Home » Another day, another fraud roundup


Another day, another fraud roundup — 49 Comments

  1. 1. Destroy all current voter rolls & require everyone re-register with proof of identity, citizenship, and residence.
    2. Require photo ID to vote. The state should bear the cost of acquiring such for those who cannot afford it.
    3. No mail-in voting, ever. Absentee voting restricted to deployed military, the infirm, and those with proof they will unavoidably not be in their county of residence on election day. No late ballots.
    4. Counting by hand only, in the presence of observers.

    What else am I missing?

  2. Belmont:

    You’re missing the Democrats and the court system. Lawfare in many states has done away with such common sense safeguards.

  3. According to Wikipedia, retired Coast Guard Admiral Peter V. Neffenger is both a member of the Biden Transition Team and Chairman of the Board of Directors for Smartmatic US. I checked both links to confirm Wikipedia’s information. There is something missing in the Biden Transition Team info about Peter Neffenger. The Biden Transition Team site makes no mention at all of Neffenger’s being Chairman of the Board of Directors for Smartmatic US. Biden-Harris Transition Agency Review Teams.

    Department of Homeland Security
    Name Most Recent Employment Source of Funding
    Peter Neffenger Self-employed Volunteer

    No mention at all of Neffenger’s connection to Smartmatic. Cover-up?

  4. Neo, I live in Georgia and have since 2009. Before that, I lived here from 2002 through 2006. So, a longtime resident.

    I wish I could state with confidence that the Georgia GOP establishment are showing up with their A game, but I fear that they are asleep at the switch. They are fat and complacent despite the fact that Biden appears to have won Georgia and that an open socialist almost won the governorship in 2018 (and only lost by 60,000 votes.)

    Georgia has been trending blue for quite some time. It’s not at all a guarantee that both Senate seats can be kept in the GOP column. The only thing that gives me hope is that the Georgia AG’s office did tweet out a warning against anyone moving to Georgia between now and December 7th for the “sole purpose of voting in the election” which in Georgia would be a felony.

    I desperately wish that someone would light a fire under the Georgia GOP establishment but they are lethargic and don’t seem to be very concerned about the blue-ification of Georgia.

  5. I’m very sorry to hear that the Georgia GOP is asleep at the switch. The same is true here in NV: the state party organization is uninspiring, to say the least. This has been so for years now, and it shows in the lack of quality being recruited to vote as GOP candidates in many state races. Ten years ago or so, this was not important as NV was a red state. Harry Reid helped change that, as did the arrival of some 50,000 hospitality workers, mainly hispanic, who joined unions that backed Democrat candidates. No one could accuse the NV Democrats of being asleep at the switch!

  6. Michael Towns:


    I don’t even understand why they don’t care about Georgia turning blue, but at least that’s just one state. But do they not care about the entire country? Do they not listen to what the Democrats plan? Are they moles or something? I know that the GOP establishment can be really stupid and “lethargic” (as you say), but this is not a business-as-usual situation.

  7. Same here in Michigan. The GOP is inept and disorganized. What a travesty.

    Regarding #5 with the intimidation, that is a 1965 Civil Rights Act violation. So if the Trump campaign plays it right it is evidence in the Federal court to disallow Detroit. Not Wayne County but Detroit. But is the Justice system ready to do that? I have low confidence.

    This farce is going to continue until people go to jail for a very long time. At that point you will see this stop.

  8. #5 revisited. Well that didn’t last long. Now the Republican Canvassers REVOKED their vote to certify. Somebody got protection and a legal case. The two major Detroit papers haven’t got it up on their sites yet.


    The fun is just beginning. You can see the cracks starting in the election fraud but I think Friday is the day of the big reveal because so many of the disputed states have certifications dates the following week.

  9. I am Sparticus:

    Thank you! Thank you! Best news I’ve heard today. Barr and the DOJ now have to man up indeed.

  10. It really is challenging to know what to make of the status of the Trump campaign’s voter fraud allegations. I don’t doubt fraud occurred (clearly it did) and that it was almost entirely committed by Democrats (clearly it was). I am also inclined to believe the fraud was widespread and pervasive enough to flip the four main states in question (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia). In other words, I believe it’s fairly likely Trump would have won all four states, and thus re-election, were it not for the fraud (along with “glitches”, be they accidental or not).

    However, as yet, there has been little compelling evidence presented to substantiate such a bold claim. I have seen virtually nothing that would convince a court, even a conservative inclined court, to interfere with the ultimate result. There is plenty of smoke, but not much fire, as yet. And, with each passing day, the MSM’s narrative that this is entirely a conspiracy theory, due to to Trump’s oversized ego and tyrannical inclinations, becomes more pervasive throughout the zeitgeist.

    Trump has been uncharacteristically muted about the whole situation over the last few days. I see two possible explanations for this. First, he realizes there is little to no chance there is sufficient evidence of voter fraud to succeed in changing the results; thus, while he needs to see the process through to save face, he’s trying to subtly temper expectations. Second, his team has discovered massive evidence, that is highly persuasive and damning, he is aware of this and is deliberately keeping mum (a wise move), letting his legal team do all the talking until they “release the kraken”

    I would be inclined towards the first explanation were it not for two people: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood.

    These are two of the best trial attorneys in the country. They are both about as well grounded, fact-based and no-nonsense as one could imagine. And they are both speaking in very definitive, categorical manners. They know what the stakes are. Ultimately, there needs to be clear, convincing and voluminous evidence of widespread, coordinated and pervasive fraud. It is not solely about persuading a court (ultimately SCOTUS) or (less likely) the GOP legislatures in those four states, to intervene. Even if that fails, it is about laying the groundwork for future investigations during a potential Harris (again, let’s be realistic here) administration. It’s about the foundation for a potential special counsel probe, for congressional inquiries and, potentially (if the GOP regains the House in 2022) an impeachment investigation. More pragmatically, it’s about persuading the portion of the American electorate (discounting most Democrats who will never believe fraud happened and/or celebrate that it did because the ends justify the means) who want to know, deserve to know, just how corrupt our decaying republic has become.

    Powell and Wood certainly are conveying confidence that they have just such evidence. I realize they are walking a tightrope of making their case in the media while (and prior to) presenting it in court, which is very tricky. Still, neither of them are speaking in the qualified tones of an attorney who knows he can make a prima facie case, knows he has persuasive evidence, but also realizes there are many weaknesses to his case. No, their demeanors are akin to a prosecutor who has the smoking gun with the defendant’s fingerprints all over it. It’s hard to imagine either of them would present this way if they weren’t confident they could back it up.

    We will find out in a few short days.

  11. Well since Lin Wood said GA Gov and SoS belong in prison and Sidney Powell has talked about state officials getting kick-backs…

    The Kraken might be an equal opportunity killer.

  12. Hold yer horses ‘n take a deeeep breath: Wayne County’s FLIPPED AGAIN (at least, it seems, until it flips back once more…):
    “In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results”:

    Seems that all that intimidation, accusations of RACISM and doxing that got THE MESSAGE through LOUD AND CLEAR to those two brave Republican members (and—seriously—they are most brave to stand up to that RACIST-braying mob—thank you very much, Ms. Tlaib, for your contribution)…has ultimately gone for nought (though no doubt they’ll up the ante big time—it’s just what they do…).

    This is a most welcome development. (Hope it lasts—and hope it leads to others.)

    OTOH, not so great for the heart (or one’s sleeping patterns), alas.

    Nonetheless, Onward! Be strong an of GOOD COURAGE….
    (Truly, there is NO OTHER CHOICE.)

  13. When only one side as you said wants to fix it, and the other side profits from it with the tune of turning over a landslide victory it will never be fixed

  14. I also live in Georgia and share the concern that the state GOP isn’t yet fired up enough. I think we have the folks to do the GOTV things, but the work of poll watching and observing the count is more difficult – most Republicans are busy with life and the older ones that would volunteer now have to factor in COVID. But in the end, I think they will rally and prevail.

  15. Wayne County (cont.):
    “They were coerced…”

    H/T Blazingcatfur blog

    Key grafs:
    ‘ “After the vote, public comment period began and dozens of people made personal remarks against me and Mr. Hartmann. The comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family. The public comment continued for over two hours and I felt pressured to continue the meeting without a break,” Palmer said in her affidavit.

    ‘ “Late in the evening, I was enticed to agree to certify based on the promise that a full and independent audit would take place. I would have not have agreed to the certification but for the promise of an audit,” Hartmann said in his affidavit. “Vice-Chairman Jonathan Kinloch then assured us that if we voted to certify the election, a full, independent, and complete audit of Detroit’s election, would be undertaken. I relied on this assurance in coming to an agreement. Without this assurance, I would not have agreed to certify Wayne County on November 17th.”…

    ‘Both members stated they still believe the election results for Wayne County should not be certified.’

  16. See, there’s no need to retreat or surrender. Fight, as I said on November 4th while others were shaking with sleep problems and PTSD.

    Do they really think they can roll over Ymarsakar, Q, and Trump in Georgia?

    What are they, nuts?

    As for my work in turning California Red.


    Why does the New Age matter to Ymar? Because the New Age are a big demographic in California.

    Use your brain, think about what that means. Elections have been stolen in California for decades, to convince and suppress the red vote. California was a Red State, don’t you all remember? Where did all the conservatives go, burned out of their homes, into Colorado? Hell naw.

    So where did they go? Most of them never left. They are still there. And when the New Age flips…

    One America news reports the Friday 13th raid in Germany, that the actual vote results have a Red California for Trump.

    Does that make any sense, Barry? Does it?


  17. Rush Limbaugh said Wood and Powell are too smart to set themselves up for a Geraldo/Capone’ s vault fiasco.

  18. The days around November 20th was the cut off point I wrote about before November.

    Even I don’t know what surprise we will get… in November.

    Yall thought October surprises were interesting? Wait until November surprises..

    November has Thanksgiving and the 30th left to go. And after that, it will be DECEMBER SURPRISE.

    Are you all excited yet?

    Who wants to give Trump and America an early present before Dec 22th?

  19. Michael Towns on November 18, 2020 at 10:52 pm said:

    I promised Grim that I would deal with the GOP (Georgia) after the Leftist alliance was crushed in this sting.

    The Left hasn’t been crushed yet.

  20. The reason that voting here in the USA is a total mess is because one side (geez, I wonder which side that is?) is not interested in having honest elections. Their interest is in winning and achieving power, by any and all means.

    The republicans had better get their ass in the octagon and learn to fight fire with fire, because otherwise they will keep losing.

    This time around the republicans picked up a bunch of house seats. When Bidet takes office, don’t think for one second that he and his fellow Stalinists will not figure out a way – using any and all means – to prevent that from ever reoccurring.

    The dems are within one or two seats of becoming the majority within the US Senate.
    If one suspects that cheating went on in the presidential vote, then one MUST assume it occurred as well in all the US Senate elections. After all, it’s the same machines, same voting districts, same ballots, same vote counters, same everything.

    Our voting system should be what they have in Canada; all voting is in person and their ID is confirmed. All voting is done on paper ballots – no machines used at all.
    The voter places his/her filled out paper ballot in a box.
    The counting is done in the presence of representatives from each party to insure all is on the up and up.

    It’s really no big deal to run an honest election. All that is required is that all parties desire honest elections.
    And since one party does not desire honest elections, that is why we will never have honest elections here in the USA.

    What name should be given to the North American equivalent of a banana republic?? After all, bananas don’t grow in the USA.

  21. A curious but “clarifying” article on why it is necessary to ensure that the Democratic Party’s theft of these elections stands:

    …which grotesque rationalization fits perfectly—and vindicates—the Democratic Party’s comprehensive strategy of using massive, variegated electoral fraud to overwhelm the electoral system, overwhelm American law and overwhelm Trump and his supporters before the latter would have a chance to recover, regroup, mount a concerted defense and find a way to fight back.

    (Think of it as, essentially, the “Manstein Plan” adapted and customized by the Democratic Party against America’s electoral system, legal system and incumbent President.)

    The only question remaining is whether the US Constitution (and legal system) will collapse under the weight and force of this odious, devious attack (thus proving itself the equivalent of the misconceived Maginot Line) or whether it will be, together with all those dedicated to the nation’s safety, well-being and integrity, capable of withstanding this Democratic Party blitzkrieg (there can be no other term for it—and defend the nation successfully.

  22. It seems that almost everyone here is convinced that ONLY the Democrats facilitate vote fraud.

    Being a life-long resident of Illinois has me doubling over in laughter about that.

    In this State, even though we are technically bankrupt, BILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer money is there to be … uh … used by elected officials of BOTH parties. As long as the D’s funnel enough of that pile over to some R’s for … distribution … they don’t care.

    Which also explains why official ‘leaders’ of the Republicans in States like Georgia and Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are muted. They get their own share of the ‘gravy train’ so why fuss over who is leading the country in far-away Washington city?

    If you think I’m being cynical it is because I AM!

  23. Tuvea you are undoubtedly correct….

    But one MUST SURELY admit that this latest Democratic Party strategy—brilliantly conceived and ALMOST(!?) flawlessly executed—is particularly impressive….

    (Or mustn’t one…?)

    File under: The new Platinum Standard for electoral fraud and election theft!!

  24. Mayor Giuliani on Newsmax gives us a legal challenges to the vote fraud round up today, answering the question: WHERE’S THE EVIDENCE FOR PROGRESS OF OPTIMISM?


    Get to minute 5-6, and yes, he says. Team Trump needs only to win 3 out of 5 (soon 7) lawsuits to reduce Biden under 270EV, Trump over 270EV.
    And a loss can be appealed to SCOTUS.

    He adds that you aren’t hearing about us except on OAN, Newsmax, and half on FoxNews….

    I don’t know about Giuliani’s math. But this does sound hopeful.

    For example Trump gave an interview to Byron York in the Wash Examiner, on the 13th. He said he expected results in two to three weeks.

    Thus, Mayor G’s report appears on track. Have a look/listen and report back here.

  25. Biden’s current vote count is ~80 million.
    Obama (2008) was ~70 million.

    That’s an increase of 14%. I just can’t believe it, especially since it didn’t translate into coat-tails down ticket.

    Also why has it taken so long to count votes?

  26. I should add that JUST LIKE OBAMAGATE was the PLATINUM STANDARD for truly and totally subverting, knee-capping and hog-tying an incoming president-elect….

    “TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA” writ very, very large (in solid platinum letters….on a white gold background…FOR TRANSPARENCY, no doubt….)

  27. Many here are saying the same thing: My state’s GOP is “inept”, “disorganized”, and “asleep at the wheel”.

    That speaks to the fact that most of the intelligent, motivated, and passionate people that get involved in politics are Democrats. These are the people who are able to engineer widespread election fraud on a massive scale and leave no shred of evidence behind.

    On the other hand, most that end up becoming Republicans are lazy, stupid, and are content on feeding off the scraps that their Democratic betters allow them to sup upon. These are the dupes who are either too oblivious or disinterested to notice any fraud going on under their noses, and are more concerned with what they are going to stuff their gullets with that evening.

  28. Two issues:
    1. Not exactly “..leave no shred of evidence behind.” (I.e., they’re very, very good, but they’re not perfect. To be sure they just might be “good enough”…)

    2. Might one wonder, in this case at least, how much of a role “Never-Trumperism” plays in this current disaster (from all points of view)?
    IOW, it appears that the Never-Trumpers are perfectly fine, thank you very much, with this crass and unprecedented criminality (just as they were perfectly fine with Obamagate and the Russia Hoax, etc.)

    In which case, what kind of people are these “Never Trumpers”? (Purely rhetorical, that) And whom do they think they’re fooling? (Not exactly rhetorical…)

    (Did I say, “appears”?)

  29. I haven’t yet listened to this stunning claim in this interview: but…WOW!

    Stunning Interview – L Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”…
    Posted on November 18, 2020
    by sundance
    If half of what L Lin Wood shares within this interview actually happens there are going to be explosive developments to surface in the 2020 election challenge.


  30. First thing first, TJ.
    This is a full-on coup attempt we’re in the middle of.
    It’s been going on since before Trump was inaugurated. (That’s not exactly logical, is it? So let’s say “It’s been going on since the very first day of Trump’s presidency”…as documented and described by Lee Smith and others).
    This being the case, it’s no good counting chickens, not at this point.
    If Trump prevails—IF—there will be a lot of work to be done and I’m not sure what will or should have the highest priority—I would think stabilizing (as much as possible) the country—but I’m not sure that sending them off to jail will be included in that. I could of course be totally wrong about this…for all kinds of reasons..

    Even though they surely deserve whatever punishment they should legally receive….

    (Maybe they’ll head off and seek asylum in China. Or Iran…)

    It’s a crazy and absolutely frightening situation. From all points of view. Even should Trump prevail, which it seems to me is of utmost importance to the continuing functioning of the America that we know. (Heaven knows it’s been sufficiently weakened by all this.)

    The hardest part to reconcile—the scariest part—is that these people (as they’ve shown time and time again, but especially now) will stop at absolutely nothing even up to and including destroying the country, its social fabric, its body politic, its governmental institutions. For starters.

    Which leaves one where exactly? (While Lincoln is ALWAYS, as he must be, at the back of one’s mind….)

    Jus’ sayin’ first thing first. (And hoping that fervent prayers will be answered.)

  31. A state republican party with a pulse? For most of them, The closest thing they have to a pulse is the sounds of the donor’s lower intestines in their ears.

  32. Tuvea:

    I believe that people here actually think that Democrats are the only party (barring a few exceptions) that commits vote fraud to help its own party’s candidates.

  33. “Release the Kraken” comes from the 1981 (old?) movie “Clash of the Titans”.

    But Perseus, holding the head of Medusa, turns the huge Kraken to stone.

    I was hoping Trump’s Team would have Medusa’s head – to stop the huge Dem fraud which has them stealing the election. Turning the stealers to stone.

    The biggest “real” evidence I know of, so far, is the huge number of Biden only ballots. One report said 400,000 or so, which is far more than the 800 or 900 of Trump or for Hillary or in prior elections. Unfortunately, even if it is “true” that 399,100 were fake, and only 900 were legal – how could any court know which ones are which?

    It should be the case that, if the election process rules are violated, especially with respect to stopping observers from observing, the ballots should then be presumed not trustworthy. The election should then be not certified. It was NOT a fair election, according to the rules.

    But I fear the courts, and especially SCOTUS, won’t rule that way in time.

    Software based counting machines should also not be used, but I would think they would be inconsistent with ballots, and the ballots should still exist and be hand countable.

    Republicans should be doing more protests. Learning from other countries, like Ukraine a couple years ago, or Czechoslovakia in 1989 (Velvet Revolution) – mass street protests. That don’t stop.

    I so dearly hope that there is more evidence of dishonest gov’t employees committing criminal acts – but it’s not clear to me that there is.

  34. Let me be old fashioned and honour El Rushbo and say to Barry Meislin: Ditto that!

    On Contingent Election:
    “Since most scenarios I can think of entail one candidate or the other reaching 270 EVs; and/or since if any state’s EVs are not submitted by the December 14th deadline, such EVs would most likely be removed from the numerator and denominator of the Electoral College equation. As a result, a candidate would need to obtain a simple majority of all remaining EVs to win.”

    This canard is heard again and again is wrong. The Constitution states EV are set by the combined numbers of House Reps and Senate seats, ie, a majority of 535 or 270.

    The complications posed by the 1887 Electoral College Act were, however, enlightening.

    Meanwhile, I’m watching a replay of the noon news conference of the Trump Team, headed by Mayor Giuliani. Sydney Powell to speak, band Jenna Ellis (from N. Colorado for CO people like Cicero?); Joey DiGenova and Victoria Toensing, and Barry Epstein attending.

    Giuliani is at pains to tell the group think slaves of the Marxist Media STOP LYING!

    And that the same fraud pattern occurred in many states in corrupt urban Democrat Party machine strongholds, the Mayor says — precisely as one would expect in a stolen election.

    huxley — Giuliani says much voter irregularities seen in NM, as well as VA.

    Powell explains that Chinese communist monies funded this, via Dominion, the Venezuela software company. (Trump upped the legal monitoring and prohibition of foreign interests in US elections through an EO in 2018.)

    Their offices are being moved around as we speak says Powell. They keep changing corporate names to hide the company’s identity, but through a web offshore entities
    lading back to Caracas.

    Powell explains how Dominion software defeats cybersecurity to remotely throttle voting machines.

    There’s been no monitoring or federal control of this serious breach of vote security.

    There is video posted online of a Dominion executive boasting that rigging “a million votes” is no problem because we’ve done it, he says.

    Powell’s rage is barely contained: “we will not be intimidated…. Patriots are going to take our country back.”

    Jenna Ellis is telling these Fake News mongers off with great vigor! Go go!

    Process. Legal process is detailed and lengthy. “Your opinion does not matter, facts matter.” Opinion is not allowed.

    This is our opening argument, Ellis says. Not our case in detail: “Voter fraud is actually voter official’s fraud.”

    Ellis challenges the fakes to read Hamilton in Federalist Papers no. 68: the EC is a security mechanism to protect the peoples vote.

    This is a matter of national importance; report this fairly and accurately, she says.

    Powell then adds that the world is watching us and worrying.
    She says a high level Dominion officer oversaw the use of their software to fix the results in Michigan in real time by being physically present there.

    Giuliani says “you [Media-rats] are just lying,” saying that there is no evidence of vote fraud.

    Replay at Right Side Broadcasting Network

  35. I would not be surprised to find out that Republicans commit vote fraud here and there. I want ALL our elections to be honest, thank you.

  36. Tom Grey : “Republicans should be doing more protests. Learning from other countries, like Ukraine a couple years ago, or Czechoslovakia in 1989 (Velvet Revolution) – mass street protests. That don’t stop.“

    HEAR HEAR! Patriots ought to be in DC burning the Coup Plotter’s in effigy, implicitly threatening to BURN OUT THE SWAMP-DWELLERS! With RighteousRage!

  37. Part of the problem may be that Democrats want to make government as large and powerful as possible. The behemoth the better. While Republicans want small government. Starve the beast.

    Apparently, Democrats have decided to go with mobs and Republicans the individual.

    I prefer to be an individual and am trying to console myself that it’s not a foregone slam dunk for a totalitarian tyrannical takeover. Anyway, as the saying goes “predictions are hard to make, especially about the future.”

    Hilarious that the Dems have been hyperventilating about nonexistent dictatorships for the last four years.

    “But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane [you aren’t alone]
    In proving foresight may be vain:
    The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
    Gang aft a-gley, [often go awry]
    An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
    For promised joy.”

    In other news, that Burns poem inspired Steinbeck’s book Of Mice and Men, which is slated to be banned (again)— along with to kill a mockingbird and huckleberry finn.

    Because, of course.

  38. Back on the culture war and why the lies are so nice:


    Recently, a bright-eyed and cheerful twenty-six-year-old California woman told me that she thinks of herself as a communist. “It’s just so beautiful, this dream of everybody being equal,” she gushed.

    No knowledge of the gulags, but a beautiful dream of everybody being equal.

    Relevant to books:
    Under A Cruel Star, by Heda Margolius Kovaly. I had known about the Chambers book, but discovered the Kovaly book as part of my research for Live Not By Lies. Kovaly was a Czech Jew who survived the Nazi concentration camps. She and her husband, also a Jew, embraced Communism after their release because they were desperate for hope, and because Communism was the farthest thing from Nazism. Her husband became a high-level functionary in the Communist regime there, but was later falsely accused of political crimes, and executed. Kovaly writes:

    What I remember most vividly from this period following the coup is a feeling of bewilderment, of groping in the dark that was doubly oppressive because the darkness was not only outside but inside me as well. How could we have been so credulous? so ignorant? It seems that once you decide to believe, your faith becomes more precious than truth, more real than reality.

    Faith more precious than truth – more real than reality.

    The darkness, the lies, not only outside, but inside. A part of you. Maybe even a part you like – “all equal”.

    Long term Republican & Christian failure in the colleges and in Ed in general.

  39. }}} 4. Counting by hand only, in the presence of observers.

    What else am I missing?

    Considering what the SCotP just gibbered into a decision, “Observers shall be given free access to all counting areas and actions, and be reasonably unrestricted in their opportunity to examine any aspect of the process.”

    SCotP seems to think that observers are there to cheer the count process on, nothing more: “Rah! Rah! Oh, fuckin’ Rah! Yaaaaay, voting!” >:-/

  40. }}} She and her husband, also a Jew, embraced Communism after their release because they were desperate for hope, and because Communism was the farthest thing from Nazism.

    What IS IT with people and this fucking insanely stupid idea? The two are variations on a theme, FFS.

    Both justify near-total State control of every aspect of your life. How the eph are they substantially even “different”, much less “the farthest thing” from one another??

    I swear to got, some people should just be fool-killed earlier on, because Nature takes too long these days to strike said morons down. Not only do they reproduce, but they fucking screw up the lives of others with their collected insanity.

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