All hail The Great Reset
How important is liberty to people in the US today? It’s probably important to a higher percentage of them than in most countries – but still, a lower percentage than in previous times in the US. For example, we have the following quote which has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin:
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
This sentence was much used in the Revolutionary period. It occurs even so early as November, 1755, in an answer by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Governor, and forms the motto of Franklin’s “Historical Review,” 1759, appearing also in the body of the work.—Frothingham: Rise of the Republic of the United States, p. 413.
Quite a few people today have opted for what they perceive as safety, and yet few of them are starving or especially threatened. What they seem to want is absolute safety or the closest thing to it, as so many people’s reaction to COVID has demonstrated.
The COVID pandemic was a big test of an approach called the Great Reset, and the reaction has let The Great Reset’s proponents know that they can go ahead. The Great Reset is no shadowy conspiracy theory; it’s right out there in the open. See this from the World Economic Forum, September 2020 (emphasis mine – and note some of the phrases with which we’re already familiar from the Obama years):
The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems –from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium- and long-term uncertainties.
Note also the emphasis on needing to replace those messy multiple systems with some sort of global approach.
As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.
Beware the elites and their “vast expertise.” They never, never, never let a crisis go to waste. And if necessary, exaggerate, predict, and even invent a crisis:
COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable.
The downturn was caused by the COVID reactions of the world community, and now even if COVID wanes (or as a vaccine is distributed) they are poised to take advantage of the economic downturn (or fear of a downturn) that they helped cause.
This next part is so important that I’ve bolded nearly the entire thing. Basically, it’s a summary of the goal:
To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
If you had any lingering doubts about the leftist background to this, please leave those doubts behind.
More [emphasis and remarks in brackets mine]:
The level of cooperation and ambition this implies is unprecedented. But it is not some impossible dream. In fact, one silver lining of the pandemic [not of the pandemic, of course – it’s of the lockdowns these same people have pushed as a reaction to the pandemic] is that it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles. Almost instantly, the crisis forced businesses and individuals to abandon practices long claimed to be essential, from frequent air travel to working in an office.
Likewise, populations have overwhelmingly shown a willingness to make sacrifices [that is, how easily they can be pushed around by fear, which was the group’s hope] for the sake of health-care and other essential workers and vulnerable populations, such as the elderly. And many companies have stepped up to support their workers, customers, and local communities, in a shift toward the kind of stakeholder capitalism to which they had previously paid lip service.
Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist. We must use it to secure the Great Reset that we so badly need. That will require stronger and more effective governments, though this does not imply an ideological push for bigger ones. And it will demand private-sector engagement every step of the way.
We have already seen the corporations march in lockstep. Make no mistake about it. This is a top-down “reset,” and those on top will get the spoils.
Trump must have been such a tremendous 4-year thorn in their sides. No wonder they hate him so much and would do virtually anything to be rid of him.
“The Great Reset” became a popular Google search after Justin Trudeau recently started talking about it and other leaders started using some of its terms, as well – among them Boris Johnson, and our own fearless president-sort-of-elect Joe Biden, “build back better” being one of the tells. Previously labeled a baseless conspiracy theory, it’s now obvious (if you look at that link) that this has been part of the plan with the leaders of many countries of the world for quite some time.
There have been warnings in the past, but they didn’t get much traction. For example, see this from Fox Business last July:
A radical movement called the Great Reset embraced by some Democrats poses a grave threat to liberty and free markets in the United States and around the world. While former Vice President Joe Biden hasn’t endorsed the movement, his ties to it are growing as he changes his long-held policy views to appease the far-left.
While it hasn’t gained widespread attention, the Great Reset is perhaps the biggest danger to capitalism and individual rights since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
What is the Great Reset? Simply put, it’s a growing movement backed by many of the world’s most powerful business leaders, government officials and left-wing activists that aims to “push the reset button” on the global economy. It would destroy the current capitalist system and replace it with progressive and modern socialist systems, with a special emphasis placed on eco-socialist policies like those contained in the Green New Deal.
The left is nothing if not coordinated, ruthless, and relentless. The right is full of rank amateurs in comparison.
And whether Joe himself is fully onboard, or whether it’s just his handlers, it really doesn’t matter. The effect is the same. Biden was very useful as a candidate, though, because he could convincingly adopt – convincing to some, anyway – the mantle of moderation while actually intending to cooperate with nothing of the sort.
[NOTE: Also please brush up on the message of The Grand Inquisitor.]
The MSM continue to be relentless in arguing that this is, indeed, a “conspiracy theory” adhered to only by those who are, for no good reason, opposed to Biden, by those who are more concerned, again for no good reason, with the economic consequences of draconian lockdowns than with a pandemic which (supposedly) equally threatens everyone, even children who should, of course, be wearing masks and kept away from school, and by those who refuse to believe, against all evidence, in the benign intentions of globalist technocrats who, far from wishing to control their citizens, simply wish for the flourishing of all. These morons in the media are the same fools who continue to state, as though it were a proven fact, that there is no evidence of a rigged and stolen election. Caveat lector!
Trump was a certainty for them, as he would not go along with a “reset of capitalism” no matter great or small. I’m glad you are bringing attention to this, as I suspect it needs to attention. They may be “open” in discussing it, but we haven’t got the “let me be clear” (Obama tick) details as to what is meant by radical changes to our lifestyles. As you note, those changes are for us and not for the elites. Indeed, they are planning to start pushing reset at Davos, the annual ski convention of the elites, where they talk economics for their own charitable tax breaks before hitting the slopes.
The good news is I think they can steal an election and convince themselves that is all that is necessary. However, they haven’t changed anyone’s mind in the last 4 years, and a forged ballot doesn’t wield a pitchfork or carbine. I don’t see any success on their part. The problem is getting past this foolishness, because it has been building for years but they keep hiding the lede. Once the conspiracy (it is no theory, and they tell you where they are doing the conspiring) is out in the open, their grand schemes won’t last long.
I disagree with Leland. Biden gets in, we are done.
Four years of progressive leftism will leave you gasping for each breath. If an election can be successfully stolen once, why not twice, with techniques refined? Who and what will stop them? Sidney Powell (bless her heart)?
The Great Reset is what I eventually decided Climate Change was really about.
Two points make me incredibly angry (and have been ticking me off for some time):
1. “abandon” practices thought to be essential. Some businesses might be letting people opt to work from home forever, but many businesses and other entities have not “abandoned” normal practices, they’ve simply suspended them and intend to resume them as quickly as possible. The “new normal” is not normal, and will never be normal. Our ancestors spent hundreds of thousands of years sitting around campfires with their clansmen. We are wired for in-person interaction, even introverts. Also, it is logistically very difficult to run a large corporation, or the courts, or a government agency, or what-have-you, by phone and video. It is not sustainable. Virtual meetings, conventions, and parties are awful because it’s not possible for all invitees, or even a majority, to participate meaningfully. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with what’s wrong with trying to go about day-to-day business virtually; I’m not going into the full-blown rant.
2. “willingness to make sacrifices” Some of those sacrifices were in vain and I think people need to hear that, as hard as it is. Nobody should have been shutting themselves up in their homes. Nobody should be “sacrificing” their physical and mental well-being for others by not going outside. Heck, even if you’re sick, simply going outside is not hurting anybody. People going stir-crazy keeping themselves and their families on “lockdown” was not noble, beautiful, or heroic, it was just stupid. I didn’t make the “sacrifice” not because I’m a sociopath but because I knew it was pointless. And all along, people could have been going to stores, school, and church with masks and social distancing guidelines in place. A “lockdown” is not a “sacrifice” anyone should be asked to make. Stop letting people believe they’re heroes for staying home and tell them the truth: there’s absolutely no point to what they’re doing.
“The Great Reset” is delusion upon the part of its proponents.
Even were the Western Left to succeed in its ‘Globalizing’ the West, all they will have done is depress the West’s ‘immune system’ by negating those “rough and ready men who stand ready to do violence upon their behalf”.
All the left has are thugs, which can keep a disarmed public compliant but stand no chance against jihadists willing to die for their ‘god’ or a ChiCom party that secretly seeks global dominance.
Neither the ChiComs nor the Imams and Mullahs would allow the global ‘elite’ such as Soros, Klaus, Obama, Merkel or Kerry, Gates, Dorsey or Zuckerberg to live.
The global ‘elite’ are embarked upon a course that if ‘successful’ will lead to their utter destruction.
Now read this:
The Great Reset strikes me as being the Fabian Society garbage that never quite died.
After the Fabian Society ideology withered (somewhat) there was great enthusiasm for straight Communism. When that failed spectacularly, we were told that “The Third Way” was the answer to the horrors of Darwinian free market capitalism. The world should emulate Sweden and their democratic socialism.
Then when most of the intelligent and connected Swedes abandoned most of their previous socialism (because of economic sclerosis), the global elites said we need to become more like Norway. Please ignore the inconvenient fact of a tiny nation stumbling across a multi-trillion dollar oil field under the North Sea.
They didn’t have a name for it yet; just “be like Norway.” Now there is a name. The Great Reset. And a content free slogan. Push the Reset Button. It’s almost as good as cheering for “Hope and Change.” I prefer to think of it as “The Fourth Way” because keeping a correct count helps us remember the consensus of failures associated with The Second and Third Ways.
The Great Reset = Agenda 21. Agenda 21 was cooked up in the UN in 1992. It is about one world government; a cashless, worldwide currency;
government-owned and controlled schools, colleges and universities; an end to single-family homes; and much more. It was thought that AGW would be the prime vehicle for achieving the goal. Unfortunately for them, “Climategate” i n 2009 revealed how deceptive the “climate scientists were. The army of climate sceptics has grown mightily since then, but they still believe that they can muster enough propaganda to frighten people into going along with their program., The Covid-19 operations have given them new hope. It has shown that there are many who can be frightened into obedience and that the MSM will convey their messages of fear.
So much about the handling and messaging of the pandemic has been confusing, contradictory, politicized, and plain stupid, that, just like the issue of AGW, there is a growing army of skeptics who are questioning everything. Why are they slow-walking the vaccine approval? Why has there been no warp speed program to develop therapeutics? Why has here been no hopeful message about monoclinal anti-bodies as therapeutics, when they have saved the lives of two prominent men – POTUS and Ben Carson? Why has there not been a major trial of HCQ + ZN for outpatients? Why has there been no publicity about the apparent anti-viral affect of Ivermectin? Why has there been no study and discussion of Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin, and other supplements that seem to protect against serious cases of Covid-19? I understand that the medical community wants double blind studies as the gold standard for any treatment. But this is a dangerous world-wide pandemic – not the time for caution and being fearful of trying new things. Time is of the essence. Yet, we are told there is nothing that can be done. If you get the virus, stay home, nurse it like the flu, and when you get pneumonia, we will admit you to the hospital where we hope we can save your life. So, now hospitals are being overrun with new Covid-19 patients, the governors did nothing to top up PPE during the summer lull, no efforts were made to develop out patient therapeutics (or no one cared when monoclinal anti-bodies were successful), and now their only answer is “lockdown.” Shows what a mess can be made when government is more interested in controlling their citizens than in just solving problems.
Fortunately, the mask is off and more people are aware of what Big Brother has in mind.
It is about one world government; a cashless, worldwide currency; — J.J.
Did anyone notice that towards the end of Obama’s last term, people like Larry Summers were out publicly campaigning for the elimination of the $100 bill? And if you read Larry’s article, he slipped in a sneaky reference to a U.S.A. where the $20 would be the largest denomination. I don’t recall who said it, “Cash is liberty coined.”
Agenda 21 just doesn’t have a catchy ring to it, does it?
It is about one world government; a cashless, worldwide currency; — J.J.
TommyJay, J.J.: My blood boils a bit each time I go into a bank, store or restaurant and see a notice about how the Treasury is running short on coins, so could I please pay with a credit card or exact change.
The Treasury is not running short on change. They have intentionally created a shortage with the rationale that coins spread Covid.
I found out today that I have covid. I’ve had worse colds than this. I’m only experiencing runny nose and coughing and a mild headache. Keeping an eye on oxygen saturation and temperature. O2 is 99% and temp is at or below 97. I’ve been preparing for this since the pandemic has taken hold by taking 2000 mg Vitaminc C, 2000 iu Vitamin D, 50 mg zinc, 50 mg elderberry and Vitamin B6. I think the whole thing has been overblown since almost everyone I know who has had it had mild symptoms. The more people who get it, the more it seems to be weakening. We’re undergoing good old fashioned herd immunity.
Thanks, Neo; one of the best short articles I have seen that captures the essence of the Great Reset. Truly scary stuff. I never see MSM broadcasts, but I do see comments online about how the MSM pooh-poohs this as a conspiracy theory. No matter how improbable this may appear, my sense is that globalists will be relentless in their efforts, and it seems impossible that we Americans will not eventually be drawn in, especially under Biden. I despair the future of the Republic, something I knew (in the back of my mind) would happen, but not now. I hoped to be in the grave before the world collapsed, but TPTB moved too quickly to bankrupt the world’s financial system, and now they are scrambling to find ways to keep their fortunes growing, at our expense.
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Reading things like this makes me feel like we’re at the Alamo, wondering whether help is coming.
As you said, no wonder they hate Trump. Even if he’s not President, he’s still a force of nature.
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On his podcast today Scott Adams concedes rather chirpily that the Republic is lost, gone, because of this massive vote fraud.
However, Adams believes that it can be recovered by re-engineering voting, though he doesn’t explain how that happens if Our New Overlords have anything to say about it.
I’m not a regular listener, but this is the first show I’ve noticed Adams using serious profanity:
I f***in’ hate [Biden’s] guts… And by the way I’ve never said that about a President … But I hate Biden because of this. I mean, this doddering old fool could destroy the whole f***in’ country.
@huxley: I listen to Scott Adams regularly, and it seems to me that he is now in the process of trying to have it both ways, and that he is also in something of a panic. I think Adams is trying both to cut his losses (after four years of being a vocal champion of Donald Trump) and to be heard making all the right anti-Biden noises (the latter in self-defense, too, since Biden has spent the last year describing Trump and his voters as racists). Adams does have his little empire to run and protect. He can be amusing, but more and more these days he sounds like a middle-school know-it-all.
MollyG: Good to hear from a regular listener to Scott Adams!
I’d agree Adams often sounds like a middle-school know-it-all. Too clever by half, as the Brits would say. I was also disappointed by his dismissal of the Fulton County shenanigans, which seemed to be based on his sloppy understanding of the case.
Well, we’re all in some kind of panic. It’s an eerie feeling that we don’t really have a president yet, and no matter who wins there will be very hard feelings.
And some thought i was being morose when i said invest in ovens..
what else could one do with the outcome of such a global thing?
just remember… if your not essential now, and have special privilege
you can guarantee your not going to be then, and then what?
i will bet that people later will wish they took my big ass warnings so far back rather than wait till they were sure they and their future family were this screwed…
John Kerry has been claiming that Biden supports the Great Reset (
At the World Economic Forum, Kerry is supposed to have said “[Y]es, it [the Great Reset] will happen, and I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.“
Is the Great Reset the pseudo-intellectual version of Antifa?
These Ymarsakar type conspiracy theories people talk about here.. what’s that all about? Some kind of Reset? Hehe
People are scared of this? Ridiculous.
Well, we’re all in some kind of panic. It’s an eerie feeling that we don’t really have a president yet, and no matter who wins there will be very hard feelings.
Who is this we?
It’s not eerie at all. It is expected. It’s not new.
Scott Adams has found a video he likes of electoral fraud:
–Scott Adams, “Bullies Chased Out Witnesses”
He doesn’t mention the venue, but the action is clear. Witnesses were removed from the ballot counting building by force, then cardboard was placed over the windows before counting resumed.
As Adams, says after that the argument is over.
So we seem to be at Stage 3 — “Yes, there was fraud but probably not enough to overturn the election.” If we wait much longer, Stage 4 — “It’s too late to do anything about it.”
Baby steps to the cashless society. The Fed is making plans to issue payments directly to digital wallets for everyone, all to prevent collapse from COVID-19 lockdowns.
First step to a global virtual currency.
“Tyler Durden, writing for ZeroHedge, reported that there is proposed legislation now for “Central Bank Digital Currencies” where every person in America would have a digital account where these digital currencies would be deposited during pandemics.”
Pingback:The Great Reset – BIJIN WORLD
Had to dig back through Neo’s archive for the appropriate thread. Anyway, here’s James Howard Kunstler’s new year’s day forecast for 2021 and beyond:
Long, but worth a read. Condensed version: the Davos crowd may want to pull off a “Great Reset”, but they don’t have the mojo. Kunstler’s conclusion:
“In the meantime of such a crisis, very little of daily life would come out the other end looking the way it used to in the years prior to 2020. We’ll see a Great Reset, all right, but not some totalitarian gruel dished out to the plebes from the Davos steam-table or any other elite catering service. It will be an emergent, self-organizing phenomenon, from the ground up, in which everyday people will have to improvise new systems at the local level for getting food, arranging for shelter, and creating business activities around their most fundamental needs: food production, transport, trade, manufacturing, energy supplies, medical care, cleaning, building, et cetera.
I’ve been saying for a while that this might amount to ‘going medieval.’ Could be better, could be worse. Well, there it is. There’s your Great Reset for you. Stand by and prepare to scramble.”
Coincidentally, I just finished watching the last season of “The Man in the High Castle” on the Bezos Broadcasting Corporation a couple of nights ago. Sounds like Kunstler thinks we may be heading for a 21st-century version of daily life in the Neutral Zone, between the two totalitarian behemoths. Greatly reduced, but still viable. Tangible skills will be at a premium. As he says: Could be worse.
We’ll see. Happy new year, y’all.