Home » Washington DC, Biden, and the Democrats: security for me but not for thee


Washington DC, Biden, and the Democrats: security for me but not for thee — 41 Comments

  1. The useful idiots wind up in the camps too but wail “if Stalin only knew!”


  2. The reference by Pelosi to “crew-manned machine guns” is truly chilling, and the hideous irony of our bleak situation is that, having screeched hysterically for four years about Trump’s co-called “dictatorial authoritarianism” and the looming threat of “fascism”, leftists have ushered in a truly dangerous regime composed of a senile buffoon and a power-mad Lady Macbeth, so that we are now living under the control of soft totalitarianism (with some of the features of real fascism). Meanwhile, the MSM are continuing to act as pure propaganda (stories about Joe’s taste in ice cream and Kamala’s taste in shoes) while ignoring the incredible reporting from Steve Hilton proving that the sainted Fauci (the highest-paid employee, of many millions, in the federal government!) was instrumental in encouraging and funding the sinister research at the lab in Wuhan which unleashed a deadly virus on the world.

  3. Neo, first get your democrat acquaintances to agree that the Washington Post always tells the truth. Then show them the January 19, 2021, article to be found by DuckDuck going to “conspiracy-oath-keeper-arrest-capitol-riot.”

    The trial of Devin Chauvin, the cop charged with murdering George Floyd, is set to take place in Minneapolis in March. There’s not enough evidence to convict Chauvin, but if he’s acquitted, Minneapolis will need those Guardsmen.

  4. The new Verdict with Ted Cruz is pretty good and has a serious talk about the events leading up to January 6 from Senator Cruz’s point of view but it was very disappointing to hear him continually refer to the protesters, rioters whatever as ‘terrorists’. That is way over the top language that I would hope someone like Cruz would avoid.

  5. I just saw that Brandon Straka was arrested from the Jan 6 event. I didn’t think he had any part in the riot. This is ridiculous.

  6. neo,

    “With the huge number of troops in place for Biden’s inauguration, the feds were signaling that they were expecting an invasion. The message was that the right was planning to start a civil war right then and there – and I mean that in the literal sense – and that the threat remains enormous.”

    While that is the impression they wished to give watchers, IMO neither the Feds nor the democrat leadership actually expected an invasion, nor did they think the right was planning to start a civil war right then and there.

    It’s not prevention that motivated those actions but preparation. They do expect armed rebellion because “the present crackdown was not a result of the January 6 Capitol incursion; that’s just the excuse. This all was planned before January 6 (see also this).”

    It would be criminally naive to imagine that Jan. 6th was the extent of their planning. Mark my words, the left is planning an escalating cycle that will ultimately ‘justify’ anything and everything the left needs to further their agenda. Including deprogramming and reeducation camps for the deplorables and yes, gulags for the irredeemables.

    Hyperbole? If that is anyone’s reaction to that assertion, I would suggest that they reflect upon the Left’s 20th century death toll of 100+ MILLION dead. Then ask themselves if there’s ever been a Maxist regime that didn’t resort to those measures with its deplorables and irredeemables?

    It’s true that the left will try to provoke the right into “illegitimate protest”. They will do so by purposely escalating things in such a way that we on the right will find it increasingly intolerable.

    It’s the old, hit you while the teachers not looking, then quickly yell as you strike back and then, loudly and quickly claim that you hit them without provocation.

    If you don’t hit back, if you turn the other cheek, do it again and again, as many times as needed until you do finally hit back, then they loudly and quickly claim that you hit them without provocation.

    The only way to win that ‘game’ is to use the same tactic on them. You fight fire with fire. Pretending otherwise is the worst type of self-delusion because at best you’re placing at risk your liberty and at worst, your life.

  7. Gadabout,

    neo was my first one as well.

    I’ve been using Brave for about a month or two and currently it’s blocked 85,000 trackers and adds. I’ve had no difficulties on the many websites I’ve visited.

  8. I noticed something interesting in this morning’s financial news. Ray Dalio is talking about a civil war in the U.S. This guy runs the largest hedge fund in the U.S. and is about #46 on the Forbes wealthiest people list, and lives in Greenwich, CT. He’s not a conservative, appears to be a very quantitative person, and he might just be more powerful than say Valerie Jarrett. I was intrigued.

    Yesterday he tweeted:
    I believe we are on the brink of a terrible civil war (as I described in The Changing World Order series), where we are at an inflection point between entering a type of hell of fighting or pulling back to work together for peace and prosperity…

    There is more to that tweet, but looked like blather to me. My best guess is that he wants to see the GOP do a lot of capitulation, and probably some mea culpas as well.

    There’s more flesh on some ideas he put out in Dec. This from CNN:

    Dalio is warning that leaders must urgently address the toxic brew of worsening inequality, political polarization and mounting debt.

    “There will have to be a resolution of the system working for the majority of the people in which there’s productivity,” Dalio told CNN’s Poppy Harlow in an interview airing Tuesday. “And that could be obtained either in a smart, bipartisan way — or it will come by greater conflict.”

    “I’ve studied the last 500 years of history and cycles and these things repeat over and over again,” Dalio said. “Large wealth gaps with large values gaps at the same time as there’s a lot of debt and there’s an economic downturn produces conflict and vulnerability.”

    “In order to bring the country together and not have a form of civil war…there has to be the bringing of the country together — but in a smart way,” Dalio said.

    “In order to bring the country together and not have a form of civil war…there has to be the bringing of the country together — but in a smart way,” Dalio said.

    “If we don’t have broad productivity and employment, which comes from education and jobs programs and such, then we’re going to have a continuation and worsening of the great polarity, and I think that’ll be a problem,” he said.

    Notice he said jobs programs (have Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg teach the fly-over folks how to code.) and not just jobs. He’s advocating central planning over a more spontaneous economic growth.

    He’s a smart guy, but he also lives in Greenwich. I wonder to what extent his opinion and many others is largely controlled by social “nudging” (see Cass Sunstein) and our rapidly growing “social credit” system.

    If anyone is interested, Dalio has written extensively and I think he puts everything out as free downloads as well as paper editions for purchase. See below.

  9. Geoffrey Britain:

    I did not say they actually expected such an invasion. They wanted to give the impression that they did.

  10. I didn’t think he had any part in the riot. This is ridiculous.

    By some accounts he was posting from outside the Capitol. The charges are no doubt humbug.

  11. Tommy Jay:

    Did Dalio mention the worth of Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey( small fish probably), Bill Gates, the Alphabet Corp. muckety mucks when he was talking about the wealth inequality problem? I would be surprised if he did (teeth on hand that feedeth). Those folks have well funded security details and locations to escape to I would imagine. Not so the deplorables, irredeemables, or the Dem leaning urban proles that have neither. Funny that he is worried about debt? Puts his rice bowl at risk too?

  12. Off topic-

    Pres. Biden made a [regulation] that lets transgender people serve in the MILITARY.

    This regulation allows them to serve into all of the branches.

    I don’t like to be [blunt], but here is why I oppose this plan:

    I once tried to enter the military, to pass basic training, so that I could be in the regular military.
    I have [been in] the military system.

    Short story- I was allowed in, and did about half or more of a boot camp that was for 10 weeks or less.
    Halfway through, they discovered that I had medical problems that made it impossible for me to stay in the military.
    I am male, by the way.

    The reason that I , right now, oppose transgender people going into the military is that- I think that the country’s people are NOT READY to have 1) trans-males, and/or people with FEMALE private parts, share rooms and shower-rooms with biological men…without people risking danger,


    2) I don’t think the country’s people are ready trans-females, and/or people with MALE private parts, sharing rooms and shower-rooms with biological women without people risking danger.

    Let me give you an idea-

    The basic units that we were in were about 90 men, separated into two…45 person platoons.

    The people in the boot camp, when I was there, were people/men ages 18-28.

    Boot camp is both intellectually, + physically, [very], stressful.

    In my boot camp-

    you were only given 3-4 hours of sleep in every 24 hours,

    you marched/walked everywhere you went,…maybe 1000 miles in 10 weeks,

    You had to learn every minute detail of your training, education, + how to wear your uniform…you forget any of those + the instructor can get 2 inches from your face, and scream in it until you get it right,

    you had to dive into the mess hall and eat as fast as you could…you usually did not finish all of the food that you were served…I believe that you got 15-20 minutes or less to eat each meal. Did all in that boot camp get all the food they needed at each meal? I did not…

    Now…here is the DANGEROUS part of this theory-

    now take this group of young men, who are feeling-
    scared, very…very tired, stressed, missing their friends, hungry, sleep deprived, and order these 45 men to completely strip and take a SHOWER, WITHOUT sergeants or any other authorities supervising them.

    …now… order a person with FEMALE private parts to strip, and to go into that shower…

    …ALONE…,…with 45 UNHAPPY MEN!

    …Does anyone else see the dangerous situations that this could cause, in boot camps?

    Maybe I’m wrong- maybe my nation’s adults, the US’s adults, people about 18-28, + older- are mature enough, and advanced enough, to see a trans-person with them, in boot camp, and respect them, and, when appropriate, leave them alone.

    But I cannot guarantee, that-

    trans-men + trans-women being put in these boot camp situations, [ordered] into these situations, will be kept safe, as openly serving, trans-women and trans-men.

    I believe, that sexual crimes, rape, sexual molestation, [spoken threats of sexual crimes], sexual harassment, and other related crimes, still exist in the civilian parts of the US, and I can’t guarantee that these crimes [won’t] happen to trans-people when they are in the military system.

    The anti-sexual crimes organization, also called the RAINN network, also known as the Rape, Abuse and Incest Network ™ is still fighting against the crimes of sexual harassment, and sexual assault, and molestation, in the civilian part of the US.

    RAINN still fights against these crimes and behavior in the US military as well.

    I believe that just [one] happening of- molestation, sexual harassment, or sexual assault against a military…transgender person, is one too many.

    I do not know that all of the US is ready to keep all transgender people safe from harassment and crimes, while trans-gender serve in the military.

    I hope that it is safe, but who can guarantee that for me?

  13. I’m a member of an online neighborhood group in DC and I haven’t seen any questioning of the need for that display of force. Some even want to do their share by seeking advice on what to do after they’ve seen:

    – Proud Boys partying in a hotel bar after a demonstration;
    – Proud Boys/Insurrectionists staying at an AirBnB near them;
    – A man taking pictures on a street with a view of the Capitol, but taking the pictures not of the Capitol, but of the street as it goes away from the Capitol;
    – A car with an out of state license (from a Southern state);
    – Sightings on the street of suspicious people.

    I’m not sure how the identifications of Proud Boys or Insurrectionists were made. Most of the comments suggested reporting to the police or reporting to a database DC maintains. I feel as if I’m living in “The Private Lives of Others”.

  14. Les – if you live in a propaganda bubble and you only affiliate with people of like minds it is easy to see an enemy around every corner. It is the Pauline Kael effect.

    “Paranoia runs deep, into your mind it will creep.
    And it starts when you are always afraid.
    Step out of line and someone will come and shoot you down,
    you better stop and see what going round.”


  15. Faith: “I just saw that Brandon Straka was arrested from the Jan 6 event.”

    Apparently a relative claimed it was Straka’s voice saying Go, Go in a film clip. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.

  16. @TR:

    How about the whole notion just feels viscerally disgusting and this is an evolved response and we ignore our biological inheritance at our peril?

    I understand the need to rationalise and explain things and demonstrate to all and sundry that one comes to the Public Square to debate in good faith and good will and all that. Just that once we get away from Natural Law, we’re conceding the flat ground to the Enemy and are debating them on their own slippery slope.


  17. What went on in the Capitol was an Incredible Disaster as seen on the TV screens, a lot of my friends on the right think it was overzealous right wing folks including the woman who was shot and killed, most of the others understand it was a lefty Flash Performance with paid, well performers with great makeup doing their flash dance stuff. Oh What a Day that was when America thought Trump was trying to do something to mess up the USA when an actual hearing in the Senate about elections that reasonable people could see were probably stolen was supposed to take place however, it was already a done deal that Biden would be president and the Dems stole the election kind of fair and square with complete media participation as actors and not reporters and screw you general public if you have actually been paying attention. You goose had been cooked, the little button had popped out and it was ready to be served so shut the F**ck up and eat this half baked dish or raw poultry even if it frick’n kills you and don’t think the truth or your ability to fight this amounts to anything.

    The they challenged the vanquished to fight back with a lot of false invitations for open warfare and thank God that never happened. The idiocy and hubris of these folk goes beyond all reasonable expectations and they seemed to have thought a bunch of red-neck, cross-eyed, sister-love’n, slow-talk’n, wormy, scurvy, ring-worm, Viet Nam, Sand War, veterans would show up with all sorts of Super Ranger crap and make a wonderful protest scene that would put the end to gun ownership and yet those folk were smart enough to stay home and understood that defense has a ten to one advantage over offense in a gun battle. My prayers to God are that we never again after the 1860’s take arms up against each other in out wonderful USA.

  18. Old Texan:

    Well said.

    QAnon only killed Ashli Babbit RIP. It underperformed as disinformation, with the Democrats most disappointed, but some gullible chumps still buy into it.

  19. @Zaphod:

    Sure thing. That’s pretty much how I feel about it.

    FWIW: In my ideal world- [at least]- wearing full-body towels before + after showering, + neck-high shower stalls, would be mandatory in all government buildings + in all military buildings.

    Peace + happy thoughts, TR.

  20. Leftists all over are using this supposed Capital riot revolution as the excuse to shut down Conservatives, LI had story yesterday of a teacher here in Pa n forced leave just because he went to rally, no evidence he did anything other than that. Heard 60 Philadelphia police officers were being investigated for going though have heard nothing other than that.
    While a few Conservatives have been arrested for being at the rally the one who instigated the actual part of the riot, the Antifa organizer, was let free.
    This can’t end well as Conservatives have no legal recourse other than courts who lately are not to be trusted to judge fairly.

  21. The McCloskeys come to mind. They got arrested for protecting their home from BLM rioters who stormed the gates….

  22. Look at pictures of military surrounding the Capitol and explain how that looks different than a Third World country coup.

    Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

  23. I’m getting tired of this ridiculous assertion that QAnon killed Ashli Babbitt. The idea that a 35 year old woman who, among other life experiences, served for 14 years in the US Air Force wasn’t responsible for her own thoughts and motivations is nonsense.

  24. om,
    I got interested in R. Dalio when he published and release free his book “Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crisis.” I’ve got a copy on my disk. I suffered through the first couple chapters and then jumped ahead to the Great Depression. While I wasn’t too impressed with his Depression era analysis (because it was mostly the conventional wisdom), he has put a great deal of effort into trying to extract accurate generalizations about debt crises from large quantities of historical data.

    I’d say he has a genuine interest in debt and debt cycles and crises. I find his gnashing of teeth over inequality from his billionaire Greenwich enclave less sincere. Oh, please tax me more! As though he’s not aware that the U.S. Treasury accepts donations.

    I double checked the current Forbes list and Dalio is at #117 at $17B while hedge funder Jim Simons is at #72 with $24B. Simons went from being a math prof. at Stony Brook to the hedge fund biz and set the industry on its ear.

  25. The Capitol Policeman executed Ashli Babbit.

    It appears that she followed QAnon disinformation.

    Ridiculous that people can believe Antifa propaganda and actually kill people in Denver or Portland. Just inconceivable. Or in the Capitol building where white supremacists and QAnon terrorists are coming at you (sarc). Propaganda and disinformation can kill.

    Life can be tiresome.

    QAnon kills. Don’t be a chump.

  26. Do we know ( never read anything personal on Ashli) she followed QAnon? but the video on The Epoch interview of a Japanese correspondent seem to me Ashli was getting caught up in the moment stoked by the Antifa organizer

  27. JimNorCal:

    Reading the piece you linked, I fail to see what important thing you think McConnell caved on. He never had any power to preserve the filibuster if all of the Democrats voted to remove it. Two of them are now saying they will not vote to remove it. Is his offense to trust them? He never had any power over them anyway.

    McConnell is far from my favorite person nor is he a conservative. But he’s been tougher on the Democrats than I had expected him to be.

  28. I agree neo, the ZH piece was confusing. If two Dems support the filibuster then it should still be in effect, right? Though some have legitimately questioned whether they will maintain that position but apparently for now they are holding fast.

  29. The USA Today post is interesting but doesn’t actually give its background data in anything other than anecdotes, which means we can’t assess what criteria they use for putting their examples in right or left wing buckets. If they used the same method as the SPLC, for instance, then their “study” is suspect from the get-go.

    Also, its analysis stopped in 2019, so the 2020 clearly left-wing rioting and destructive terrorism by Antifa and BLM was not included. (Kind of like how counts of Islamic terrorism incidents and death tolls start after 2001.)

    I certainly believe that anyone, of any ideology or none, who kills or destroys should be prosecuted and even pre-emptively stopped (that’s what stings are), but it brings up the question: if right-wing terrorists are such a big problem, maybe demonizing and unconstitutionally surveilling an entire half of the country, 99% of whom are not currently members of white-supremacist militias, is maybe not the best way to reduce the number of incidents.

    You would think.

  30. Not from USA Today — from a post linked therein.

    Another study linked by USAToday also includes a caveat that lets the Left wiggle out from under the “domestic terrorism” label.


    There is some overlap between terrorism and hate crimes, since some hate crimes include the use or threat of violence.17 But hate crimes can also include non-violent incidents, such as graffiti and verbal abuse. Hate crimes and hate speech are obviously concerning and a threat to society, but this analysis concentrates only on terrorism and the use—or threat—of violence to achieve political objectives. In addition, this analysis does not focus on protests, looting, and broader civil disturbances. While these incidents are important to analyze—particularly in light of the events in 2020 following the death of George Floyd—most are not terrorism. Some are not violent, while others lack a political motivation. For instance, some of the looting following the death of George Floyd was perpetrated by apolitical criminals. Nevertheless, coding incidents as terrorism is challenging in some cases, which is addressed in the methodology that accompanies this analysis.

    By this standard, the Capitol incident was not terrorism, and I definitely agree that Republicans should stop using that label – once you buy into the Left’s narrative for your own framing, you can’t ever win.

    FWIW, not every Democrat is on board with the police state (I thought we were defunding police because they were evil??)


    Former Democratic presidential candidate and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Tuesday called on President Biden and all members of Congress to “denounce” the new administration’s efforts to root out domestic terrorism, which she argues will take away Americans’ civil liberties and “turn our country into a police state.”

    “If you don’t stand up to them now, then our country will be in great peril,” Gabbard said in a series of tweets. “Trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style “surveillance” are also domestic enemies—and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob which stormed the capitol. …”

  31. neo, I agree that regarding the filibuster the explanation by ZH was pretty incoherent.
    I am more concerned with this bit: “on cabinet nominees and on scheduling the impeachment trial, the two sides have managed to avoid a partisan impasse. For instance, Antony Blinken, President Joe Biden’s nominee to be secretary of state, is to be confirmed by the Senate at noon on Tuesday”

    I think that after Dem actions over the past 4 years, some hearty partisan gridlock is called for. I didn’t see Dems rolling over for Trump nominees. To the contrary they were quite unreasonable AND Mitch let them get away with it. Plus there were endless reports that Mitch would not let the Senate go “out of session” so that Trump was not able to fill positions with recess appointments. Were these reports incorrect?

    The way I see it is that Traditional Americans are patriotic and religious. They work hard, and do their best to provide for their family. Not to be a burden on others. They value math and science over “social justice”. They are willing to live and let live with people different from themselves.
    Dems/media/celebs have made it their number one priority to demonize and destroy Traditional Americans. To kill off their small businesses. To shame them for not approving of moral principles held by Dems. Dems want to cleanse the nation of Traditional Americans, if necessary by physically replacing them with illegal Central Americans.
    I am not personally a Traditional American. But I stand with them without reserve in this conflict.
    Mitch, and GOPe in general, appears to side with the Dems. Surreptitiously at times, and openly at other times.
    I understand and in part agree with your frequent admonitions to avoid circular firing squads on the right. But only agree in part. Things have gone too far, in my view.

  32. More on McConnell and the filibuster – there is some benefit to having old & wily pols in the Senate (but younger than Methuselah for preference).

    UPDATE: Ramesh Ponnuru discusses the political context within which Sinema’s office issued its statement on the filibuster — Mitch McConnell’s mission to block consideration of a resolution to organize the chamber until getting a commitment to preserve the filibuster.

  33. These are part of the reasons I and Trump have ordered all militia, patriots, and loyalists to STAND DOWN. I have been telling people that their pea shooters have not been needed for months if not years now.

    The Alliance has more than enough military assets in deployment. As for why it takes this long… karma? Americans got too arrogant and thought fascism would never come? They need to be taught a lesson by Divine Might?

    Shrugs, saaa.

    Eva Marie on January 26, 2021 at 10:26 am said:
    I’m getting tired of this ridiculous assertion that QAnon killed Ashli Babbitt.

    It is just mk ultra mind control. If you go as long as I have in this campaign, you’ll see plenty more.

    There is no such thing as QAnon. It’s a made up label created by fake news for their nefarious purposes.



  34. Yammer peddles a nonexistent thing it seems, even smaller than the little “q” an imaginary “q.” Still bunk, but he looks for chumps to feed it to.

    Ashli Babbitt RIP

    Does the former President Trump know that you and he are coordinating strategy? Who is in command so to speak? Are you cleared by “little q” to say? Or do you have a need to know, are those things above your classification level? LOL More comedy gold from the Yammer.

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