Home » More about the Chauvin trial: Legal Insurrection; David Horowitz


More about the Chauvin trial: Legal Insurrection; David Horowitz — 13 Comments

  1. “The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.” This, of course, is irrefutably true, as the brilliant DH, whose excellent autobiography (Radical Son) has recently been re-issued, knows from long experience with the left. This has, for many decades, been the modus operandi amongst radical lawyers (the egregious William Kunstler being perhaps the most infamous), and its malignant effects are being felt across the nation in the refusal in many cities (Philly, Chicago, SF, LA) of Soros-funded DAs to prosecute violent criminals; most recently, in SF, a young baby (Synciere Williams) was murdered as the result of Chesa Boudin’s dangerous and reckless ideology.

  2. David Horowitz is a clear and perceptive, and highly informed writer whose revelatory works, based on personal involvement and knowledge, I have found extremely informative.

    But he was a trial to listen to, the several times I heard him interviewed.

    Maybe the pauses and digressions and parentheticals were an atypical or a temporary thing. I’d like to think so.

  3. Defense lawyer Nelson was certainly no Atticus Finch, but remember – Atticus Finch lost, too. For the reasons elucidated so well by Prof. Jacobson, there are times and places where NO lawyer can overcome societal prejudices which poison the process.

    Fortunately, times change and pendulums swing. Branca seems to think the left will continue to get better and better at achieving unjust results, but I’m not so sure that’s true. The left ALWAYS overplays its hand, and loses credibility by defending the honor and virtue of knife-wielding sociopaths gunned down literally in the act of murder. America ain’t Minneapolis.

  4. Widespread witness intimidation signals the death knell for the rule of law.

    “The left ALWAYS overplays its hand, and loses credibility by defending the honor and virtue of knife-wielding sociopaths gunned down literally in the act of murder. America ain’t Minneapolis.” WIlson Carroll

    I wish I could agree. And while the left does indeed overplay its hand, given their cultural, political and institutional ‘progress’ in achieving their agenda, overplaying their hand doesn’t seem to matter. Nor will it until those opposed to the left decide that politics by ‘other’ means has become a necessity. We’re not going to vote our way out of this, nor, given the rot in the judiciary and federal agencies… is there going to be a legal remedy.

    What major blue state city is not Minneapolis? Even in red states, major cities are moving in that direction. Dallas is blue. Denver is blue. Phoenix is blue…

  5. @GB:

    Agree with your skepticism. Did the Bolsheviks or the guys on the Granma overplay their sketchy hands? Yes.. multiple times before they got it right and surprised themselves and the world with success. Munich November 1923 also.

    Successful revolutionaries *learn*, rinse, adapt, try again.

    Having the machinery of the state, plus Big Tech, plus AntiFa and the Bio Leninist Alliance of Dysfunction, Degeneracy, and Mystery Meat on their side gives them a huge toolbox of repression — much of which they are still working out and experimenting with. So I think Western Deplorables have a bad time ahead.

    But it’s only these Bad Times which can stimulate creative responses and ways of fighting back. The Right is going to have to learn to get its hands dirty at the street level *and* at the subverting and grabbing the levers of power level. Plus of course Hearts and Minds.

    Right now, I don’t think it’s possible for the Left to overplay its hand short of starting a Land War in Asia. Even then that would probably work to their advantage.

    Long term, they can’t go on forever since Gnon will not be mocked. Reality gets a say. But you know, I’m sure, what that devil Keynes said about the Long Term…

  6. Zaphod,

    “The Right is going to have to learn to get its hands dirty at the street level *and* at the subverting and grabbing the levers of power level.”

    The problem with that is in achieving victory by fighting as dirty as the enemy, discovering an inability to return to principled governance.

  7. @GB:

    Agreed. But I say that in a multi-ethnic hodgepodge there is no place for ‘Principled Governance’. The big question becomes Who is to be Master and who is to be Designated Scapegoat and Who gets to be Also-Rans.

    This sounds and of course is very unpleasant. But facts about the Human Condition don’t care about our feelings. All over the West right now, White Males are being fitted for Designated Scapegoat.

    Before the Traditional Designated Scapegoats get too wound up by this, recall that the trigger for scapegoating is unresolved societal stresses — something which has been building up for far too long — and I believe building up because of misguided attempts to bottle up and repress natural human in-group preferences and out-group rejections. When the atmospheric charge shorts to ground, someone or some group gets to learn all about I^2 x R. The big question is whether or not Whites are silly enough to let it be them. Other groups will of course wish it upon Anyone Else, too.

    Again… all very unpleasant. However, I didn’t code the Human Genome. Just calling it as I see it. Could be wrong about *that*, too, of course.

    To return to the beginning, I think that “Be careful what you wish for” and “Don’t lose your soul in trying to save your skin” are Pretty Good Maxims for Pretty Good Times. Gandhi was perfectly happy to advise the Jews to march gaily into the camps so as to set a glorious example for humanity. (Gandhi was a psychopathic annoying half-naked Fakir who liked to sleep with naked teenage girls and started a protest in South Africa because he found it offensive that Indians were on the same legal footing as Bantus.) Aside aside, we don’t live in Pretty Good times and all good behaviour bets are about to be off.

    Sad, as Orange Haired Narcissist might have said.

  8. Has the experiment been run? That is, if you put your knee on the back of a normal person of Floyd’s height and weight lying on the ground as was George Floyd – does he die all the time? A simple enough experiment to run under close medical supervision – at least to the point of unconsciousness it would seem. The Dr. whose unreserved opinion that Floyd died because of this without other factors such as his drug use, coronary and Covid problems, pretty much sealed Chauvin’s fate. But, if the experiment shows otherwise, how could there not be reasonable doubt?

  9. I came here to say exactly what “j e” already said in their first two sentences about Horowitz — as a red diaper baby and a child of the revolution himself, Horowitz is better qualified to recognize what revolution looks like than just about anyone alive today.

    “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”

    SO many people today — smart, capable people — simply have no idea of the level of organization and funding allied against their interests, i.e., family, education, religion, our freedoms (that few of us even appreciate) especially the First and Second Amendments, public safety (no bail, defund cops, and similar stupidity), etc, essentially the entire upper middle class suburban lifestyle. They dismiss as ridiculous even the mention of organized conspiracy behind all that (Soros, the SOS project, etc) while they absorb propaganda and disinformation from the media and politicians 24×7 without a question.

    FYI, “Radical Son” is not only an interesting biography, it’s a slice of history on the front lines of the radical 60s anti-war movement. Reading it was also the beginning of my own change story, 21 years ago.

  10. I should have added above, re: “no idea of the level of organization and funding allied against their interests”, that such people are quite capable of understanding and adapting to such a threat — but they cannot (or refuse to) recognize it.

    They’re some combination of too:
    a) trusting and naive,
    b) brainwashed,
    c) uneducated about history (especially Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc),
    d) lacking in imagination
    to even entertain the idea that anyone might actively be working against things they cherish and take for granted.

    I was one of those people until I read Radical Son, and then a whole lot of blogs starting right after 9/11. I was “gettable” with new information that conlicted with my worldview, but it seems that many people are not.

  11. Jeff is right.

    I spent a rare bit of time at powerline blog today. Reading Hinderaker, I’m convinced that NRO types are our greater enemy and the primary threat to the People.

    Our “side” is dangerously deluded by the major media propaganda. We cannot succeed nor win elections with them on our “side.”

    “All good behaviour bets are about to be of,” writes Zaphod. I very much hope he’s correct.

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