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Roundup — 148 Comments

  1. There is no question that the events at the Capitol, ludicrously described in the MSM as “attempted coup” or “domestic terrorism” or “racist insurrection”, will be used to erode the liberties of tens upon tens of millions of law-abiding citizens. There is also no question of a prominent leftist activist (BLM’s John Sullivan of Utah) having been very much involved in the chaos, which is being brazenly and very conveniently used by totalitarian leftists as a weapon to crush dissent. There is also no question about the complete lack of concern from the left (many are even gloating over her death) about the unjustifiable murder of Ashli Babbitt, and it is truly disgraceful that far more utterly craven members of the GOP expressed sympathy over the death by overdose of a drug-addicted felon than of an unarmed young Trump-supporting woman.

  2. Good that you linked to Ann Althouse. Neo, Althouse, my two daughters and my future wife are the smartest women I know!

  3. In 1933, agents of Adolph Hitler, shortly after being elected Chancellor of Germany, if you want to call that an election, had the home of the German legislature, The Reichstag, burned.

    Then he blamed the damage to that nation’s capitol building on the communists, justifying his attack on his political rivals, the communists.

    In 2021, agents of the left placed Antifa elements at a Trump Rally (that was by all accounts a “mostly peaceful” protest) breached and attacked the capitol building of the United States federal government.

    It appears that they managed to motivate some earnest Trump supporters, who were agitated over the theft of the election and the fecklessness of the government to act on the behalf of constitutional processes, to join them in entering and destroying property in the capitol building.

    It seems they would have done better to loot liquor stores and Walmarts, but they did not.

    There is video of police accompanying Antifa buses to the scene.
    There is video of police opening the barricades and inviting the crowd to enter the “people’s house”.

    I have personally talked to eye-witnesses and also heard testimony (only once removed) describing the Antifa members on radios and phone directing the incursion.

    A couple of witnesses and I discussed this on my radio show this afternoon. You should listen.

    So now, Biden can excoriate all Trump supporters as criminals.

    And any attempt to expose the fraudulent certification of electoral college votes is dismissed summarily.
    Voices are silenced and marginalized:
    “More Than A Dozen VA GOP State Lawmakers Attended Rally That Gave Way To Riots” NPR
    “Bay Area candy store facing calls for boycott after owner seen at Trump rally” SFGate

    As to mobs and action/reaction and response? Americans sit and boil in the pot because of our tradition of going through the courts. And the courts are corrupt.
    “If only Stalin knew.” But Stalin knew. Americans haven’t caught on yet.

    With all this focus of a bunch of people attacking a building, and that was wrong, the real desecration of the Capitol is ongoing.

    Only the desecration looks so Statesmanlike as it steals our nation.

  4. In regards to how Trump is holding up, the media is reporting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke to Pentagon leaders about Ignoring or disregarding lawful orders of their commander-in-chief. That is, by any standard, a far more gross and dangerous violation of democratic norms and our constitutional order than ANYTHING Trump has done or said. And the reporting is that Pelosi did it because she supposedly thinks Trump, the most anti-war U.S. President in the last 40 years, might just decide to nuke Iran on his way out the door.


  5. I suggest the folks of our age will find stress relief humor over at the http://www.peoplescube.com.

    What’s that? Oh, a collective alt satirical web site founded maybe 15 years ago by a group ex agit prop artists to the Soviet State. They’ve immigrated to the US and the land of freedom, but deeply distressed that what happened there through Marxism is happening…was happening then, and now happening here again.

    Their unique contribution to critical anti-communism is The People’s Cube! A Rubic cube with every square red — and thus, guaranteed equality of results!

    ThePeoplesCube site is highly graphic and smart. And funny.

    Here’s a current textual taste to illustrate our thread topic:


    New addition to Newspeak 2.6:

    Peaceful protests: “Breaking into private property to voice your opinion while harassing those inside and causing damage”, synonym: warm expression of one’s feelings, people doing what people do (cfr Pelosi, 2020).

    Domestic terrorism: “Breaking into wherever politicans work to voice your opinion while harassing those inside and causing damage”; synonym: Coup attempt, right wing violence.

    Please forward to the comrades at CNN.

    And also, defend the police! Long live the glorious police! As long as they are riot police working for us. In fact, if you want a vision of the future, picture a policeman shooting rubber bullets at taxpayers, forever.

    Long live Next Tuesday!

    Comrade Minitrue


    AH! The glories of Cold War humour. We missed you! Da!

    And off on the right side, there’s more: a flag sized graphic with Comrade Biden and Dear Leader President Xi! Bold text “100% VOTE, 100% TURNOUT” — and the bottom with the punchline “WE ARE THE 100%”

    So, please go the and share the gut laugh worthy smart-ass truth-telling found there, and nowhere else, Comrades!

    one belly laugh is worth a thousand syllogisms — H L Mencken

  6. Are we ready to call it, more accurately, Democrat Derangement Syndrome?

    Because it was never just Trump, nor Bush, nor Palin, nor Kavanaugh … nor Reagan, nor Nixon.

    Dems incite hatred against Republicans and Christians, among others.

    Democrat Derangement Syndrome will be getting worse before it gets better – by being named, and then mocked. Made fun of.

    “You’re so ignorant you probably think Biden won fair & square – you’re full of DDS”.

    Reps need better jokes about silly Dems.

  7. I agree with everything you wrote, Neo.

    I have challenged anyone who is critical of Trump to honestly reflect on how they would have reacted to the barrage of false, hurtful (yes, I think he has feelings), and despicable attacks. The corrupt election must have been nigh unbearable. Clearly, he hurt himself, Clearly, he is not a smooth politician.

    Aside from the fact that Trump’s statements were not particularly inflammatory; and apparently did not inflame any who were not programmed for action, the hypocrisy transcends all bounds. I have read various blogs that cite a multitude of inflammatory statements, many of which openly advocated violence,by media, celebrities and democrat politicians over the past four years. Conveniently buried.

    I will again quote my neighbor who, with a very Italian shrug, often proclaims, “What you gonna do?”. I wish I knew the answer.

    BTW, a small point of which you are no doubt aware, but maybe some are not. The much debunked Stalin quote about election malfeasance was verified by Daniel Greenfield,. He cites Stalin’s former secretary corroborating, “…what is extremely important is who counts the votes, and how they are recorded.” (The secretary was supposedly one of three who heard that, the other two died soon after, but this man escaped from the USSR.) The quote is also contained in “Oxford’s Essential Quotations”. This only matters as another illustration that fact checkers either don’t do their homework, or they deliberately distort facts.

    In a corollary that resonates today, the secretary also reported that party organizations around the country were voting against the Central Committee. So, Stalin simply had Pravda reverse the totals in their reports. When challenged by local officials, Pravda apologized, privately. The ruse successfully created a public impression that Stalin won the vote; and the isolated local organizations never realized the extent of the fraud. I don’t know how to insert links; here is the url http://www.danielgreenfield.org/2021/01/what-stalin-quote-about-rigging.html.

  8. Hey TJ, or any who want to contact me or meet me in Bratislava, or Vienna, or Budapest.
    My email is ThomasGrey at gmail dot com. (zavinach is how it sounds in Slovak).

    Please send me email! I saw a message (not on computer), but now can’t find it (while on computer) with email. So sorry.

    My sister was at the Capitol. I’m proud of her.
    But don’t quite have the energy to do a good 2021 Happy New Year letter.

    I’m not feeling happy about it.

    Tho I’m grateful for the many comfy blessing I DO enjoy – a generally better life than even kings from before 1900 (already 120 years ago). I call it benefits from Christian Capitalism. (Our blessings include our family and health and beauty/ nice bods and high IQs.)

    There’s a huge problem with confusion between Human Rights, which all can and should enjoy, like Free Speech, and specific benefits. Like clean water. Which only come from communities and societies which have learned how to cooperate well.

    Christian values and morals, combined with market processes based on private property ownership – these are the reasons the WEIRD Western Civ is so rich.

    But so many rich kids, throughout history, have been such spoiled brats.
    I fear we’ve been raising too many.

    On the illegal window breaking, I suspect some Antifa folk were the window breakers. But Ashli was a clear Trump supporter, wanting to be first to peacefully, and without any guns, occupy the part of the Capitol on the other side of the locked window framed door.

    The cop should have arrested her – and especially arrested those who broke the windows.

    The Dems were expecting this, and more prepared (as usual) to use it than Reps.

    Most eliteReps are happy to have Trump leave, whether it was fraud or fair.

  9. Repost from the “Some details emerge about what happened at the Capitol” thread.

    In trying to find an estimate of the crowd size at the Rally on 1/5, I happened on this Wiki article with details of what happened. A lot of detail, mostly slanted, of course. It emphasizes the right wing groups – Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, Alex Jones, etal and their alleged planning for the attack on the capitol. In spite of the slant, there is quite a lot of detail – a near minute by minute time line. They allege that Trump told his supporters to attack the capitol. Ann Althouse has read the transcript of his speech and has found nothing of the sort in it. I haven’t read it, but believe Althouse is probably on the mark.

    The article confirms what I saw on video – young men kitted up like ANTIFA, but they imply that these were right wing thugs. Maybe so, but I’ve seen so many videos of the riots in Portland and Seattle in the last months, I’ve come to recognize the ANTIFA look – helmets, gloves, knee pads, body armor, light weight shields, hammers, crow bars, etc. Those were all seen in various videos of the chaos at the capitol.


  10. The election of Trump can be viewed as the phase one result of the earlier and fundamental transformation of the American polity; from, an ostensibly e pluribus unum nation into a set of antagonistic populations inhabiting the same political space, and playing by different rules.

    The framework was, as we all know, set in place long before Trump was elected: proximately, with Obama’s election and the subsequent weaponization of the government against Middle America by Obama’s coterie.

    Trump, the clown prince of reality television and the supermarket scandal sheets, who the deep state media flunkies thought they could use as a monkey wrench to toss into Republican machine, turned out to be the deep state’s worst nightmare: a monster they thought, of their own media’s coverage creation; but a monster who outrageously rose up and turned on them. It was never supposed to happen that way. He was to be the media’s insurance that not even a good-loser Republican could be elected. But he was not a loser, and he was elected, and honestly. And, he punched back.

    It was at that moment that the left stopped even pretending to themselves that they were interested in democratic and governing norms, and instead embraced the idea that at least as far as they were privately concerned “the republic was over” except for show – at least the old one.

    Phase two is the now granite-like realization by those who voted for Trump the second time, that the institutional norms which the Democrats shout about, are not those traditional norms (which may have been honored more in breach than practice) which were finally murdered off by the Democrat party and their deep state nesters the moment Trump took the oath of office.

    Trump and his original band of motivated supporters pulled off an astounding feat, a legal kind of coup-against-all-odds, a triumph accomplished completely within the bounds of constitutional prescriptions and traditional democratic norms.

    From that moment on, the left and the deep state nesters and its clients determined their aim was as they so often said, to gain power, ” by any means necessary” . And they just proved it.

    In Detroit, and Philadelphia, and Atlanta, they brazenly and defiantly ramped up their traditional methods of voter fraud, and proved their corrupt comittment to gaining back political power by any democracy subverting means of election fraud and duplicity necessary. This much is clear and documented, whether or not there was any additional electronic fraud on top of it.

    This reaction of the deep state nesters and their bureaucratic and urban client classes has then, simply moved us to the second phase: wherein the traditional assumptions concerning the fundamentally shared interests and values of the opposition, is now to be jettisoned once and for all on the basis of what they have themselves revealed.

    And what they have been completely revealed as, is: open, and moral, ( if not necessarily mortal at present) enemies of our lives and freedoms.

    They need never again be given any benefit of the doubt.

    The game will be much different from now on. Those GOPe Republican hand-wringers puling on about civility and oneness and what we all supposedly share in the last analysis, can save their breath. It’s freedom, or nothing in the relatively near future. And if in the end, and after all else fails it is to be nothing for those who will have their traditional liberties and honest politics back or else, then nothing is also what the parasitical organisms of left , both managers and clients can most likely expect to inherit with their imagined “victory”.

  11. OT short share from The People’s Cube (because I LOL until I cried, letting the Truthful collision of ideas, history and “thinking” set in: HEADLINE “ Breaking: the Democrat Party has finished transitioning from being the party of JFK to being the party of Lee Harvey Oswald.”

    PS Thank you Tom Grey! I’ll drop you an Email because I expect to be in Budapest sometime this year.

  12. One sees comments that we should not view the other side as enemies. What elements of the other side (their legislators, media, academia) have openly criticized the leftist agenda well publicized over the last year: pack the court, add states, naturalize illegals, de platform, ban non-leftist voices or criminalize non-leftist speech (hate speech is not free speech), blacklist/destroy selected deviants from the party line. Their program is a recipe for a one party state. How else to view, except as enemies, an entire half of the country which has shown no qualms about this solution to the Republican question.


    Thank you.

    “The game will be much different from now on. Those GOPe Republican hand-wringers puling on about civility and oneness and what we all supposedly share in the last analysis, can save their breath. It’s freedom, or nothing in the relatively near future. And if in the end, and after all else fails it is to be nothing for those who will have their traditional liberties and honest politics back or else, then nothing is also what the parasitical organisms of left , both managers and clients can most likely expect to inherit with their imagined ‘victory’.”

    In other words, Trump has revealed our elites to expose their class war driven interests for all to see. And thus, opposed to American citizenship values and virtues.

    We The People will oppose them outright. They can keep their deluded ‘victory’ alive only to face our swords. Or they can re-evaluate….?

    Can someone help out my think-through of the implications of this stimulating brief by DNW?

  14. Precisely, Bill M: “Their program is a recipe for a one party state. How else to view, except as enemies, an entire half of the country which has shown no qualms about this solution to the Republican question.”

    But Americans refuse to kneel. We would rather die armed and standing than debase ourselves and betray our Enlightenment values as Obama did as the First President to Bow To Kings, signifying his rejection of Our Cherished Constitutional values like equality before the law.

  15. The president of the United States incited an armed insurrection against America.
    —Rep. Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives, 7 January 2021

    I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country.
    —Rep. Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives, 14 June 2018

  16. It’s a great blessing to NOT have an account with Twitter and/or Facebook.

    To be despised by Nancy Pelosi is a badge of honor.

  17. Tom Grey is critical of martyr Ashli Babbitt: “On the illegal window breaking, I suspect some Antifa folk were the window breakers. But Ashli was a clear Trump supporter, wanting to be first to peacefully, and without any guns, occupy the part of the Capitol on the other side of the locked window framed door.
    The cop should have arrested her – and especially arrested those who broke the windows.”

    But the Democrats have reported acceptable levels of violence all last year! BLM mostly peaceful” riots killed over 40 people, according to MSM numbers. NONE KILLED BY POLICE, ordered to stand down by Leftist Mayors like in DC, and let them destroy $2 billion in insured property losses — comparable to the LA Rodney King race riots of 1992.


  18. LeClerc — we are happy to be among our DEPLORABLES as St Hillary righteously smeared us all! The proud citizens of the upstanding middle-class.

  19. Related to the People’s Cube theme: classical liberal columnist for The National Post (Toronto) for 20 years, Barbara Kay, is interviewed in a new podcast.


    The theme is “Marxism ‘permeates all the ideologies’ in our current society.”

    The host at 17m quotes Peter Hitchens about missing the disappearance of the Berlin Wall. Once it was gone, the Left could pretend that communism had never been tried, and therefore go on to force us to Try It Again! Without shame.

    Ergo, our times today.

  20. Given the shaky state of reality in the country at this point, if nothing is a conspiracy and everything is conspiracy.
    I watched a 40 minute video from infowars, showing the crowd entering the building, milling around the rotunda– more like a sightseeing tour, complete with house police standing around. It gets more intense as the crowd pushes through a weak wall of police which leads up to the shooting of Ashli.
    The worst planned coup in history!


    I’ve never paid any attention to Alex Jones, but did listen to him over there, and it’s interesting. Show shots of what he claims are antifa (a group of black clothed guys with orange stocking caps). He says he was played, as was the President . Claims there was a government militia group first, followed by antifa prodding Trump supporters to “come on in”.


    Over at welovetrump, they have a video of three all-black clothed guys leaving with hard drives from Peolosi’s office. You see people calling them out as antifa, and as they push through one of the guys says “we are not here as antifa”.


    Who to believe! I do believe this was a setup by someone outside of Trump’s orbit. And the rubes fell for it. Because as of today, President Trump has been boxed in.

  21. Neo is uncomfortable: take it, plebes — sit down. And Behave.

    Nonsense Neo! The old film Network: I’m mad as a Hell and I’m not going to take it!” If I recall that once honoured line, because Protest is Patriotic (only if you ain’t a Patriot of the Right). Nonsense, neo.

    A non insurrectionist explains wandering into the Capitol, among hundreds who are awed by the Senate Chamber and prays, while hating the demise of our Constitution by our failed leaders.

    7 minutes of honest exasperation:

    He wraps it up with “None of these people in Congress will listen!…What are we supposed to do?”

  22. “Those GOPe Republican hand-wringers puling on about civility and oneness and what we all supposedly share in the last analysis, can save their breath.”

    Like this doofus, for example.


    “I don’t really need a team. I can oppose things that are wrong without it. Certainly am not on the team of those who used lies to try to encourage an attack on our Republic Wednesday. Nor am I on the team of those who used similar falsehoods to justify violent riots all summer.”

    This is a guy who, if you do the math, has tweeted about 30 times day for the last 11 years (almost all about politics) and does a weekly report on “media bias and disinformation” that he asks people to pay for. Yet, he doesn’t need to be on a “team” because none of this stuff is actually important enough for him to make common cause with others. He’ll just stand on the sidelines and snipe or cheer (mostly snipe) while somebody else does the work.

    Not to mention the pure schizophrenia where he simultaneously thinks he’s the voice of reason while also clearly believing he’s so puny and milquetoast that the Twitter-banners will NEVER come from him.


  23. OK.

    1. Trump hates people. He dismantles underprivileged families & installs children in cages. Indiscriminately.

    2. You are proceeding from the embarrassing position that says “nothing prior to now has any bearing”. It has bearing. Ask anyone who has struggled under this bearing.

    You need to review your fundamentals. Understand your staring points. Try talking to somebody who’s experience varies a little tiny bit from yours. And bring a sandwich. They might be hungry.

  24. PJM quotes Limbaugh’s show yesterday:

    Pelosi is obviously not afraid Trump will launch a nuclear attack. So what are they afraid of? According to Rush, “They’re terrified that Trump is gonna unleash classified documents. You know, he’s got a bevy of ’em, folks. He’s got classified documents about the hoax, the four-year coup […] the four-year effort to get the election results of 2016 overturned. There are all kinds of people who broke the law, all kinds of people who are quaking in their boots. They’re worried silly that Trump is gonna unleash some of these classified documents.


    I’ve been wondering about that. If Barr/Durham were too corrupt or incompetent to do their jobs on RussiaGate, Trump can still get the information to the public and it still might make a difference, even it doesn’t result in indictments.

    Perhaps the current crackdown on conservative media is battening down the hatches for the real storm to come.

  25. Nancy asks the top military brass for a coup, and the Times buries the lede (emphasis added):

    Ms. Pelosi . . . said she had spoken with Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about “preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes.”

    A spokesman for General Milley, Col. Dave Butler, confirmed that the two had spoken and said the general had “answered her questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority.”

    But some Defense Department officials have privately expressed anger that political leaders seemed to be trying to get the Pentagon to do the work of Congress and Cabinet secretaries, who have legal options to remove a president.

    Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief, and unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal, they cannot proactively remove the president from the chain of command. That would be a military coup, these officials said.

    Nicholas Fandos and Luke Broadwater, “Pelosi Threatens House Could Move to Impeach Trump If He Doesn’t Resign ‘Immediately,’ ” New York Times, 8 January 2021

  26. The shooter of Ashli Babbitt is being investigated for excessive force. I think he should be charged.

    I would like to know who hit the dead officer in the head, with what has been described as a pipe or a fire extinguisher, depending on who tells it. I think that person should be charged.

    I would love to see Trump declassify huge piles of material.

  27. We’re at one of these moments where you’re going to see a transfer of power from not just one man to the next but one party to another. You’re going to see a significant shift in priorities from one administration to another. You’re going to see a changeover on Capitol Hill. And it’s all happening with major historic issues taking place — the pandemic, the national reckoning over race.

    You don’t want delay. You don’t want obstacles in the way for the new administration.

    Breaking down the uncertainty after Capitol siege

  28. huxley —

    I fondly hope that Trump has been collecting copies of documents in the Oval Office that he can stamp “Declassified by order of the President” and walk out the door with on January 20.

    Because if the documents are still at the various agencies then they’ll never see the light of day. Never.

  29. neo states,

    “once Trump was gone it would be time to take action against anyone who supported him.”

    That’s been my perception as well. It’s a counterproductive move, in fact its a monumentally stupid move. When fanatics think they’re on the precipice of winning, a great impatience arises within them. It’s a fundamental characteristic of the fanaticist’s mindset.
    Had they had the patience to wait just another generation, their seizure of power would have been a cakewalk. Instead they have to rely on a quiescent acceptance of undisguised tyranny.

    I credit Trump’s election and steadfast, contemptuous opposition to the Left for driving the Left into a premature seizure of power, while 74+ MILLION patriots stand in their way.

  30. I would love love love for Trump to have a massive declassification.

    But, sadly, don’t believe it will happen – he’ll be talked out of it.
    Maybe even by his kids.

    The unjust and unfair attacks on Trump will really ramp up now.
    I hope he’s prepared for a legal onslaught.

  31. Ashli Babbitt, an ardent supporter of President Trump

    Her ex-husband, in text messages to The Washington Post, said the San Diego native was deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq with the Air Force, and was later sent with the National Guard to Kuwait and Qatar.

    “I feel absolutely terrible and sick to my stomach about it … she had a big head and a strong mind,” wrote Timothy McEntee, who was married to Babbitt for 14 years before their split last year. “She was never afraid to speak her mind and in a way this was her way of speaking her mind (going to the rally).”

    The couple met in the Air Force, and McEntee said his ex-wife was remarried and running a small business.

  32. I can’t recommend this article highly enough.

    BigTech does not support the 1st Amendment. Instead it wishes to ban “hate speech”. Which is fuzzy. And is done by invoking “community standards”. Our SCOTUS has laid the groundwork to rein in free speech via “hostile workplace” rulings.

    This is a development that needs to on everyone’s high priority list IMO.

  33. Popsicornia: “Try talking to somebody who’s experience varies a little tiny bit from yours.”

    You have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyone who reads daily newspapers or watches the MSM knows the other side of the story. Heck, anyone who just watches C-SPAN knows the other side of the story.

    Open borders invite drugs, crime, disease, and low-priced labor that takes jobs away from citizens. Illegal immigration is, well, illegal. (We used to think we were a nation of laws. Now, many progs seem to obey only the laws they like. Sanctuary cities mean anything to you?) Separating children is a terrible thing, but the Obama administration built the “cages” because the children were safer there. The chaos caused by people illegally coming into the country results in a lot of bad things happening to them. But, they weren’t forced to come here illegally. They freely chose whatever difficulties might come with their actions.

  34. JimNorCal:

    All true. Took the BowTie CivNats a while but they finally woke up to this.

    Been known on the ‘Far’ Right for several years now. Nobody cared when it was just ‘us’.

    Not saying this for any told-yer-so or sour grapes reasons… More that if ‘Moderates’ (haha… you only think you’re moderates… Lefty knows you’re Nazis) want to get a heads up on what’s coming, they ought to go read some Deplorables who have been dealing with this for a while already. You don’t have to like or agree with said Deplorables, but the environment they have had to operate in is now becoming the environment you will have to operate in… so some things can be learned from their experiences and solutions.

  35. Neo, I was getting 404 errors for about an hour, maybe less, on the blog just a bit ago. I was, one could say, jittery.

    Zaphod, kind of like operations under enemy air superiority, I guess. (I was re-reading Clark’s account of Barbarossa again recently.)

  36. @Popsicornia:

    Are you aware that the hemp plant has one extra therapeutic use case you have not yet availed yourself of?

    Patience, Dear.

  37. @Philip Sells:

    DoS attacks in due course. But they can be handled by CloudFlare and similar services. Until CloudFlare decides that Neo is breach of their terms of service :P.

  38. A little off topic for this post; but, I cannot help but wonder since Trump actually accomplished so much during his four years despite the press, the Democrats, even many Republicans being against him just for the sake of being against him, how much more would he have been able to accomplish if he had just a little support from those folks.

    We Americans, and even the rest of the world, would be so much better off.

  39. In the “That ship has sailed…” news department, Sydney Powell claims vindication. The former head of IT at Leonardo, Spa, Arturo Della — the world’s eight largest defense contractor — is being prosecuted by investigators in Naples, Italy, for manipulating technology and installing computer viruses.

    Arturo Della has admitted to executing a plot to switch votes from Trump to Biden. He used a Leonardo satellite using the Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany linked to the US, directly controlling vote tallying.

    The admission comes in an affidavit (or appostile). He requests physical protection for himself and his family before

    “This is not the smoking gun, this is the hand attached to the smoking gun,” says Maria Zack, with the Government Accountability Institute.

    Written post with press releases

    Video interviewing Maria Zack

    Congressional leaders are being informed and the need for state legislatures to reconvene and reverse their certified election results, after hearing the evidence of PROVEN election fraud.

    Maria adds that a total of 17 states vote results have been involved in the vote switching fraud scheme.

  40. Is Maria Bartaromo going to have on Sydney Powell or Maria Zack on her excellent Sunday Morning Futures program?

    According to Zack, WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has been informed of these legal developments.

    She warns that if State Legislatures do not reconvene this coming week, they will be complicit with this crime.

  41. TJ,

    “Congressional leaders are being informed and the need for state legislatures to reconvene and reverse their certified election results, after hearing the evidence of PROVEN election fraud.”

    If Trump were to miraculously be reinstated as President, Congress would immediately move to impeach and convict him. McConnell and his other 36 GOPe Senators want him gone and now have a plausible, though fraudulent excuse to do so.

    A cooperative Pres. Pence is much more to the GOPe’s liking.

    The move to impeach Trump once again has an obvious rationale, disqualification from a 2024 Presidential bid.

  42. What Trump revealed -apart from causing the deep state nesters to irretrievably tip the cards in their hands – as well as expose the ones always hidden up their sleeves – was to show not only that the beleagured American Middle could place someone in the highest federal office who really intended to do something to correct course, but that such a man, who was really determined enough and courageous enough do what he promised, could in fact actually bring about many of the results he aimed for.

    We had gotten used to thinking that the system’s NATURAL inertia was so overwhelming, that no matter what was intended by the liberty and law party (or partisans) , there was something mysterious preventing very much at all from being accomplished. Manufacturing, court picks, trade deals, defense, and other Trump successes debunked that superstition.

    Trump, although bringing down the furies in the form of the deep state and the institution dwellers and their mindless clients on his head, proved, that is he demonstrated, three irrefutable things:

    1, It was not impossible to do
    2. It was a class of mere people, venal and self-serving if well ensconced (as many asserted or surmised) that were slowly squeezing the life out of the American productive classes and out of our republic as a republic itself; and, that it was not the result of some sheer and irresistable inertia toward bureaucratic rule produced by vague and mysterious historical forces.
    3. That these people, as they boast, would not hesitate to do “anything necessary” to prevent the proper limitation of their power and of a successful movement back toward our founding principles and the rule of law; as opposed to the rule of administrator and official and interest group which suits them.

    Donald Trump, did all that.

    [ wonder if this is coherent. Woke up out of a sound sleep to get some water and it popped into my head that I might have missed some aspect of these points before. Lord, just shows how politics has consumed our lives, if understandably so. Might have to ask Neo to take this down when I finally read it awake ….

  43. Trump was Asimov’s Mule. A bit sui generis.

    A bit like Churchill was kind of a mutant caricature of an almost dead breed.. but Right Time, Right Place, and some very Astute (hehe) Backers during the 30s who staved off his personal bankruptcy and kept him in the game.

    These people appear either as anomalies or anachronisms. Both were in the end beaten down by their respective systems.

    Man on White Horse can be a signifier, I agree, but needs a very determined mass of people to do the dirty work.

    All Civilizational Decline probably inevitable. See Sir John Glubb.

    That’s not to say that the Tree of Liberty cannot be reinvigorated to lurch about for a few more generations provided it’s given a dang good watering stat.


    An obvious inside job: CommieCrats fomented destruction!

    Was the window smashed out or simply removed somehow? Or was it a non window access point?
    Any thoughts?

    DNW — no, you are again quite correct….But I shall re-read both of your stimulating posts and think a bit. Thanks again!

  45. Yes, Pompeo is a breath of fresh air. He has been doing a victory tour on twitter, recounting the administration’s accomplishments. Nice to read.

  46. So this morning we learn that Amazon is deplatforming Parler this evening. The CEO says it may be a week or so before they are up again after rebuilding from the ground up. Glenn Reynolds, at the Instapundit, suggests that Parler now has the opportunity for a very lucrative antitrust lawsuit with damages against Amazon.

  47. Rubin Report Friday eve has Michael Malace, a Blaze reporter — with federal pressure credentials but now on a “no fly” list because he did his job at Cap Hill — and a Walkaway activist as his guests.

    Powerful observations and reflections on where we are headed.

    Malice warns that Conservatives are blind in the faith that the Constitution will protect us. It won’t. Assembly will be banned; gun ownership will be restricted; speech will be compelled.

    The fascist power IS in our government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2qmsW0haE8

  48. Oh. And according to this report, Congressional CommieCrats will introduce a new Bill of Impeachment against Trump as early as Monday, and attempt to cram down a charge of INSURRECTION with conviction before the end of his term in 10 days unless Trump resigns.

    House Democrats draft article of impeachment charging Trump with ‘incitement of insurrection’: Fast Track introduction as early as Monday and a full House vote as early as middle of next week
    MSN ^ | 01/08/2021
    Posted on 1/9/2021, 12:00:47 PM by SeekAndFind

    House Democrats on Friday discussed moving forward with efforts to impeach President Donald Trump a second time, circulating the draft of a single article citing “incitement of insurrection” that they could introduce as early as Monday and hold a full House vote on as early as the middle of next week.

    The article charges Trump with “willfully inciting violence against the government of the United States” with his comments at the rally outside the White House that it says “encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—imminent lawless action at the Capitol.”

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a lengthy conference call with her caucus Friday on how to proceed with just 12 days to go before Trump will leave office.

    “The president chose to be an insurrectionist,” Pelosi told members at the start, according to a source on the call.

    Earlier, she sent a letter saying Democrats should pursue impeachment unless Trump resigned “immediately.”


    One T. B. Yoits comments sharply:

    “Regardless of whether this fraud is allowed to stand, President Donald Trump will forever have the distinction of being the Last Legitimate President of These United States. We were honored to have him expose it all as the fraud that it is.

    “Need to make the t-shirts, hats, banners, mugs, prints of the oil painting with him shaking hands with General Washington, etc.”

  49. Make merch, well that is a profound freeper TJ (not). Regarding impeachment consult the Senate and statements by Mitch McConnell.

    What is in the NZ hostel water? 🙂

  50. Ashli Babbitt joins Eric Ciaramella in eluding FB searches and having their own Wikipedia page.

    And please refrain from the trigger word roundup. I need a safe space now,

  51. om — what are you referring to? The make merch is not my idea! His or her point is the symbolism of America from founding (Washington) to its end (Trump). I thought the IDEA and symbolic image quite clever.

    Delta removes two people on flight for talking about supporting President Trump.

    Twitter video here https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/424967/#comment-5220053383

    (My browser is not loading twitter, but embedded at Instapundit, it plays fine.)

  52. Really serious things happening (interesting times) but selling swag is considered “clever.” You be you.

  53. Cappy:

    Roundup must have been a sly play on the Monsanto herbicide, to refer to suppression of the weeds in “our” democracy (not republic)? Or maybe not.

  54. A not entirely off-topic question: sometime in the past week or so I read a remark by someone to the effect that to understand what’s going on in America now you should assume that every mainstream journalist is a Democratic party operative. I thought it was Glenn Greenwald, but searches, with and without Greenwald’s name, have not turned it up. Can anyone point me to it? I know the basic idea is a commonplace on the right, but unless my memory is really tripping me up it was some non-right-wing public person who said it, which makes it more useful.

  55. Mac (2:17 pm), different Glenn. It’s Glenn Harlan Reynolds, the “Instapundit”.

    But Reynolds is definitely NON-non-right-wing [sorry!].

  56. “Democratic operatives with bylines” has been a tagline on Instapundit for years. I don’t know exactly when he first coined it.

  57. Instapundit has long had many posts about journalists – who should be assumed to be Democratic operatives, so as to make sense of what they say. The Dem media is what I’ve been calling them, but now think Elite Dem media would be better.

    It’s a class war of normals vs elites, with a few self-selected elites being on the side of normals, and many elite Reps aligning with el-Dems in and el-UnitParty against the normals. Trump is an anti-elitist elite guy on the side of normal Americans.

    It’s too bad the Navarro report is so weak on numbers, and there are too many mentioned by Trump in a disorganized manner. Each state should have its own set of a few specific facts to be repeated. Like in PA: “200k MORE votes than voters in PA” (Trump below, 35:13)

    Trump supported a peaceful protest, and asked for peacefulness in his speech.
    No calls for violence, but yes to supporting protest. Althouse lists the 7 closest:

    Now Althouse, possibly (or probably?) under pressure, is changing her tune. If Trump “knew” of the plans to storm the Capitol, then … he is guilty:

    But what if Trump knew there was a plan to storm the Capitol? Then all those words are transformed! They become an incitement to the violence, especially if the people in the crowd know he knows. The avoidance of references to violence would be part of a shared understanding — like winking. We know what we’re going to do. …
    I have held off from believing that Trump incited the crowd to breach the Capitol. You can see that in my 7 statements post. But if he was informed of a plan, then I will read all of those statements as an incitement, and I would have to say that he should resign.

    I now believe she is also afraid of being cancelled – for not being sufficiently anti-Trump. She’ll soon be rationally explaining more about why he should resign – rationalizing the outcome she wants emotionally.

    But the “winking” is both important and clever. That’s how the Mafia bosses keep their hands cleans. That’s how Obama’s words to obstruct justice on Clinton’s illegal email are less than criminal. That’s how Comey & Brennan questions & words lead their subordinates to do illegal acts w/o clear orders.

    The Dem dominated gov’t is full of Elite Deep State criminals doing the Wink ‘n Nod in getting smaller fish doing the dirty work.

    Neo, I never think you’re chopped liver (nor liber as my fingers first wrote). I’m sure Cornhead doesn’t either, you were just First in his list of fine women.
    Neo, Althouse, daughters …
    Not like my “Neo,” above, which is addressing you specifically.

  58. I think “Democratic operatives with bylines” was first used by Rush Limbaugh during the Bush2 years. Rush also calls them the drive by media. That was a caller suggestion.

  59. Now this may put a monkey wrench in the coming week:
    Posted by someone in the Nye County Republican Central Committee.

    “So, what comes next? I don’t have the particulars but I can give you milestones to watch for as the coming days unfold:
    1. Expect the emergency broadcast system to be activated. The FCC just recently released a memorandum speaking to the requirements under Federal law to send messages from the president to the public. See this link
    2. Expect confusion. We are in a battle for our republic against elites that are attempting the very coup that they are accusing Trump of doing. In battle, there will be disinformation but know that plans are being fulfilled.
    3. Expect high profile arrests to take place over the next 12 days and at any time. You may wake one morning to find someone in high office is no longer there.
    4. Expect this to be a bumpy ride to the very end. This is not a television show where things are resolved in 45 minutes.
    5. Expect more bombshell evidence to be released between now and Jan. 20th.
    6. Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected. If you don’t have alternate forms of communication established now, it would be a good idea to start forming them even if it’s just checking on your nextdoor neighbors.
    7. Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th!
    8. Expect the executive order from 2018 and/or the Insurrection Act to be enacted. This DOES NOT mean martial law. Remember that we have been under a state of emergency since 2018 which gives the president many powers to act.”


    I’ve never gone to some of the more conspiratorial websites before the last few days– and of course, a county Republican party website shouldn’t usually qualify. But, heh.
    Have we entered some sort of alternate reality movie? Is this the Trump Show?

  60. Brian E:

    So do we need to start prepping? This is “Seven Days in May” stuff.

    I enjoy speculating about scenarios. I wouldn’t take this seriously except for the peculiar aspects of the DC riot and now the coordinated shutdown of conservative media.

    I don’t know how much drama I can take. Plus, pragmatically speaking, I doubt Trump can win a balls-to-the-wall confrontation with the Swamp and the Tech Overlords at this point.

  61. Brian, many good expectations, 1-6. Forewarned is (can be) forearmed. We need to prepare.

    But, sorry, while I hope and pray for #7, Trump stays in – I don’t, now, believe it.
    Thanks to the violence at the Capitol, even if not Trump’s fault, even if it was Antifa AND Capitol Police sort of planning it.
    Still #5 real bombshell (Dominion confession – FBI shredding evidence, er, ballots), possible but less than 1%.
    Too many decision makers are elites, and el-Dems or el-Reps. Especially Generals.

    See Legal Insurrection:

    Like Huxley says; w/o better Fraud bombshell, Trump can’t override generals who, so far, refuse to agree with the Stolen Election idea.
    Possible, even likely, but not proven true. And possibly no longer provable.
    (But surely we can all take another 2 weeks of intense drama! Just not on TV…)

  62. Tonight on NPR they had a section that supported the all that’s going on with banning Trump and others from twitter, supporting de platforming groups from on Feacbook, supporting Apple/Google/Amazon removing Parler … and the expert guest on all this was … DAN RATHER!

    Yes Dan Rather raved about disinformation on social media and how dangerous it is. Not a word about disinformation on network news that DAN RATHER was fired for using false documents for a story.

    The media can get away with anything … ANYTHING!

  63. Brian E — if my post (above) on Leonardo, Spa, and their former IT head Arturo Della is true, then your Nye Co info could follow. (And Tom Grey, I’m in sympathetic agreement.)

    Maria Zack says D Senator from Minnesota Amy Klobuchar — the most aggressive voice against Dominion type digital vote insecurity in Congress — has been informed. But with media wind in Dems sails on nailing a stolen election, does this lightweight have the brass balls to kill a coup already in hand? Doubtful.

    But my feel of Patrick Byrne’s meet with Trump tells me that either he’s too conflicted by bad advisors to go there or else he’s decided against such an aggressive Restore the Rule of Law seeking course outright.

    My hope for the Jan 6th was that stunned but serious heads might be outraged at Dems benefitting and sponsoring vote fraud from foreign powers like China, etc, that they’d then debate the whole fraud issue.

    Bit first, an obvious righteous protest gone violent is miraculously turned into insurrection — fitting the Winston Smith Corporate shill line — by helpless, frustrated, voiceless Deplorables, seeded by violent Antifa and aided by lax security and traitorous insiders.

    So, no. Congress critters NEED mega Billionaire campaign funds and job connection benefits, which means Trump’s the fall guy in the coup. If the Rule of Law and the constitution dies, so be it.

    Thus, we citizens are to become His Fraudulence subjects. Done deal.

    I don’t follow QAnon. But this sounds like QAnon stuff at Nye GOP.

  64. After reading here, I went to ThePeoplesCube for the latest Party Line. I see this chart “Choose Your Despotism Wisely” Comrades.

    The text goes:

    Choose your despotism wisely, Americans!

    Offline Minitrue
    1/9/2021, 3:05 pm
    User avatar
    American Comrades!

    I proudly welcome all of you into the global fraternity of managerial regimes, theocracies and socialist dictatorships! Now that your last bastion of freedom has fallen, some of you might consider moving. This handy comparison table to help you choose your own preferred flavour of despotism.

    After all, the little differences between the regimes is what adds flavour to life. Until you get executed, that is. Enjoy!

    The chart then compares freedoms denied “American Woke Theocracy” against “Chinese Crony Capitalism” against “EU pseudo democracy” and “Iran Islamic Theocracy”.

    So, who wins the freedom contest in “Choose Your Despotism?” Take a look. But Tom Grey in Slovakia can be pleased.

  65. I can express myself more freely here under Chinese Crony Capitalism than you can in the USA at present. There are a bunch of things I must not say or do, but they are well-defined and not ever-changing. Whereas you don’t know from day to day what might trip you up. Also there is a de-facto statute of limitations on stuff I said a decade ago. Can any of you say that? 😀

    Also, it’s not quite Crony Capitalism anymore. Winnie the Pooh is chopping the arms, legs, and sometimes surreptitiously heads off the Chinese Tech Oligarchy. It’s not a very nice system to live under, but at least it’s not being constantly driven further leftward. The actual ruling class in China actually suffered during the Cultural Revolution and are damn certain they won’t let themselves be taken from the left flank again.

    Anyone seen Jack Ma lately? Nope? Who’s Jack Ma? What Jack Ma? Don’t ask me, I never heard of any Jack Ma?

    Now wouldn’t you like to live under a regime could do that to Jack Dorsey? 😀

    Needless to say I prefer the American Pioneer Spirit way of dealing with Dorsey, Bezos, and the slippery likes of Page and Brin. Mix of Legalism and Neo-Confucianism for the Chinese… White Man’s Frontier Politics for the USA.

  66. Obama conspired with Italian PM Renzi to launder $400 million in cash laden pallets, diverting money going to Iran?

    THIS might be the Big Kahuna Changing Event.
    “Obama is at the Center of the investigation”???

    Dear God, don’t troll me!

    This amounts to what would be a leaked report in trad newstimes. But this is an ongoing investigation going on throughout Italy and elsewhere… Just listen! Riveting info.


  67. I’m still thinking the current crackdown isn’t just showing the Dems’ fascist hand, but concern about what Trump might do between now and the inauguration.

    Release. It. All.

    Pardon. Every. One.

  68. TJ, That piece of the puzzle, the Leonardo S.p.A. voting manipulation adds to the mystery of all this.
    Like I said, I have never been one to dive into the craziness– until the events of the last few days. The video of the three men exiting the Capitol– saying “we aren’t here as antifa”. Curious. So the breaching of the Capitol building by Trump supporters was just a cover for the white hat operation to rummage through Pelosi’s office. But then why would Pelosi keep incriminating evidence on a hard drive in her office?
    For every bit that leads to an ah-ha moment, reality hits up upside the head.

    The fact that the Democrats are so crazy to invoke the 25th Amendment, impeach the president, asking the military to not give the nuclear codes to the president. These are crazy acts, yet, if we can believe the media, are occurring.

    I’m still expecting life to continue normally tomorrow– well not normally. Normal left the universe early last year.

    Just when you think life couldn’t get any crazier!

  69. Speaking of Seven Days In May stuff:

    National Guard Troops Deploying to DC Will Come With Lethal Weapons

    “Army and Air National Guard members deploying to Washington, D.C. to help guard the capital and stay through the Jan. 20 inauguration will have access to lethal weapons at their commanders’ discretion, Guard commanders said Friday.” [emphasis added]

    Because nothing says “political legitimacy” like troops in the street during your inauguration*.

  70. Maybe the silver lining in all the deplatforming is that it gives Republicans, Trumpers, and conservatives something concrete and positive to do. My impression is that lots of people are migrating away from FB, Amazon, Google, Twitter. For all the jokes made about people whose only political contribution is to tap on their phone screens, it might turn out that they hold an awful lot of power.

  71. Good evening. I rejoiced this morning before church to check the news and find that the White House hadn’t burned down or anything.

    I just had a thought along the lines of what Neo was talking about concerning the character traits that make for success and how those are coupled to flaws of certain sorts. I wonder if we could figure out which character flaws, vices or sins or what have you are uniformly not associated with the ability to get things done in high-pressure environments.

    I was just thinking about this at the moment because I was reading the Oxford Encyclopedia of Military History’s writeup on MacArthur and recalling MacArthur’s appearances in Eisenhower’s life. Eisenhower remembered him as essentially a towering figure in some ways, sharing a body with a world-class a-hole. (My paraphrase of Ike’s recollections as I recall them from Smith’s biography of DDE.)

    I am thinking that if we could take the Marionette’s set of known character flaws and compare that to the sets displayed by generally recognized greats such as FDR, LBJ, JFK*, Lincoln, MacArthur, Patton, Churchill, etc. (bearing in mind that each case is a unique combination of traits) whether the comparison would suggest at least some capacity for success along the lines of the examples suggested, or whether this particular collection of weaknesses holds out no hope thereof, under whatever set of circumstances one cares to define.

    Too deterministic, perhaps, but might be illuminating here and there.

    * Another question, tangential and impromptu: why is it that it’s Dems that so often get to end up known by these catchy acronyms that seem to roll off the tongue? We get a DJT, I guess, but who ever talks of RWR or RMN or the aforementioned DDE (well, in fairness, Ike is 1 syllable, not 3)? Doesn’t seem fair. (In other news, sun rises in east, yeah, yeah.)

  72. Oh – almost forgot – sorry for spamming, but I just remembered another side of what I had been thinking. It occurred to me also in that train of thought that when people talk about how this or that aspect of Trump’s persona turns them off, for example, on the one hand one can point for counterargument to what Neo brought up about the inevitable coexistence of character traits on both sides of the ledger. But also, could it not be that people often (claim to) expect spic-and-span personae (cf. the Marionette going on about “decency”) in their preferred political leaders (at least outwardly) because their concept of what the really outstanding leading figures of our history have been like personally has been over the generations sanitized to a great degree? JFK’s adultery and drug use; LBJ’s private crudity; Churchill’s drinking habit; MLK’s personal history; MacArthur’s two-facedness; even Washington’s intermittent selfishness – this stuff doesn’t come out in the usual history books much of the time unless either long after the fact or unless ‘Someone’ decides that this person’s reputation needs to get taken down a peg. But the lack of popular consciousness of the fact that even our top people in history have always been highly flawed characters and yet still got important things accomplished is what I mean to point out.

  73. Bryan Lovely:

    Kent State part two? After a year of abusing BLM/Antifa with tear gas, pepper balls, flash bangs, rubber bullets, and bean bags, we have to get serious! Well if BLM/Antifa protest mostly peacefully they will have nothing to fear. Everyone else best stay away from windows; open, broken, or not. Is Hong Kong pretty safe this time of year?

    Phillip Sells:

    Liked the posts and the “Marionette.” 🙂

  74. I’ve been trying to get some perspective of this Italian Defense contractor and US Embassy conspiracy to change the vote counts via software uploads …

    Rather than keep surfing blogs, I found this useful.

    It sounds impossible. And given all the soft bodied middle aged right wing attention whores all over the Internet trying to make a buck on outrage, I did not take it with more than a grain of salt.

    But this Maria Zack, seems to have her head on straight


  75. Brian Lovely — excellent and compelling point: and only 19% of Americans looking forward to a Biden presidency, as a recent poll found. Yet he got more votes than Obama by a long shot. Right. /sarc

    Brian E — how could Pelosi be so careless? You don’t think that’s plausible. But what did we learn from Hunter Biden’s laptop? Arrogance. What did we learn from Peter Strzok/Lisa Paige PMs? Arrogance. And how about last May (or was it June or July?) when we learned of the Obama, Comey, Biden, (AG then, CIA Director) meeting in January about how to spring traps to catch Lt Gen Flynn and illegally prosecute him? Arrogance.

    That’s why Pelosi laptop seized by Special Forces posing as Antifa snatching her computer so easily and that she has incriminating files there is plausible. Arrogance.

    The far Left has been massaged into laziness by Great PR and Great disinformation messaging to the masses. We have not been and rarely are.
    (Instead we fight, attack, and reject our allies.)

    As recommended in the comments at JoNova’s thread, I went to watch Simon Parkes news message on YT on Jan 10th.

    He says the rollout schedule has been scrambled by events like Trump’s deplatforming and consequently the schedule moved up. And the Vatican is deeply involved in the corruption of our elections (old Democrat cities=Catholic=corruption? Not unlikely.)

    And then I went to his next news update on Jan 11th near midnight in the UK.


    He claims that Trump has signed the Insurrection Act order on the night of Sat Jan 10th. Troops are moving into place and travel restriction in place to keep wanted parties from fleeing are out.

    Then back at JoNova, someone very recently linked to this obscure ex CIA man (to me), in 3 a minute video https://newtube.app/user/Darek/8FrceLW

    He says the wheels are turning for a takedown of the MI6 plot using NATO allies to perform a coup against the US President, Trump. (Which makes good sense of the Svetlana Lakhova angle in the Obamagate revelations, he Cambridge scholar set up to be Flynn’s honey trap Russian handler for the Russiagate farrago.)

    But the Italian connections have proved to be the weak exposure point to penetrate this plot and thus, this is the early visible side of the scandal we may see more about, first.

    Wow. Did I just write all this? Anyway, so far, it’s plausible. It’s coherent.
    And since we are told that this is ultimately a shadow war type of operation, we can only judge it by the rollout of events that keep fitting into this context.

    If it fall apart or stops — that’s it. If it continues in some manner already outlined, then it’s real. Or the case for its reality strengthens.

    And since we are already in wait and see mode, why not wait and see. TheMarx Media and Dem jackals ain’t gonna shut up their hysterical claims.
    Ignore them and wait. Monitor non trad channels.

    That’s all I can do. Anybody got something better?

    Damn it All if don’t feel like We entered an alternative universe since Cap Hill and conspiracy theory trap door opened and is becoming sensible and The New Normal for me.

    I’m sorry, I say to those who find my presence “there” offensive.

    Oh. And maybe someone can see a way that missing scholar Joseph Mifsud last based in Rome fits into all this…as the plot’s Center Point?

  76. DNW,
    I had watched the interview. When you go to Maria Zack’s website they have an image of the supposed affidavit.

    I don’t think this is going to overturn an election

    Here’s a comment thread on Free Republic that pretty much puts a knife in the story, at least seriously wounds it.


    Looks like there is no silver bullet

    But it’s still going to make one blockbuster movie

  77. Brian E—“looks like there’s no silver bullet.”

    Sure. Entirely plausible. No reversing this. Maybe.

    But what would be the Next Best Thing? Just imagine it…. what would that be? I left out one fine answer.

    The ex CIA man at the above link says:

    He says the wheels are turning for a takedown of the MI6 plot using NATO allies to perform a coup against the US President, Trump. Which makes good sense of the Svetlana Lakhova angle in the Obamagate revelations, he Cambridge scholar set up to be Flynn’s honey trap Russian handler for the Russiagate farrago.

    But the Italian connections have proved to be the weak exposure point to penetrate this plot and thus, this is the early visible side of the scandal we may see more about, first.

    SORRY that I neglected this fringe bit: the ex CIA man says that
    the hope is that what’s in motion “dismantles the Deep State” that’s ravaged us throughout the Trump years, which Obama and the Dem’s weaponised.


    Of course, this would only reveal the most scandalous and hyper partisan and criminal parts of it.

    Always more work to be done to reconstruct a safe and respectful government. Which is why destruction of it tout court may be the most practical method, ultimately

  78. TJ,
    I started this morning listening to Monkey Werx saying the Insurrection Act had been invoked and Trump was on AF1 pointing to a freeze around DC of commercial aircraft. (well, after online church) Then some retired military type in Germany essentially saying the same thing which led to the Nevada GOP story.
    I don’t think what Maria Zack was saying would be sufficient to start a military operation that would lead to the President spending the rest of his days in Leavenworth if it failed.

    In a bizarre way it all fits together with everything else– like the total blanket over Trump and his followers ability to communicate, but why would these folks be given information of this type of operation? This would have to be so secure, we wouldn’t know it happened even after it happened, or until we noticed that various Democrat leaders had gone missing. Shades of the raid on bin Laden.

    That’s intriguing. It’s plausible, but outlandish.

    Anyway, it was better than watching reruns of Murder She Wrote.

  79. I had watched the interview. When you go to Maria Zack’s website they have an image of the supposed affidavit.

    I don’t think this is going to overturn an election

    Here’s a comment thread on Free Republic that pretty much puts a knife in the story, at least seriously wounds it.


    Looks like there is no silver bullet

    But it’s still going to make one blockbuster movie

    Right. No, I never assumed that the story would, even if true in all details, overturn the certification. Nor change who takes office.

    In addition, your implication that that “affidavit” looks like nothing one would expect to see in American law is justified. It looks like a bad joke of some kind.

    However: this odd story has been floating around the conservative blogosphere as one blogger quotes another blogger, who is refering to a twitter screenshot, that circles around to a picture from a blog, and so it goes … ad nauseam, ad infinitum …

    You want to shout, “Don’t any of these sons of bitches feel any moral responsibility to check out what f##k it is they are click baiting traffic with ?”

    With the “interview”, I assumed that I had at least gotten to one of the principals driving this story, and that she presented a reasonable front.

    You should have seen what I did not link to. You have American bloggers, interviewing some supposed ex CIA station chief, about a big story in Italy, and he is reporting that it is in all the papers there. And then you follow links to the Italian papers, and use Google tramslate to go from ItaIian to English, …. and find out that the Italian papers are quoting him as their source …. Geeeeeeezzzzz!!!!!!

  80. @ Brian,

    To that “affidavit”. The first time I saw it it was on a blog. I followed the link to a twitter account of Laura, or Lara somebody, an “investigative reporter”.

    Since her posting was several days ago, I figured there would be a follow up from her detailing her investigation into the origins of this first bread crumb, and where the trail led: but nothing that I could find.

    Now, I’m not an investigative reporter so maybe I was investigating the wrong threads or something. But if I was not, then I can only conclude that about half of the conservative voices on the blogosphere, are either near sociopathic hustlers, or else excitable dolts who have never heard of a primary source.

  81. DNW—

    Gosh! You haven’t seen the Scott Adam’s hoax news cycle chart? Unnamed sources say gets picked up by one “news source”. other “news sources” then mirror the first, creating a media storm! Politicians then share their OUTRAGE! Repeat.

    Investigations by Congress ensue.

    Hey. THIS NEVER happens in our respected media. /sarc

    Obviously, this story is unlikely to have legs even in Europe if there isn’t documents, photos, confessions, data disks, paper trails, bank records — something to support it also like police interviews or arrests.

    I’m waiting for more to see before I dump on THIS as exactly like the successfully lying media. Before saying I Believe (it’s not out there, it’s here or there and there — the rule of specificity). If you don’t mind?

    Brian E sums it up somewhat differently: “That’s intriguing. It’s plausible, but outlandish.”


  82. The wheels of justice don’t turn at Trump speed. And in Italy, given culture, tradition, corruption and mafioso, they often don’t turn at all.

    But here’s an English/Italian web site written by an Italian (apparently)with background on the issue from just about 12 days ago:

    “Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump?“

    The Italian State Ministry of Economics owns 30% of Leonardo, Spa — it’s largest shareholder. There are more Spygate/Italy details, and it reiterates recent claims, too. (Frankly, this aspect makes the story sound, well, mouldy.)

    But we need the newest developments ASAP. Instead of presumptions.

  83. TJ on January 10, 2021 at 9:54 am said:
    the faith that the Constitution will protect us. It won’t.

    No. The Constitution never had the power to protect us. Nor does any President.
    No, the only way to protect our Republic and our freedoms is for US to guard them – zealously, jealously.

    Unfortunately, over the years, we have allowed Progressivism to steal away the minds and hearts of our fellow Americans, making them complacent and unworthy of a free republic (according to John Adams).

    The only way to get the whole thing back is to change the hearts and minds of those people.

  84. Italian lawyer reads from the Italian affidavit of Arturo D’Ella, dated November 16, 2020.

    It affirms what we’ve been told he did — cyber hacking style remote vote changing from Trump to Biden.

    But this is rather brief. While it supports claims independently, obviously we need more.

  85. ““Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump?“

    Yes, I saw that too. It appeared to me to be another scenario spinning exercise, about on a par with what those pudgy, infantilized 50 something American guys sporting the mascara beards and the Indiana Jones fedoras are putting out: a more or less factual landscape or staging over which hopeful, or stimulating fantasies are projected.

    And yes, I am perfectly willing to admit that I am behind the curve on some of this.

    For example, I don’t read Scott Adams, don’t get him, and do not know why he is seemingly accounted near prophetic powers and insights into social trends and human behavior by some – not insinuating yourself obviously. (One apt mention of an insight certainly does not an acolyte make.)

    Nor, ( and I stipulate that this is unrelated to Adams directly or by analogy) am I able to make sense of this QAnon business: or to understand who could take it seriously and why, and who among seemingly otherwise normal people are involved in or motivated by it. So when the supposedly primary American source is now accused of being a QAnon follower …

    What I think all are likely to admit is annoying, is how as real journalism dies suffocated by wokeness, and from declining revenues triggered in part by wokeness, etc., etc., , nothing we can trust as reliable and authoratative is rising to replace it yet.

    Perhaps it never will. Perhaps ‘it never really was’ , except in the sense of there once having been ideals and best practice performance standards that were generally acknowledged, if realized only in part.

  86. As we all know, the only protest that patriotic is any by the far Left, unhinged or not. Thus, Cori Bush, a new black Congresswoman from Missouri, has introduced a House Resolution calling for the expulsion of Republicans who dared to question our Great New Faithfully Woke Theocracy, which define any vote as sacred, and sacrosanct from dispute.

    Here is that Harridans campaign against hereby:

    “I believe the Republican members of Congress who have incited this domestic terror attack [on Cap Hill] through their attempts to overturn the election must face consequences. They have broken their sacred Oath of Office. “

    And so It Shall Be.

  87. It’s easy to predict events once they occur. Far more difficult is to predict the future, unless of course you have a history of behavior to provide assistance. Slavery, the Civil War and Jim Crow all belong to Democrats. Jim Crow did not begin to fade until Eisenhower sent federal troops to the south. President Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act with the help of Republicans. Southern Democrats voted nay. Antifa and BLM raged unchecked by Democrat governors and mayors until Don Lemon on CNN said riots were not polling well. Except for Portland, the rioting, looting and arson stopped like someone flicked a light switch. Antifa tried to break into the White House this fall. DC’s mayor painted BLM on a city street. Antifa and BLM paid no price. In fact those arrested were quickly bailed out, where bail still existed, to riot again. Kamala Harris’s campaign staff contributed to a bail fund.
    Yes, Republicans have a history of protest: the tea party used marshals to keep order and to eject those who tried to cast their protests in a bad light. The tea party even policed up their garbage. Republican protestors show up every year at the US Supreme Court to demonstrate against Roe v Wade. None of these ended in violence, looting or arson. Based on Republican history of protest, no one could predict what happened at the Capitol. Certainly the capital police were not prepared because Republicans have no violent protest history.
    As Roberta Wohlstetter pointed out in Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision we could not realistically predict the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We could not predict the attacks on the World Trade Center either.
    Democrats now want to permanently demonize the Trump administration. Of course they do. Trump made Obama look really foolish; his presidency will make Biden-Harris look foolish. Instead of the anemic economy recovery under Obama, what Obama really wanted was to create more government dependence, Trump injected great vitality into our economy, raising the income of all Americans. Democrats said there could be no Middle East peace without the Palestinians. Trump proved them wrong. It is likely Biden will now undo much if not all of the good Trump has accomplished for America.
    I for one will not be brainwashed into embracing Biden’s hypocritical, insincere call for unity, on his terms.

  88. DNW observes the decline of trusted news sources and asks if it ever was reliable or authoritative?

    “What I think all are likely to admit is annoying, is how as real journalism dies suffocated by wokeness, and from declining revenues triggered in part by wokeness, etc., etc., , nothing we can trust as reliable and authoratative is rising to replace it yet. Perhaps it never will. Perhaps ‘it never really was’ …”

    I think it strived to be reliable. The maxim “The first draft of history” captured the large sense of responsibility in recording what happens and what people do.

    But now journalism is Neo-Marxist, sometimes defined as Social Justice in a hurry. Which fits well with “egg breaking” tropes of grandiose indulgence (Ceaucescu of Romania is a personal fave in this category), never mind that there’s never an omelet.

    In the 1990s, CBS News’ reporter Bernard Goldberg wrote a few books on declining standards of journalism. And one fact from them has ever stuck with me: That at the greatest school of journalism in the US, the Columbia School of Journalism, only 2 out of 200 in a class of students were non-Leftists. Thus, one percent.

    My buddy Tobin Spratte did his bachelors and MA at a third tier school at the University of Colorado at Boulder. And out of about 46 in his class, he was the only non-Leftist, although he suspects one woman of being in the political closet as a non-Leftist. Therefore, maybe 5%.

    And all his professors were Leftists, mostly Marxists.

    And thus, when it came to his MA thesis on Capitalist Morality in Media History, all they wanted to critique him on was “But what about false consciousness?” “Yes, but what about it?” was his reply.

    Karl Popper was against such critical self-immunising theological moves, rejecting them as nonfalsifiable. True.

    But now that PoMo has only got the MoJo of activism and the pursuit of power, Marxists have some company. (Or maybe the reverse.) But for both, it’s The Ends Justifies the Means maxim that governs them.

    And so the product is shiit, the agendas area childish, and the fun of heroic self-delusions of grandeur ever stalks the scribes-lands.

    Solution? Find the cure for Marxism, and then there’s a chance for real news reporting. How do we reach that cure? History knows: FAILURE. But who pays attention to real history?

  89. Well there is unity in the land of Xi, so they tell the Minionette (Creepy Joe), just ask the Xuigars.

  90. For the moment the American Right is in Samizdat mode. A historically uncomfortable but honorable place to be.

    Upcoming Biden Admin efforts: Cozy up to China, Iran, Palestine, Merkel’s Germany. Resume cold shoulder to Israel, Eastern Europe, Brexited Britain. Open the Southern borders. Big giveaway programs for “People of Color”. Sotto Voce defunding of The Police. Schumer Santa Claus project: Statehood for DC, Court Packing, Ending Filibuster. And Surprise! – Big Tax increases.

    Will Hunter skate? Will Durham ever issue a report? What will be the fate of RIttenhouse, Chauvin, Rolfe ?

    In the immediate days ahead: Any more declassifications? Pardons?

    Samizdat, citizens – Samizdat.

  91. LeClerc:

    Not to take anything away from your comment…

    Some years ago I discovered samizdat just means “self-published” in Russian. Given the word’s frightening historical aura, I assumed it meant “illegal writing” or “get me to the gulag on time.”

    But no, just “self-published.”

    Like blogs. Like this one… Don’t underestimate the writing here. Thanks, neo!

  92. Oliver T., good call on Peter Grant (Bayou Renaissance Man)

    He then had a great note on the fall of empires:

    Linking to http://people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf Fate of Empires.
    Since it says what I already know, I believe him:

    Empires pass through the following ages: Pioneers, Conquests, Commerce, Affluence, Intellect, Decadence …
    Decadence is due to: Too long a period of wealth and power-Selfishness-Love of Money-The loss of a sense of duty.

    Too many Americans have grown up with too rich parents who failed to show, in quantity time especially, love for their children. Tough love – telling them “no” for their own good. Instead, too many are now grown up voting protesting spoiled rich kids. Doing virtue-signaling by hating Trump … or Trump supporters, or other Reps.

    Reps need stronger protests focused against mail-in fraud elections.

    I’m now using Brave browser, works much better now than a few years ago.

    https://www.samizdata.net/ Samizdata from the UK includes some anti-communists who supported dissidents from Slovakia.
    (Where marriage is between man & woman, in the Slovak Constitution. Thanks, Christian Democrats!)

    Some of my own roundup 2020 links are listed on my blog. (Which is not set up optimally, I know.)

    Listening to Bagel Radio on Soma.fm – alternative & indie by a knowledgeable music fan, who is a big Trump-hater (which bothers me some; but is also good to hear 10 secs of occasionally)

    What was Zippy’s message?
    Oh, I remember:
    Are We Having Fun Yet?

  93. TJ – ‘strove’ is the verb form you actually want there. Let’s all strive to Keep English Alive(tm). (I’m sorry for picking on you for such a triviality, but I couldn’t resist the chance to build a rhyme. 🙂 But in earnest, I feel such things matter on some level.)

    LeClerc – imagine that, the senior senator of the state in which I live is about to become Senate Majority Leader, hip hip hooray. So exciting. It strikes me regarding Schumer that a big priority of his in your proposed Santa Claus package is probably going to be a big cash bailout for the blue cities, especially NYC – home base; Chicago… etc. Depending on circumstances, the Illinois pension fund might also be included, but I think it unlikely in the first go-round. This may precede the other items you mentioned.

  94. @ Phil,

    I think TJ is in a Commonwealth country. And if I am not mistaken, and this is just personal observation, the modern British standardization on regular verb forms has been longer in development and more insistently practiced than in the US. Until recently.

    However in our country it seems to me that there is now a serious push to do away with strong verb forms. I would guess because of ideological/sociopolitical leveling reasons.

    I would not be surprised to see “runned”, “throwed”, “shooted” or “growed” in print before too long. Well maybe not the latter two, as they are old and “hillbilly-like” errors; and therefore of no use in distancing from traditional English.

    Thrive and shine are good examples too. I would expect that when strong verbs are still retained that the past perfect form will be deliberately dumped.

  95. And yes – I too live in Schumer’s state. Cuomo is screaming for a bailout.

    Biden has to grease the palms of some very dirty hands.

  96. I don’t understand the surprise of so many about the actions against conservatives by almost everyone with any power. History should be your guide. It’s a very familiar cycle. Every totalitarian regime, immediately upon seizing power, begins to purge the opposition so that they might remain in power. The purges start slowly with just a few people and then accelerate until millions are imprisoned in the manner of the Russian gulags or dead in the manner of the Chinese, Cambodian’s, and numerous other countries glorious revolutions. Then the regime endures until a new generation of revolutionaries is born and gains enough power to challenge them in the manner of the American revolution. That takes a very long time like the 7 decades it took in Russia. Who knows how long it will take in China or the U.S.?

  97. Has the Britain something guy been arrested, haven’t seen him posting since the raid. Montege will probably be gone for good by now, mission accomplished now that Moby Dick is conquered.

  98. The Italian story has fallen apart. As noted above Free Republic and now Gateway Pundit are saying it isn’t true. Now it is “Trump” on Parler stating he is declaring martial law. Again false because Trump is a law abiding man.

    QANON is succeeding marvelously. It is taking normal rational people and having them waste psychic energy on all these stories. My advice, wait 24 hours to see what is said pans out. See if other sources corroborate with their own investigation not going back to the original source. This is like the news media during the Trump era where someone tweets something and others repeat it and it is treated as fact.

    Why is QANON succeeding? It is because people whose ordered world suddenly are confronted with a grave situation that they know is wrong and they have no control over it. Smart people. Successful people. People on this board who I consider in this category. That is why I post here. This is the first time that the Deep State has revealed their fangs to us and it is deeply disturbing. As I said in prior posts, I thought the Bourne trilogy was an action series not a documentary.

    When something is too good to be true then it is not true. Treat all items that way and you will find your center of gravity. Stay active, stay involved. QANON is meant to discourage and disorganize us. Don’t be that way.

    On a separate email I am posting the latest commentary of Viva Frei and Barnes. I highly recommend this blog, Conservative Treehouse, Free Republic, Meaning in History and Zero Hedge to get a sense of what is really going on. If you want to check on the QANON world go to Vox Populi who is starting to catch on what is going on. He is also technologically adept on how to get away from Big Technology. I would like other blog recommendations.

  99. DNW – interesting point. I suppose the trend makes sense – ‘demotification’ we could call it, I suppose. And I’m sure you’re right about the leveling factor.

    TJ, I apologize – I wasn’t aware of the grammar developments.

    Sparticus – probably just as well on the Italy line; we don’t need more false dei ex machina being spread about, but you don’t need me to tell you that.

  100. My newsletter to my Michigan team:

    Hello from a domestic terrorist according to Nancy Pelosi and the Main Stream Media. This is a 2:02 long podcast with lots of really great information. I will put a sequence down in a moment but I want to provide a summary.

    By now we know that the break into the capital started BEFORE Trump concluded his speech. The initial break in was driven by two groups, BLM/ANTIFA and QANON followers who really believed that they were working on behalf of Trump. Ashli Babbitt was a strong QANON follower. Standing next to her when she was shot was John Sullivan a BLM activist from Utah urging people forward. This is on the House of Representative side where Congress was in session. When the Trump rally supporters showed up, they were let in with open doors by the Capital Police on the Senate side and was very polite, respectful and orderly. The reason the break in started BEFORE the Trump rally goers arrived was that they knew we would have stopped them as videoed by multi instances of acts of destruction being stopped in progress. So the Capital break in was a false flag operation designed to short circuit any chance Congress would create a commission to examine the challenged states voting irregularities. It succeeded brilliantly and Biden was certified and we are now domestic terrorists.

    Outside of Bill Barr, QANON has done more to hurt Trump’s campaign than any other factor. We have to start getting people away from this deep state disinformation operation and I firmly believe that it is. QANON is distracting good people from doing the work that is necessary to win by working on our confirmation biases. My recommendation is to not pass on or act on any information that is not confirmed (vs. reported) by multiple sources. The latest is that Italy has arrested the Pope and also there is going to be a blackout of the internet with mass arrests. 36 hours have passed and ……nothing.

    Matt Barnes is an insider to this whole election mess. He was there in DC Wednesday with some senior level officials. When you hear what he says about the gross lies from the deep state to Trump, lack of preparation for a contested election and the abandonment of Trump by the RINO’s; I appreciate even more the greatness of what Trump has been able to achieve in four years which is astounding. He sets the benchmark for accomplishments.

    The sudden coordinated suppression of Parler, the brazen kicking off or suspension of 10 of thousands of conservative influencers is the techno corporatists overlords flexing their power designed to intimidate and scare us. Don’t be. It may scare the establishment RINO’s but really we aren’t part of it. They are scared of us. We displayed our power when we assembled. We displayed our fortitude when If we stay united and purposefully work together we can effect change. President Trump and Barnes are not downcast or beaten neither should we be. So let’s keep our heads and focus on what we can do for 2022 and 2024. Politics is not static. Coming up will be re-apportionment, the Biden economy, the Biden handling of COVID, and a huge internal conflict within the Democratic party. We will prevail if we work together.


    00:00 – 11:00 – Introductions and general sense of things before Barnes signs on
    11:00 – general talk about the electors constitutional process
    17:00 – Trump’s attitude which isn’t down nor is he.
    19:00 – Possibility of a new Patriot Act designed for domestic enemies
    20:00 – How talk of the 25th amendment is nonsense, not that Pelosi wouldn’t try it. She is acting out of deep rage against Trump
    22:30 – DC is scared of us. Please hear this section and be encouraged.
    26:00 – Impeachment and what is likely to occur.
    29:00 – How deep states wants to crush us
    32:30 – What will happen with the people in the Capital (mentions Nate Brody podcast that I haven’t reviewed.)
    37:00 – the Sedition Act and it’s history and how it is not applicable to the Capital break in.
    41:00 – the break in itself is discussed and the sequence of events
    48:00 – QANON message and how it is geared to former military to act.
    1:09 – The insurrection act being used against us and it’s limits
    1:11 – why Lin Wood was still on Parler
    1:15 – The Parler situation and why on earth were they using technology controlled by the technocrats. New platforms are needed which is happening.
    1:29 – Dominion lawsuit against Sidney Powell (he believes she is in deep trouble).
    1:46 – Summary starts with optimism and forward looking analysis
    1:48 – Repeats that deep state is acting out of weakness
    1:51 – no fly list which is an abridgement of our civil liberties (it is happening)
    1:54 – Bitcoin and other ways of not having our life controlled by the deep state

  101. Who is Qanon? is he like a man who spread around conspiracy or what? I have heard of him of course but never looked into what it was.

  102. I am Spartacus:

    Thanks again. Robert Barnes not Matt. Thanks especially for the timeline of yesterday’s program, I didn’t get to listen to the entire thing.

    Our own prophetic (pathetic) Sweet Potato yammers on and on about Qanon. He is a font of misinfomation and misdirection.

    Question – Is Yammer’s misinformation/misdirection intentional?
    Answer and question – Who knows?
    Answer – “The Shadow.” 🙂

    An no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

  103. I appreciate I am Spartacus’ comments.

    Like others, I discounted Qanon as a quack, when his early predictions always seem to have an excuse. I didn’t realize the extent of the influence.

    Trump supporters were suckered by malign actors, and the America First movement is being damaged. I got into an argument with my fully woke son when I pointed out that there were antifa elements in the breach of the Capitol building. He became extremely agitated. When I pointed out that a national newspaper, NY Post had a story identifying two antifa people, his response was antifa was an idea, not an organization.

    I pointed out these people were called antifa because they had been seen participating in antifa protests elsewhere, which calmed him down.

    I realized that by pointing out that antifa elements were there is irrelevant. He heard that as excusing the Trump supporters participation.

    Part of our problem is how to deal with the fringe right. Where do you draw the line– nationalists– white nationalists– white supremacists, when all three are lumped together by the left.


  104. Re: Bayou Renaissance Man…

    Oliver T., Tom Grey:

    Yes, that was a good brave post from BRM, worth a quote and perhaps further discussion. I reluctantly supported the DC riot as it was happening and before the deaths.

    It’s hard to miss that, however unfortunate it may be, riots, mostly from the left, have been a part of social change in this country. We certainly have seen that in 2020. I wish it were otherwise. However, if the left plays that game and it seems inevitable the right must too. Let BRM tell it:

    I’m sorry, Bill Whittle, but I think you’ve lost sight of reality

    I’ve been alternately depressed and, frankly, horrified by the short-sightedness and lack of understanding displayed by many allegedly conservative commenters on the violence in Washington D.C. two days ago. So many of them just don’t get it. They’re living in a dream world where “civilized” conduct and verbal and political resistance are the tools to be used to win back America. They’ve never seen what happens when those tools fail, and push comes to shove. That’s where we are now – and they can’t handle it. It’s outside the boundaries of their comprehension, and they don’t know what to do next, so they retreat into the familiar and close their eyes to the reality of the situation.

    The rioters in Washington D.C. have watched the other side employ rioting and destruction as political weapons throughout 2020. They’ve watched as the forces of law and order abdicated their responsibilities and withdrew, leaving the streets and the residents of their cities to endure violence and anarchy. The demonstrators knew that the progressive establishment hates them with a passion, and regards them as an obstacle to be removed by almost any means necessary.



    I regret the riot. Nonetheless, I’m not in the mood for the ostentatious breast-beating on the subject.

  105. DNW —

    John McWhorter, wearing his linguist hat, did a podcast episode around a year ago on strong vs. weak verbs in English. “Strong” signifies that they’re “strong” enough to break the standard pattern, so ran instead of runned, etc.

    Since the early 20th century, the tendency has been for American English to strengthen verbs that were never strong before, but British English has not followed along. So the original word really was “hanged” but Americans have created “hung”. There’s also “sneaked/snuck”, “dived/dove”, and a few others that I can’t remember just now.

    He didn’t mention, nor have I seen anywhere else, any tendency to weaken strong verbs in American or British English. I predict the opposite of you, that we’ll see more strengthened verbs not fewer.

  106. “I suppose the trend makes sense – ‘demotification’ we could call it, I suppose. And I’m sure you’re right about the leveling factor.”

    Yeah, an “ideologically adjusted peoples’ tongue”. Stop talking like your grandfather did!

    I also see that I should have said past participle form, or made reference to a past perfect use: not to past a perfect form. Good of you not to mention it, Phil. LOL

    Many years ago when the old folks were still all with us, I was standing in front of the cabin with some other younger guys, and said something like, “Well, prior to that he had never shotten a gun”

    A moment later I asked myself, “Where the hell did I come up with that?”

    It probably was some false parallel I scrambled up for myself. Get, got, …

    On the other hand, maybe they still occasionally used it back in Western Ky, or the Missouri Ozarks in 1920, and I had heard an old man take it up north while I was a small boy. I don’t know …

    “shoot (third-person singular simple present shoots, present participle shooting, simple past shot, past participle shot or (rare) shotten) “

    It reminds me of “quieten”, i.e., to quiet (down those dogs!!!), though the matter is different there.

  107. “He didn’t mention, nor have I seen anywhere else, any tendency to weaken strong verbs in American or British English. I predict the opposite of you, that we’ll see more strengthened verbs not fewer.”

    Could be. I’m familiar with the mainstreaming of the forms you mention. I’ve seen “Dove” even used in old war movies; and I don’t think that the pilots portrayed were deliberately meant to be shown speaking especially colloquially or engaging in malapropisms.

    But when was the last time you saw a “newspaper” use thrive, throve, thriven? “Shone” also seems to be slated for the “ashcan”; though you could probably make an argument regarding the specific use.

    I could be wrong …

  108. I believe Germany’s Merkel has condemned Trump’s censoring. That’s something from a hostile…politicaleconomic power.

    In the Daily Truth, Pamela Geller has penned a dark and contemporary (if mag length) sequel to 1984, called “2021.”

    I am Spartacus — THANK YOU! For sharing your newsletter


    I am Spartacus — THANK You! For sharing your Michigan team newsletter and video link.

  109. Brian E — “ Part of our problem is how to deal with the fringe right. Where do you draw the line– nationalists– white nationalists– white supremacits.”

    WRONG! I must strenuously disagree. Their number are too few, according to SPLC and the ADL (for many many years, preTrump) estimate their membership at 2,000 to 8,000 — too little to matter.

    The danger is the Left inflating their presence using Woke ideology and lies from “Authority” to supercharge their smears against us.

    And as I am Spartacus says, false flagging the Right to hammer and completely neuter the Second Amendment.


    THIS IS THE FASCIST LEFT’S WET DREAM. Or at least their next one.

  110. I’d guess the music videos will be among the last to be censored.
    Here’s a YouTube suggested Everly Brothers hour
    Don is kind of funny: “People say I pick on Phil…” (~17 min or so)
    But sort of like Sonny & Cher before Cher’s insults became too much.
    Fantastic slow “Dream” around ~20.

    This was in Australia, ’68, probably soon before their first big break up.
    I’d guess that in a duo, sort of like a marriage, there is person 1, person 2, and the couple almost as a third entity.
    One reason some humor is so easy to like is that it is self-deprecating. I strongly got the feeling lead singer & talker Don Everly was getting too enthusiastic about deprecating “us”, including his band (~26), but especially Phil — without much negative humor about Don. “So sad to watch good love go bad”.
    Very entertaining. But with shadows of future break.

    Big Tech has now, pretty officially, broken with Trump, and Trump-supporting Reps. Trump deplatformed. Parler gone. Many others before – more soon.

    Some sad fun with Kurt

    “A backlash is coming” … what what can, realistically, be done? Cut down on tech…

    Neo, do you have good agreement with you blog host? It’s not easy to host your own blog.

  111. “I suppose the trend makes sense – ‘demotification’ we could call it, I suppose. And I’m sure you’re right about the leveling factor.”

    Yeah, an “ideologically adjusted peoples’ tongue”. Stop talking like your grandfather did!

    I would distinguish here between ‘ideological adjustment’ and ‘leveling’ straight-up. What I had in mind was not so much the ‘wokification’ or ideological ‘rectification’ of language a la in the vein of Newspeak or something like that, however one wishes to label it – although I don’t discount that as an element, potentially, on a somewhat case-by-case basis – but rather the mere dumbing-down of the intricate parts of a language, that is, the “high” tongue being slowly over many generations ground down to meet the lowest common denominator. It happened to Latin, it happened a couple of times to Greek, and is now happening to (American) English. Although I admit that there’s a certain overlap between those two causes or motivations, seeing as Levelling is not really ideologically neutral.

    “shotten,” though — now that was an interesting form indeed!

    (‘Philip,’ please. 🙂 )

  112. I am Spartacus —

    So the Cap Hill action was led by Antifa and True Believers in Trump is Our Emperor God followed, military vets first. The hostility was started on the House side.

    Among the last videos I’ve seen was a clip of a man in a rectangular appearing open window (or pediment piece at the base of Cap Hill building?) handing off baseball bats to others outside. (I believe I posted a link to it here somewhere.)

    Anyone know where this fits in the timeline? I looks like an inside job pre-planned to get the violence stoked, just as Antifa is known to do. And the House side has the radical members who have staff who would do this (eg, AOC and her fascist adoring “Young Turks”, and likely do is somewhere like there).

    THIS IS A WAR OF not just information, but DISINFORMATION.

    I’m quite sure that many a Patriots know that the only public event that could possibly slow those marginally supporting to Totalitarian Oppression train and break them from Left-unity is a Kent State Massacre of some kind — and soon.

    Inauguration Day sounds good to me.

  113. TJ, I know it is hard, but thanks for fighting the good fight. Even if you don’t see much progress.

    Flynn knows how it feels.

    An no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

    I try not to read your comments, they are always surprising ; )

  114. Yammering about QAnon even it’s falsity is a feature not a bug. You be you, keep harvesting those fools.

  115. Ymarsaker — (Smile icon.) thank you for your kind thoughts.

    Ah, Flynn. True, I bet.
    But he and Edward Snowden strike me a good and loyal Boyscout types.
    They were unprepared or underprepared to stare down Evil People.

    We must better prep ourselves by their exemplary sacrifices. And those we advise.

  116. I’ll come out of the Shadows and answer the “Who is Q Anon” question one person had here, and probably others.

    Q Anon stands for Q (Q level classification, DOE equivalent or better than TOP SECRET clearance) and Anon stands for Anonymous, originally 4 chan then 8 chan then 4 kun or now 8 kun.

    It is in general, a psychological warfare operation. Part of it is to wake people up, the Great Awakening, to deal with the Deep State (voter fraud operations and Ckina). Part of it is to mislead the Deep State agents reading the Q drops which can be found on


    The same tactics used against this operation, is now being used to purge other people. The idea that this is the Deep State fighting itself, is only partially true. In the sense Santa Clause is true because your daddy pretended to be one.


    Q alerts that I used before, was purged because the owner was doxed and he had to go back into the Cold shadows. Sorta like T Red getting banned on fb instagram and twitter. Bye bye.

    The story is essentially that there is a hidden force of US military, active and former, forces that are hoppin mad and they are not going to take the violation of the US Constitution any more. That is why the Tree of Liberty image and the “Against all enemies foreign and domestic” line has been seen so much, especially amongst 3% or Oathkeepers.

  117. https://ymarsakar.wordpress.com/

    For further intel briefs, people will have to go there.

    I would advise people of a certain negative state of mind not to visit, as the effect may be very uncomfortable for them.

    Om, woohoo, this time I was able to skip your comments. Clap on back for me.

  118. DNW —

    “Well, prior to that he had never shotten a gun”

    I suspect that’s a class/rural thing. I subscribe to a Youtube channel about some off grid homesteaders in Alaska, and the husband several times has said “[X] wasn’t in the stuff we broughten up from Oregon so we got a new one,” and he has that sort of modern American deregionalized “country” accent that you hear these days.

    In other news, gun enthusiast site ar15.com has had its DNS blocked by either GoDaddy or by AWS (you get redirected to the backup domain if you go there right now), and Ron Paul has been kicked out of his own Facebook page.

  119. Yammer:

    Ever work around folks with Q clearances? Ever work in a DOE facility (concertina wire topped double fences, armed guards with fully automatic weapons, helicopters, armored cars) and had a DOE clearance or gone through the clearance interview? No? Call back when you know something besides the intertubes.

  120. I would distinguish here between ‘ideological adjustment’ and ‘leveling’ straight-up. What I had in mind was not so much the ‘wokification’ or ideological ‘rectification’ of language a la in the vein of Newspeak or something like that, however one wishes to label it – although I don’t discount that as an element, potentially, on a somewhat case-by-case basis – but rather the mere dumbing-down of the intricate parts of a language, that is, the “high” tongue being slowly over many generations ground down to meet the lowest common denominator. It happened to Latin and … Greek … “

    Yes that is what I assumed you had meant to imply: a rough parallel with vulgar Latin, or more to your point, Demotic Greek, which is what I supposed you specifically had in mind with your use of ‘demotification” … and as you reiterate and establish.

    Although, given the experience we all have had with the implicit politicization of all language, including for example the eruption of Ebonics, yada yada yada, I would see more of it as driven by at least a whiff of what might be called inclusion ideology. Though of course, in a world where everything is political and politics is ideological … that might not be saying too much.

    This might be worth a review, I have not yet finished it

    “(‘Philip,’ please. ? )”

    You have been using a real, not screen, name? Geez LOL

    Another link which even more completely disagrees with me. And specifically mentions thrive, throve, thriven, as an innovation … https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=leE5AAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA13&dq=related:khAuwRzBtFUVRM:scholar.google.com/&ots=xWLd2m7EPQ&sig=cGrkWF3lzMrLaHLvaQHMq3lofkM#v=onepage&q&f=false

    Anyway, I’ll leave off here, as one day Neo and her own curiosity will probably probably address the issue; if she has not already

  121. “Ron Paul has been kicked out of his own Facebook page.”

    Well now, it looks like it might get serious at some point.

  122. Oh… So that’ll birth an Army (oxymoron alert) of Enraged Autistic Libertarians? That’ll really have ProgBorg quaking in their boots :D.

    By the time the effing useless Libertarians begin to figure out that things are trending deadly serious, Great Birnham Wood will have long schlepped over to, lived a long life, and died of old age on High Dunsinane Hill.

  123. Remember How Many Libertarians it Takes to Change a Light Bulb.

    None – the market will take care of it!

    Or, unexpectedly – the Spanish Inquisition.

  124. Tom Grey, huxley–
    Glad you liked the Bayou Renaissance Man link. Tom, I thought the one about the end of empires was good too.

    I discovered that my congressman was up to his eyeballs in the impeachment and 25th Amendment garbage, so sent him a nasty email.
    Good complement to preaching to the choir.

    Also emailed Pence urging him to stay true to Trump. (Had to use the same whitehouse.gov web form as POTUS, no separate one for the VP.)

  125. It’s called a “Petition for redress of grievances” and it’s a RIGHT, Neo.

    At its worst, it was far far less chaotic, threatening, and violent than the BS surrounding the Kavanaugh nomination, and, of course, the magical double-standard strikes again.

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