Home » You might want to send friends a link to this article on CRT


You might want to send friends a link to this article on CRT — 47 Comments

  1. This is, without question, the most urgent problem in our moribund republic, perhaps even more destructive to the fabric of the nation than the crisis at the southern border, as this toxic ideology has permeated almost every institution (including the Pentagon) and is likely to poison the minds of millions upon millions of schoolchildren long before their indoctrination has been completed by “higher education.” Unfortunately, any thorough dismantling of this whole cultic apparatus of profoundly illiberal (indeed, completely Orwellian) thought-control now seems nearly impossible, as the racket is astonishingly lucrative for so many race-baiting charlatans and race-hustling grifters.

  2. Great post, Neo.

    We few, who care to inform ourselves about the bigger game that’s being played, must do what we can to spread the word and to combat this dangerous idea in any way we can. . Behind the racial warfare, anti-police campaign, and anti-Americanism that’s being revved up is the intent to destroy our way of life and replace it with a “Woke Supremacy.”

    As additional reading about this subversive movement I suggest “The Woke Supremacy” by Evan Sayet. Knowledge is power. So many LIVs who know not what is afoot. There’s a lot to do if the country is to be saved from becoming a Marxist utopia.

  3. Critical Race Theory presumes diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism. While bias is intrinsic, prejudice is progressive, a secular residue of the Pro-Choice religion. !HateLovesAbortion

  4. I suspect that most moderates may not have even heard of the term “Critical Race Theory”. And even amongst those that have, it’s probably just assumed or presumed to generally be some sort of collection of anti-racist ideas and philosophies.

    But of course CRT has absolutely nothing to do with ending racism, quite the opposite in fact. CRT is all about fully embracing racism. It’s all about treating people differently based on their racial heritage. It’s about redressing ancestral sins with contemporary policies. It’s about punishing certain races and rewarding others. It’s about redistributing wealth based not on individual merit or hard work, but on melanin content.

    In short, it’s essentially one of the most unAmerican ideas possible.

  5. I sent that to my entire contact list this morning. Now, if I could just get the ones who need to read it to do so.

    CRT is becoming ubiquitous. It has become deeply embedded in core institutions, and it may be the most dangerous concept inflicted on our society in recent history. As the article said, if you argue against it, that is prima facia evidence of racism.

  6. Hold those who ‘teach’ it personally responsible… as they have embraced evil and are actively imposing that evil upon the innocent.

  7. I was sure all of us older crowd would be dead and gone before the US went into the crapola. With the pace going into overdrive now thinking we’ll all live to see it.

    Will be seeing my grand daughter teacher soon in person and will pen her down on this CRT crap.

  8. “Fundamental transformation of America – and something that most people who voted for Biden probably did not anticipate. But they should have.”

    And who said he was going to do that? It’s so damn obvious this is Obama’s 3rd term, but now all the nastiness, and hatred is on full display. No way is Biden making these choices; it’s all Obama and Jarret.

    BTW, while I appreciate the article Neo linked to, I’m afraid most people’s eyes will glaze over and they will quickly click away. It’s too intellectual and evidence based. It needs to be sold at the more gut level.

  9. Ace posted this yesterday. I highly recommend it: https://twitter.com/scrowder/status/1384560848555757570

    I explained this before on one of neo’s threads and many of you argued that my tactics would not work (even though I use them often and they do work). I agree with those of you who are arguing that sharing the CRT essay (as great as it is) will do little to change anyone, especially those who need it most.

    What does work is calling their opinion racist. You can see Steven Crowder’s success with it in the above clip. And no, don’t point out that CRT is racist against whites. White liberals don’t care about whites. Point out that CRT is racist against blacks, as Crowder does with voter ID laws.

    If you have friends who are willing to look at videos*, show them videos of black people explaining the racism of CRT. The bigotry of low expectations. The egoism of the white savior complex.

    I recommend videos over articles. Seeing an actual black person speak the words is like kryptonite. Much more effective than sharing an article written by a black person.

  10. In conjunction with my above comment. There may be another way to solve this, but I’m rather certain the best way to solve this (and, unfortunately, it may be the only way) is for blacks to speak out against it.

    When I was a kid I heard white adults say crude, racist things all the time. Now, these were mainly good people. They were likely to treat any individual with respect. Yet they made crude, racist categorical statements about blacks openly and often. Then the white community in the U.S. underwent a few decades of a near constant barrage of anti-racist messaging. Sitcoms, entertainers, movies, commercials, athletes… We were forced to discuss it, think about it, ruminate on it, reflect upon it…

    By and large, blacks are still very racist. I know many who are not, but even they feel very comfortable making anti-white statements and jokes in public. It is common to judge people by skin color and ethnicity in the black community. Due to American’s history it will not work for people with white skin to call this out. It has to come from within the community. Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Bill Cosby (whoops!), Zuby, the Hodge twins, Denzel Washington, John McWhorter, Glenn Loury…

    I may be having a heated argument in a bar with my childhood buddy John, but if an outsider comes up and tries to side with either one of us the outsider is now in a fight with me AND John. This is why police dread going to domestic dispute calls. A couple may be furious at one another, but the minute the cop knocks on the door now it’s an outsider vs. a family.

    Change has to come from within. The good news is there are some incredibly bright lights in the black community. Let’s pray for them and that the seeds of their words falls on good soil.

    If you have liberal friends who are at all open to discussion, do not waste your time sending them think tank pieces of videos from white people. ALWAYS use black people as sources.

  11. One more addition to the above; the most effective tools are black sources who point out the flaws in whites who adopt CRT or voter ID or other subjects. They are apt to see a black calling out blacks as an “Uncle Tom.” Blacks calling out blacks can be very effective among other blacks, but with whites the most effective sources are videos (or articles, essays, books…) with black speakers calling out whites for thinking CRT or voter ID (or other subjects) is helpful or good.

  12. Logic, history, and exposition won’t work.

    Even if you could explain to Normie about the Frankfurt School, all that would happen is that some ‘Authority’ would label you an Anti-Semite and Normie would go back to watching the African Flea Circus (NBA).

    The Normie Public exists downstream of ‘Morality’. Where does ‘Morality’ come from in the Current Year? It is Created. By whom? Long story, but obviously by Media, Chattering Classes, Academia, Soros NGOs, and so on — what Yarvin calls ‘The Cathedral’. Their TVs, smartphones tell them what is Right and who the Bad People are.

    To fight this plague, an alternative Morality is needed. To even begin to do that, the Ruling Morality and its acolytes must be subjected to scorn and ridicule. Bad News: this is going to sound ‘Rayciss’ and you will get called anti-this and that. Well of course… Whatever your approach, you’re charging uphill against dug-in infantry — they currently hold the Moral High Ground. Arguing with logic and facts is like ducking down behind a rock and firing uphill in the hope that they will quit and go home. In reality all they have to do is traipse daintily down and shoot you in the head. The only way to win is press home the charge, take the hilltop and bayonet the @#$%@#$#ers.

    Be rude. Call them what they are. When you feel disgust and anger, verbalize it. The first step is to be honest about your own feelings. There are many more like you out there.

  13. Rufus, while I agree that that is the best evidence one can offer – Black people against CRT – you’re still gonna be hard-pressed to get them to listen to it. I have many “woke,“ White-hating, liberal friends on Facebook, and I have seen their arguments for this “anti-racist“ dogma. And I have watched as their one or two conservative friends that remain unblocked offer them to consider the opinions of people like Thomas Sowell or Candace Owens or any of the other people you listed above. The response from the woke? It’s almost always, “I prefer to listen to people my POC friends recommend.“ and that is usually the kind response. The other, more ignorant response is that these black conservative voices are simply written off as “uncle Tom’s.“

    Of course, this is incredibly hypocritical. How often are conservatives torn apart for “only listening to POC voices that align with their conservative views?” Or I’ve heard more crudely put that, “White people practically masturbate to black people preaching conservative values.“ And yet they fail to see they are guilty of the same thing – only listing to the POC voices that agree with THEM. And the biggest thing, IMHO, that they fail to grasp is that listening to ANY black voice and supporting ANY black person, despite political views, should right there prove a lack of racism. How can white conservatives be racist if they support black conservatives? Because I guarantee you that *actual* white supremacists would never vote for Candace Owens for president. Because they genuinely hate black people, and that’s what dang racism freaking is. Luckily, the number of *true* white supremacists probably only numbers in the thousands in the entire American population. The number of black supremacists? The number of black people who truly despise white people? I guarantee you that number is much higher. But at least conservatives don’t assume black supremacy based on the color of one’s skin. Liberals are definitely assuming white supremacy (based on their broad and loose definition) to almost anyone who is white and not holding a copy of “White Fragility” in their hands at all times.
    Sorry, I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here…

  14. I can’t get used to reading CRT as Critical Race Theory. Every time I see it I think “cathode ray tube”.

  15. @NS:

    Speaking as resident evil racist, permit me to say that Candace Owens and people of her sort make a very nice living being Presentable Articulate Blacks. GoodWhites ™ lap this up. Blacks have zero interest in what she and her clones have to say. If you’re a GoodWhite ™ well of course it’s nice to keep referring to Candace Owens, Sowell, etc… because they have talismanic value: ‘Look at all the Black People I respect, I’m Good… Don’t beat me!’

    But voting for Candace Owens does nothing to solve the Black Problem. No kind of voting can solve the Black Problem. For that matter, no kind of voting is going to solve a bunch of other problems. Voting can get you from A to B (generally increasing Entropy) but it’s so often a one-way street.

  16. @bof

    CRT retrace coil noise whine is something I don’t miss at all. Then again, were they still around, it seems my ears top out at 13.9kHz now so probably wouldn’t be as bothered as I once was.

    A bit rough and ready, but Good Enough for Government Work:


  17. On April 15, Preident Biden signed an Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/executive_order_canceling_the_constitution.html#ixzz6suqUKZdW
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    Notice that this breathless announcement does NOT give a Number for this supposed Executive Order. It seems that any citizen taking concern for such a travesty would do some minimum efforts to verify that the news is worth the alarm it will cause. Where are the voices of the Governors, Senators and Congressmen who still hold the Constitution paramount?

    A little more verification, Jeeves.

  18. Executive Order 14024 of April 15, 2021 Blocking Property With Respect To Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. It exists, per Federal Register:


    If American Thinker is right, due process of law is over for this new edition of Anti-Soviet thinking.

  19. @zaphod:

    Nice of you to lump all black people together under one belief. There actually ARE black people that disagree with the liberal way of thinking and support conservative black voices. I know it’s not a majority, but it’s a growing number. But regardless, black people are not a monolith.
    Anyway, I could say the same about liberal whites who salivate at the idea of flagellating themselves for the supposed sins of their skin color or for donating money to BLM or making their profile picture black for a day.

  20. @NS:

    Of course no population is monolithic. However, it’s not the Exception to the Rule that will burn down your house and rape your daughters, is it?

    Growing Numbers? This is the Great BoomerCon Fantasy. It’s a Cope. Way to avoid the terrible fear of what is slouching toward Bethlehem. Growing numbers of Blacks this.. Growing numbers of Hispanics that… yadda yadda.

    Look. Out. The. Window.

    And go watch Africa Addio.

    There are indeed some good, sane Blacks. I don’t hate them. I wish them well. But what they have to do with the onrushing tide of history is precisely zilch.

  21. First they picked on the bourgeoisie. But then the proletariat did well and became
    the bourgeoisie with their new Fords and backyard barbecues. So they then had to find another vanguard of the revolution. Mistake #1.

    So then they chose the white majority identity group–thinking that this is where the reparations and money was–and assuming that this group was so passive it would take a long time to anger. But it did not cave. The white oppressors just got fed up with the constant criticism and bitching from the ever-righteous woke and decided they were such badasses they might as well become what everyone said they were: Selfish oppressors. Mistake #2.

    So the reparations and the money stopped and the other white-allied non-white identity groups fell in with the whites. Mistake #3.

    The revolution was lost again.

  22. The other day a liberal relative pointed me to Cornell West’s op-ed in the Wapo where West described Howard University dropping classical literature as a spiritual catastrophe. For some reason, Cornell West’s words captured his attention where nothing else did. He had been dismissing the concern as right wing hyperbole.

    As it happens, my relative is a charitable giver. This must have really shocked him, as he now plans to reevaluate the mission of all the organizations he patronizes to see if they have similarly lost their marbles.

  23. Zaphod’s hard realism is correct. Watch South Africa burn. People flee Port Elizabeth, SA — a once safe, wealthy thriving city — for anywhere whiter.

    I don’t like his (this) painful, hard realism. But facts trump wishes and unicorn farts.

    The suicide of the whites there is now happening in the USA.

  24. Interesting article in Quillette on the attempt by two authors (Stephen Cave and Kanta Dihal) to “problematize” artificial intelligence (AI) by an approach “grounded in the philosophy of race and critical race theory… and work in Whiteness studies.” Sean Welsh, the author of the Quillette piece (a Kiwi, for what that may be worth) begins his demolition of CRT in reference to AI as follows: I remain unconvinced there is a “myth of colour-blindness” to be worried about in AI. I am more worried by the infection of science and engineering by critiques of dubious merit from the humanities versed in “Critical Race Theory” and “Whiteness Studies.” Such critiques tend to be heavy on narrative anecdote and light on statistical data.

    Even if you are not particularly interested in AI as such, the article is evidence that CRT, having successfully colonized the humanities and social sciences, is now infiltrating STEM fields.


  25. @Esther:

    So he’ll only change his mind when a Black Light Bearer tells him it’s OK to do so?

    Despite my jaundiced eye, I don’t hate them. But this deification of Black Sages is something I just can’t get my head around.

  26. Will someone explain why CRT captivates academia so easily? I can only think it has something to do with seeming an intellectual, scholarly discipline, therefore superior to the garden-variety political thinking of average citizens, and therefore a superior means of organizing society. And why can’t they see how bigoted it is toward blacks?

  27. PA+Cat:

    This ‘Ethical AI’ Grift has been under way for a while now. The Woke really hate that AI / Big Data notices things it’s not supposed to notice – e.g. Black Crime, unmentionable vastly disproportionate over-representation in (say) US Supreme Court, Federal Reserve, etc. etc… What’s worse than noticing is that an un-gelded AI might go so far as to SAY it in open company. Terrifying 😀

    Also there’s plenty of money in burying the truth as Academia and politics in general would suggest. How much more money there is when Google and Facebook are involved is left as an exercise for the reader.

  28. Another round of Rufo’s observations by Not the Bee.
    “Get ready for your kindergartener to learn about the “Pyramid of Hate!” – The day after the Chauvin verdict, Philadelphia Public Schools teaches kindergarteners that “George Floyd was killed by a police officer” and that America is built on a “pyramid of hate” culminating in “genocide.”
    Here are the exclusive leaked documents.”

    It’s one of those Essays disguised as a linked Tweet thread.
    Bets on when Rufo gets “suspended” for “violating our community standards”?

  29. Paul Rossi drops the bombs on Grace Church administrator who fired him for daring to question CRT at their school.


    Davison, in private conversation, goes to great lengths to show that he understands Rossi’s criticisms, his objections, and his worries with antiracist language. Publicly, however, there is no chance that Davison would say these things. He’s afraid of the blowback that he sees Rossi facing.

    The irony, of course, is that it is Davison himself who is causing the most harm to Rossi. Davison relieved Rossi of his teaching duties, Davison publicly condemned Rossi. Davison has all the power in this situation, but he’s so paralyzed by the threat of the woke mob that he willingly offers Rossi as a sacrifice.

    We live in a world full of Davisons. They’ll say privately that they have deep problems with antiracism and CRT and woke culture, but they won’t voice those concerns publicly. Their own protection is what they are most concerned with. They would willingly throw someone like Rossi to the woke wolves while cowering in fear to save their own hides.

    Davison admits that this woke monster has taken down many other institutions, and he fears that Grace Church could be next. But he still lacks the moral courage to actually boldly stand on his convictions. Davison lies to protect his own personal interests.

    Whereas you have Paul Rossi who is boldly making a stand, at great professional and personal cost. But he’s doing what he knows is right and is refusing to lie.

    We need more Rossis and fewer Davisons.

  30. “I can’t get used to reading CRT as Critical Race Theory. Every time I see it I think “cathode ray tube”. – bof

    I still turn off my computer screen at night so I don’t burn the raster.
    Old habits die hard.

    Hah. Learn something everyday. Wikipedia says that “raster burn” is now a slang term for a very real problem.
    “Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a condition resulting from focusing the eyes on a computer or other display device for protracted, uninterrupted periods of time and the eye’s muscles being unable to recover from the constant tension required to maintain focus on a close object.”

    Recycling old slang is very environmentally sound, I’m sure.

  31. Any appeal to “classic American values” will, at this point, fail.

    At the beginning of the pandemic, I read Christopher Caldwell’s _The Age of Entitlement_ and was utterly convinced by its argument: that the “civil rights” model, the “second constitution” has utterly overtaken the classical liberal one both intellectually, and as a real system with a large number of client groups. Its end result, CRT, has just built on premises that most people, even conservative ones, don’t recognize or know how to refute. It’s so built into the culture, that people see confirmation everywhere in the relics of the past: look at all the sexism in those movies! I know many people, even of my age, who say they can no longer watch old movies for that reason. Of course the country should be burnt to the ground and rebuilt, and for that reason a cabal of “A-student” oligarchs have been handing torches out.

    One of my more strident SJW “friends” on Facebook posted the following cartoon of an angry woman collaring a dopey and complacent looking man:

    Man: But the Founding Fathers didn’t intend….
    Woman: I’m stopping you right there. The Founding Fathers didn’t intend for black slaves to go free. Nor for me to vote. Nor for you to vote since you don’t own land. I’m kinda over the Founding Father’s intent.

    That’s the state of the union, and how far an appeal to the “Founding Fathers” would get you (See, sexism! sneer sneer).

    The American Thinker recently had a summary:


    (And no, Caldwell wasn’t advocating a return to the Jim Crow South…).

  32. “Even if you are not particularly interested in AI as such, the article is evidence that CRT, having successfully colonized the humanities and social sciences, is now infiltrating STEM fields.”

    If you’ve been reading my posts for any length of time I’ve written that STEM was a target for quite awhile now. In my own instance, we in STEM were told by humanities faculty in a meeting 10 years ago about our “sins” of teaching only “physics produced by white men” and our clinging to the notion of objective evidence, which is a racist concept.

    Nothing new here. What has changed is the way the nuttiness of academia suddenly exploded into the mainstream culture. I keep coming back to a synchronicity of a couple of 3 sigma events: the Wuflu pandemic which resulted in mass psychosis, AND (strong logical AND) during that psychosis, the Floyd death. I firmly believe eliminating either, or both, and our country would look much different today.

  33. NS @ 8:08pm,

    You are helping me make my argument. People (white or black) who have hard core opinions are not going to listen to white people explain anything to them about race; even if it’s suggesting reading a Thomas Sowell book. Black voices will be the most effective. Showing someone a video of black people being disgusted with white people who think they are too dim to get an ID is effective. Post the video on Facebook with no comment. Don’t “white-splain.” Just let them hear black voices with no other context. Post a Candace Owens video. Post a Thomas Sowell video.

    And don’t engage with them in the comments. You cannot win. Display truth, but don’t preach.

  34. Esther at 1:50am,

    Exactly! Black voices can be very effective in changing people’s perspective.

  35. A rapper/comedian/podcaster and very much in shape Brit who goes by the moniker, Zuby, posted a video of him declaring his gender as female and then shattering several, world power-lifting records.

    His video went very viral and was especially popular in the black community. A short, succinct video making an obvious point can be more effective than a thousand brilliant pages from Thomas Sowell.

  36. Zaphod @ 2:24am,

    Whether you get your head around it, or not, the “magic negro,” or “negro sage” is a caricature unknowingly embraced by many liberals. Folks like Oprah and Obama have made vast fortunes off the phenomenon.

    Remember when some goofy, Indian-mystic divested the Beatles of some of their hard-earned cash? Same thing.

  37. Exactly! Black voices can be very effective in changing people’s perspective.

    Each of us is constructed from a constellation of principles, perspectives, interests, needs, etc. Where the correlations occur can be forecast but not predicted. A multipath, stepwise adaptive approach is optimal to increasing consensus. Most people are not diversitists (dogmatists) (i.e. color judgments) by nature. Color bias is intrinsic, but prejudice is progressive.

  38. “Most people are not diversitists (dogmatists) (i.e. color judgments) by nature.”

    I guess you have not been reading Zaphod’s comments. 😉 Several times he has lamented Taki mag removing comments. I’m sure he was very much at home there when they were offered.

    He has yet to explain when skin color begins to dictate behavior; 1/2?, 1/4?, 1/64th? one drop? and form the bell curves he is obsessed with, but I’m sure he’s got it all diagrammed on a bulletin board with a world map and multi-colored thumb tacks connected by snippets of red yarn.

  39. I can’t get used to reading CRT as Critical Race Theory. Every time I see it I think “cathode ray tube”.

    Yes, a philosophy and technology of yesteryear. Although, one may characterize an electron and hole in solid-state physics as a cathode and anode, then not much has changed qualitatively at all.

    That said, Baby Lives Matter (BLM).

  40. CRT is a scourge and I am in shock that it is being taught in school or used in corporations as “diversity training”. I heard about it first in the late 90’s from leftist friends in San Francisco and thought it was just WRONG, inaccurate and weird. To think this insane idea is actually making inroads into our institutions is a nightmare.

    The EO at the end is shocking. The one detailed in the American Thinker post that uses “Russia” as an excuse and is not having much attention paid to it. Biden has got to be signing things given to him with very little explanation by the Squad or similar. While I never liked Joe Biden, he was never a far leftist as his actions now would have one believing. He’s obviously a senile puppet now of forces that are nefarious and far left. We are in trouble.

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