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Got a late start today, but… — 17 Comments

  1. om, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a snowman with a mask at some point.

    Me, I can finally walk around my car in a little loop after 3 hours of shoveling. Still can’t get out of my parking space, though. I wonder how my near-neighbor Fractal is managing.

  2. I was told that snow was a thing of the past.
    I miss it sometimes. In small doses. Not too often.
    Sometimes, looking North from the front yard, I can see it on the mountains about 25 miles away. Close enough.
    Fished from my kayak yesterday.
    Fifty degrees at sun-up/65 by noon.
    Not everything in California is rotten. But enough.

  3. People are posting that their kids are being given a snow day… despite the fact that they’re distance learning

  4. Will the Snow Goons (from Calvin and Hobbes) be called out to enforce social distancing and mask mandates on snowmen (snowpersons)? 🙂

  5. I don’t miss the snow, one year at Fort Devens just far enough inland from Boston to get huge amounts of snow I had to shovel out every morning to go into my training. I also did other years in snowing places including the last in the 1980’s in Minnesota where I finally said enough and sold my snow blower and moved to Texas. Now living in the Texas Hill Country we finally had a little freezing weather to kill the bugs and it is in the mid 60’s with a total blue-bird sky and I will be grilling in a few hours for the third time this week.

    You all Northern folk be careful, stay warm and don’t get any frozen body parts or bad, flu-virus, stuff.

  6. After being born and raised in New England, I moved to Texas. I haven’t minded the cold weather during visits back to New England during the Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays. That’s probably because unlike many warm weather migrants to New England, I already knew that cold weather requires multiple layers of clothing to stay warm.

    I suspect that were I to have an extended stay back in New England during the winter months, I’d get tired of the cold weather some time in February. When I was growing up, I was tired of it by March. April is definitely the cruelest month when a snowstorm visits your area.

  7. I guess that all the snow will slow down the delivery of Absentee Ballots.

    I live in Co and grill year round. What’s a little snow and cold compared to a beautifully grilled Rib Eye.

  8. Shirehome, where in Colorado? I grew up in Denver, which after I moved to New England, I learned does not have winter. Denver winter is a some snow followed by a few weeks of spring. 🙂 New England winter settles in November and doesn’t leave until April which at that point we MAY get the grill out.

  9. Philip Sells,

    Thank you for thinking of me Mister Sells!

    After 8 hours of snowblowing and shoveling (both my property and my 85 year old next door neighbor’s; we share a very wide double driveway), I am happy to say that I am finished for the day. I’m glad I already had the day off or I would have been doing the bulk of this tonight after I got home.

    I hope you finally got your vehicle out of the space!

    Grand total, with a measuring tape in the middle of my backyard, largely sheltered from the wind, was 37 inches. This storm reminded me of the Valentine’s Day blizzard of 2007. This wasn’t a blizzard, I believe because of the wind conditions being pretty sedate. But the snow volume was on par.

    What made it worse was the local and national meteorologists dropped the ball and as of 9PM last night, the prediction for my region was 8-12 inches. So, the towns and villages went with that prediction and got caught with their pants down, so to speak. If I had known nearly 40 inches were incoming, I would have been snowblowing every 2 hours starting at 2AM.

    I didn’t hear a plow all night and I didn’t see one until 3PM today. At noon today, our local Post Office only had 25% of their vehicle fleet dug out. They sent their carriers home for the day.

    Like Neo said, winter arrived with a vengeance!

  10. I guess they predict Nor’Easters today about as well as they predicted them when I was living there. There is something sublime about the quietness after a huge snow dump. I remember having to find a place to park and wading in the last mile or so because the plows hadn’t made it yet.

    Anyway, I hope all affected have a toasty alternative readily available until everything is dug out.

  11. Yet another blessing for “work from home” – I, and my co-workers, didn’t have to worry about if/how/when we would go to/from work.

    Thank goodness I didn’t have to deal with that mess or, worse, be stuck somewhere when they shut down NJ Transit trains at 7:30 last night.

  12. Our 15 years on the Gulf Coast, between sojourns in Utah and Colorado, were free of frozen precipitation most of the time (there were a few memorable occasions), but the bugs were a formidable downside.
    I don’t miss them up here at all.
    However, we finally gave in to old age and hired one of the young men at church to shovel most of the last layer away from the walkways, and AesopSpouse is eyeing a snowblower at Ace.

    “Yet another blessing for “work from home” – charles

    I was raised in the Texas Panhandle. If you check your weather map, the isometric lines run directly from Denver to Lubbock.


    After we moved to Colorado, I could call my mother and warn her when to watch for snow, which was as bad there as anywhere up north.
    The first winter after she retired from 20-plus years of teaching Middle School (there is a special Neighborhood of Mansions in Heaven for her & her colleagues), while talking about a recent snowfall, I asked what she liked most about retirement.
    She replied, “Waking up and looking out the window and thinking – I don’t have to go out in this stuff any more.”

  13. ““anti-racism” hits classical ballet:” – Kate

    That is a really sad story. Not unexpected; it had to happen eventually.
    The headline was rather witty, though.

    In re the dancer’s second complaint, that she was later fired for racial reasons (and not for some rational cause as with her 11 white compatriots who were also fired), I suspect that she may well have been fired for a race-related reason: no manager wants to work with people who insist on being treated the same as everyone else until they demand to be treated differently, and who won’t just focus on their job.

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