Home » Amazon erroneously thinks I would really like to watch “Rambo: Last Blood”


Amazon erroneously thinks I would really like to watch “Rambo: Last Blood” — 17 Comments

  1. Thanks, no thanks, for letting me know about all the “reaction” youtube videos about the BeeGees and others. I wasted about 3 hours yesterday watching all the black reviewers amazed that white folk could sing with “soul” and out their a$$ at that! It was very entertaining even though I was never much of a BeeGee fan; more of a BookerT. and the MG’s, myself.

  2. Hmm, the Amazon bot is pitching season one of the Musketeers to me. I think I am more likely to watch that than Neo is to watch a 70+ Y.O. Sly Stallone wishing it was the 1980’s again.

  3. If they really think you’re a Deplorable, the algorithm will start throwing Jordan Peterson videos at you. Extra credit for figuring out why.

    There are worse things out there than the YouTube Algorithm (Peace Be Upon Xir!). For my sins, I subscribe to Apple News because it gets me access to two publications I need to follow for less expense and data leakage than subscribing to both of these directly. Apple News seems determined to brainwash me into getting a sex change or being sodomised or preferably both — and by a non-white of course please. Were I silly enough to have a wife reading my feed, she’d be getting daily encouragement to have flings with POCs and divorce me twice before lunch. All of the above, despite fact that their tracking and spying would make it perfectly clear to algos that by nature I’m just your garden variety heterosexual misogynistic, racist, cynic who would land mine my lawn if I had a lawn.

    It’s easy enough to filter out because I just go direct to the publications I’m interested in, but for your average bovine punter who grazes on ‘content’ (Hello, Ladies!) it cannot be remotely a good thing.

  4. The mighty amazon has pathetic search algorithms. Perhaps Bezos can’t afford to hire competent programmers? Or perhaps he’s too cheap.

    Nah… Bezos simply isn’t interested in what the Japanese label Kaizen i.e. “continuous improvement”. He’s interested in money and the political influence it buys. Which makes him a petty little soyboy.

  5. @GB:

    Wrong. I follow Amazon developments closely for a bunch of commercial reasons and use AWS to do some types of heavy computational work where it only makes sense to spin up resources when you need them.

    Amazon is wickedly unworldly good at their core business. Much of which is not even visible to the general public. Bezos himself is an obsessive improver. There is much trade reporting on this going way back.

    As a human being, he’s a pathetic classic case nerd made good cuckold with shockingly poor taste in women, overdoes the anabolic steroids, and has awful politics and has laid waste to vast swathes of the economy, strip mining social capital better far better than the rest of the Oligarchy could dream of doing.

    In the present dispensation, Bezos is *the* Alpha Predator. Were his Eye of Sauron to alight on you or me, or entire cities of our likes, we’d be toast. Don’t kid yourself.

    Note that I said *in the present dispensation*. We live in a rather unusual hothouse historical moment. When the glass is shattered and the cold winds blow, I don’t expect Bezos to flourish. But make make no mistake. Right now he’s the T-Rex, we’re little squeaking rodents.

    As for Amazon Prime Video: They’ve probably done the sums and decided that it’s not worth trying to compete head-to-head with the Netflix suggestion algorithm. Prime Video is pretty much a loss leader to sell Prime subscriptions anyway, I suspect. They *want* to Hoover up customers who consume content *promiscuously* — think how much more revenue their much better targeted meatspace storefront algos can milk out of people with less discernment cf. Netflix Karen in her Problem Glasses.

  6. “But it knows I like the Bee Gees.” – Neo

    Well, that explains it all.

  7. Sold my Amazon stock; canceled my Prime. Wish I could isolate from other ‘woke’ corporations as easily. Google, for instance, is like a ganglia, that defies surgery. I know about those as well.

    Amazon doesn’t care, of course, although they pretend to by inviting me back. I don’t need to be lectured about my privilege, or my racism, by whoever is driving that theme. (I wonder how many of the people who are quick to lecture about privilege slept 4 to a room during WWII, in a house on an unpaved road where half the houses did not have in-door plumbing. We did. Dad & Mom enjoyed sharing the room with three kids for a period after he returned, and before he got himself established again.)

    Oddly, I have found that even during the lock down phase, there were alternatives to Amazon; although to be honest, not always as convenient, or as efficient. Now, I get to do a little virtue signaling myself by frequenting local establishments, thanks to Trump’s warp speed vaccine program.

    Amazon used to be high on my list of exceptional companies along with Disney and USAA. No respect for any of them now.

  8. I’m politely going to suggest you refrain from calling yourself “elderly.”
    Deplorable, ok, I’m that too…but that other word…You? Not yet.

  9. Oldflyer: “Amazon used to be high on my list of exceptional companies along with Disney and USAA. No respect for any of them now.”


  10. Yes, in my circles there are many actions being taken.
    Avoid Amazon purchases, even order from WalMart online instead. Ideally try to buy from local small shops. Try to buy American.
    Use “Brave” browser.
    Get a free ProtonMail email account.
    Use Signal app for text messaging.
    Use DuckDuckGo search engine.
    See if a video is on Rumble or BitChute before checking YouTube.
    Get off BofA, Chase, Citi and open a Credit Union account (get a Visa from the CU too).
    Learn about crypto currency such as Bitcoin and consider owning some.
    Own a gun before gov’ts get their act together to ban ownership. Practice saying “Sorry, officer, there was a tragic boating accident and my firearm was lost over the side. I didn’t know I supposed to report the loss, I’ll fill out the form right away.”
    Create an account on Gab and/or Parler even if you don’t use it straight away.

    The enemy profits and thrives when we use Twitter, FaceBook, Amazon and Google. Don’t kid yourself, to some extent we are all capitalists selling rope to Communists who intend to hang us.

  11. I have so delighted in your Bee Gee’s posts.

    Also all the dance posts. Perhaps a few on Cyd Charisse?

  12. I get Michelle Obama’s autobiography included in just about every list of recommended books. I’m fine with that because I know that Amazon likes me. How do I know that? For the past 2 weeks I’ve been showered with unordered merchandise which I have redistributed to friends. So far I’ve gotten a blouse, a shirt, ski gloves, two pairs of ear pods, a pair of black tights and one more thing that I can’t remember at the moment. It’s fun opening my mail.

  13. O no. I will pry these out of my friends’ hands and forward them to you immediately. This has happened to me once before a couple of years ago. At that time I called Amazon. (These items are always from China, with no paper work, just the item and that Amazon smile on the outside packaging.) Anyway, the Amazon service rep told me to keep, donate, gift or toss them out. And I follow instructions . . . especially when they benefit me!

  14. Never had Amazon … Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media accounts.

    Then I question myself …
    1. Is the world leaving me behind?
    2. Am I ahead of the curve?

    PS: I do buy things online AFTER I find them brick and mortar if i can to compare prices.

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