking and data-network breaches; that just happens to begin right after DHS announces their partnership with outside agencies for on-line monitoring; may be connected to a larger objective around the election audits.

    If the outcome of any election audit can be dismissed because the background noise is deafening with the sound of the hacking and cyber-intrusion narrative; and if any audit outcome can be marginalized or ridiculed because of the potential for data manipulation; then we are essentially seeing a re-run of the “bathtub principle”.

    Bathtub Principle = you don’t want to get in trouble with your landlord for the broken fishtank ruining the carpet, so you let the bathtub overflow creating a bigger mess to cover for the problem.

    If the deep state wants to cover for 2020 election fraud perhaps they would flood the zone with cyber-intrusions to undermine any electronic evidence? It would not be the first time we have seen this type of cover operation.

    Suspicious cat remains, well, suspicious…

    *A note: the linked story under “U.S. officials are now admitting U.S. election systems are connected to the internet:” is from Jan. 10, 2020, but there is no reason to believe that situation was rectified before November.
    I am curious as to why NBC ran the piece, but I think at that point they were trying to lay background for potential claims later that TRUMP hacked the election and stole it from the eventual Democrat nominee.


  11. A great explanation by Doc Zero (John Hayward) of why “fortifying the election” was the moral thing to do.


    Marxist-influenced political movements have a predilection toward election-rigging and ballot-box stuffing because they think “false consciousness” makes elections a joke anyway. They don’t hesitate to cheat a system they view as inherently corrupt in the service of Justice.

    This is one of the things that makes Marxism so durable – it gives adherents a moral framework for breaking the rules, subverting society, and winning at all costs. A key element is the belief that people are bought or brainwashed by the corrupt order, tricked into voting for it.

    Since capitalism instills people with “false consciousness” – tricks them into thinking they’re happy and free, programs them to irrationally fight against socialists who only want to help them – their votes aren’t really honest, so stealing the vote is not really a crime.

    Marxists think they’re not disenfranchising people by stealing elections – they’re *liberating* people who don’t know what’s good for them. They’re shattering false consciousness by stealing your ballot and using it to cast the “correct” vote, the one you can’t make for yourself.

    You hear echoes of this thinking in mainstream American left-wing dialogue ALL THE TIME. They constantly marvel that poor saps in heartland states would “vote against their interests” by voting against Democrats. The anti-Democrat voter is bought and paid for by the Evil Rich.

    Obama’s infamous smear of heartland voters – “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations” – is classic Marxist false consciousness doctrine.

    So is the feral Left leaping to strip conservative blacks, women, Hispanics, etc. of their racial identity for voting the “wrong” way. If you didn’t vote for Joe Biden, you ain’t black! They treat brilliant men like Clarence Thomas or Ben Carson like mental defectives.

    If your political movement really thinks nobody in their right minds, nobody with a functioning moral compass, nobody who understands their place in the class and racial struggle, could possibly vote against you, why not steal their ballots? Why not rig elections on their behalf?

    If those people understood the Marxist dialectic the way you do, if they understood how capitalism is a lie and only socialism offers true freedom, they’d never vote against you, right? They’re only doing it because they’ve been tricked, or bought off by evil capitalists.

    So you’re doing them a favor by rigging the election. You’re not really disenfranchising them – notice how left-wingers recoil in shock and disgust when you tell them voter fraud disenfranchises honest voters. They really don’t see it that way.

    Marxists see themselves as champions and guardians of the General Will, the will of the people, the needs of society. The dirty little secret is that democratic elections are NOT the right way to divine the will of the people. Elections are corrupted by systemic racism, etc.

    Only properly trained Marxists know the true will of the people, and they need total power to defeat corrupt special interests so they can implement it. Notice how the Left openly says no one should be allowed to vote against a growing list of agenda items like climate change.

    If you’re stewed in that messianic political mindset, you’re not going to let the evil System defend itself by buying votes and tricking folks into thinking “freedom” is better than socialism. You’re not cheating by rigging the election – you’re keeping THEM from cheating. /end

  12. Today’s post by Doc was also election related, and he explains at length why the swamp can never get drained, by riffing on a post by Mark Steyn.


    As Steyn likes to put it: “When Republicans win, they’re in office; when Democrats win, they’re in power.”

    A big difference between the two is having the infrastructure to exercise power. You won the election, you’ve got juice, but you need transmission lines and transformers.

  13. Oh, by the way, Liz Cheney has denounced the audit in Maricopa County and David French is complaining about efforts by state legislators and elected school boards to prevent the public employees known as administrators and teachers from introducing CRT into curricula and employee discipline. More and more the NeverTrump residue gives evidence that they’re bought-and-paid-for or they were Trojan horses to begin with.

  14. > JohnTyler on June 11, 2021 at 3:36 pm said:
    > The worst a candidate can expect from voters is obtaining zero votes.
    > Trump, in several instances got NEGATIVE votes.

    Let me state at the outset that I *do* believe the 2020 election was stolen and that our voting system is riddled with fraud, both old-school and new-tech.

    That said, we need to be careful about these claims of vote switching and “negative” votes. Any such analysis that relies on certain “Edison” data sets scraped from the NYT site are almost certainly wrong. Such claims of vote swapping are based on faulty assumptions. A savvy opponent will be able to expose this, and we run the risk of losing credibility.

    The problem is with data Edison sets like this, which contain 3-digit percentages and a vote total:

    “eevp”: 42,
    “eevp_source”: “edison”,
    “timestamp”: “2020-11-04T04:07:43Z”,
    “vote_shares”: {
    “bidenj”: 0.42,
    “trumpd”: 0.566
    “votes”: 2984468

    Many vote-switching analyses reverse engineer the candidate totals by multiplying the 3-digit percentage by the vote total. The problem is that computation is lossy because there aren’t enough significant digits. The computed candidate totals are rounded and can result in what appear to be vote swapping. Any analysis based on this format of Edison time series data cannot possibly be valid for an analysis of vote count integrity.

    These two links explain what happens.



    Here’s a simulator in JavaScript that simulates vote swapping: https://js.do/AJarAbroad/536492

    Recommendation – if any of the critical analyses you or your colleagues rely on are based on this kind of Edison data set, you need to retract and revise immediately before opponents can break your credibility. One of my worries about the cyber forensics that Patrick Byrne and Sidney Powell and Mike Lindell offer up is that they are not clear what data sets their “vote switching” analyses are based on. If they turn out to be based on this type of data set from the NYT, then they will be torn to shreds in court. I’ve tried contacting Byrne and Sidney Powell’s team about this. I never heard back.

    Coda: Any news outlet that uses these Edison data sets to power their election night board, will show this “vote switching” in real time. CNN’s election night coverage of the 2019 Kentucky Gubernatorial race may’ve been one such example.

    The real question is why we continue to use this ridiculous data protocol. This data protocol was likely invented ages ago in the pre-computer age. The benefit is that the percentages don’t need to be computed, which would been time consuming before computers. The downside is the misleading errors that occur when you try to reverse engineer the data to recover the original vote totals. Most people and systems are probably unaware of this. Better e-voting standards are available that aren’t subject to these anomalies. Bottom line is that the only reliable analysis are ones based on the raw vote totals coming directly from the precincts.

  15. The real question is why we continue to use this ridiculous data protocol. This data protocol was likely invented ages ago in the pre-computer age. The benefit is that the percentages don’t need to be computed, which would been time consuming before computers.

    Long division wasn’t that time consuming.

    What some computer science faculty have been saying for 15 years: the use of information technology in elections administration diminishes public confidence in the probity of the exercise. Time to reverse course. We got along passably without it 60 years ago. I cast a ballot on a lever machine as recently as 2002.

  16. Marxists think they’re not disenfranchising people by stealing elections – they’re *liberating* people who don’t know what’s good for them. They’re shattering false consciousness by stealing your ballot and using it to cast the “correct” vote, the one you can’t make for yourself.

    There are hardly any Marxists in this country. There are political tribalists who lie to themselves and political tribalists who lie to you.

  17. Federal indictments in 2020 listed four different Dem election judges in Philly guilty of taking bribes to fix elections. Philly has precincts which report more votes than citizens every election. Democrats have a long sordid history of cheating in elections going back many decades.

    Read the various accounts of how Daley and LBJ stole the 1960 election. Even die hard, Nixon-hating lefties like Tom Wicker (NYTimes columnist) admitted that JFK stole it in 1960.

    Read Caro’s third volume on LBJ about how he stole the senate seat in 1948. No matter how jaded you are about the history of vote fraud the Caro book will shock you.

    Read about Boss Crump and his control of Tennessee state-wide elections for half a century. Check out the Battle of Athens in 1946. Every election the corrupt Dem sheriff simply used his armed deputies to sieze ballot boxes, “counted” the votes in secret, and declared Democrats the winners. Until returning GIs fired their weapons to demand an honest count.

    Read about all the corrupt, illegal, even criminal behavior of Algore and his henchmen during the election in 2000 in Florida. The Dems have no problem lying, cheating, knowingly misrepresenting the law, violating injunctions, and simply throwing out the honest, legal votes of military personnel.

    The examples are endless. College kids in Milwaukee laughing about riding the Dem bus and voting in various precincts all day. Rich New York socialites getting caught bribing homeless people to vote in Wisconsin.

    Republicans need to get serious about demanding honest elections. If they had done so after 2000, they’d have never lost control of the House. Vote harvesting, absentee abuse, fraudulent registrations, “walking around money” bribes, xeroxed ballots …. Dems cheat every way imaginable. They always have.

    In 2020, they just did it on steroids.

  18. One has to admit though, there is a certain perfection in the blue collar trolling that is being unfurled at big league baseball games across the country, always from the upper deck, usually in the outfield where the cameras can get the right angle, mid-way through the games when people are getting slightly bored. Big Blue Banners:

    “Trump Won”

    Blasting out across the airwaves to Deplorables everywhere. Perfection, I tell ya.

    It won’t be long before the elite owners start posting extra security guards to head off the problem before it can be aired, you watch. The response will be the tell, they’re boiling mad over the audacity of these rebels.

  19. US DOJ (who else??!!) is going after the auditors!!

    Savor it:
    “Some jurisdictions, based on disinformation, have utilized abnormal post-election audit methodologies that may put the integrity of the voting process at risk and undermine public confidence in our democracy,” said Garland.

    And there it is: The gangsters are now officially in charge of the Justice System….

  20. ROPWA – spot on with that explanation.

    You know how anyone should answer questions on why the need for audits…

    “Well, they’ve got nothing to worry about if they’ve got nothing to hide. RIGHT?”

    Isn’t that always the answer when people are defending encryption backdoors, and other anti-privacy ideas?

  21. “Some jurisdictions, based on disinformation, have utilized abnormal post-election audit methodologies that may put the integrity of the voting process at risk and undermine public confidence in our democracy,” said Garland.

    Does anyone actually believe Garland knows jack-squat about ‘audit methodologies’, statistics, information technology, or any relevant subject?

  22. He doesn’t have to know anything about it.
    All he has to do is sound off—righteously intone from his hallowed and exalted perch—that NUTTERS are trying to SUBVERT America and American democracy….

    And the corrupt media and info-tech organs will take it up from there.

    There is, unfortunately, a huge and enthusiastic (and utterly hysterical) audience for the toxic “WE MUST DEFEND AMERICA FROM THE DEPLORABLE TRUMPISTS” delusion. (And these people view themselves as sane, as moral, as caring, as patriotic. As unassailably correct in their opinions.)

    It’s massive hysteria and I’m not sure how it can be quelled. (Look how hard it is to get them to acknowledge that Fauci was compromised up to his eyebrows and that as a result of his corruption and malpractice, the result was unspeakable, and wholly unnecessary, death and suffering….well, maybe the rationale is that if Trump—the ANTI-CHRIST—was defeated then it was ALL FOR THE BEST. And then there was Andrew Cuomo, etc. ad nauseum.)

    Problems…when the non-stop, mythologizing prevaricators are in charge of the Narrative…

  23. “Does anyone actually believe Garland knows jack-squat about ‘audit methodologies’, statistics, information technology, or any relevant subject?”

    Doesn’t matter what he knows or does know know about any of that. Waste of Oxygen.

    Garland *does* know how to fit a FedCrime to a Perp. The Perp of course being whosoever the crime is fitted to. And that is One Great Big Dharma Diamond of a Thing.

    And nothing in your Inspector Javert Cosmology can really counter this.

    Don’t trust me, obviously. Let’s get it by the long and tortuous (I want to say Talmudic.. must. not. type. it. arrrgggh) winding way from one Isaiah Berlin, who excelled in complicating the simple:


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