Home » NY 22, we’ve got a problem


NY 22, we’ve got a problem — 37 Comments

  1. “We have a serious problem on our hands.”

    They certainly do have a serious problem. The problem is that the Republican candidate is ahead by more than 100 votes.

    I used to automatically assume that incompetence and negligence was always the full explanation to a story like this. But how hard would it be for some semi-clever and partisan election worker to snatch a few post-its off of their stacks and throw them on the floor when no one is looking.

    It takes time to fabricate a box full of a few hundred phony but legitimate looking ballots. Now they have time. My experience in California is that very close elections are rarely won by Republicans.

  2. If the process works the way it did a generation ago, both the Republican and Democratic commissioner of elections (and their staffs on each side) would bear equal responsibility for this sloppy, sketchy way of keeping track of things. I’ve sat in for days at a time on absentee ballot tabulations in elections like this. With the tools at hand at that time, scamming could occur, but it would require collusion. (I will tell you that one person on the Democratic staff vociferously resented my presence as I watched her work).

    New York avoids certain problems by staffing each board of elections with equal numbers of patronage employees from each side. Patronage employees are not the most capable people who find work in office settings. The culture of each board differs. The boards in New York City had a terrible reputation once upon a time. Broome County had a good board back in the day, as did Monroe County.

    I used to live in this district, but I was never an observer in any of the counties within it.

  3. It takes time to fabricate a box full of a few hundred phony but legitimate looking ballots. Now they have time. My experience in California is that very close elections are rarely won by Republicans.

    If the process hasn’t changed, I think it would be challenging to put more ballots into the stream at this point.

  4. Redo the election!

    Too bad there’s no way to punish the “election officials” who are so stupidly sloppy.

    The only way to know an election is “honest” is to do two things. Have honest rules, and enforce the rules. Sticky notes are inherently non-honest – even less so than signature matching mail-in ballots, which are also not-so-honest.

    One citizen – with ID – with paper ballot – on one Election day.

    The most fair system we know of – and not ideal for all, especially the lazy. But it’s better for gov’t if those who don’t care enough to vote in person, don’t vote nor even get ballots – so an annoying absentee ballot request procedure, including signature, is quite good to minimize, or at least reduce, absentee requests. Vast majority should vote in person on Election day.

    #stopTheSteal and other protests should emphasize the need to have an honest election process.

  5. Who benefits? That’s the question. Doesn’t that normally explain most of the dumbfounding block-headed ‘mistakes’, where election officials make elaborate Gallic-style full-body shrugs? ‘Ow could ziz hav happen? Eez all a mystery!’ Not to be too jaded, but….Since the candidate from the Wrong Party has benefited this time, the investigation must continue until…well, you know.

  6. Redo the election!

    I can’t quite tell what’s up, but my guess is that what they might do is sit down will all the paper absentees and run through the challenge process again, this time locking away the challenged ballots in a drawer at the end of each work session.

  7. I kept reading, thinking I would get to the part that read: “this is a joke”.
    Then I went to the calendar to make sure I had not slept through until 4/1

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
    Four score men, and four score more
    Couldn’t make Humpty as he was before.
    (1797 version w/ minor editing)

    Who knew that we were a Humpty Dumpty Republic?

  8. Vast majority should vote in person on Election day.

    In the eastern United States, about 5.5% of the population has the sort of abiding problem which would justify voting by post. In the west and in some odd places in the east like the Minnesota Iron Range, you have people living in quite low density census tracts, so you might allow those people the option to vote by post as well. That would mean about 5.5% voting by post in the east and 11% in the west. As for people who are out of town that day, tough. They can vote next year.

  9. This is my district, I’m embarrassed to say.

    It would happen in just about any district in New York where the vote is that close. As it happens, the districts which are most competitive right now are in Central New York. Richard Hanna and Sherwood Boehlert were sore at Tenney, so they endorse the Democrat.

  10. If all those storieses here and there about voting from software to ballot box to post and now Post-it notes, all these not enough evidance to athorties to recount?

    So it over by now after Joe Biden got a letter to prepare himeself and his team for transition to WH.

    No point talking further in this subject if no one really take it seriously and take action accordingly

  11. “…stupidly sloppy…”

    Um, no, not sloppy. And certainly not stupidly.

    (Perhaps “insufficiently effective” would do….)

    Anyway, back in Georgia (and PA and AZ and MI and WI):

    Anyone want to take any bets which political party this particular “discovery” would be favoring….?

    + this:
    H/T Jeff Carlson twitter feed.

  12. A shame these guys weren’t given any assistance from Mr. “Big Guy”.

    Amateurs… I mean they did their best—of course they did—and of course they might just prevail, but sheesh….

    In the meantime:

    AKA “Before we “UNITE the nation”, there will be plenty of time to settle a few—more than a few—scores.

    Pray for this fellow—and for the USA.

    (And for Michael Flynn while we’re at it…to whom, reports say, will be soon issued a presidential pardon.)

  13. Pre-election I was pretty vocal that this was going to be a farce and we should just skip to the civil war. I have to admit that this $***show has far, far exceeded my expectations. Stunning really.

    Sidney is supposed to release the Kraken tomorrow. I wonder if she is going to tease us like Jaws with just an ominous wake or perhaps a flash of tentacle or are Kemp and Raffensperger going to get eaten. Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of the Great Election Caper.

  14. I get most of my news now from Not the Bee, its nearly-indistinguishable-twin site The Babylon Bee, and Power Line’s The Week in Pictures.
    It has become impossible to tell the satire from the real stories.


    On the days immediately after the election, observing that nearly every story I read was quickly either disavowed, updated, challenged, retracted, or doubled-down on, I decided to invoke the “three day rule” about all stories regarding voting, fraud, polls, and so forth: the rule being to withhold comment and “wait and see” what shakes out when the dust settles.

    The gyrations have only gotten wilder, the dust clouds have reached cyclone proportions, and I’m now up to the “three week rule” – and may reach three months or later, as I don’t think the twists and turns will be straightened out just because the House has ruled one way or another.

    And we thought 2020 was a bad year.


  15. Don’t know how but I feel confident somehow the Democrat will come out on top because they almost always do.

  16. Speaking of which, I’d recommend taking a look at Shipwreckedcrew’s twitter feed (scroll down a bit in it) and also Sidney Powell’s.

    Powell’s taken a hit (of sorts)—though that might be debated as she certainly showed no signs of being put out—but she has, nonetheless, remained focused and undaunted, and claims she will be “delivering” something of great impact very soon:

    Yes, we’ve heard this before but she absolutely MUST be supported. (My feeling is that in this age of social media and instantaneity, we’ve lost the ability to wait.)


  17. Hanlon’s Razor
    “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”

  18. If a large and complex company consolidated its financial results in the way that this election has been conducted, would an auditor have been willing to sign off on their financial statements?

  19. A record number of absentee ballots are reportedly being requested for Georgia’s crucial Senate runoff races after the nation already broke records on mail-in voting for the Nov. 3 elections.

    More than 762,000 absentee ballots have already been requested in the Peach State, according to WSB-TV, triple the amount of ballots requested in all of the state’s elections in 2018.


  20. If a large and complex company consolidated its financial results in the way that this election has been conducted, would an auditor have been willing to sign off on their financial statements?

    I’m going to wager that the problem in New York is qualitatively different than what you seen in Atlanta or Detroit. My wager is that the problem in NY 22 is that the machine count and the count of undisputed absentee ballots is so close that the election now turns on absentee ballots with various sorts of anomalies, and you have to make jesuitical distinctions about what you count and what you don’t. For example, military ballots used to be routed through an office subsidiary to the Secretary of State rather then go directly to county boards (no clue why). Well, in the election in which I participated, we had a batch of military ballots arrive in their envelopes and you could tell that someone in the Secretary of State’s office had for some reason opened the envelopes and then taped them closed. The letter opener used had been one of those automated ones you occasionally saw in offices 50 years ago. Were those ballots invalid or not? Another round of objections was contra ballots where the voter and shaded in a box rather than checking the box (which they maintained the law required).

  21. The dems were convinced they would gain US House seats , so they did not bother implementing their vote “switcheroos” and cheating to support their candidates.
    This will not happen again.
    In two years, get ready for vote manipulation / cheating on behalf of all demokrats running for US House seats.

    Once Bidet is in office, EVERY agency of the federal govt – CIA, FBI, FEC, DOJ, NSA, DOD, etc. etc. will be mobilized to rig any future elections.

  22. Thats ok…
    Cuomo says the Nuremberg defense is VALID

    Superior orders, often known as the Nuremberg defense, just following orders, Due Obedience, or by the German phrase Befehl ist Befehl (“an order is an order”), is a plea in a court of law that a person, whether a member of the military, law enforcement, a firefighting force, or the civilian population, should not be considered guilty of committing actions that were ordered by a superior officer or official.

    Cuomo blasts police for saying they won’t enforce Thanksgiving gathering limits
    ‘I don’t believe that person is a law enforcement officer,’ Cuomo said
    “I don’t believe that person is a law enforcement officer,” Cuomo said at a news briefing Wednesday.

    “I don’t want a law enforcement officer who says, ‘I’m only enforcing the law that I like or think should be enforced.’”

  23. John Tyler:
    I agree. Ardent Democrats are evil but not stupid. The vote fraud methods will be honed to secure many Dem. victories in 2022.

    I repeat myself, but the USA has become the new post-czar Russia, Bolsheviks vs. Mensheviks. The Bolshies were totally brutal, murdered the opposition, Lenin was installed, succeeded by Stalin, and the entire Russian middle class was brutally, murderously suppressed. Stalin banned the export of food to Ukraine in a brutal 1930s winter and several million Ukrainians starved to death. Plus, of course, the gulags.

    Democrats are Bolsheviks. With Biden as POTUS, all his designated cabinet members being socialists, we will see the same economic destruction of the American middle class. We have already seen some Democratic chatter about the need for re-education camps. China will be in the planetary hotbird seat….forever.

  24. Artfldgr:
    Cuomo is a mass murderer. Why is he allowed to go unprosecuted?
    He ignores the Uniform Code of Military Justice that says an unjustifiable order from a superior may be refused and resisted.

  25. I say we award the Oneida County Board of Elections Commissioners a bevy of Emmys. It seems to be the protocol for incompetent New York office holders.

    Cicero, you made a point that the Russians banned the export of food to the Ukraine in the 1930s. Not exactly. The Ukraine was the bread basket of eastern Europe. Certainly the major food source for Russia and their expanding territory. They ‘nationalized’ the Ukrainian farms. Took over the most productive lands, forced the remaining farmers to hold to quotas of production that simply could not be done. Then Russia took all of the food to feed their own, their Soviet leaders, on down from the top. There was nothing left for the Ukrainians. Any bit of food that was left- was not enough to keep a human alive. Many in the countryside walked miles to get to larger towns or cities in a vain hope of finding some humanity. They perished walking, dying in the streets from starvation or exposure to the elements. The Soviets destroyed The Ukraine, killed millions of their people, starved them, murdered them. And of course the New York Times reported that Stalin was great and was feeding his country just fine, than you. Then they, too, got an award for their historic lies and fabrications.

    I’m telling you, failure on the Left leads to promotions and awards.

  26. Cicero , Newmanian

    Re: Lenin, Stalin and the Bolsheviks.

    Does anybody know how Lenin and Trotsky supported themselves prior to returning to Russia in 1917??
    After all, they needed a place to live, eat, etc.

  27. Cuomo blasts police for saying they won’t enforce Thanksgiving gathering limits

    Cuomo of Planned Parent fame misses the obvious. The limits of group gatherings to one, not two, three, or more. The infectious vectors are diversity in time and place. Ban all group gatherings of more than one person. Oh, and masks increase and decrease infections (flip a coin), or have no significant effect. I wonder how many people died while wearing strap-on petri dishes.

  28. John Tyler. Theft and supporters. They still do. They confiscated property, bank accounts. Just took what they needed. They also took to printing money. Lots and lots of it (hyperinflation). They also had supporters around the world with money, and that included other countries. That’s one reason it was so important to the Soviets to allow Walter Duranty to have a lush way of life in Moscow while the rest of the country was poor. And why Walter Duranty was paid to report…good things only…about Uncle Joe. What the American public thought, and what the US Government thought, was a key to gaining loans and equipment. The Soviets were the largest customer of Ford for their tractors.

    Imagine paying for the growth of a military government aimed at destroying you? We do it now with the Chinese, but it’s not the first time we’ve done this.

  29. It’s a miracoup, I say! A veritable miracoup!
    Praise the Lord and pass the ballots!!

    And if you’re suffering from irregularity…

    …and from a slightly different angle…

    And Nevada (gosh, who would’ve ever suspected…?)

    And Buffalonians(?!) refuse to be buffaloed (or might that be buffalonianed?)

    With some helpful and welcome reminders from Robert Barnes:

    Oopsie…. (but one can be pretty sure it was an honest mistake…and it would be only right and proper to give ’em the benefit of the doubt….Just ask ’em!)

    While it looks like it’s a laughing matter (SERIOUSLY!!)

    And—would you believe it—AZ again…or might that be “the DOMINION of AZ”? (The DOMINATION of AZ?)

    More Robert Barnes (but one almost fears to be too optimistic…):

    Inescapable conclusion (OTOH if the MSCM doesn’t report any of it, there’s clearly nothing to conclude…right?):
    + this:

    Unleashing the Rudi:

    With all this focusing on PA, one wouldn’t want to give the impression that we’re neglecting GA…

    Etc., etc., etc.,

    If one were so inclined, one might just be tempted to advise Obama and Co. that given the nature of what seems to be the AVALANCHE TO COME, it might be prudent at this point to “fundamentally transform” the current—and it cannot be denied, masterful–coup from soft, or medium soft, to FULL HARD. (No, we’re not talking merely about the antifa/BLM shock troops….)

    That is, if you can (and I’m sure you’ve taken care of that contingency since everything you do is masterful.)

    Not a moment to waste.


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