Home » If you don’t want to read Sidney Powell’s entire Georgia document but are curious to know what it alleges…


If you don’t want to read Sidney Powell’s entire Georgia document but are curious to know what it alleges… — 15 Comments

  1. Somewhat OT but here it is:

    Robert Barnes
    FYI: Prior to the SCOTUS decision in Bush v. Gore, every federal court and every state supreme court had ruled for Gore over Bush every time until SCOTUS. Election contests only start next week, and the key procedural aspect of Bush v. Gore was it started as an election contest.

  2. I listened to the whole thing. As anyone who has listened, my response was “wow, just wow”. Now Jerome Corsi was a person that Roger Stone threatened during his pre-election antics. So the MSM will try to discredit this. If Senator Johnson did actually review this stuff I would love to know what happened to it.

    I am going to email Sen. Johnson’s office to get their take on this. Going back to ShipWreckedCrew stance this may be part of a criminal investigation. Doubt it though. But, Bill Barr was in Chicago last week for what we do not know.

  3. None of this was done without direction from the very top of the democrat party. RICO charges are entirely appropriate.

    First invoke the Insurrection Act. Then declare Martial Law in response to the coming riots. Then bring RICO charges against the entire top echelons of the left. Charge every major media outlet with sedition. Academia too. The Left’s March Through the Institutions requires that all the institutions be swept clean.

    Do it or prepare for the inescapable alternative, another Civil War.

  4. Geoffrey Britain,

    I do agree about the RICO charges. I would hope that enough small fish start testifying in return for immunity in sufficient numbers to create a massive shift in public opinion that renders the Insurrection Act unnecessary.

    A massive house cleaning of all democratic institutions in the country is also required.

    Sedition Act for the media? I’m not convinced that would be the best precedent. While, I want to see accountability for the media, I also don’t want to see First Amendment rights weakened.

    The overall lesson learned is that Trump was far too timid in his initial efforts to “drain the swamp”. He underestimated the enemy.

  5. Without having the time to watch the entire video I did spend some time with the infographics. I see a lot of allegations about process but how much of that is law versus administrative best practices? How much of this will be able to identify specific votes by specific people the should be thrown out or reversed? I think this has been the problem since the beginning.

    Statistically speaking it seems apparent that there is chicanery at play in multiple states. The problem is the ability of the courts to remedy them and the unlikely possibility of state legislatures choosing to appoint electors contrary to the “official” state vote count.

  6. Geoffrey Britain,


    This has gone on far enough and if the DNC/MSM/Deep State Gordian Knot needs to be cut to pieces for the good of the country.

  7. Roy Nathanson,

    The First Amendment is being used to effect the destruction of America. Charges of sedition are appropriate and start with permanent revocation of their broadcasting licenses.

    The rot is too deep and too widespread for legal half measures.

    Which you just acknowledged when you stated, “The overall lesson learned is that Trump was far too timid in his initial efforts to “drain the swamp”. He underestimated the enemy.”

    Fractal Rabbit,

    “This has gone on far enough and if the DNC/MSM/Deep State Gordian Knot needs to be cut to pieces for the good of the country.”

    Agreed, this is noteworthy; “Does Trump’s shuffling of the Defense Policy Board mean something?”


    Does not the President of the United States have a Constitutional duty to put down a coup? Must not he rely upon parties loyal to the Constitution to effect that duty?

  8. Geoffrey+Britain,

    It sounds like Trump has prepared for more than just yanking their licenses, like maybe seizing their business and wealth (did we already talk about this here? I don’t remember):

    EO 13848

    Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

    (i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

    (ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or

    (iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.

  9. This power point is a good thing for people to see in order to understand how the election machine companies such as Dominion operate. Showing how the vote tallies move from the election sites to servers in other countries is information which, if true, certainly presents ample opportunity for chicanery. The narrator pointed out how the companies’ manuals provided little evidence of high security for data. All in all, an unsettling presentation.

    I believe that an investigatory commission like the 9/11 Commission should be formed to do a bi-partisan investigation into all aspects of the election in the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, ad Nevada. Time is running out and the courts seem unwilling to take a stand. Unless there is a thorough airing of the irregularities and some new laws are passed to put a stop to even the appearance of cheating, many people will not trust our election system ever again. This needs to be set up and funded before the electors meet.

    One obvious thing that must never be allowed again – letting judges or SoS’s change election laws and procedures. The Constitution calls for only state legislatures to have such powers. All such changes should cast doubt on the fairness of any election, calling the results into question.

    A thorough vetting of the computer operated voting and tallying machines must be carried out and safeguards put in place to either discontinue their use or provide impregnable security.

    National laws, easily enforced, must be passed to prevent local political machines from barring bi-partisan oversight of election procedures.

    The commission, if formed soon, could do its work no matter who ends up in the oval.

  10. What’s happening in he Powell case of electronic vote fraud? Plenty if you know where to look Pamela Geller has some of the best up. Including interview and transcript about the repeatedly mentioned raid on Dominion servers via Barcelona, Spain

    In on version it involves Scotland in Frankfurt, in another the CIA — or possibly both?

    Until now, no one in authority has Spoken out with authority. Now comes Lt. General McInerny who is plugged in by owning Cloud Service interests since leaving the Air Force the as third highest ranking General and spending over 16 years as a Fox News Military Analyst (let go for Islamic WrongThink, IIRC).

    McInerney Says the raid did occur, the raid to get computers and servers showing manipulation of voting in key states when we think it did have been secured.

    The 305th Intelligenv

  11. Hmmmm.

    The flash screen for the video begins by asserting that the house always wins because the house manipulates the operation of slot machines.

    This can’t possibly be true for the roulette wheels, the keno games, and (mostly) for the blackjack tables. I greatly doubt it’s true for slot machines, because the risk of hackers would likely outweigh any benefit from rigging the slot machines.

    If this video begins which that sort of dubious assertion, my willingness to trust the remainder of the video decreases quite a bit.

  12. earlier, I pointed out how there is a scytl facility in frankfurt, unlike what they told usa today and new york times, now from other information, I deduced that dominion has ties to a swedish company, telia which also has a server in frankfurt,
    that’s at rebstocker 55, there may also be a node at the global crossing hub, at fleyerstrasse 83, in close proximity,

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