Home » A song for Memorial Day


A song for Memorial Day — 23 Comments

  1. I’m always impressed wtih those electric guitar players who tend to play fingerstyle rather than with a pick. Guys like Jeff Beck, Lindsey Buckingham, Ritchie Kotzen ect.

  2. it’s a nice production and for guitar enthusiasts, I can see it’s appeal.

    However, for me, there is only one song that I think about on Memorial Day. It’s Danny Boy. It conveys the sense of loss that is felt by the families of our servicemen who will not come home.

    On this day I especially remember the men I served with who gave the last measure of devotion to our country. They and millions more are remembered with love and honor for their sacrifices. May God bless them all.

  3. If you haven’t seen it, or canceled your Netflix subscription, they still have the true story reenactment series called “Medal of Honor” (2018). Robert Zemeckis produced with top notch effects and production.

  4. What are Mark Knopfler’s politics?

    It’s hard to get a line from a web search. Some of his songs like “Industrial Disease” and “Telegraph Road” would place him on the left. His brother, David Knopfler also a member of Dire Straits, was an unabashed Bremainer on Brexit. However, MK is entirely reticent when it comes to politics. Searching his wiki entry, I find no mention of politics.

    My guess is Mark Knopfler is focused on his music above all else and that he has become more conservative over the years (or that leftism left him behind) and doesn’t want to get involved in such discussions.

  5. Zaphod:

    OT, but how the heck are you into Joyce? I thought I was in the trailing generational edge of the Joyce cult.

  6. @huxley:

    Fear not. Nothing I love to discuss more than myself!

    Anachronism is my stock in trade.

    More seriously, not sure. Portrait of the Artist and Ulysses are powerful stuff for aggro adolescents (Dubliners has Something for Everyone). Dry tinder. It’s just a matter of being exposed to the naked light.

    I can remember reading Araby in a short story anthology around age 13 perhaps. Had vague inklings already that Joyce was held in some quarters to be some kind of Antichrist figure, but there was nothing Promethean about Araby — still a favourite though. One does so often arrive just after the carnival or bazaar has wound up and people are going home.

    Oh.. and there was a bit of a Ulysses Boom in the mid-80s when I bought my first copy of the book: Gabler’s (now much maligned) re-edited version which popped up on store shelves because heavily pimped by Penguin.

    Later that decade came Huston’s last film, The Dead.

    Some Combination of me being a fool and Joyce being a rare genius, but having read The Dead many times and rhapsodised over its ending ad infinitum, still took me nearly 50 years to really grok the Human Female. Joyce had ’em pegged by 25 at absolute latest.

  7. @Huxley:

    On a less literary and more rollicking Sci-Fi note, last night knocked off Poul Anderson’s High Crusade.

    And learned a bit about the founding of the Society for Creative Anachronism in the various accompanying introductions and appreciations.

  8. Oh.. and there was a bit of a Ulysses Boom in the mid-80s when I bought my first copy of the book: Gabler’s (now much maligned) re-edited version which popped up on store shelves because heavily pimped by Penguin


    I bought a nice hardcover of Gabler’s “Ulysses” when I visited London in the 90s. My old Modern Library copy was falling apart. I missed the Joyce Wars over the Gabler — it serves my purposes as well as the ML version. However, the paperback brick Gabler that’s everywhere looks dreadful for reading.

    I got into Joyce because a couple close college friends were hip-deep in Joyce. It was still a fashionable book for lit types to read. That’s no longer my impression — hence my question to you.

  9. I just noticed today that Mark Knopfler has been solo since 1995 and put out many more albums than he did with Dire Straits.

    I haven’t heard much of his solo work besides his collaborations with Chet Atkins and Emmylou Harris.

  10. Youtube has “Danny Boy” by Jackie Evancho with footage from military funerals.

  11. om. I’ve been at or participated in nine funerals with honors. Can’t stand much more.
    Evancho’s voice is particularly suited to this song, or to this application of it.

    So I think about watching and….do….or don’t.

  12. I really hate, despise, loathe, abhor, detest the Derry Air / Danny Boy.

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