Home » Covering Biden: the horror movie returns


Covering Biden: the horror movie returns — 40 Comments

  1. When I saw your headline I thought it was going to be about how the media are going to cover Biden (which you did briefly mention). That is already showing itself of course. Look at how they only mildly tut-tutted when the Biden people totally kept them in the dark about his broken leg or whatever it was. They ditched the media and blocked their view but we didn’t get the tears and cries about democracy dying in darkness like every time Trump does some minor thing.

    It will be really fun when the ‘President’ doesn’t hold a news conference for weeks or when the ‘President’ goes all Dementia Joe and starts making up words and facts or starts going on about personally ending the war with Hitler in Vietnamistan or something.

  2. If the Biden/Harris election stands America is over. It’s that simple. There will never be another fair election, and America will become just one more failed New World disaster.

    I don’t want to sound negative, but that is what I think. I already saw this once in Venezuela. It will take them a decade or two to completely steal the wealth of America, but it will happen and America will become a poor country.

    Where to go next…?

  3. What we should do for the coming four years: (1) Leave Facebook and Twitter. (2) Don’t watch any of the legacy media. (3) Subscribe to conservative media. (4) Donate to Republican organizations, local, state, and national. Third parties aren’t going to make enough headway. (5) Work in your city and state to get rid of electronic voting machines, Dominion or other, and to eliminate mail-in voting, and to clean up voter rolls. (6) Support conservative legal groups, who need to begin suing on each and every Democrat executive order or other action.

  4. Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide, while in a jail cell and being monitored with video cameras, which were accidentally not working.

    Henry Reid lost vision in his right-eye and suffered multiple facial bruises and broken ribs due to a broken exercise band.

    Joe Biden fractured his foot while playing with his dog and has to wear a boot.

    Nothing wrong with Hillary either, you right-wing conspiracy mongerers!

  5. “There was also the intensification of a previously Democrat-friendly press into a Democrat-worshipping press.”

    This may be the best and scarily accurate thing you’ve written, Neo.

  6. I suppose Biden could have hurt his foot playing with his dog, but it’s so hard to believe anything I read that sounds like it might be a pleasant cover-up concealing something less pleasant for a Democrat’s image.

    Does anyone else remember that bizarre Harry Reid story about being assaulted by his exercise band so it just happened to look like he had taken a classic severe beating — broken facial bones and ribs? I can’t tell from the web whether he recovered vision in his right eye.

    Reid did have the chutzpah to sue the exercise band company for damages, but lost the case.

  7. I thought the monster would eat the stock market as the vote tallies magically morphed into an apparent Biden win. It did not, so I guess we are in that interlude of imagined safety until Biden’s economic policies have their effect. I expect the Monster will go on a wealth consuming rampage then. And you won’t have to be particularly wealthy for it to seek you out.

    Kate, I agree with your admonition to support conservative legal groups like Judicial Watch. They are among the few effective fighters. I am very dubious about contributing to Republicans right now, since as a group they are either feckless, or fellow travelers with big government leftists. You may feel differently if you are in Texas, Arkansas, or a few other venues. The exception is the Georgia Senate run off. That is too critical to quibble. As far as changing local election practices and so forth. Tough sledding. The real problems are not in your small cities/towns; they are in Democrat machine controlled cities.

  8. We did pretty well in NC, Oldflyer, in spite of having four large leftist urban areas. We still control the state legislature and hence redistricting, and we took several Appeals Court and state Supreme Court seats.

    Do what you can where you are.

  9. Oldflyer:

    The problems are in Democrat-controlled cities, but also in the court system – for example, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which is dominated by Democrats and ruled consistently against GOP efforts to tighten the voting laws.

  10. Neo: I remember reading your declaration of “dread” before the election; and it prompted me to de-lurk and agree with you. So too now. We are in very dangerous waters and I wish I could point to a less-dire course than the one you’ve sketched. Even if the Progs don’t take the Georgia Senate seats, their control of the White House –plus their contempt for law and order– will do enormous damage. Their willingness to burn down all trust in the voting infrastructure in order to install Biden (and then, soon, Harris) is proof of their intention and capability to bring utter ruin upon us. As Roy Nathanson asks in his comment, “Where to go next?” There is nowhere else to go.

  11. huxley:

    I understand what you’re saying about Reid, but I have to say that in my experience a person can be badly injured by some things that seem innocuous. For example, when I caught my toe on an uneven paver and fell precipitously head downward onto the sidewalk – an event I described in detail here – for a month or two afterward I looked like I’d sustained a pretty bad beating. So I actually think it’s possible that Reid got hurt from a treadmill.

  12. Owen:

    Dangerous waters indeed.

    I was thinking today – and maybe I’ll write a post on this – that this election is only the end result of a long process that was already very ominous well over a decade ago, perhaps even three decades ago. Three decades ago the rot was already well established in the universities, and they are the incubator of thought for the “elites” who then go out into the world and run things, including the legal system, politics, and the MSM.

    Sometimes unforeseen things happen, though. And sometimes they are good. That’s what I tell myself, anyway – that I can’t really foretell the future, even if I think the signs look very bad.

  13. neo: Of course it’s possible someone could suffer a freak set of injuries from an exercise band (though, as I noted, Reid lost his case to sue the exercise band company for damages). And if you told me that story I would believe you.

    However, Harry Reid, a thoroughly corrupt Nevada politician who has regular dealings with organized crime, told me that story, so Occam’s Razor nudges me in a more conspiratorial direction. Which isn’t to say I have proof of anything.

    One can see Dickie Smothers playing Harry Reid and being comped by a mob casino boss played by Robert DeNiro, in Scorcese’s classic “Casino.”

    Powerline did a couple posts on the topic and John Hinderaker concluded:

    I think I have been clear about this, but just in case, here it is, one more time: I don’t believe that the severe injuries inflicted on Reid were caused by a snapping exercise band. To the casual observer, it appears that he was hit repeatedly in the face and the ribs with a hard left hand.


    Hinderaker issues the usual disclaimer about not having proof of anything either.

  14. I suspect that Iran’s protests are pure posturing, and positioning for the inevitable negotiations. A couple of weeks ago, I’m pretty sure that I saw a comment that they were already demanding even more pallets of cash from the US in order to sign another agreement with the US, despite the fact that the previous agreement didn’t ask them to do much at all (at least, nothing that could be verified).

  15. The last four years the US media and the Dems have been dishonest, divisive, repressive, and ugly. I have Democrat friends that think Trump is divisive and think ‘great days are ahead’. They have been ‘gaslighted’ and they haven’t seen division, like the division if ‘dementia’ and ‘easy’ … I refuse to say. More than half of Americans think this election was illegitimate. When you cannot trust the vote, you have become a tech oligarchy totalitarian state. The country will be irreparably divided. There are a lot of angry people that are on on the right side of history and the isle.

    This is a perfect scene from the Aviator that depicts the idiot theology of the elites in the US;


  16. Of course the Iranians don’t trust the democrats. What basis is there for trust? In Trump, the Iranians know exactly what they’re dealing with but the Iranians prefer a democrat because they also know from experience with Carter, Clinton and Obama exactly how appeasing democrats can be.


    I hate to rain on your parade but the chance of those tactics being effective is less than zero given that democrats will, at all costs, protect their fraudulent ability to ‘win’ elections and count on their activist judges to derail efforts at reform and accountability.

    Nor should we forget that GOPe collaborationist RINOs can be counted upon to side with the Woke whenever needed.

    “Republican Senators Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Susan Collins, and Thom Tillis will attend a Thursday “summit” meeting hosted by the “American Business Immigration Coalition,” a pro-amnesty group consisting of big business donors, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as the George Soros-funded United We Dream organization.”

    “Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Friday that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will be “happy to sell out his voters with an amnesty deal” after saying he seeks “common ground” with Democrats on immigration reform.”

    “Carlson railed against Graham, who just won his toughest reelection fight in years, for suggesting the GOP majority in the Senate next year ought to focus on working with Democrats to do an amnesty for up to 22 million people in the U.S. illegally.”

    “Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood held a press conference in Georgia on Wednesday, where Powell told the crowd not to vote in the upcoming Senate runoff election, a message that directly contrasts with President Donald Trump’s call for Georgians to turn out to vote for Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.”

    So Powell and Wood are saying to Georgians don’t vote in a rigged election, give the US Senate to the democrats and demand from corrupt politicians that they ‘fix’ what allows them to ‘win’ elections.

    The ‘logic’ being that if we don’t vote in elections… that will force democrats to fix the corruption…

  17. Whatever the source of Biden’s foot problems may be, I predict we are going to see a whole lot of Democrats and the media covering for Biden’s cognitive lapses and health problems. For one thing, I have seen no proof Biden can manage a full working day.

    It’s going to be amusing and horrifying.


    You have the right of it Sir, there is no possibility whatsoever of things ending well. 1984 and 1776 are not merely incompatible but antithetical. As soon claim to equally serve and value both God and Lucifer.


    That scene from the Aviator succinctly sums it up.


    There’ll be little amusement and a stomach turning amount of horror. Venezuela is but a prelude to our future under the Left.

  19. Geoffrey Britain: Make you a deal. I don’t have to take your predictions seriously and you don’t have to take mine. Americans may invent a new form of hell, but I doubt it will be Venezuela.

    Speaking of hell, I’m reminded of a bit from “Red Dwarf,” a bizarre 80s Brit scifi show about the near to last human being living aboard a space ship with a computer, a hologram and a super-evolved cat.

    Holly (Computer): Jean-Paul Sartre said hell was being locked forever in a room with your friends.

    Lister (Human): Holly, all his mates were French.

  20. Kate @ 5:05 – I totally agree with all of your suggestions EXCEPT for #4 donate to Republicans. I would change that to support CONSERVATIVE organizations. I live in Michigan and the sorry almost negligent performance of the Republican party in 2020 appalled me. I resolved to work inside the Republican party to transform it but until I know my precious treasure will be effective I will not give it to the incompetent boobs that staff it. It has to be as bad as California.

    Instead I urge you to support organization like Judicial Watch, local True the Vote etc. In Michigan there is a grassroots organization called Unlock Michigan that put a petition together in record time to repeal the 1945 law that Whitmer used (lawfully) to promulgate her edicts. The Secretary of State is slow walking it but ultimately it will have to be released because all the signatures are valid.

    Now they are taking aim at the 2022 election of the Soros backed gang of Whitmer, Nessel and Benson. I will participate and once I investigate what and how the funds are to me used then I will give them money. Same with True the Vote. Don’t just give your money but also your time and attention.


    Above all, be of good cheer. Be happy with what matters in life. Fight for what you hold dear. Remember you are not alone but have 80M people with you. You outnumber the others. Setbacks happen but you pick yourself up and move forward. Alway forward. And in the end you will be a “man in the arena” and not a cold pale soul sitting on the sidelines.

  21. We mask reality by commenting on who Biden is choosing or what Biden is doing. Unless he is the first human beneficiary of the wonder drug discussed in the prior post, Biden’s cognitive decline has not magically reversed and I doubt that he has made a single decision about appointments or policies. We are witnessing Obama’s third term as president, picking up exactly where he left off. We should ascribe actions and decisions to “the Party”, as in other one party states.

  22. huxley,

    You may do as you wish regarding my or anyone else’s thoughts. Reality will have the final say. But I would point out that when someone repeatedly labels you an evil racist, should opportunity arise, they will do you harm and will then congratulate themselves for acting upon their ‘certainties’.

    I’m just taking them at their word and extrapolating probabilities within the context of possible future realities.

    “We are witnessing Obama’s third term as president, picking up exactly where he left off. We should ascribe actions and decisions to “the Party”, as in other one party states.” Ben Jacobs

    Well put sir. And IMO, right on the money.

  23. It’s Obama’s third term, he’s probably calling most of the shots. I know he has his second autobiography out, perfectly timed. And now he’s speaking more and providing more “advice” in public.

  24. JH Corcoran, that scene! I had the thought when I first saw it that had I been in Hughes’ place when the elder Hepburn announced they were socialists and with his money, I would have immediately driven into the nearest city, rented several buses, loaded up every bum and homeless person I could and dumped them on the Hepburn estate. I would then have challenged them to live up to their stated values.

  25. Obvious election fraud is on such a massive scale that the election must be overturned and the criminals behind the coup punished. We need plans, strategy and action, not cowardly surrender. We need to position the right people with the right skills and equipment in Washington now. Target the leadership of the coup, not the useful idiots in the street. Everyone else, prepare to drive to Washington and shut down roads and railroads leading in and out, bring lots of food, water, firewood, tools, guns and ammo. We might be there awhile. Shoot out electric lines. Dig up cables. Push into DC. If BLM and Antifa want to die for global Marxism, grant their wish. Arrest traitors. Try them.

    Suggestions are welcome. But please, don’t act like this is anything other than a communist coup we’re witnessing. And look in the mirror and ask if you are a coward.

  26. Wow! You really nailed my attitude about the ensuing four years, neo. I am very much in sympatico, including your description of the past four years. However, I don’t find myself particularly glum. At times, when I think about it I get down, knowing that our nation continues its “progress” from a nation of independent men and women to a nation of serfs ruled by our betters in D.C. And I know there will be many times when events in Washington enrage me during the next four years.

    It’s odd, but I think it is my cynicism that helps me stay calm these days. I expect many people to vote their immediate, selfish self-interests and to avoid doing the necessary homework to learn how politics and human nature intersect. Therefore, I’m not surprised when those receiving benefits from the government vote to receive more, nor am I shocked that lobbyists and Congresscritters grift, nor that “journalists” are more concerned with increasing their salaries and viewership than finding and reporting truth. So, although it is maddening, it does make sense and, in an odd way, I guess the predictability gives me comfort.

    I also think we are seeing some incredible shoots spring up. The Daily Wire, OANN, Newsmax, PragerU, this site and hundreds of others, many podcasts… Lovers of liberty and the Constitution are active and engaged, and they have outlets that cannot be shut down that allow them to spread the truth to millions, instantaneously, and at nearly zero cost. We are also seeing some very bright lights in groups that have traditionally avoided Constitutional politics; women, blacks, black women, gay men and women, young folks, musicians… Many talented people with growing audiences. It is also comforting seeing so called mainstream sources lose their grip on information; the AP and UPI, network and cable news, political columnists… Candace Owens reaches more people using a laptop than Thomas Friedman does using the vast (but dwindling) resources of the New York Times.

    So the elites want to rule, the proletariats want bread and circuses and the media and entertainers want attention. God’s in His heaven, all’s right with the world.

  27. neo at 6:35pm,

    Yup, and even longer than three decades. The Founders knew there would be tremendous efforts to centralize and accrete power from day one, and they were correct. We get occasional stalls and the very rare minor reversal, but the trend has been consistent in one direction since 1790. Wilson, FDR, LBJ and Nixon were some of the most aggressive progressives, but it’s almost always a question of pace, rather than direction no matter the administration.

  28. neo wrote, “In what sort of detail do I want to chronicle a Biden/Harris administration?”

    Consider sometimes getting away from the details and the topics presented as important.

  29. Kate, et al, North Carolinians’ held their noses and voted for Tillis and look how he repaid us.

  30. David Stori, Tillis is a squish, yes. Is he better than Kay Hagan would have been? Better than Cunningham, even without his personal problems? I decided “yes” in both cases.

    I plan to write to Tillis and point out that if he wants to be a THREE term senator, he’d better dance with the ones who brung him.

  31. Re: extrapolations…

    Geoffrey Britain: When it comes to human beings, I’m not a big fan of straight-line extrapolations and slippery slopes.

    It’s easy enough to say A, B, C have happened, therefore D, E, F must follow, then we’re all screwed. I’ve seen most of those extrapolations fail.

    Which doesn’t rule out D, E, F, screwed, but puts it in a less certain perspective.

  32. Re: Biden’s foot injury while playing with dog…

    Scott Adams covered this in a recent podcast with more rigor than my intuition earlier in the post.

    Usual disclaimer: Adams doesn’t have proof; he is speculating. To wit…

    Let us say Biden had a typical elder accident, tripped, stumbled and broke his foot. His handlers step in and say, hmm, that doesn’t look so good for our President-Elect, who is already suspected of suffering age-related decline. How can we take a sad song and make it better, as the Beatles once sang?

    We can’t say he broke his foot doing something manly like rugby or sky-diving. No one will believe that. But frolicking with his dog and accidentally getting hurt? Why that could happen to anyone. Problem solved.

    I can’t prove that either, but it would be my bet.

  33. Recently Turley wrote in USA Today that Barr making Durham a Special Counsel will give Biden & Obama team some headaches, not so different than Trump had.


    He fails to mention that the Dems were allied with Dem media in leaks & pseudo-leaks to harm Trump for two years – won’t be like against Biden. But on the other hand, Biden’s team (& Obama) are actually guilty. There really were crimes committed by humans, unlike the Trump fishing on Collusion Hoax. (OK, many Trump team guys are a bit slimy, and guilty of small stuff that most Dems get away with for years, decades.)

    Gen Flynn retweeted something on “Martial Law”.
    I hope so, but don’t see it as likely.

    The GOPe has been “bribed” by the Dem deep state to get more seats, to have “more influence”, and just have to sit still and allow Trump to be sacrificed. I’m pretty sure Trump feels little support from GOPe, despite his work for them.

    It’s not yet over, but Trump’s “most important speech ever” was NOT a rousing call for mass protests. And if the Trump supporters can’t get out for protests in the millions, there is no real appetite to fight, and maybe die, against the police / national guard.

    But it’s gonna keep getting worse, in many ways, and often faster. Tho there is something to be said for the idea that Wokesheviks won’t be strongly opposed until they’ve done even more destruction – so the sooner they get to that backlash level, the better. I don’t quite believe it, but will be hoping it’s true.

    Million person protests are needed – I don’t see them happening.

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