Home » Donald Trump, private citizen


Donald Trump, private citizen — 17 Comments

  1. It is very sad indeed that the final list of pardons and commutations is mostly (with a few exceptions) indefensible. There are far too many rappers and drug-dealers, corrupt white-collar criminals, and swamp-creatures of both parties, not to mention such egregious examples as Kwame Kilpatrick and Salomon Melgen, neither of whom deserved any clemency whatsoever, while Assange was spurned. Trump has unfortunately left office by giving the world the impression that, despite his accomplishments, he fought the swamp and the swamp won.

  2. No recriminations please.
    No second guessing as to what he could have done that he didn’t do.
    Reflect only on what he accomplished in the face of concerted and relentless “resistance” on the part of the DC-NYC Cabal.
    No rehashing his personality flaws. Those have been beaten to death.

    In so many ways he was like a fresh breeze blowing across the country, nay the world, sweeping so much foul air from the political atmosphere.

    I wish him and his family well. They are all targets. I hope that they can find peace and contentment. I hope that they have better personal lawyers than the ones who contested the election.

  3. As I have mentioned here before, I was a reluctant Trump voter. My vote for him was more of a vote against Hillary.

    However, my vote for Trump was the first time since voting (that southern peanut farmer was my first presidential vote) that I didn’t have “voter’s remorse.” In fact, I am more of a Trump supporter than I have ever been of any other politician.

    Trump accomplished so much. And I wonder about how much more he could have accomplished if both parties, the MSM, and other elites weren’t so dead set against anything he tried to do. Our country, and the world, would be so much better off. Much better off!

    Like you Neo, I do wish him and his family well. And like you, I think that they will NOT leave him and his family alone. They are so determined to “burn the witch” until even the ashes are gone. And, as you have said in other posts, this isn’t just about Trump – they are sending a clear signal that any future Trump-like politician will suffer the same fate if they dare to challenge the elite’s status quo.

  4. Charles,

    “this isn’t just about Trump – they are sending a clear signal that any future Trump-like politician will suffer the same fate if they dare to challenge the elite’s status quo.”

    Indeed. No such figure will in future ride to America’s rescue.

    Knaves and the millions of fools that have enabled the knave’s seizure of power are intent upon pursuing the same policies that led Venezuela into the abyss.

    Within the next few years, when what those fools have enabled becomes undeniable, almost all of those fools will deny any personal responsibility for what they enabled.

    That is when foolishness becomes complicity and in that willful blindness, they render judgement upon themselves.

    Willful blindness rests upon the justification of victimhood (it’s not my fault) and is the strongest of imprisonments because it is self-imposed.

  5. Has anyone else read David Goldman’s predictions of Biden’s economics?

    The collapse of real Treasury yields to the negative 1% range during the course of 2020 had nothing to do with the savings rate, but rather with the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented purchases of public debt.

    If the United States were to issue debt in order to rebuild its industrial base and reduce the current account deficit, increased debt might be justified. That is not the form that deficit spending is likely to take under a Biden administration, which is likely to offer lip service to investment in technology while spending lavishly on social and environmental programs.

    Economic collapse might stop the administrative state. The worst of the rentiers and oligarchs will be in Tuscany by then, in their mansions.

  6. I am afraid that the Leftist Elites and the MSM will not rest until Trump is in jail or executed. They aim to reverse forever the aberration of a leader actually getting elected by the people instead of being selected by them. They will pursue Trump to the ends of the Earth in order to make the point clear to anyone who might consider defying them in the future.

  7. @Ymar:

    Vesti la giubba e la faccia infarina.
    La gente paga, e rider vuole qua.
    E se Arlecchin t’invola Colombina,
    ridi, Pagliaccio, e ognun applaudirà!

    It’s Clown World, after all.

  8. Zaphod & om – glad we are turning to the Classics, of different eras.


    “ridi, Pagliaccio, e ognun applaudirà!”
    Laugh, Pagliaccio, and then the crowd will roar —

    “Ridi del duol, che t’avvelena il cor!”
    Laugh, through the pain that is destroying your heart

    Translations from the English libretto I used back when I learned Pagliacci’s aria while studying voice.
    It’s very powerful.

  9. Everything is better with opera!

    “Our” Clown in Chief is not a “goo
    d” clown, nor is his understudy. Minions are minions.

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