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How the press will treat Biden — 21 Comments

  1. I’d love if a reporter would ask …

    Will you run the covid19 crisis like you have run your Foundation?

    “The charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years. The group’s president, Gregory Simon, raked in $429,850 in fiscal 2018 (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019), according to the charity’s most recent federal tax filings.

    Simon, a former Pfizer executive and longtime health care lobbyist who headed up the White House’s cancer task force in the Obama administration, saw his salary nearly double from the $224,539 he made in fiscal 2017, tax filings show.

    Danielle Carnival, former chief of staff for Obama’s cancer initiative, the Cancer Moonshot Task Force, who took home $258,207 in 2018.”


    But I want to live a little longer so won’t be holding my breath!

  2. The press conferences are now completely staged. He couldn’t function if he hadn’t been fed the answers beforehand. The media is simply an extension of the Democratic Party’s PR operation and has no value to anyone whose income is not dependent on the Democratic Party’s fortunes.

  3. Will you run the covid19 crisis like you have run your Foundation?

    It’s a reasonable wager that the whole point of these ‘foundations’ is to launder the bribes.

  4. “I wonder whether people in the political middle – whoever they are – have noticed the disparity, and what they might think about it.” neo

    The great majority will ignore it, since to seriously reflect upon it would result in having to either take the side of the ‘racists’ or knowingly accept tyranny. Willful blindness is the moral cowards preferred method of dealing with morally ‘inconvenient’ issues.

    Eventually, events would force them to face it but by then it would be too late. In which case, the moral coward falls back on, ‘well there’s nothing I can do about it now’.

  5. Employees of tax-exempt non-government orgs, and all orgs to whom people donate tax-deductible money, should be subject to some surtax.

    A progressive surtax of 10% for over median wage (~$60k), 20% over 2*median, 30% for over 3*median … up to 90% surtax on the wages over 9*median ($560k).

    Many college presidents are overpaid. I understand that college football coaches are often even higher paid. A big part of their “reward” is the good stuff their org is doing, rather than just making high (or low) quality stuff people are willing to buy.

    (Gov’t salaries should be reduced, too. It’s called, but isn’t, “public service”)

    Softball questions for Biden won’t be questioned by the media, so most folk won’t hear about it.

  6. Yep, that “press conference” had me laughing!

    I thought to myself: “yep, Trump really, REALLY, has gotten under their skin. So, much so that even after he is gone they will still talk about him.”

    They will not be able to shake off Trump no matter how much they have complained about him.

    It just goes to show Trump was that successful that he now lives in their puny little collective minds.

  7. Journalists lack the moral or mental maturity to understand how pathetic they are. They’re trained seals. And not even very good ones.

  8. “I understand that college football coaches are often even higher paid.”

    In most of the 50 states, the highest paid state employee is a sportsball coach at a state university.

  9. The presence of Biden himself at these press conferences is essentially extraneous. The questions are phrased in such a way that they essentially provide answers to themselves and only require Biden to nod his head in approval. The press is essentially stating their own opinions in the guise of questions and having President Biden openly validate their statements.

  10. Imagine the “reporters” of Izvestia and Pravda asking questions during a press conference of Joe Stalin during his reign of terror (1922 to 1952), or the “reporters” of Der Sturmer or Der Deutsche Beobachter during a press conference asking questions of Hitler or Himmler during their time in power.
    How inquisitive would these “reporters” be?? How challenging would their questions be?
    How many questions would be posed that were not submitted in advance for approval by the relevant govt. authorities??

    And regardless of any improprieties or total disasters in policy that will occur during Bidet’s presidency, rest assured the “press” will either not mention those topics or will accept without question any and all reasons supplied by Bidet or his spoke’s people.

    The press are and will continue to be the sock puppets of Joe Bidet/ Harris; they, the press, know it, everybody knows it. It’s all intentional and purposeful.

    And it has absolutely nothing to do with a “lack of self awareness” or incompetence of the “press.” They are totally aware of what they are doing.

  11. The MSM Herd are beyond despicable.
    How’bout: “Vice President elect Harris: How soon do you expect to step into the Presidential shoes? First year or as late as the second year?”

  12. Willful blindness is the moral cowards preferred method of dealing with morally ‘inconvenient’ issues.

    Ann Althouse, at her blog, is now advocating the calmness Biden brings. Who says that intimidation by BLM and Antifa didn’t work well?

  13. Mike+K at 11:56 am;

    “Willful blindness is the moral cowards preferred method of dealing with morally ‘inconvenient’ issues.”

    This comment assumes the cowards accept the existence of morally inconvenient issues.
    Rest assured, the media finds anything and everything implemented by their pseudo-religious, liberal progressive political “gods” to have no moral ambiguities. Actually, the liberal progressive religion in general has no moral ambiguities; whatever policy they implement, by definition is “good.”

    We can see that now as some of them are calling for “re-education camps,” and “truth commissions,” all targeted at Trump supporters. Basically, implementing a gulag /concentration camp system. But then again that is the MO of the left.
    The ends justifies the means.
    You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.
    There are NO moral ambiguities for the liberal progressive / socialist.

  14. “Imagine the “reporters” of Izvestia and Pravda asking questions during a press conference of Joe Stalin during his reign of terror (1922 to 1952), or the “reporters” of Der Sturmer or Der Deutsche Beobachter during a press conference asking questions of Hitler or Himmler during their time in power.
    How inquisitive would these “reporters” be?? How challenging would their questions be?
    How many questions would be posed that were not submitted in advance for approval by the relevant govt. authorities??” – JohnTyler

    The contrast Neo points out pretty much proves which side is the Nazis, doesn’t it?
    Donald Trump will go down in history as the Worst. Hitler. Ever.

  15. Barry: when I was growing up, all Texas schools spent one year on Texas history. We learned about the government under “Six Flags” (it’s what the theme park was originally named after), and the roles of Tejanos and immigrant NortAmericanos (kind of an interesting role reversal) in securing the Republic’s freedom.
    The US flag was number five.
    Should have stopped at four.

    (Number six is left as an exercise for the student. Bonus points if you can name 1-3.)

  16. I first noticed the disparity in the Obama years, as I would mentally compare how kindly Obama was treated with the awful treatment GWB received from the media. It has only gotten worse and more apparent since then.

    I think the real loser in the 2020 election will not be Trump (he’ll be fine). The loser is the last bit of credibility the MSM had. There wasn’t a big bit of credibility left, but even that is gone now too.

  17. Andrew Cuomo has been awarded an Emmy for his COVID TV briefings. That is not from the Babylon Bee. His policies killed 10s of thousands and he is also a clumsy, inarticulate communicator who is awful at fielding questions.

    Our President was right. The media are the enemy of the people.

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