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I got back too late… — 29 Comments

  1. Re (4):

    It’s not that difficult to design a vaccine once you have the virus sequenced. Computational Biology is just that. It’s a big data / algorithmics problem. You grind out the ‘answer’ and then assemble it out of your smart pharma toolbox of building blocks. Patenting a vaccine to get in first is ‘easy’. Forget the burning midnight oil for few million man hours in labs with retorts and test tubes.

    Getting it through FDA style testing hoops can take years.

    Figuring out how to make your QED Can I have my Nobel Now Vaccine AT SCALE of hundreds of millions or billions of doses and make it transportable and stable is a whole other kettle of fish.

    Various Western Vaccine Patents were out very early too shortly after the Chinese released the sequencing.

    So let’s not get too excited about date of some patent.

    Before the usual suspect jumps in with Can Do Can Do… I’m not a China Fan (excepting that they are not as degenerate as the US Ruling Class) and am on the record saying that I think it is highly likely that they were up to nefarious stuff in that lab and it leaked and they made damn sure to take the rest of the world down with them — and then turns out they didn’t have to do down with us because virus not so bad for *most* people plus they could shut down social media mass hysteria at will and don’t have so many perverse incentives in their system pulling towards the Covid Cluster@#$% happened in the West.

    BUT… One thing I did notice last year. Emperor Winnie the Xi disappeared for about a month when things really heated up around end of January. Everybody assumed he was bunkered down in case of internal power struggle on back of the shitshow — you do *not* want to lose the Mandate of Heaven in China… but it’s not totally inconceivable that he was waiting for a rushed experimental vax to kick in. Then again, could be that the Federal Reserve is comprised of Alien Lizard People. Still… it’s a data point.

  2. I don’t have a diagnosis for Dr. Moss – who is white, by the way…

    I doubt he is in the way they use the term. “White” isn’t a color or a race (they call it a race, but it’s not — not in the way they use it), it’s a class.

    Thus John Kerry, Al Gore, and Joe Biden are not “white” or “male”, they’re “elite” — a whole different class entirely. Elites are not responsible for the sins of white males, and thus the anti-white and anti-male dictates of the ruling elite don’t apply to them.

    The Chinese may have developed a COVID vaccine even before the first US COVID death occurred, and hidden the information from the world.

    That would explain quite a lot, actually.

  3. “Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has…”

    I don’t think anything more eloquent has ever been written (or spoken…or mind-melded…no, not even by Ben Rhodes).

    Sign this Donald up as one of Kamala’s speech writers right away. (She needs all the help she can get. Wonder if he also bakes cookies….)

  4. For the record, I’m very disappointed that Moss doesn’t appear to match my well-worn trouble makers’ template. Messing with my Idée Fixe is a cardinal sin and I’m going to hold that against him too.

    OTOH, if it turnes out that some Titania McGrath wannabe has gone and done a Sokal on that journal, wouldn’t it be hilarious?

  5. I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to hear that Jeffrey Toobin has erupted back onto a screen near you:


    When I read the headline, first thought was Pull the Other One.

    And Philip Roth’s Biographer has fully assimilated his subject matter:


    I read Mad Bad Sigma Genius Vox Day so that you don’t have to. Always leaves me feeling dirty. But CNN still won’t hire me.

  6. Dr. Moss, a white guy and thus suffering from a malignant, parasitic condition, and presumably so are his parents, relatives, wife, kids, etc., can cure himself, and all his relatives and family members by first killing them and then killing himself.

    This way, we all can see that he is serious about stamping out this terrible disease and more importantly, he can demonstrate to us all that he leads by example.
    I await his self-imposed final solution.

    I will surmise that since he is a Dr. and a horrible white guy (as are all white folks; horrible that is, not all guys) that he lives nowhere near any black folks, sent/sends his kids to lily white public and/ or private schools, and NONE of his kids and /or grandkids will be attending historically black colleges.

    But then again, most of the last paragraph, above, excepting the “white guy / white folks” part, applies very well indeed to Barry HUSSEIN Obama and Michelle – it’s been a struggle – Obama.

    By the way, check out where Al Sharpton and Rev. Wright live. Hint: not near any black folks.

  7. Dr. Moss is 76 years old and completed medical school in 1970, so he’d have completed his residency in 1973 or thereabouts. And he’s been putting SJW rubbish in print for at least 20 years.

    Psychoanalysis is not a growth area in the mental health trade. It’s actually something of a surprise that there are enough psycholanalysts left to sustain a professional association. In the course of a book review published in 1984, Charles Krauthammer mentioned in passing that he’d recently taken some board certification examinations and there wasn’t one question derived from a distinctly psychoanalytic concept. The younger psychiatrists taking the examination that year would now be about 65 years old.

    Much more troubling is the participation of psychiatrists in the transgender fandango. That’s justification for taking every kind of subsidy and 3d party payment away from them, stat.

  8. Yes, Can Do! writes a tome telling us the CCP is to be excused for being better than her minions and toadies here in the west. But despite all the greatness of the CCP and having the virus sequence they couldn’t “Can Do!” a vaccine after all, although they did manage, with their minions, to kill millions world wide and cause economic destruction.

    Nothing to see, or Nothing to CCP.

    Can’t Do! Zaphod Can’t Do!

  9. I will surmise that since he is a Dr. and a horrible white guy (as are all white folks; horrible that is, not all guys) that he lives nowhere near any black folks, sent/sends his kids to lily white public and/ or private schools, and NONE of his kids and /or grandkids will be attending historically black colleges.

    He appears to have a home in Columbia County, NY, southeast of Albany. I would take it that he’s semi-retired if not fully retired (Chatham is < 2% black). In the past he's lived in the Jamaica section of Queens, on Coney Island, and in the TriBeCa section of Manhattan. He at one time had an office in Greenwich Village. As we speak, the Community District which includes Coney Island is 10.7% black. Community District 13 in Queens includes Jamaica; it is 62% black. Community Districts 1 and 2 in Manhattan (which encompass TriBeCa, Greenwich Village, &c) are just north of 2% black. He appears to have lived in Jamaica quite some time ago, possibly prior to 1993.

  10. Regarding the good Dr.; too old to be on the cutting edge of reassignment therapy/butchery, but to quote P. Simon “Still Crazy After All These Years.”

  11. Art + Deco;

    Much of Jamaica, Queens is lily white with very expensive homes.

    True, there is a part of Jamaica that is economically depressed (mostly all black) and has been that way for many many years.

    Dollars to donuts, Dr. Moss lived in the lily white part of Jamaica.

  12. LeClerc: “Jeff took a hiatus to spend more time with himself.”

    Man’s gotta have a code, and mine says that I have to make some public acknowledgement, if feasible, of anything I read online that makes me laugh out loud. This is hereby so acknowledged.

  13. “The U.S. has crappy values.”

    Well it might appear that way on occasion, but that’s more than a bit of a gaping generalization. Besides, every country can be said to have certain “issues”.

    True, things sometimes get out of hand, but no matter what anyone says, we’ve been historically successful at attracting immigrants from all four corners of the earth and we’re really not bad at irony, as far as it goes:

    So I’d say, “Well yes and no”….

  14. Much of Jamaica, Queens is lily white with very expensive homes.

    I’ve pulled up a map of the census tracts in that section of Queens which incorporates data on the black population in each tract. The address I found for Dr. Moss was on 198th St. As of 2019, the black share of the population in the three census tracts in question (#478, #484, #500) was 30%, 33%, and 70%, respectively. No clue what they looked like 30 years ago.

  15. The Swamp has rotten values, along with Karens who aspire to be part of that clique.

    I’ve only heard that China’s vaxx is of poor quality. Also they are now requiring Party members to get the stab because so many have decided to give it a pass that it looks bad.

  16. Judith Curry posted an excellent article, “Death spiral of American academia” by Patrick J Michaels on Climate etc. Things are worse than I thought:

    Maybe academic discrimination is an inherent human quality, but having it entirely on one side of the political spectrum is a result of institutional hiring and retention choices.

    What’s happening is a naked threat against the diversification of knowledge, with a future that looks even worse: Kaufmann finds that the youngest cohort on the academic ladder, Ph.D. students, are the most intolerant of the few faculty who are right-of-center. Eighty-two percent of these students say they would discriminate against right-leaning faculty in hiring, promotions, and grant applications. Kaufmann writes that in “North America, 24% of all PhD students would [downrate] a right-leaning paper…. 30% would mark a right-leaning promotion application lower, and 33% would rank a right-leaning grant application down.”

    But that’s only the “admitted” bias. Kaufman designed his surveys to also reveal hidden bias, which, he notes, approximately doubles the figures for admitted prejudice. Discrimination against conservatives by Ph.D. students then becomes 48 percent, 60 percent, and 66 percent, respectively — this from the next generation of faculty.

    This is an ominous sign, predicting that discrimination against the few remaining right-leaning teachers will become even worse. Universities might as well start to advertise positions with the caveat that “right-of-center candidates expecting promotion need not apply.”


    So much for intellectual integrity. One way to keep your academic career on track, then, is to keep moving to the left. Hence, death spiral.

  17. But that’s only the “admitted” bias. Kaufman designed his surveys to also reveal hidden bias, which, he notes, approximately doubles the figures for admitted prejudice. Discrimination against conservatives by Ph.D. students then becomes 48 percent, 60 percent, and 66 percent, respectively — this from the next generation of faculty.

    Note, ask yourself the degree to which society would be materially injured by a reduction in the number of faculty and administrators. These people are begging to be put in the unemployment line. Let’s do it.

  18. Art + Deco. A question. Moss claims to be in “psychoanalysis”. “Psychiatry” is a medical specialty. Psychoanalysis is story telling for those who couldn’t cut it in medical school. What kind of training did “Dr.” Moss actually receive?

  19. The story on #2, Trump didn’t tear gas protestors last summer, seems to be something of a mess.

    What exactly did happen that day? The LI article’s link to the IG report is broken. Hey, it’s the Biden admin. What do you expect?

    It appears that people were tear gassed (and there were pepper balls?), but it wasn’t because of Trump, or so they say.

    This counterpunch from conservative media is dumb or badly put together. The main story seems to be that Trump’s reputation was unfairly impugned. Maybe that will rile up the GOP base, but no one else will care about that.

    The story IMO is that while the MSM told us that peaceful protestors were attacked by Trump’s people with tear gas, in reality all the violence was perpetrated by rioters in the crowd, including acts of arson. The story isn’t about Trump, it is about who was and wasn’t violent. Remember, the left claims that Antifa doesn’t exist as an organization, only as an ephemeral ideology.

    From Newsmax:

    Among the nationwide protests and riots sparked by the George Floyd killing in Minneapolis was one in the nation’s capital, which saw several fires lit Sunday evening and hundreds of law enforcement officers and agents driving back protesters with tear gas.

    According to Fox News, more than 50 members of the Secret Service were taken to the hospital with injuries.

    Live video from the scene showed a large group of protesters chanting and setting fires. Lafayette Square is a park that sits across from the North Lawn of the White House. One blaze was burning in a building that houses bathrooms and an office, while another was in the middle of H Street.

    Yet another blaze was set in historic St. John’s Episcopal Church, although the fire was contained to a basement area.

  20. Dr. Moss is the Ph.D sort of doctor. From his website:

    Donald Moss, Ph.D., BCB, is Dean, College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, at Saybrook University, Oakland, CA. There he has built training programs in biofeedback, clinical hypnosis, integrative mental health, wellness coaching, and integrative/ functional nutrition.

    Dr. Moss is currently President of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. He is also the ethics chair for the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance. He has served as president of Division 30 (hypnosis) of the American Psychological Association, and president of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB).


    Whatever one might think of psychoanalysis, Moss doesn’t have any credentials there. BCB is a certification for biofeedback.

  21. Finally got through to “New York Psychoanalytic Institute.” Donald Moss is listed as an M.D. under the heading:

    Training and Supervising Analysts

    Training and Supervising Analysts are recommended by the Education Committee and are authorized by the Board of Directors to conduct preparatory analysis and to supervise the clinical work of students.

    Donald Moss, M.D.



    That’s interesting. If Moss had an MD credential, I assume he would put his MD front-and-center on his blog.

  22. Re Dr. Moss: It’s appropriate that this was published in a psychoanalytic journal. Back when the Freudians were in power, they developed the defensive techniques now used by CRT. If you pointed out that there was no scientific basis for the Oedipus complex, the reply was that you were just too repressed and unsophisticated to accept that you had it. Denying the complex proved that it existed. Same thing with white racism today.

  23. Apparently I’ve got the wrong Dr. Donald Moss. Their “old white guy” photos looked superficially similar.

  24. “Apparently I’ve got the wrong Dr. Donald Moss. Their “old white guy” photos looked superficially similar.” – huxley

    It’s easy to make that mistake.
    The Media Complex (since we’re into shrinks here) does it all the time. Many examples of people being “doxxed” on national TV turning out to be the wrong individuals. Didn’t make much difference to the people sending them hate mail and “protesting” at their homes or work.

    And then there’s the SWAT teams shooting people for resisting arrest — when they raided the wrong house.
    And the FBI – who you would think would be aware of the “wrongful identification” problem and take extra care.

    “Apparently, the FBI went off half-cocked because Marilyn Hueper was wearing the same coat as some other woman who had entered the Capitol. Other than the coat, the two women look nothing alike… “

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