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Roundup on the press — 28 Comments

  1. Taibbi lays it out clearly for the empty suits and empty brains that our MSM employs–
    “Those still clinging to mainstream jobs in a business that continues to lay people off at an extraordinary rate read the gist of all of these stories clearly: if you want to keep picking up a check, you’d better talk the right talk.”

  2. JournoLism

    Not independence, but rather correlation, as in separate buildings, offices, lunch times, etc. The press, media, social platforms, and steering engines have reduced the probability of independence to zero (not impossible, but improbable) and forced a progressive correlation of sources (see Chauvin trial).

  3. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1371898779922804737?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1371898779922804737%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmoonbattery.com%2F

    Biden stops to talk to reporters before leaving on Marine One, however his right hand displays on top of the video of the microphones in front of him, revealing it was shot on a green screen. … Also, they released a second angle, but his hand also blocks out a microphone on that one too.

    “In the Soviet Union, the figurehead could be dead for months before the ruling party would admit it to the public, so that power struggles would have time to play out behind the scenes. ” – Moonbattery

  4. Related:
    A sober, no-holds-barred assessment, but one that suggests a plan of action:
    “We are locked in a zero-sum game rebellion of the elites, who are intent on fundamentally transforming America into an authoritarian state with a single ideology and ruling class.
    “In order to defeat this rebellion, we need to understand the terrain we are operating on and the strategy and tactics of our enemy. Even more important, we need a strategy of our own to guide our struggle and return to a functional representative government, bounded by the Constitution with the power fully vested in the people….”

  5. Regarding Molly Hemingway’s article about the voting fraud in Georgia. I’ve been analyzing the public voting data available for Georgia from the NYT/Edison Research. There is clear fraud and Trump should have won.

    The updates that you see on TV are of the total vote, which makes it hard to see the cheating. But, if you inspect the number of votes added from one update to another an interesting fact jumps out. There are updates where whoever is controlling the counting actually subtracts votes. That’s impossible in an honest election. There is no way for a voter to submit a negative vote. You either voted for Biden or Trump, or if you didn’t like either, a third party or didn’t fill out the Presidential vote at all. This little table summarizes what I found

    Trump Biden
    Votes Added 2,512,796 2,507,662
    Votes Subtracted -48,503 -33,372
    Net Votes 2,464,293 2,474,290
    True Votes 2,561,300 2,541,034

    Trump would have won in an honest election if the subtracted votes had been added to his total.. No need for all the lawyers and election officials.

    I also found another interesting tactic. There are sequences of vote updates in which Biden and Trump accumulated nearly equal numbers of votes at each update for a period of time followed by a single update in which extra votes would be injected for Biden in approximate multiples of 5,000 votes.

    Yep, it was an honest election.

    So far I’ve only looked at Georgia in detail. Preliminary analysis shows that Michigan has similar pathologies and Pennsylvania is out-of-control fraudulent. See the video of CNN on election night at Gateway Pundit (the video is the US puzzle at the end). The screen grabs above the video show changes of +-200,000 votes in just 20 minutes. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/must-see-evidence-election-night-errors-caught-video-retweeted-sidney-powell-video/

    Trump’s biggest mistake after the election was to rely on lawyers rather than forensic accountants. They would have figured all this out in no time, in fact a lot of people did. Imagine him going on TV and showing this demonstration of fraud, a demonstration that is obvious to everyone. He could have even set up a website and invited the public to do its own analysis. It’s not hard once you get the data and know what to look for. Anyone with a laptop and a spreadsheet can do it. The dummies in the MSM, who have to take their shoes and socks off to count to eleven, would have gone nuts. Once enough people had verified this, no amount of spinning and lying would have been convincing except for the most diehard lefty. And let’s not forget, math is racciss…

  6. Bleh, the website reformatted my table and took out the extra spaces that make the names and numbers line up in columns. 🙁

  7. “The fake quotes, bad as they were, are just one of many ways the media have done a horrible job of covering election disputes in the state.” Mollie Hemingway

    The media did NOT do a “horrible job”. They engaged in intentional deceit. They lied. Absence of consequence is an incentive to repeat the behavior.

    Barry Meislin,

    ““We are locked in a zero-sum game rebellion of the elites, who are intent on fundamentally transforming America into an authoritarian state with a single ideology and ruling class.”

    A fair assessment.

    ” we need a strategy of our own to guide our struggle and return to a functional representative government, bounded by the Constitution with the power fully vested in the people….”

    You cannot reform a deeply corrupt, rigged game from within…

  8. The result of the Georgia election (heh) may be labeled “The Revenge of Stacey Abrams” (or perhaps “Stacey Abrams Laughs Last”…?).

    (Abrams, of course, having been inspired in her pursuit of electoral truth and integrity by that conscientious, utra-virtuous patriot, seeker of truth, upholder of the law and lover of the Constitution, Hillary Clinton….)

    Apparently, there are other very talented (and humorous) Abrams family members. Here’s her incredibly conscientious, ultra-virtuous sister:

  9. These flacks all sound the same because they get the daily DNC talking points and follow them to the letter. I only read them to discover what is the latest manufactured crisis and what they have in store for us. The British dailies actually focus on the news of the world.

  10. Hard to know whether this government is a gang of decrepit, dementia-ridden fools and cowards.

    Or a bunch of snot-nosed adolescents.
    Or both.

    One thing is certain: we are NOT in the very best of hands…but then we know that and they also know it too (but their mission is to save—to transform—the country”, and since lying about what they’re doing is one method of ensuring “safety”, and deception another, well that’s what it’s going to be):

    Hey, they don’t even have to lie!

  11. …since the media—eagerly—does the lying for them, thank you very much.

    Greenwald seems to be in the groove at the moment, as he runs with the latest media-cultivated falsehood, which seems to have prompted “Biden” to overreach, with the potential of huge and unpleasant ramifications.

    In short, “Joe I’ll show those Russkies who’s who! Biden” appears to be in over his head (not all difficult, to be sure), while Psaki is waxing pugilistic and Putin is pissed.

    Let’s hope it all remains merely a soap opera; though who knows? This may prove to be the dramatic mise en scene by which the Heiress Apparent is ushered in (stage far left)….

    Stay tuned.

  12. It goes with the SEARCH ENGINES, now, too.

    As I have noted, Google
    “Jake Tapper Fact Checks Jake Tapper”
    then DuckDuckGo it.

    That’s close to a word-for-word of the headline of a Red-State article that SHOWS IN JAKE’s OWN WORDS, from his own personal tweets, that Jake Tapper was lying about Trump and his disavowal of white supremacist support.

    Google does not reveal/include Red State in its returns.

    Ditto American Thinker.
    Stop it, already, he’s not that smart
    an excellent article from American Thinker some years ago deriding the endless merdia buttkissing of how smart Obama was, from someone commenting about the dearth of actual legal evidence to that end from Obama’s early days.

    Google suppresses the article — my guess is they suppress everything American Thinker has (I have not verified, but it would be easy).

  13. }}} Except for Hemingway, these people are not on the right. But they’re not with the leftist propaganda program, either.

    Oh, come now. You know by now. If you aren’t With Them, you are with the enemy…

    e.g., If you didn’t vote for Biden, “You ain’t Black”.

  14. “Hard to know whether this government is a gang of decrepit, dementia-ridden fools and cowards.
    Or a bunch of snot-nosed adolescents.
    Or both.”
    Barry Meislin

    You left out, ‘None of the Above’

    Obama, who through his proxies is actually in control is neither dementia ridden nor a snot-nosed adolescent. I suspect he’s a physical coward but that’s irrelevant.

  15. “Except for Hemingway, these people are not on the right. But they’re not with the leftist propaganda program, either.”

    Three trees make not a forest.

    Scant few Liberals have begun to taste some of the bitterness wrought by the Left. Nothing the latter touches remains undamaged. Nothing.
    Liberals, either spineless, ignorant, or fearful, or variations of all these characteristics among their rank legions largely support the Left. Most would rather commit suicide than leave the fray. Naomi Wolf and Bari Weiss are recent examples of aberrations to the norm. There is no assurance that they won’t wake up tomorrow and fall back in line.
    The Left is destroying America. Every institution they worm their way into; Non-profits, Foundations and philanthropic institutions (Barack Obama led one), Academia, Hollywood, Media, Corporate H.R. departments, and more recently, major league sports and the sciences.
    Democrats and Liberals largely sit idly by and hum along.

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