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The answer is “no” — 38 Comments

  1. Don’t worry.

    When Hunter gets the contract for the Keystone Pipeline the oil will flow.

  2. Well I’ve been listening and almost everything Joe Biden has promised I hope gets watered down or flat out rejected.

    There is one thing I very much hope he gets done. 100 million shots in 100 days. That would be wonderful.

    See I’m not evil just level headed!

  3. I slightly disagree about not listening to the MSM spin. I noticed during the debates, the moderators tended to talk about subjects that couldn’t be found in either the RNC or DNC platforms, and could be found on progressive websites.

    As for mandatory redistribution, it is happening via these covid bailouts. People are getting checks for $400 or $2000 or whatever from a treasury that doesn’t have the funds. If you have a middle class job, you might not even get those checks. And the treasury can just print money for its debt. Printing money devalues what you have saved. The poor got money and the rich lost money. Rich meaning those who saved. Wealth is successfully transferred.

    And the reality is the poor don’t win anything either. Their small checks won’t cover the rapid inflation. But they’ll know they were given those checks, so they’ll continue to vote for more. The wealth wasn’t redistributed to the poor. No, it was redistributed to the elites, who will still have jets to travel and Davos for skiing.

  4. “Did Biden voters knowingly vote for the radical leftist agenda?”

    We are confronted here with the “Knave or Fool?” alternative you often refer to.

    Sure they did. If not in detail then in effect. They sold your freedom for their comfort: emotional and physical.

    If they did not have any idea of what they were voting for, then they were clearly unfit for the franchise in the first place. That is to say, unfit for the freedom they were in practice seeking to escape from by casting their votes for Biden.

    No excuses, accepted.

    The thing now is to rig up metaphorical life boats as we simultaneously seek to save the ship.

    And then, if all is indeed lost and these craft are the only alternative to submersion, to disembark as best we can, and haul free of the suck insofar as possible. And then, when those lunatics who opened the sea-cocks in the first place swim up to the whaler grabbing at the gunwales, shrieking to be admitted, threatening to capsize all; to grasp the handle of your oar as if it were a gaff or pike and drive the blade squarely between their goddamned ….

  5. “No excuses, accepted.” DNW

    That is exactly how I feel. Willful blindness is not an excuse. The foolishness and stupidity rampant in our society in every sector can be overwhelming if I allow myself to think about it for too long.

  6. My thinking is that they might have “over sold” their program and promises to all of the special interest groups they have woven together with their Trump hatred, these folks seem to have short fuses and a lot of emotion. You tell each group that all of their dreams will come true and then if you can’t deliver things might get kind of rowdy because that’s what they told them to do when they hated Trump. I don’t know, it could happen.

  7. Ignorance or willful blindness?

    If they should have known and could have known but justified dismissal of warnings from the right as hateful and racist, then they richly deserve what is about to befall them. In enabling the radical leftist agenda they share complicity in it.

    The bank robber gang’s getaway driver is equally guilty, even though he didn’t pull the trigger that murdered the bank guard.

    Just as those who vote in future elections for GOP candidates enable the GOP establishment’s continued collaboration with the criminal enterprise known as the Democrat Party.

    Knowingly participating in a rigged system enables the criminality to continue.

    Until a party initiates real reforms such as mandatory term limits and consistently enforces those reforms without exception, they are active participants in the corruption that is now undeniable.

    I wonder if Sen. Cruz and Hawley will before their terms expire declare themselves as independents?

  8. Why would Cruz or Hawley retire? Because of the screeching harpies from the left and quisling chorus of the GOPextinct? Not everyone is Mitt Romney.

    It seems that the Mr Turtle and Ms Turtle may have some Xi ping laundry that isn’t too clean; Rush Limbaugh reporting today (see Ace.mu.nu).

  9. It cannot be said often enough that the white people who currently run our government, from Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer on down, believe in very little if any of a “radical leftist agenda.” That’s just stuff they use to distract from them being rich, white, and privileged.

    If they did believe in it, that would actually be a good thing because it would mean they could be engaged rationally on their agenda and they would try to execute it in as intelligent and effective a manner as possible. In other words, they’d be interested in what they could actually accomplish and the results. But the white people who currently run our government don’t care about any of that.

    So, our politics is about to be flooded with a bunch of stupid and destructive ideas that will either make it impossible to deal with problems or make those problems worse.


  10. “Sure they did. If not in detail then in effect. They sold your freedom for their comfort: emotional and physical.”

    Especially the emotional comfort. I think this paramount to all Biden voters I have contact with. They FELT distraught for 4 years, and all I see today is how joyous they are for Trump to be gone. NOTHING has ever been said about policy etc. I suspect as the country goes down the tube in the next year, they’ll still be saying how great it is not to have Trump around.

  11. phyiscsguy:

    No matter what happens to them or to the country it would have been worse under Trump and it will be Trump’s fault.

  12. 100 million shots in 100 days. Even that will get corrupted by the woke approach making sure all the correct deserving patients will be injected in exactly the right time frame and geographic distribution. There may even be a committee to determine the correctness of it all. What could go wrong?

  13. They vote for it because so many think traditional American culture is sick. The also think there’s an unlimited fund to pay for it all.

  14. Some are just so blinded by their rage for Trump they would have voted for ANYONE. My cousin and I got into it on a fishing trip in September. Despite having never voted Democrat no Biden policy position mattered to him. He would not even listen. It was like having a discussion with a 6 year old with their fingers in their ears saying “I can’t hear you” over and over.

  15. Could be a good thing. If enough people had no idea what they were voting for but are later appealed when it all comes to fruition, there could possibly be enough push back to stop or reverse some of it in the future.

    I’d be more terrified if a majority of Americans knew what they were voting for and enthusiastically supported it (although there’s still enough people in that category to keep my hope in check.)

  16. Well.. as one astute commentator elsewhere has put it: you are all Boers now. Even the Jews. Don’t worry… the cuisine is better and their distant ancestors saved Spinoza. From you 😛

    Living in my neck of Hong Kong, I get to hear the South African accent every day. Any actual real Boer with the ability to do so knows to GTFO out of where they have lived for oh, only the last 400+ years if they want to survive. This is what happens when a vicious incompetent regime takes over bent on revenge and you lack the numbers to resist.

    You don’t lack the numbers to resist.

    Of course the Afrikaaners got sold out by their own elite who wanted to shop in Oxford Street, bank in Switzerland, and send their spawn to the Ivies. Always treachery. As old as time.

    You’re going to need a song. Every movement needs a song:


    Can probably do better.

  17. Deleted my FaceBook account. I have had it for eleven years. Reconnected with old friends from previous cities I have lived in. Debated many lefties on news site comments over the years. Posted lots of links. Seen friends post deleted by FB starting this summer over Hydroxychloroquine. They deleted one of mine with the comments I made. FB constantly “ fact checking” the election dispute. FB deleting the Walk Away Movements page. Had enough. Got a MeWe account. Some friends moving over but most staying behind. Its sad.

  18. Inauguration day surprises
    My PCP in Orange County told me today that he thought the vaccine would be more readily available in a couple of weeks. (It is virtually impossible to get an appointment right for civilian seniors.) He said they were rationed. He did not respond when I told him that I read reports that California was sitting on up to 2/3 of their supply right now; and further that most of my Florida relatives were vaccinated.

    My daughter in the LA county health hierarchy has been agonizing over the shortage of ICU beds and vaccine for the past several weeks, but reported this evening that things were looking up. My comment about how magical it is that things improved on this particular day either went by her or she chose to ignore it. Not much gets by her.

    I expect things to get better in several areas for awhile. The stock market, for instance, has baffled me since 11/4. We will see how it goes, and how loud the howls are once the new agenda starts taking effect.

  19. And the Gods of the Copybook Headings will laugh…and laugh…and laugh…

    And we will come to understand Robert Heinlein’s definition of “Bad Luck”:

    Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

    This is known as “bad luck.”

  20. If any Democrats read the article cited in this post and nod their agreement, then they are Knaves, not Fools, because any fool would see the problem even if all they read or watch is American-Pravda/Isvestia.


    Refinery praised that the coat had Swarovski crystals on it and they praised her use of an American designer.

    Do you notice something missing in those paragraphs? Indeed, it was missing throughout their story. There was no mention of Melania Trump which would be the normal thing to do. Instead they completely ignore her and compare Jill Biden to Michelle Obama. They literally want to erase Melania Trump.

    Not to mention that Melania was a fashion model and was stunningly dressed throughout her time in the White House, despite the fact that the fashion mags pretty much ignored that because of their TDS. She frequently highlighted and supported American designers. So to say that Jill Biden is “bringing American fashion back into the White House” is a cut at Melania without mentioning her, but it’s also just out and out false. They should be ashamed of themselves, but it’s clear they’re not.

    Had Melania worn Swarovski crystals, she would have been attacked by media for being “elitist.” But here, with Jill Biden they call the crystals “a statement of sartorial optimism from the new First Lady.” Yeah, no bias there at all.

    Whether you like Donald Trump or not, you’re simply not an honest person or honest media if you don’t recognize that Melania wore stunning American fashion, despite the fact that some with TDS refused to dress her. She then went out of her way to find and recognize unknown or lesser known American designers. She was fond of wearing Herve Pierre, an American designer who she worked with for her own stunning inaugural outfit.

    Rock on, Melania! You are seen even if not by Refinery.

  21. A piece of good news. And, I now know my first 2 political donations next cycle.
    One for this guy and one for Mitt’s primary opponent if one materializes.

    Wyoming State Senator Files to Run Against Neocon NeverTrumper Liz Cheney in Primary Challenge

  22. “Ignorance or willful blindness?”

    MSM will obfuscate cause-and-effect. Honestly? They’ll see things going to heck in a handbasket but they won’t know why. “Well, things are bad. And there are various theories why. No one knows exactly what the cause is.” And they’ll shrug.

    I do feel that the TEA Party surged up the shore. Now the Trump Movement has surged a bit higher, a bit wider and a bit deeper. There will be more surges. I do fear for the violence. Lots of people, on both sides, are in extreme danger.

  23. COMING the domestic terrorism prevention act to persecute Christians, conspiratorial rightists, libertarians, KKK, any ideology opposed to the globalist Left will be investigated, prosecuted.

    Tucker opens and then interviews Glenn Greenwald in this 6m video: GWOT will now be turned against the rest of Dissenting Americans.

    As with James Lindsey, there is now no Right v Left, but Authoritarians versus Freedom.

  24. Oldflyer “The stock market, for instance, has baffled me since 11/4.” No mystery: spending and borrowing has and will inflate the dollar, making foreign goods more expensive; the stock market rises because the dollar falls in value.

    JimNorCal “ “Ignorance or willful blindness?”
    MSM will obfuscate cause-and-effect. Honestly? They’ll see things going to heck in a handbasket but they won’t know why….”

    Straight out of Atla Shrugged and the famous helpless cry “Who is John Galt?”

    The Woke Movement — or Critical Social Justice — in action has resulted in the double standard of political violence, say James Lindsey.

    Hence, he says, a New Leninism is gripping America

  25. Burton M: “Some are just so blinded by their rage for Trump they would have voted for ANYONE. My cousin and I got into it on a fishing trip in September. Despite having never voted Democrat no Biden policy position mattered to him.”

    According to Election Day exit surveys (the largest survey done each cycle), this was 19%.

    This is substantial but hardly dominating.

  26. AesopFan, if you ever saw the clothes I wear you would know that the last thing in the world I care about is fashion or what women’s magazines have to say about the FLOTUS regardless of which party is in power. But the un-personing of Melania really exemplifies how small and petty and nasty the other side is.

  27. The Chinese Social Credit system regulates behaviour. By contrast, the far Lefts Social Credit System in the US is aimed at persecuting (and prosecuting) wrongthink. Enforcing ideology.

    Felix Rex outlines, and argues that it is more sinister because the cage is opaque. Capricious because mob driven and enforced. And there is no redemption.

    Are we depressed yet?

  28. Knives or fools? How about both?
    Recent discussion about whether someone with a functioning cognitive system is morally required to think when dealing with public affairs.
    If he does not, he’s a knave, no matter how foolish (MEAN TWEETS), he is.
    What level of foolishness excuses such immoral behavior?
    Becoming an adult generally includes resisting self-indulgence.
    But what do we see…?

  29. His one main campaign promise was the one he can’t fail to keep: He is not Trump.

    We will probably be reminded of that when he gets us into the next war.

  30. “Hence, he says, a New Leninism is gripping America”

    Not to mention a new Lennonism: have you seen McConnell and his wife?

  31. “For most of them, I’m convinced that the answer is “no, they didn’t know.”

    Many of them are in denial about the direction of the democrat party. They want to believe that their party is honest and above board. That it isn’t run by radicals, communist and a large majority that really doesn’t have the best interest of the United States at heart. They have essentially screwed the entire nation with their blind loyalty.

    In truth the leftist running the DNC don’t care any more for their “moderate” members than they do for Republicans, Libertarians and independents.

  32. “Well I’ve been listening and almost everything Joe Biden has promised I hope gets watered down or flat out rejected.”

    Fat chance, what with him and his controllers having majorities in both houses of congress.

    “There is one thing I very much hope he gets done. 100 million shots in 100 days. That would be wonderful.”

    He meant rifle and pistol shots, one each to kill 100 million Trump supporters.

  33. For most of them, I’m convinced that the answer is “no, they didn’t know.”

    The Biden voters I know best have two modes of proceeding: (1) sophistry and (2) emotional processing. Doesn’t matter how bad it gets, they’ll pretend it isn’t happening or blame someone on the approved list of bogies.

  34. “Roy Nathanson on January 21, 2021 at 7:26 am said:

    His one main campaign promise was the one he can’t fail to keep: He is not Trump.

    We will probably be reminded of that when he gets us into the next war.”

    Trump voters can take some pride in voting for a man who actually and actively pursued many of the idealistic seeming goals which so-called liberals at one time purported to endorse.

    We were not dragged into a war, micro or otherwise because he had to prove “our” (his) “creds”. He forcefully advanced American interests, yet he restrained his hand when he judged that the response to a provocation might be disproportionate in the cost to human life – even the life of the enemy. He, and we, got a “twofer” when he was bold enough to directly engage the crazy leaders of the world in order to test the liberal claim that they just needed to be “dialogued with”; thus both effectively falsifying the progressive narrative, and causing the dictators to actually play, and expose, their true hands and methods of operation.

    None of it mattered to the emotionalists or their managers. When minority unemployment reached record lows, and employment record highs, it did not matter to them. When the rust belt began to recover it did not matter. When Trump practiced any of the more admirable of the platitudes they preached, and realized goals they only dreamed of, it did not matter.

    Trump then went on to prove the existence of something I never believed in, seeing “it” only as the convergent interests and self-dealing of various administrative classes.

    He proved the existence of the deep state as a coherent, nearly formal entity: a self-aggrandizing and self-reinforcing class of civic hirelings self-consciously become the would-be, and sometimes the effective, masters of their fellow citizens.

    He proved this in, as they used to say in Medieval trial by combat times, “on his body”. The demon was it turns out no figment of an overwrought and immature imagination. (Nor need its existence be much further teased out through analytical essays as in the Codevilla Thesis; though that will stand as a defining moment for a long long while.)

    The combat with Trump forced it to come out of the shadows, to expose its ethic of convenience and its lust for power at any price; and the battle left visible scars not only on Trump, but on the body politic at large.

    What the Demon will do next in its quest for total, and boundaryless Demonocrat rule is anyone’s guess. But we know now, without a shadow of a doubt, what a soulless and malevolent and freedom and goodness hating thing it is we are dealing with, as we see a real time abomination of desolation taking place in our own temples of liberty and rights.

  35. I think the more appropriate question is: “Did the voting machines vote for the radical left agenda?” The answer to that question is: “Yes.”

    It wasn’t the voters who voted for this pending agenda, it was the rigged machines that did the voting. Another question is: Will the Left agree with the agenda the machines voted for?

  36. I’ve been attending the Beverly Hills Freedom Rally every Saturday since the middle of summer. For the last 2 months the main theme was “Stop the Steal.” I have been telling the folks around me that as bad as the “Steal” is, the long-term problem is much worse. That problem is that even without the “Steal,” at least almost half of our fellow American’s voted for leftists.

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