Home » Another infuriating story of Pennsylvania voting fraud


Another infuriating story of Pennsylvania voting fraud — 9 Comments

  1. The judgements by rogue leftist justices are but one of the seven means by which this election has been stolen from the citizenry, the others being voter suppression by corrupt pollsters, the unprecedented push for very questionable mail-in voting, the manipulation of algorithms by Big Tech (see the excellent piece with Robert Epstein on Tucker’s show last night), ceaseless propaganda from the MSM, countless irregularities and anomalies in the tabulation of votes in the contested states (involving cities with long histories of misbehavior by Democratic machine politics), and, last but certainly not least, the involvement of shady, privately-held companies (Dominion and Smartmatic) with questionable political ties and systems which are extremely vulnerable to abuse and fraud.

  2. Call it what it is… treason.

    But it is nice of those 5 ‘justices’ to self-identify as enemies of the Constitution.

  3. If I were an activist judge, I’d be spending a bit more time watching YouTube just to, you know, keep up with the state of the art in alternative dispute resolution modalities.


    “The Peasants are Revolting” doesn’t necessarily mean what Progs think it means.

  4. When Philly’s mayor outright says that Trump needs to put on his “big boy pants” and accept his PA defeat, the State AG and Secretary vowing that Trump will not take the state prior to Election Day, and now the PA Supreme Court doing what they did it’s clear that they simply just don’t want him in any capacity as the POTUS. All of PA Establishment were against him winning re-election. It was planned and coordinated, at least the mentality was. They could stand 8 years of Obama but they couldn’t stand 4 with with Trump whose vast majority of blather was just calling out the MSM. He also said something about blood coming from the you-know-what that one time.

  5. PA elites must really not like the salt of the earth types in Butler County and similar areas. Trump merely symbolizes those patriots.

  6. Geoffrey Britain on November 24, 2020 at 5:43 pm said:
    Call it what it is… treason.

    But it is nice of those 5 ‘justices’ to self-identify as enemies of the Constitution.

    When I pointed out in some Southern blogs, that Soros was a traitor or doing treasonous things, do you know what I had to put up with in terms of feedback?

    Being called out as unConstitutional, for trying to BLOCK SOROS FREE SPEECH. These came from patriots and hardcore conservatives, not leftist zombies.

    That’s what I had to put up with from you humans, GB, for longer than you think. The good old 2007-2012 days.

    You enjoy being allowed and the freedom to say these things because the way has been paved open for you and others.


    Sydney Powell’s focus is electronic and vote counting fraud involving Dominion, a dominant maker of these vote processing devices. And there is an intriguing development that adds serious expert substance towards making her case.

    Feeding her team and Team Trump’s people is the interesting multi-millionaire founder of Overstock.com, Patrick Byrne, who has funded an elite investigative hacking team of Dominion’s vote security problems.


    This election “was 100% vote fraud”, Byrne says confidently. He says they’ve solved the digital vote fraud mystery and are only devising clearer presentations of the case to be shared soon.

    Byrne has been onto cybersecurity flaws in Dominion beginning in August and September. He alerted DHS, who “crammed down” any follow-ups or investigations, resisting it from the very top downward throughout the entire federal Homeland Security bureacracy. (He hints that there’s a serious follow up story angle, here.)

    But Byrne knows that our very Constitution is on the line this time, and therefore getting the explanations for vote fraud correct is essential. Thus, he funded this hacker team based in Texas (the same consultants who rubbished Dominion as insecure to the State of Texas, I would guess).

    Byrne knows something about computers from his Overstock online resale and distribution business based in Utah, as well as the algorithms involved in the software running computers, having done his Master’s degree work at the University of Cambridge in mathematical logic. (In addition, he did his PhD in political philosophy at Stanford, and undergraduate degree in Chinese studies in Beijing and at Dartmouth. Thus he knows about the important work Trump’s done countering Xi’s CCP, and against the administrative state, and benefiting the American worker and small businesses.)

    Like Powell, Byrne has been an independent investigator, and his findings are posted online at his “Deep Capture” website, hoping anyone will sue Dominion for the grievous harms they’ve caused.

    This OAN 5 minute interview strongly supports Sydney Powell’s claims to have findings broadly supported by “three buckets” against the powers of vote fraud. His results are likely to be released in only days to come, I believe.

    (Note: I’ve added background details from Byrne’s podcast interview with Reason.com in June, 2019, and Wikipedia.)

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