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Reflection and roundup — 56 Comments

  1. The situation at the southern border is likely to become even more chaotic (with more caravans and more human-trafficking), nor could any rational person possibly argue that the grotesque militarization of DC and a lessening of energy independence are positive developments; as for Rachel/Richard Levine, the less said about this person, the better.

  2. Richard Levine looks like Richard Deacon with a bad wig.
    Seriously, Tim Curry was far more passable.

  3. Founder Effect hasn’t worked out all bad, but in this particular case it’s sure mutated its merry way into one Bitchload of Kishke.

  4. As unfair as the treatment of Trump has been and likely will continue to be, I could accept it if our Establishment had actually learned from the last four years and would do a better job moving forward. But it’s pretty clear they believe their behavior before and during Trump has all been completely validated. That’s not going to end well.

    On the bright side, it’s going to be enormously entertaining watching all the anti-Trump conservatives out there as one of two things likely happens:

    1. A Trumpian wave rolls in in 2022 or 2024.

    2. The anti-Trumpers quicly find the knife at their metaphorical throat and are astonished to find no one gives a damn.


  5. Lynn Cheney and Dan Newhouse are shocked to find they need new jobs.

    Hasn’t happened yet for Liz Cheney. Hoping the Republican State Committee in Wyoming censures her, not just one county committee. The House Republicans lauding her are revolting.

  6. 2. The anti-Trumpers quicly find the knife at their metaphorical throat and are astonished to find no one gives a damn.

    The mask is off at National Review. Who is their sugar daddy? Is it the guy who wrecked Scott Walker’s presidential campaign or is it Pierre Omidyar?

  7. When the Democrats rigged their primary in favor of Joe Biden, it was still early in the COVID game, and they expected (quite reasonably) to lose the 2020 election, so their only hope was to sideline Bernie and thus avoid an outright debacle on the order of McGovern 1972 or Mondale 1984.

    Had they not frauded their way to their Pyrrhic victory, they would have had four more years to assemble something like a competent bench for 2024, which could have taken office no earlier than January 2025.

    But with everything bumped up by four years, what we have now is the Obama Restoration, and for that abomination I have two words: “Enough rope.”

  8. It’s going to be very interesting seeing how Mitch McConnell navigates the next 2-4-6 years. Does he go full Vichy Republican sympathizer, and climb enthusiastically into bed with the jackbooted faction of Democrats to undo the Trump accomplishments?

    Or does he try, with his characteristic treachery, to make it look like he’s sadly going along with all these aw-shucks gosh-darned terrible developments, wagging his head because he’s just powerless to do anything different under these terrible circumstances?

    How much of Trump’s legacy is Mitch willing to barter away piecemeal, one wonders. How much outrage are the voters capable of sustaining, in order to to stop him? The Republican Party has failed at every turn to demonstrate any loyalty to the party leader responsible for re-invigorating the brand, any political savvy, any common sense, any fighting spirit. It all comes from Trump.

    So the Republican Party is worthy of your contempt only. Out of misplaced class disdain, they have turned their back on their base and traded their support in return for getting rid of Trump, which in their entitled mind means “getting back to the way things were”. Losing with Grace.

    Give them nothing until they are sent ‘Down the Road’. You have been screwed over, in spades, and it’s going to get worse until you insist upon it getting better. It will only get better when you force it to.

  9. Just heard Dan Quayle and Mitch McConnell speak about working with the demokrats in a “bipartisan” manner.

    When a republican is president and/or the republicans have majorities in the House and/or Senate, how often do you hear demokrats talk of “bitpartisan” anything .
    Oh, that’s right, NEVER.

    The stupidity and incompetence of the dumb-ass, moronic republicans is beyond description.
    If the dumb-publicans played hardball as do the demonkrats, they would be arranging impeachment hearings over Bidet’s Ukraine payoffs and they would be voting down – deservedly or not – every demonkrat proposed by Bidet to be in his (appointed) administration. Yep, even bringing in “witnesses” to testify that each of Bidet’s nominees is a child molester or rapist or Putin’s love partner or just a plain murderer.

    Note that all talk of the fraudulent elections has, miracle of miracle, disappeared.
    Geez, what a surprise.


  10. “It’s going to be very interesting seeing how Mitch McConnell navigates the next 2-4-6 years.”

    McConnell is, to be fair, a very smart parliamentarian but he’s proven to be a terrible political leader. So if Pelosi and Schumer can keep everything “business as usual” in Congress, McConnell can go back to playing his assigned role in Failure Theatre. As Corporate America turns more and more to the Democrats, however, McConnell is going to be helpless to stop the populist takeover of the GOP.


  11. Just heard Dan Quayle

    He’s been out of office for twice as long as he was in office. He decamped to Arizona 20+ years ago. He’s one of those former pols (see Rahm Emmanuel and John Kasich) who for baffling reasons was able to land a job with a securities firm, sans any education or experience in finance.

  12. Well, I do worry.

    It seems Democrats have set America’s trajectory past the EU to something between Mexico and China. Definitely not good.

    I’m in touch with Election Integrity and this week I’ll be walking the streets to find out why some voters’ registration infos are screwed up. I’m hoping it’s not an unpleasant, much less risky, experience, though my supervisor regaled me with a story about how she was followed for several blocks by some neighborhood yobo.

  13. Regarding Mitch and McCarthy, so happy to sell us out: “As for me, give me Liberty or Death!” The death of the treason whore-mongering GOPe.

  14. It will indeed be interesting to see if the GOPe take back the smoking embers of an expiring political party or if they leave the Party of Lincoln to us and merge over into the Dem Party.

  15. No Jim. It’s up to us to leave it to wither and die like the NeverTrump cabal wanted.

    As Mike (MBunge) writes, “ McConnell is going to be helpless to stop the populist takeover of the GOP.”

    WE decide.
    (No one who calls themselves a Patriot will be allowed to give them a critical care finger lift.)

  16. Politics is dynamic and not stagnant. In 2008 Socialism was ascendant. In 2010 the Tea Party was ascendant. In 2012, the GOPe (who I worked hard to elect) let victory slip away by being….polite. In 2016, the voiceless shouted loud and hard. In 2017, 2018 and 2019 the uni state worked to silence our voice. In 2020, they had to drop all pretense and conspired to fraudulently win and did so. In 2021, the uni states takes over with a sense of paranoia behind barb wire and machine guns. The fence will stay up. A little green zone to soothe their cowering paranoia.

    But the story is still being written. What happens going forward is what we decide what to do. The truth about the fraud will come out. The shrieking harpies will reveal themselves. The counter reaction is forming.

    Big Tech thinks it is business as usual but now other countries and the red states see what they did and are reacting. The Rumble lawsuit is devastating to Google who will drag it out like they did the ORACLE case hoping they can delay and buy Congressional pardons. Twitter and Facebook are seeing their economic models wrecked and shareholder lawsuits coming.

    H1B inflows will start kicking in displacing the American tech workers. A process that was interrupted by the election of 2016. Cheap illegal labor will displace the minority men that had jobs and dignity after the election of 2016. Blue state finances will become more and more stressed and the helicopter money isn’t going to stop it. The socialist/anarchist agitators aren’t going home and will continue to riot. The blue states will unleash their police.

    Big media will lose audience and large lay-offs will be unleashed into an already saturated media market. Media availability will be shut down to the people in power.

    And pagan Gaia worship will be in full force as the Keystone pipeline, emissions limits and Paris Accords are religiously enforced.

    American young will be sent out to do the Corporatist Globalist bidding to keep the war machine humming along. Disorder in the world will erupt as China expands, little Kim rattles his rockets, Iran does it’s terror strikes with US money and the Sunni world unites with Israel. The foreign policy nattering nabobs will somberly shake their heads and pontificate.

    So it will be a pyrrhic victory because now they own the economy, foreign affairs and civil order. Note there hasn’t been a confirmation hearing yet so Biden using a series of executive orders is trying to create a 100 days sense of momentum aided by the minion in the deep state. But events will overwhelm them.

    Fun times we live in.

    But we have to take this time to plan and organize. The process has started here in Michigan. People are united against the governor and her policies. By extension Biden’s policies too. So work toward fixing this problem. I applaud Huxley for going out and documenting fraud. It may be a small step but millions of small steps add up. They know we are watching so it will be harder next time. Lessons have been learned. We can’t lose heart and stay home. That is what they want and hope.

    Live your best life now. Be happy with the ones closest to you. But get ready to gird your loins for battle. Put a stony expression on your face and act with purposeful cold anger. There are 70+ million with you.

  17. @I am Spartacus 20:56, great message, thank you for articulating it.

    People are feeling powerless, betrayed, doomed, down-in-the-dumps right now. But the Power is in the People. The ship of state changes course slower than one thinks. I think you are 100% correct in becoming involved – small disruptions en masse, can bring ambitions to a halt when it’s many contributing. We should consider changing our voter registrations to Non-Affiliated or Independent. Make the parties work for your support, extract commitments! Start planning to get your representation ‘Primary’d’ if you’re not happy with them. Where I am, we have one turn-coat back-stabbing Senator and a Party Hack Representative we need to get shut of. Time to get to work!

  18. MollyG:

    I disagree. I don’t think the Democrats ever expected to lose. They had a fear of losing, but they expected to win, and they chose Biden because they thought he had the best chance of winning and then they threw all their weight behind it as a united front. COVID enhanced his chances as well, but they came to think that Biden was the best candidate even before it became clear that COVID would be helping, too.

    See the last sentence of this post, and also see this post as well as this one.

  19. “Is it time for those “Miss me yet?” posters with Trump’s face?” – Neo

    Tomorrow afternoon is soon enough for me.
    I was thinking along exactly the same lines — I suspect someone will produce a meme for TWIP at PLB.


  20. As a coda to my 8:56 message. Biden (Bidet) is not our president and we have permission to say so. So when the rich white progressive woman or soy boy complains about the price of gas, the homeless in their neighborhoods, mask mandates or the regulation on use of pronouns, you can look at them and say “You should be happy, you voted for this.” I have done this with people complaining about Whitmer. Shuts a lot of whiners up.

    Neo – I am in agreement with Molly G. Back when the Jim Clyburn put the party apparatus behind Biden it was to prevent a massacre on down ballot races. In late May/June they thought they could use COVID as a means to victory after seeing what they got away with in the primaries.

    MBunge @ 7:21 pm – “McConnell is, to be fair, a very smart parliamentarian but he’s proven to be a terrible political leader.”

    A very interesting insight. I have thought more about it. Tactically astute, strategically inept ala the Confederate General Beauregard at the First Battle of Bull Run. Stonewall Jackson urged him to march on Washington that night and he declined. A golden chance for the Confederacy to end the war or get diplomatic recognition from Great Britain who could have broken the blockade. A good way to think of McConnell. I will incorporate that in my thought process.

  21. Aesop Fan – I think that Trump should lay low for nine months outside the impeachment charade which he should fight hard. Let the people who elected Biden see what they bought without giving them the benefit for the intense hatred towards him. Then when the second dark winter comes under Biden put up the billboards.

  22. If the Senate decides to hold an Impeachment Trial, and if Trump is found guilty by a Senate vote, then what recourse is left to Trump? Is there no appeal function in this case? If John Roberts refuses to chair the trial, is the verdict justifiably enforceable? If the verdict is that Trump cannot hold public office, would it be enforceable anyway, John Roberts present or not? Enforceable by who? How?

  23. “I think that Trump should lay low for nine months outside the impeachment charade which he should fight hard. …Then when the second dark winter comes under Biden put up the billboards.” Spartacus

    I yield to your more finely-tuned political acumen – and salute your good points about McConnell as a tactician rather than a strategist.
    That is, of course, assuming his goal is to further actual conservative policies as opposed to Republican feather-bedding.

    Greenwald again, for the win.

    In re the complaints from Democrat voters, they have already started. “I didn’t think I would have to pay for it” pretty much sums up their attitude to all the Progressive policies they indirectly vote for, but somehow the logical connection seems to escape them.

  24. You have to read Art Deco’s link to Ace about David French to truly appreciate the serendipitous placement of the comment by ArmyMom.

  25. “But with everything bumped up by four years, what we have now is the Obama Restoration, and for that abomination I have two words: “Enough rope.” ” – MollyG

    Given Neo’s counter-arguments to your thesis on Biden, I doubt we will ever really know which is right. However, I do remember the same questions about Obama in 2008, as “some people say” that he entered the Primaries just to build some credit, and was surprised when he started eclipsing Hillary, so the first few years of his tenure were really kind of cobbled together. He did have the advantage of Democrats uniting behind him, especially after he bought the Clintons off with her Cabinet appointment; Trump never did.
    As for your final sentence: I understand and agree with the sentiment, but as JimNorCal pointed out about the word “roundup,” we are in a time when formerly uncontroversial idioms are being used to prosecute people for everything from hate crimes to treason.

    We’re gonna need another dictionary soon.

  26. The Democrats have a surefire way of shutting down illegal immigration: make the U.S. as bad as the places they’re coming from.

    Won’t it be ironic when President Harris has to build border walls to keep people in.

  27. huxley on January 19, 2021 at 8:12 pm said:

    I’m in touch with Election Integrity and this week I’ll be walking the streets to find out why some voters’ registration infos are screwed up. I’m hoping it’s not an unpleasant, much less risky, experience, though my supervisor regaled me with a story about how she was followed for several blocks by some neighborhood yobo.

    Good luck, Huxley. And “respect” as they say in some circles …

  28. JimNorCal – I hear ya talkin’. Here are some possible substitutes for “roundup” (despite my Grandad being a gen-you-wine cowboy, now I most often think of weed killer when I hear the word).

    Merriam-Webster: (my favorites bolded)
    Synonyms for roundup:
    abstract, breviary, brief, capsule, conspectus, digest, encapsulation, epitome, inventory, outline, précis, recap, recapitulation, résumé (or resume also resumé), run-through, rundown, sum, sum-up, summa, summarization, summary, summing-up, synopsis, wrap-up

    Words Related to roundup:
    abbreviation, abridgment (or abridgement), compend, compendium, condensation, curtailment, shortening
    simplification, streamlining
    rehash, reprise

  29. What’s the solution to that unmanageable Tree of Liberty? Roundup! Broad spectrum, usefull for all undesirable species, but somewhat indiscriminate, and may eventually kill the applicator (carcinogen?)

  30. While we are in the process of rehashing the recap of the summa, here are a couple of additions. You will have to read The Babylon Bee and Not the Bee on your own, because I would otherwise link just about every post at both.


    January 19, 2021
    Tucker Carlson’s Must-Watch Opener About the Occupied Capital, and the Left’s Increasingly Violent Rhetoric
    Turns out the people always on the hunt for Nazis needed only to look in a mirror.

    Today, the military is being demanded to take a quasi-loyalty oath to the Democrat Party.

    In a year, this will be official policy, no “quasi” about it.

    12 National Guardsmen have been dismissed from patrol duty due to supposed “extremist” posts on social media.

    But remember: these (expurgated)* have declared that support of the Constitution is a racist, extremist notion.

    The System is about to criminalize opposition to it and you still have people on the Right who think Trump and his supporters are the problem.
    We have much bigger fish to fry. This is really bad and you morons can’t see it coming. Or maybe you don’t want to.

    WH source: The NRA, Turning Point USA & Patriot Guard Riders are three of many non-militia groups on the list CID / FBI are using to cross reference in vetting for potential “extremists”

    *That’s me, not Ace; I still have some language scruples.

    If they start busting troops for belonging to the NRA, they are going to have to get another army.
    What if they gave a war, and nobody came?

  31. Another couple of idioms apropos to the day are negative ones about “biting the hand that fed you” and “no good deed goes unpunished,” and positive ones consonant with the “roundup” metaphor, like “you should dance with the one that brung ya” and “ride for the brand” — which seem to be concepts lost on the lawyerly elites.




    The last one is the most important, being authored by that same David French abhorred by Ace, who tells us exactly what we always suspected.

    Why are conservative attorneys and jurists rejecting Trump even as so very many GOP politicians are embracing his extraordinary, dangerous, undemocratic and legally frivolous campaign to overturn the election? The short answer is that the culture, philosophy, and incentives of the conservative legal movement are all aligned against the president.

    And, to be clear, the “conservative legal movement” is a distinct, elite sub-culture within the broader universe of Republican lawyers. It represents mainly the professors, judges, and elite private-practice lawyers who form the backbone of the Federalist Society (a private nonprofit network of law school student groups and lawyer chapters across the nation) build and sustain conservative public-interest legal organizations, work at white-shoe law firms, and practice the bulk of complex conservative cases in the nation’s highest courts.

    The culture of this movement starts with the Federalist Society. It first took root in America’s most prestigious law schools, and it attained prominence not just by creating a national network of ambitious conservative lawyers but also by hosting hundreds and hundreds of civil and intellectually rigorous debates, speeches, and conferences at law school campuses from coast-to-coast.

    Now, IMO, judges taken from the Federalist Society were the best we could get approved with the Congress we had, but they are not what Trump supporters call “conservatives.”

  32. Robert Barnes of Viva Frei-Barnes has been especially scornful of the Federalist Society judge vetting process. An old boys insider club of dubious value IIRC. Johnny (Boy) Roberts being an example. Barnes does not hold much hope in ACB for that reason.

  33. If the Democrats think they can “1619” Texas, they are sadly mistaken.


    This is a reaction to Trump’s gains among Hispanics in general and Tejanos in particular. IF the Left can continue their March through the Schools, we will indeed lose Texas.
    However, it is possible that they have overplayed their hand in the Lone Star State.

    Ironically, one of the first if not the first figure to claim that the Alamo was unimportant was Santa Anna himself. In his after action report, he noted that he had eliminated Bowie, Crockett, and Travis in “a small affair.” Perhaps the myth of the Alamo’s insignificance comes directly from the conniving, brutal dictator who ordered atrocities there and sought to minimize his actions — and whose actions at the Alamo and at Goliad cost him Texas itself.

    So what are we to make of Walter Buenger’s claims? They don’t stand up to scrutiny. People of the time, from a wide variety of backgrounds, recognized the Alamo’s tactical and symbolic significance. You may have noticed that I linked to TSHA resources throughout this piece. At this point, those resources tend to be reliable. But how long will this remain the case if the TSHA continues to drift toward politics and away from the facts and people of history? How long will the Alamo remain Texas’ most important historical site if few will stand up for it?


    You can grab a few more here:

    I don’t see any that say “Better Leftist than Dead” (the Democrat television pundits ruined the original, sadly, with their calculated switching of the colors).

    The actual state motto of Texas is “Friendship” since 1930 – which is kind of bland, although it has been called the friendliest state for good reason.
    “The name “Texas” originates from a native American (Caddo) word; “teyshas” (meaning “friends” or “allies”).”

    I was surprised to learn that the official state motto of Colorado is “Nil sine Numine” (Nothing without the Deity).
    It is true, of course, and being proven currently by the secularist havens of Denver and Boulder in particular, which are rapidly becoming nothing good.

  34. PJMedia has a couple of bloggers who do regular posts with “roundup” links and stories, in case you just can’t get enough of the news and views.
    (Remember when we laughed about bloggers in pajamas, not realizing that soon everyone would be working online from home in their casual attire?)



  35. The US Socialist One-Party State Revolution, a very detailed X-Ray into the Left and Far-Left’s political Agendas for the next four years:
    “What Happens Now That Democrats Have Seized Control Of The Federal Government” 20Jan21-Numerous authors version 4.0 (via Free Republic).


    So depressing, read and weep. Clip and save. Be prepared.

  36. “So when the rich white progressive woman or soy boy complains about the price of gas, the homeless in their neighborhoods, mask mandates or the regulation on use of pronouns, you can look at them and say “You should be happy, you voted for this.” I have done this with people complaining about Whitmer. Shuts a lot of whiners up.” – Spartacus

    But do they change their voting choices to Republican?
    That’s the root of the problem – we are getting vast pools of voters now who don’t really want either Establishment Party in charge.

    However, in aid of stimulating more Buyer’s Remorse among them:

    So far, Biden has refused to halt a divisive impeachment, questioned the loyalty of the troops, sparked an immigration crisis, and surrender to China via energy policy. He hasn’t even started yet.

    — Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 18, 2021

    Concluding graf:
    “You almost need to ask a Biden voter if this is what winning looks like. Because it sure looks like some losing propositions before the Biden administration even gets started.”

  37. Okay, I have to link these Bee posts despite my disclaimer above.
    I’m officially off the wagon.




    You only THINK these must be satire.

    (Tucker Carlson had a few words to say about this recently.)


    As I was riding home on the Metro, excitedly flipping through the shots I’d taken to note which ones I’d like to use for this piece,…

    So. Much. Fencing.

    I could not get close to anything. Pretty much the entire government complex, the whole mall, the Capitol, side buildings, roads, everything was fenced off.

    We’ve all seen the media shots we’ve been provided, soldiers milling about the steps of the Capitol and the like. I’m going to show you the periphery, what regular people see, and try to give you some idea of the scale of what is going on, because it goes far beyond protecting a few buildings.

    This is looking west towards the Washington Monument. I did not walk all the way to the Lincoln Memorial in part because so many side streets were fenced off (which you’ll see in a moment) I wasn’t even sure it was practical, but I understand the fencing went the length of the National Mall, about two-and-a-half miles in all.

    After around an hour or so of staring through fences, I started to feel like I was at a zoo, getting to see exotic things I don’t normally encounter during my day, housed in an unconvincing fabrication of their natural environment.

    “Look, a functioning constitutional republic! Wow!”

    Democracy in cages, if you will.

    I’ve been giving those in charge the benefit of the doubt, arguing that what happened a couple weeks ago was inexcusable and no one wants a repeat of that, so better safe than sorry.

    But this has been escalating for days, the most recent number upped by another 5,000 National Guard troops bringing the total to 25,000.

    If they are trying to send a message, they are succeeding, I’m not sure it’s the one they want, or if it is, if it’s productive.

    It’s starting to feel not just wrong, but very wrong.

  38. “So when the rich white progressive woman or soy boy complains about the price of gas, the homeless in their neighborhoods, mask mandates or the regulation on use of pronouns, you can look at them and say “You should be happy, you voted for this.” I have done this with people complaining about Whitmer. Shuts a lot of whiners up.” – Spartacus

    Exactly. My neighbors in deep blue Cleveland built this monstrosity. They own it and fuck them.

  39. The press is already fawning over Biden/Harris. When turning to speak about Harris one talking head said “little black girls are probably smiling right now, after four years ….” mentioning that she was in a black sorority and then compared her to Michelle Obama. They then commented on Joe and Jill Biden, complimenting their matching gloves and, “of course, matching masks.”

  40. “they chose Biden because they thought he had the best chance of winning and then they threw all their weight behind it as a united front.”

    Point of order. They didn’t chose Biden. In fact, Democratic voters were pretty leery of Biden. Then African-American Democrats in two states dragged Biden to primary wins and the entire party AND the entire media establishment declared the race over and essentially ordered Democrats to vote for him.

    The practical problem facing American politics can be simply described as this:

    In 2016, Republican voters were told they HAD to vote for Jeb Bush or Scott Walker or Marco Rubio and they responded “No.”

    In 2020, Democrats were told they HAD to vote for Biden and they responded “Whatever you say, boss.”


  41. Something positive:

    Wyoming State Senator Files to Run Against Neocon NeverTrumper Liz Cheney in Primary Challenge


    Dan Newhouse is next I hope. I’ll have to check in with the Benton County, WA Republican Party Treasurer (a friend from church).

  42. MBunge:

    “They” does not refer to voters. I thought that was obvious.

    “They” refers to those in charge (such as Obama) of the Democratic Party, who convinced many of Biden’s competitors to drop out in a very timely fashion, and then promoted Biden and protected him.

    Some of that is described in the links I gave in my previous comment.

  43. At this point, I think that the lines have been drawn and the explanations presented, and the understandings gained.

    And although the repetition and perhaps even refinement of what I’ll call for convenience’s sake the Codevilla Thesis, is going to be a useful and necessarily constant reminder of the landscape going forward, the daily way ahead is to be found in the path Spartacus, and Cornhead, and now Huxley are taking.

    With the creation of alternative media, and a renewed dedication to field work for those capable, the only thing that remains is the reestablishment of genuinely uplifing and supportive real social institutions.

    Everything the American Middle has relied on in the past has been transformed and coopted by the system nesters.

    And as the Codevilla Thesis emphasizes, it has been the self-serving complicity, and indeed the subversive enthusiasm of many of those whom we take to be closest in life to us, that has placed us in a situation where we have seen our autonomy, “democratically” exchanged by them for the sake of their own comfort.

    We have been for decades enabling and reaassuring those who are busy selling us into bondage, that after all is said and we are done for, we are still their brothers.

    We need to stop doing this.

    Thus, alternate financial institutions, new fraternal organizations, new recreational associations, and new associations of the gathering faithful, will probably have to be formed. Internet fora, are just not enough.

    Perhaps it could start for some with a credit union or fraternal organization they can revitalize or join – if it already exists. But the Republican Party is there to push a political agenda, not to function as an alliance of generally like minded people negotiating their way through daily life.

    The left is all about ” inclusion, and welcoming, and support” for everyone but those traditional Americans who in some cases built, and in almost all cases financially contribute to, these institutions. So …

    Going Hillsdale, is not going to be easy, and the results are likely to be comparatively small when compared to the temples of Moloch.

    And if Gab scares the hell out of the human dumpling at CNN (It’s a dangerous bubble, a bubble!) we know what to expect if an American Tradition Bank or something akin to it, is ever chartered

    But what choice is left as we seek to preserve, restore, and rebuild? You need support in your daily life; or at the least a place to get your footing while dealing with organizations that are not actively hostile to it: In real life, not the internet world.

    Will the sleek sellouts seek to infiltrate? Yeah they always do. But it goes with the territory. Hell, it might turn out that a storm of comets or some other Act of God will hit the big cities and we won’t even need any of it. Then we can go back to being complacent and nice. But until then …. do as Old Texan does and look for a bank that is not your enemy.

    And yes, what Spartacus and Cappy said, once those who have sold both you and liberty out, start crying to you for sympathy because they espy shackles being prepared for them too.

  44. James Lindsey claims that insurrection is the magic narrative for the fascist left. He is reluctantly becoming a Trump fan more for leftist reasons: persecution is becoming prosecution (MO Rep Cori Bush filed her bill to prosecute on the 5th of January, the day before the Cap Hill riots).

    He sums up his case for why the Left is loving a despotic authoritarianism like Robespierre did with the French Revolution by calling it Leninism 4.0, at American Though Leaders:
    “A New Leninism Is Gripping America—James Lindsay on Repressive Tolerance & Free Speech”


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