Home » Remember back when Merrick Garland was described as being a moderate?


Remember back when Merrick Garland was described as being a moderate? — 27 Comments

  1. Also when asked if crossing the southern border illegally is a crime Garland refused to answer.

    The Dems whined and cried about Barr then they put this guy in as AG!

  2. Garland’s performance was so disgraceful that Sen. Grassley’s praise of a man who was inarticulate, confused about almost everything, and clearly partisan to an alarming degree is completely incomprehensible. Of all his idiotic statements, perhaps the most egregious were in defense of Kristen Clarke, whose race-baiting “woke” credentials have elevated her to likely confirmation (Civil Rights Division) at the thoroughly corrupt and hopelessly politicized DOJ.

  3. Again I ask why would any Republican Senator vote in support of this guy for the AG? OK, I know the answer as you do.

  4. Merrick, the mumbling mediocrity, is one of few bright spots in recent SCOTUS history. To think of the country saddled with him in a lifetime appointment.

    But the internet is forever and he has provided a wealth of content for political ads. Black (robed) comedy.

  5. Oh, they’ll still describe him as a moderate, he won’t become a “conservative” until it’s time to purge him.

  6. His en banc decision in the matter of Michael Flynn should have been a leading indicator of his injudicious partisanship—to those, at least, who were paying attention.

    The current pathetic (to put it mildly) performance merely confirms his bias and provides a further taste, not that one is really needed alas, of what will befall the country if the Democrats get their way regarding the expansion of SCOTUS (but also even if they don’t)

    And given the depths of their utter depravity and sheer unscrupulousness, there’s every reason to believe that this is what will most certainly happen.

  7. All conservatives shall suffer to assuage his pique at not getting to SCOTUS. That loss is seared in his soul. All he needs now is a “magic hat” and a billionaire wife.

  8. The implications of what is coming are revealed in Garland’s deceitful, ‘testimony’.

    Ideological fanaticism imposes psychological blinders on the reckoning they are courting.

    Had they any common sense left in their fevered brains, they’d be cognizant of the radicalization they are fomenting on the right. A radicalization that abhors violence but increasingly recognizes the tyranny the Xiden administration is preparing to impose.

    Tyranny always resorts to violence and force.

    “What can be done about force, without force?” Cicero

  9. @geoff+b:

    “Magic Hat” — now that’s going beyond the Pale (heh).

    As for possession of that most needful of things, a billionaire wife, well surely Mrs Tom Friedman must be thoroughly sick and tired of *that* vapid idiot by now?

    Merrick Garland is one for the Minus Column.

  10. If Garland actually did a proper investigation of the events of Jan. 6th and the abettors, enablers, and funders of the attack by a thousand or so, as described by the head of the Cap. Police in his resignation letter, that happened well before the protesters showed up he would be fired by Biden and his entire family would be in danger of physical and financial harm.

    As with the real terrorists, the Left knows violence and the threat of violence works. Stick & carrot.

  11. @geoff+b:

    Ah… *that* Heart of Darkness Hat! They say that liars find it hard to keep track of their lies. It’s hard enough for us to remember them.

    That treacherous scumbag has had a good run.

    To be fair, will add him to Legacy American Fifth Columnists Minus Column (although It’s Complicated).

  12. I have always felt that, as doctors take the Hippocratic Oath when they receive their degree, Portia’s Speech should be administered to freshly minted JD’s as an oath:

    The quality of mercy is not strained;
    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
    Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
    It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
    ‘T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
    The throned monarch better than his crown:
    His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
    The attribute to awe and majesty,
    Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
    But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
    It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,
    It is an attribute to God himself;
    And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
    When mercy seasons justice.

    It should probably be readministered to prosecutors. They seem to get awfully zealous sometimes.

  13. Ugh, if the left wants true equity, why don’t they just turn America into the society from “Harrison Bergeron” and be done with it? I mean, that’s the end game of equity right there. Literally. Anything short of that world, and someone else will always have some sort of “privilege.”

  14. Q: Should the law be enforced at the border?
    A: ummmmm, welll, ummmm. maybe I don’t ummmmm hmmmm know.

    Q: Is climate change caused by humans?
    A: Yes!

    He is a lawyer that can’t answer law questions but knows the “correct” answer for science questions.

  15. You treat ordinary people as domestic terrorists, soon they will act like domestic terrorists. More guns were sold in January than any other month on record. And it’s hard to find ammo. The Biden White House needs to walk a very fine line.

  16. Neo – I had the same thought on his “moderate” stance.

    Compare and contrast the confirmation of Trump officials with those of Biden’s. With the Democrats slow walking Trumps Senate confirmations.

    And lots of Trump nominees were blocked by the eGOP. That is now greasing the way for Biden’s nominee’s confirmation. McConnell said he would vote to confirm Garland, that’s views have been shown to be extreme.

  17. Headline about Merrick and The Turtle at newsmax: “Senate GOP Leader McConnell Reportedly Says He’ll Back Garland for AG”

    So, our enemies within are also our “friends?” Constitution’s Traitors are everywhere and high to be found.

  18. Its been said that 2/3s of all who push violent means of opposition to totalitarians are plants running ops for the alphabet agencies. So when some internet dude talks of putting people down or passes QAnon crap from Italy it makes me wonder, plant or foolish?

  19. I’d forgotten the term “alphabet agencies” but was reminded of it by a friend recently when I mentioned that Google was now owned by a conglomerate named “Alphabet Inc.”

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