All the apparent Biden only ballots is pretty damning.
Tens upon tens of millions of citizens of our moribund republic believe, with good cause, that this election was stolen, although proving this in court beyond any reasonable doubt may prove well-nigh impossible. Numerical and statistical anomalies abound, as well as so-called software “glitches” in the (rejected by the state of Texas) Dominion system (these may not be glitches at all, but attempts to subvert the tally) and signed affidavits alleging irregularities and the unlawful treatment of Republican poll-watchers, not to mention considerable evidence of ballot-harvesting and illegitimate votes being counted and significant lack of correlation between up-ballot and down-ballot choices. All this evidence aside, how can any intelligent and rational person truly believe that the contested states simply stopped counting in the middle of the night, only to discover (without any oversight), in the wee hours of the morning, massive batches of votes all favoring Senile Joe?
Fraud is theft.
America is being stolen from us.
By an evil party and persons.
The indications of fraud are overwhelming. Joe Biden said they had the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of the country, and for once he was telling the truth.
In addition to Biden’s “gaffe”, there is video of the ghastly daughter (Chiara) of the ghastly mayor of NYC alluding to Biden’s stealing of the election.
I see experts such a Karl Rove saying they will not find a sufficient number of fraudulent ballots to overturn the result.
As far as I am concerned that reflects a logical disconnect. Of course they would not. Ballots are like dollars, once separated from the voter they become essentially fungible and barring a visible anomaly you cannot detect the ones that entered the pot illicitly.
The issue is whether the elections were conducted legally. We know that they were not in multiple contested states; perhaps in all. The Constitution allows state legislatures to establish their election procedures, but bars other officials from tampering with them. Several states ignored the constitutional prohibition against will nilly changes to the strictures established by their legislatures. If the elections themselves were fraudulent, then all ballots cast were fraudulent. The constitution also provides remedies for fraudulent elections. The individual Legislatures choose the electors.
There seems to be little information in the public sector as to how the Trump legal team will challenge results. That may be because the initial counts, or recounts, are not complete. Of course, their challenges, no matter the grounds, will depend on the Courts. Therein lies the problem. Not even SCOTUS is faithful to the constitution.
Oh yeah red flags and flashing lights do abound but what if those who can do something about it refuse to act.
In Michigan, the local judge Tim Kenny threw out the certification suit because there was not enough “evidence”. So we are bumping up against the judicial wall of resistance. He found that the main plaintiff Melissa Carone was “not creditable”. That her affidavit does not “square” with other affidavits. WHAT THE HECK!!!!! I was there. Everything she state was true. How do “food trucks” not deliver food but boxes that look like ballot transport boxes.
If you have evidence of fraud but the courts don’t believe it then you are doubly screwed. This is all apparent but if authorities don’t act it is justice denied.
This is more an indictment of the Michigan Republican Party than anything else. All of this is going to end up at the US Supreme Court as I don’t see the Michigan State house controlled by the Republicans refusing to certify the vote.
But I am resolved to fight on and fight harder for this country. Big Business, Big Labor, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Media and Big Education may be arrayed against me and my follow travelers but I will fight on. We defeated the British. We defeated the communists and we will defeat the internal totalitarians. Stayed engaged and stay involved.
Remember you are not alone despite everything the “bigs” try to tell you. There are 70M of us and we will not forget.
The Blaze [conservative website] read through 234 pages of affidavits in Michigan regarding voting irregularities and didn’t find actual fraud. Plus the number of challenges pertained to less than 1000 ballots.
It’s good that Republican ballot watchers were allowed to observe.
I guess some people want to believe the computer systems flipped votes. I don’t think that can ever be proven. But if Republicans want to believe the election system is phony why would they ever want to vote again? Telling people to vote but watch out because the system is rigged is not a winning strategy.
Interestingly, Trump just tweeted today that the election was the most secure election ever .. except for the rigged vote the Democrats did!
LOL from the man of the one party state. It is good that the law is sometimes followed?
Nothing to see, move along. LOL
OT enjoy your Thanksgiving and other traditional gatherings in the land of Nuisance. If you are allowed to enjoy.
Montage, please explain the difference between voting irregularities and fraud. In order to differentiate you must know intent. Absent that knowledge, you might suppose that 234 pages of irregularities in one state might be an indicator of intent.
WRT to Trump’s tweet, I guess you don’t recognize sarcasm. Well, my wife used to warn me, a pretty sarcastic person, to refrain when talking to our daughters; because children don’t understand sarcasm.
Montage – did you read the attached post? Statistics don’t lie. There are strong indicators of fraud that need to be verified. I have been involved with quality systems and processes my entire professional life. To date I have not seen a creditable refutations of the base charges. Why, because nothing has been tested or verified.
What is lacking is a serious effort to “test” the hypothesis. If someone does this and watches the security tapes you would see it organized chaos. Tell me can you see size 12 font for 6 feet away? From 35 feet away? How does 6 states simultaneously stop counted for three hours and then 100’s of thousand Biden votes appear and no Trump. Explain that. You can’t. Why not. Come up with a plausible explanation and share it.
Without data you are just another person with an opinion. All we want is the chance to test the hypothesis.
Trump antipathy has warped many a person’s perspective including yours. All we ask is that the process and votes be verified and all legal votes be counted. The Democracy Initiative Secretaries of State and Attorney Generals has walked over our fundamental basic right and we are angry about it. Allow us to test the results and satisfy ourselves. If you don’t then you are in agreement that fraud has happened.
This is the closing of act one of the tragicomedy. Act two is starting which is the certification of the vote and its challenges. The other acts will follow. We are 70M strong and we will not forget.
Ah, such a helpful person, to give campaign advice to the right! You don’t think the right should talk about the possibility that the election was fraudulent, because such talk might depress the vote next time. However, if results really are determined by fraud, then not voting next time is just as good as voting, because the game is rigged either way.
What’s more – and I don’t think you’re aware of this – people didn’t need to be told there might be fraud to suspect it, because of the actual facts that were present and undisputed: (1) the recent switch to enormous numbers of mail-in votes (and in some cases, to automatic mailing to everyone on the flawed voter rolls) by states not accustomed to voting that way (2) the sudden switch in the wee hours of the morning from strong Trump leads in most swing states, to Biden leads (3) the filing of a large number of complaints by poll watchers and others connected with the voting process.
Prior to the election a lot of people – a lot – suspected fraud would occur, simply on account of the widespread relaxation of rules in many swing states. For decades there’s been a lawfare war going on between left on right on voting rules, with the left advocating for fewer and fewer checks on fraud (in the name of voting access) and the right alarmed at the increased opportunities for fraud. When COVID struck, the left used it as an opportunity to change rules still further, and plenty of people saw danger ahead. So this is not some fake drummed-up controversy by leaders on the right or even by Trump. This is a real grassroots concern that goes way back.
If extra ballots for Biden have been created, it would be nearly impossible to prove because the ballots are separated from their envelopes and just become “naked ballots.” So even a recount would prove nothing. With voting fraud, an ounce of prevention is worth a million tons of cure. If fraudsters are creative, there are many ways to do it, and once the damage is done, it probably cannot be undone. This entire election should have been set up in a manner that engendered trust. It was not.
neo: Thanks for taking the trouble.
Sometimes I get so weary with all the context and exposition which must be laid out to meet a Democrat talking point. I’d rather pull song allusions out of my hat.
Sing it Otis!
Oh, she may be weary
Young girls they do get weary
Wearing that same old shaggy dress, yeah yeah
But when she gets weary
Try a little tenderness, yeah yeah
Re: “We defeated the British. We defeated the communists and we will defeat the internal totalitarians.”
We defeated the British through war. We defeated the Soviets through a willingness to create and deploy better weapons and most importantly, convincing them that we were willing to fight.
Defeating our “internal totalitarians” will require a similar commitment.
You are willfully blind to the reality of what you support and in that willful blindness, you embrace complicity in that treason.
Can the evidence be followed to a decisive conclusion?
Does equal protection require vote counting transparency?
Are free and fair elections legally required or just a nice idea?
In yonder hen house corner, might that be the tip of a fox’s tail?
Most of the time the govt works on cruise control with decisions made by bureaucrats. The problem US has is that there is no accountability so they are never dismissed. Here is another example.
US officials have been lying to Trump – and the American people – about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them, according to the outgoing Syria envoy. Trump thinks it’s 200
Neo’s responding to those like Montage as if they are making a good faith argument and might be swayed by actual facts looks like a real waste of life span.
In fact, as Rules for Radicals prescribes, doing this wastes the opposition’s time and energy. There is no good faith. It’s a scam.
However, Neo thinks there may be others watching who could benefit from being informed correctly. Bless her for her energy and effort. May it bear fruit, even if we don’t see it.
Without appropriate consequence, feedback mechanisms are absent.
Any US official who lies to Trump should be summarily fired. Its the Flynn rule, evidenced when Gen. Flynn failed to fully inform V.P. Pence.
Richard Aubrey,
Good faith or not, Montage’s willful blindness is enabling treason.
” I guess some people want to believe the computer systems flipped votes. I don’t think that can ever be proven. But if Republicans want to believe the election system is phony why would they ever want to vote again?
Telling people to vote but watch out because the system is rigged is not a winning strategy.”
Neither is voting if the system is rigged. And of course, precautions of the kind suggested in the analytical videos you have apparently missed would go some way to correcting that suspicion.
But, in planning for the long haul, it might be well to keep reminding one’s people anyway of the fact that the collectivist other, really is radically and morally other and cannot be trusted to keep any agreement. And, that if you want to enjoy a life free of their suffocating demands and offloaded costs, and their unrewarding uninvited presence, then you will have to find a way of politely distancing yourself from them and their limitless claims, one way or another.
This, would be in preference to delusionally pretending that voting in community with them pays off because in the imagined final analysis we are supposedly all one big happy human family – which we are not – and that we all want the same things out of life – which we don’t – and that we eventually share the same moral sensibilities – which has been proven false again and again and …
The Biden family’s big guy and crack head alone prove that that is not true. You dont even have to take into account the other socially pernicious and dysfunctional moral breeds involved in the Democrat Party racket. What sensible person can deny that Democrats are by and large a behavioral poison in bodily form that eventually erodes and degrades whoever and whatever it insistently comes into contact with?
Crackhead and his senile pater Big Guy, may very well self destruct before 4 years elapse. But who imagines that the supply of the kind is exhausted with them or that we can ever be one people again?
Richard Aubrey:
You’re misinterpreting my motives. There are reasons that I often respond to people such as Montage, but the reasons have nothing to do with convincing them of anything, nor do the reasons have to do with thinking that they are acting in good faith. And yet I still don’t think it’s a waste of time, although it may not be worth quite the amount of time I put into it.
Here are the reasons I often do it:
(1) It gives me some personal satisfaction to make points in an argument.
(2) My responses are not usually directed to the person, although I’m addressing the person. I am thinking of other readers on the blog, both regulars and drop-ins. Trolls and people like Montage definitely like to waste people’s time and cannot be convinced of much of anything, but other people read here and I don’t like poor reasoning to go unchallenged.
Here is the kind of analysis that is being done. I have no idea if it has been debunked
You can see in that picture, that Trump lost 3,096 votes, those all went to Biden. BUT, Trump also lost 2,324 votes, that went nowhere.
EDIT: Those 2,324 were moved from Trump to Jorgensen.”
One take away of this whole mess for me is that the US claims of the gold standard for elections and rule of law is blown out of the water for the whole world to see. US definitely in “banana republic territory.” So who are we to criticize others!
That in itself is very damaging to all US citizens of both parties.
It’s not just in the battleground states that smell funky…
I’ve been filling out my spreadsheet of Soviet presidential election results by county. 38 of the 39 counties changed in a partisan democrat direction, by an average of 4.7%. That’s a lot for a close election. And at first glance, it’s the the Republican leaning counties had the highest percentage change. Interestingly King County (Seattle/Microsoftia…which has 30% of the statewide vote) had the 2nd lowest partisan change (+0.7% Democrat).
More interesting is that the 2020 statewide voter participation rate was historically high (a full 12% above 2016):
2020 82.0%
2016 70.0%
2012 71.6%
2008 73.8%
Need to do some more digging.
Your argument is that because fraud may have exited then it definitely did exist. Which is basically saying mail-in voting = fraud. Period. You leave no room for the possibility that millions of Americans voted legitimately by mail.
It’s incorrect to say the sudden switch in the wee hours of the morning from strong Trump leads in most swing states without understanding another reason for this fact. First, only MI and PN switched quickly. But it makes sense because by law Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin could not count ballots until election night. [States like FL and OH allows mail-in ballots to be counted prior to election day. So they had quicker results.]
Second, in-person votes, which leaned Republican were tallied first because they were easy to count. Then after the regular count was done by late evening they began to show mail-in ballot counts. The reason for the delay is because “Mail ballot processing involves everything from opening envelopes to checking voter signatures to flattening ballots that have been crumpled or creased in transit. The procedures can be time consuming…” Those ballots leaned heavily toward Democrats and were in very populated cities – not small counties which could tally fast. This fact was known long before the election. Why? Because of Covid. Democrats are more wary of standing around with strangers in line for a long time than Republicans are. Mail-in ballots are convenient. They were also the legal choice. Should those voters votes be denied because their might be fraud?
But more important to your theory, rather than the votes being tallied and reported like they usually are on election night as a mix of both parties you had the first part of the night mostly R’s and the second part mostly Ds. The fact that it was at ‘wee hours’ was simply because those votes were now being counted. But they continued well into the day, actually.
For the sake of argument, if you believed there were shenanigans in MI and PA then Biden still wins 270 because he won GA, AZ and NV. I know you have theories about those state… fine. It still has to be proven with evidence. I don’t see that happening.
I know you can’t be convinced but try looking at all the evidence and facts. You aren’t doing that. I’m looking at all the facts. There is nothing so far.
One fact that I don’t think anyone has equated with the results of this election is this: No candidate for president has ever won office when proposing to raise everyone’s taxes. (He plans to repeal the Trump tax cuts. That raises both most individual and all business taxes. In addition he promised to raise taxes on all who earn over $400,000/year plus increases on corporations.) Did half the country not understand that their taxes were going to increase under Biden? The previous candidate who promised tax increases, Walter Mondale, lost bigly. That Biden, with that campaign promise, was able to attract enough votes to win in states where Trump won in 2016 – Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona – is an anomaly in itself. Did the Trump voters stay home? Nope. They voted in even larger numbers and he got more minority votes than in 2016. Yet, the tax raising candidate was able to turn out record numbers of voters to vote for him.
Another issue is that Biden promised to stop fracking, a big pocket book issue for Pennsylvania. But the state rushed changes to its voting laws designed to enhance the ability to manufacture votes, and the AG promised days before the election that Trump could not win Pennsylvania. How could he be so sure unless the fix was in? Philadelphia is the key to Pennsylvania. The necessary votes were manufactured there. – dead people, president only ballots, nursing home residents who voted, walking a round money ballots, harvested ballots, and more were produced in the numbers necessary.
The Dominion computer systems are another avenue for changing votes. Whether a hand recount can reveal that I don’t know. It would seem that it would but it has to be a real hand recount not another run through the machines.
Then here are the statistical anomalies. I don’t know enough about statistics to say much, but the link’s knowledgeable fraud investigators had plenty to say.
It’s like tracks in the snow. If you don’t follow them quickly, they soon disappear. That means that we need to keep following them now.
I’m back…forget the part of my comment on voter turnout. Found real data on the SoS website. Looks like 81% is about average for the Soviet, so 2020 isn’t out-of-line (actually slightly below 2008). 2016 was the outlier at 78.7%.
P.S. – Hi JJ…
Soviet of Washington, thanks for doing that digging. I was flabbergasted by the results in WA. If the Republicans ever had some issues to run on this was the year. With dictatorial COVID-19 restrictions, uncontested violence and takeover of a part of Seattle (not to mention the nightly closures of I-5), a failed unemployment insurance system, and more, it seemed that Republican candidates had a real chance to make some headway this year. Nope. It was as if, the Dems had been doing an outstanding job and swept through all the offices in a near blue wave. Are the people of WA that blind to incompetent government? I hope not, but the vote seems to tell another story. Unless………the machines are fixed here as well. What you describe sounds like a cunning algorithm designed to up the Democrat numbers and from Republican strongholds.
Mr. Bojangles. Mr. Bojangles.
Mr. Bojangles, Dance
Thank you very much!
neo wrote, “(2) My responses are not usually directed to the person, although I’m addressing the person. I am thinking of other readers on the blog, both regulars and drop-ins. Trolls and people like Montage definitely like to waste people’s time and cannot be convinced of much of anything, but other people read here and I don’t like poor reasoning to go unchallenged.”
But but this was the “most secure election in history.”
There are problematic districts in problematic cities with legacies of voter fraud over history; this we know. There are instances of witnesses from bipartisan groups that had every right to be present, being escorted out of counting halls in those districts. There are instances of ballot-counting being officially shut down, and resuming in secret privacy. There are instances of ballots being filled out in parking lots with human screens around vans to avoid prying eyes.
But: Why are these real-time infractions, having been identified in real time, allowed to proceed unchallenged? Where are the roving teams of Federal Marshalls, on hand to act on these reports to catch the bastards red-handed with armed Federal authority that cannot be refused? It’s hard to believe we don’t have the appetite for honest elections when we certainly have the capabilities to enforce them.
The other point is: Knowing the appetite that Americans have for fair elections, and suspecting that there was a stronger Trump vote than the results are falsely imputing – I wonder how long it will be before some engaging entrepreneur decides to set up a Block-chained second vote and invite Americans to vote again to find out what the results really were. Wouldn’t that just be fun? I’d vote again under secure circumstances in a heartbeat just to find out. Nothing better than finding out just how strong the majority really is.
“Nothing to see behind the curtain.” Or behind the blocked off windows, or from counting without observers, or from observers that are intentionally placed far enough away to prevent them from seeing anything. No evidence to see or to evaluate. Funny how that works.
Montage: “try looking at all the evidence and facts.”
As Neo said, once an illegal ballot is intermingled with legal ballots, it becomes indistinguishable. Tho obviously with a larger turnout.
If the truth is that most places had Dems illegally ballot harvesting and changing voters’ votes to Dem, like the Texas nurse now arrested for doing so for 165 residents in a nursing home, such illegally gained ballots look legal.
Recounting them as legal makes them look even more legal – even if by assumption we know they started as illegal.
False legal votes.
One of the sad facts about elections, well known to dictators, is that control of counting of the ballots is more important, and far easier, than controlling the voters.
The fact is – none can prove that all Biden votes are legal, or even that he has more legal votes than Trump in any given state, nor vice versa.
It is “assumed” that they are legal. With the burden of proof on those claiming fraud.
Protection against fraud is based on the rules.
If the rules are not followed, that is evidence that fraud might have happened.
Even with evidence that fraud might have happened, there is often no proof that all votes are legal, nor proof that any votes are fraudulent.
This election, every sworn affidavit is sufficient evidence of fraud for me to claim there was fraud. Every obstruction against observers, and especially against Rep observers, is evidence of the gov’t vote counters trying to steal the election.
The voting machine changing votes seems to be a huge problem – tho what happened to all the Trump paper ballots (for the hand recount?).
Stealing in the big cities is easier, as you say: Those ballots leaned heavily toward Democrats and were in very populated cities – not small counties which could tally fast. So 10%, or 20% more fraud ballots would be easily mixed in with legal ballots.
Trump won so much that the prepared for 10% (20%?) fraud ballots wasn’t enough.
Evidence: stopping the counting.
Later dumps of 90%+ Biden ballots.
400,000 (???) ballots with Biden, but no (time to mark) downstream votes.
If a 1,000 folks have to falsify 400 Biden votes in an hour, they don’t have time to vote for the senator.
Are none of the 1,000 (?) Dem gov’t cheaters willing to give evidence? That’s the big, sad question for me. So few honest gov’t cheaters / guilty enough to repent.
‘We will never know the real legal vote’ – unfortunately true.
We won’t even get close, despite getting close being easy to do:
Redo the election in the Fraud Cities.
Legal voters – In Person Voting
But cheating Dems won’t do this — more evidence they know they were cheating.
Tho I also don’t hear Trump calling for this.
I actually have been looking but don’t quite know what he and his team is doing.
I believe he’s trying to present enough evidence to convince enough states to not certify, but haven’t seen that clearly articulated by his team.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 8h For years the Dems have been preaching how unsafe and rigged our elections have been. Now they are saying what a wonderful job the Trump Administration did in making 2020 the most secure election ever. Actually this is true, except for what the Democrats did. Rigged Election!
Your first sentence at 6:35 is a complete misstatement of what I’ve said.
So, as is often the case with you, I’m torn between thinking you have almost no reading comprehension and thinking you purposely create strawmen. Luckily, I don’t really have to choose – it can be sometimes one, sometimes the other.
However, there’s no need to read the rest of your comment, when you begin it with garbage like that.
My point is that the Democrats have consistently pressed for methods that would create a huge opportunity for fraud, in particular this year. So the problem is not just whether fraud was committed or not, although of course it’s worse if fraud was committed. The problem is that we cannot get at the facts, because the voting methods made it impossible – with so much mail-in voting, envelopes no longer associated with the ballots, and in some cases ballots even destroyed after the data being entered into machines, observers not allowed to watch in some instances, etc. etc.. The methods used this year in particular have made a huge percentage of the American people distrust the results, which is a BIG problem in and of itself. And the actions of the Democrats and the anti-Trump forces in Russiagate – investigating Trump on made-up partisan grounds, and lying about almost every aspect of it – have justified and increased that distrust.
Here is what I wish would happen going forward.
1. For any “federal elections” there be one set of rules for all states to follow. For state/local elections etc set their own rules if they don’t like the federal rules.
2. Give all the states 2 months of early voting before Nov 3. If you can’t make it to the polls in 2 months … did you really want to vote that bad?
3. For the ones that can’t make it to the polls to vote in person let them vote by mail but they would show cause why they can’t vote in person. This year because of covid19 had merit of voting by mail but this was the exception not the norm.
All this would have to be done by legislation to be lawful and binding.
These are just a few recommendations to keep this klusterf*ck from happening again. I’m sure others can add more.
Am I dreaming or could this be workable?
Joe Biden says he wants to unite and heal the nation. Let’s put his feet to the fire and see how bad he wants to do that!
Washington voters are a lost cause. Inslee got 51% in 2012, 53% in 2016, and 57% this year. This idiot is getting more popular.
I got into a frustrating discussion today with a female relative about the coming lockdown in WA to be announced on Monday. She kept going on about how Inslee had kept us safe. How I asked. Well look at our numbers she said. But what did he do I asked. He kept us safe she said. You can’t convince someone like that.
I’m a little surprised that the returning lockdowns and the cancelling of the holidays by dictatorial governors and mayors hasn’t gotten more coverage on conservative sites.
It’s pretty much all the people in my circle are talking about.
I guess some people want to believe the computer systems flipped votes. I don’t think that can ever be proven.
Montage: We have iron-clad reason to believe that software, somewhere in the chain from the voting machine to the data feed to CNN can flip votes. Per my comment in the previous fraud post:
In a clip from CNN coverage of the 2019 Kentucky governor election between Andy Beshar (D) and incumbent Matt Bevin (R) you can literally see from one moment to the next 560 votes being transferred from Bevin to Beshar. The overall vote count remains the same.
I guess some people (read “Montage”) don’t want to believe the computer systems have flipped votes.
Bevin (R) lost to Beshar (D) by a mere 5000 votes. Only 10 flips of 560 votes would buy the Democrat that election.
In the sad event the Creepy Joe moves from his basement to the big house maybe King Jay can land a cabinet position? It is also rumored that Kate Brown of OR is also angling for some such slot. Win win for the NW. With those two tools at the head of any agencies the feds will be even more hamstrung. Secretary Dunning-Kreuger x two.
Neo. I was complimenting you on your reason number two. Sorry I wasn’t clearer.
Whether Trump loses legally, the fact is that the dems cranked up a massive cheating machine. Though it may be yet superfluous, as my mother used to say, “It’s the thought that counts, dear.”
Win, lose, or draw. Can anybody explain why the dems should ever be trusted again?
Richard Aubrey:
Oh, I didn’t get it.
As far as Democrats go, the answer is, “they should never be trusted.”
Read the rest of what I wrote. It explains the reason for wide variation of ‘middle of the night’s votes’ that leaned heavily toward Biden. Hint: it wouldn’t in a normal election because the ballots would not be segregated between regular and mail-in ballots.
I hope you can accept Biden as the president even if you dislike him.
The sworn affidavits I read don’t prove fraud so I’m not sure how you could extrapolate that the same kind of thing happened in every polling place where there were Democrats. I’d be willing to believe fake ballot dumps by operatives or computers switching the vote to Biden before I would assume individual poll workers somehow created 100K votes in the right places. That would be quite a coordinated effort. Karl Rove likened it to ‘Star Trek’ proportions.
Anyway, I can’t convince you and you can’t convince me. So be it.
I don’t know if Denny Heck for a year would be any better unfortunately. He has been my congressman and he always painted himself as more moderate until he started accusing Trump of being a secret Russian agent ala Schiff.
Fellow WA staters:
Yeah, most of the people I know are perfect blockheads about Covid, cowering in fear and trusting that their (D) politicians are “saving” them. Meanwhile, of course, the case fatality ratio has declined statewide to 1/12 of what it was, and in King County to about 1/20.
Anyway, I can’t convince you and you can’t convince me. So be it.
Montage: I can’t help but notice you skipped over my solid example of a computer flipping votes.
You come here to lecture us condescendingly about our need to believe there has been fraud in this election. Now it’s clear you have pretty strong needs of your own.
So you slink out with “Anyway, I can’t convince you and you can’t convince me. So be it.”
So be it, indeed.
Sydney Powell just released this …
“US Army seizes Dominion servers in Germany, Trump lawyer vows, ‘I’m going to release the Kraken’”
Let’s see what comes of this. If true and they find massive “glitchs” it could be a game changer but they have to do it NOW!
Like I wrote the other night, the one with an actual army.
After thinking on this a bit … How could servers in Germany have any affect on the machines here in the US that was supposedly not connected to internet?
I’m no expert on this maybe others can share some light.
source code maybe?
I had not read your comment. I don’t read all of them addressed to me.
I watched the YouTube video about Kentucky previously and it’s not definitive at all. It doesn’t prove what you say it does. The voice-over tells us that the CNN tally is tied in with the official government vote totals. But that is not based on what I read. Vote totals are relayed from the Secretary of State’s office to AP stringers who then feed the data to CNN et al. So it is very likely that the totals were mis-reported or mistyped. They very well could have also been mistyped by a person at the polling place and then corrected. I work with numbers every day and it’s not uncommon to see someone type a set of numbers into the wrong column. We’re human. So we are likely seeing the correction ‘in real time.’ I’d like to hear what CNN or the Secretary of State says in Kentucky. I would not assume it means cheating happened. But please note it’s Kentucky. That is hardly a hot bed of liberal Democrats. And if it was they would most certainly have attempted the same thing against Mitch McConnell, right?
No reason to read the rest of it. The first sentence was enough of a strawman.
However, I read your second sentence in your 10:00 PM comment, which was also a strawman. The main point of my objection to the “middle of the night” election process was the fact that reports are that they stopped counting the vote in many states, and they also threw out the observers when or before they resumed counting. As for the disparity between the number of Biden votes and Trump votes in the late-night ballots, I fully expected that disparity to occur. I think everyone expected it; I even recall reading months ago that it would happen. It was the way it happened (the stoppage, the blocking of the observers) and the ratios being even more skewed towards Biden than expected. I would certainly like to see some hard figures on that, as well.
No country in Europe (except Switzerland, which has a very special and unusual system) has mail-in voting. They have very limited absentee ballots (and some don’t even have that) and the absentee ballots are limited to those with really good excuses or who live abroad or are in the military. They reason is they know that mailed ballots are highly subject to fraud. Another rule they have there – in countries that do allow some absentee ballots – is that the absentee ballots must be counted first. Again, that’s because they – unlike our Democrats – are actually concerned that fraud be stopped, and they realize that leaving the mailed ballots for last is another invitation to fraud.
One of the reasons that some cities such as Philadelphia (and in the olden days, Chicago) delay their counts is so they can know how many votes they need to manufacture. Philadelphia has a long history of voting fraud that is well-known.
Also, in PA, mailed ballots were allowed to be counted starting at 7 AM on voting day. And yet – interestingly enough – nine counties decided to wait to start counting till Wednesday morning. Philadelphia does not appear to have been among those counties that waited – and yet we are led to believe that most or all of those late-night votes came from Philadelphia? That’s assumed, but I can’t find an article that documents where the votes came from. If not Philadelphia, we wouldn’t expect them to be so very heavily Democratic, because the rest of the state wasn’t.
What’s more – and I think this is telling – apparently even though Trump appears to have lost the state, the other Republicans did quite well. That immediately made me think that in PA there might have been a lot of ballots marked only for the presidential contest, for Biden. That has been reported in a number of states, and it’s suspicious, because if people were making fraudulent ballots for Biden and were in a big hurry to do it that’s exactly how it would be done. It would be fascinating to see if the percentage of Biden-only ballots that came in late was different than the percentage of Biden-only ballots that came in early. I bet we are never told that statistic.
Across Pennsylvania, and especially in populous areas like the Philadelphia suburbs, voters sent mixed signals and down-ballot Republicans far out-performed Trump.
That could be that a lot of Republicans grew to dislike Trump for some reason. I didn’t see polls that indicated that; his approval was always high among Republicans. What’s more:
voters appear to have split their tickets at unusually high rates — voting for Biden, but then Republicans — or no one — in smaller races…
Analysts are still sorting out whether there are comprehensive explanations for the unusually high numbers of ticket splitters…
This was the first general election since the state legislature did away with automatic straight-ticket voting, which means many voters likely had to individually select their choices for the first time. Mail voting increased sharply, and it’s possible some voters forgot to fill out races on the back side of their ballots…
…[R]eturns in at least some counties showed higher turnout for the presidential race than down-ballot ones, which means some voters must have voted for president, but kept the rest of their ballot blank.
“There was undervoting, crossover voting, there’s a lot going on beneath the surface,” Forstate said.
People don’t ordinarily just forget to vote for anyone other than president. It sounds as though there were a lot of votes just for president, though, and I’d love to know whether they were mostly mail-in votes, and whether they were overwhelmingly for Biden. That doesn’t prove anything, but to me it indicates a very good possibility of fraud. I believe the same strange phenomenon occurred in some other swing states that are disputed. I would love to see whether PA and those other states have a much higher percentage of these “Biden-only” ballots than states such as Ohio and Florida.
I did some number-crunching and discovered that, as of now, 107, 852 more voters in PA voted for Biden than voted for Democrats for US Congress. That doesn’t tell us how many people voted only for Biden and didn’t cast a vote for Congress at all, but it certainly indicates there might have been many such ballots that were blank except for the Biden vote. In contrast, there were about 56,000 more votes for Republican members of Congress than there were for Trump. This doesn’t tell us whether some people voted just for Trump or what percentage of those 56K voted for Biden in addition to the GOP candidate for Congress. But all of those would be very interesting figures to have, and it would also be interesting to know whether this was unusual voting behavior for that state.
Yes, I would like to see the undervote totals as well. Each election thousands of voters all over the US vote only for the presidential candidates and leave the rest of the ballot blank. It could tell us something if the numbers were higher for mail-in and if they were in swing state. I would think that mail-in ballots would have more choices selected because if people vote from home they would presumedly have more time to consider other candidates and propositions etc. While in the voting booth they may feel hurried and conclude they are only there to vote for president anyway.
The Epoch article linked below on the problems and lack of audit trails in Dominion Voting Systems is amazing. I spent my life doing bank systems, where multiple examiners and auditors forced a high level of testing on software and systems, and required built-in audit trails that could be tested at any time.
Voting is more important than bank systems IMO, but the types of people who run the election machinery have no ability or capability to do anything but operate what they are given.
It is impossible to not believe that millions of votes could have been switched inside the Dominion Systems, and that it will be impossible to ever know what actually happened.
Then we see that Dominion is associated with high level Democrats.: Senator Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, is a shareholder of Dominion Voting Systems. The software company also has ties to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Her former chief of staff is one of the lobbyists on the company’s first-ever lobbying firm—Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck.
Then there’s me talking about many of these events, before Nov 3 and 2.
Montage’s willful blindness is enabling treason.
But you know GB, it is not treason… if they succeed. Then it is called patriotism. One man’s patriot is another man’s terrorist.
In Civil War 1, Lincoln, Sherman, Nathan Bedford, Lee. It depends on humanity’s personal biases, whetehr they see them as war criminal, tyrant, or hero.
There is an Huge amount of voting irregularities coincidentally shared in the four major democrats controlled cities in contested states Biden badly needed that weren’t found in other states. Optically the stoppage of counting in the middle of the night and the sudden restart under no supervision that coincidentally where biden’s incredible reversals took place in all these cities is so problematic that by itself warrants a full audit.
” PA there might have been a lot of ballots marked only for the presidential contest, for Biden. That has been reported in a number of states, and it’s suspicious, because if people were making fraudulent ballots for Biden and were in a big hurry to do it that’s exactly how it would be done. It would be fascinating to see if the percentage of Biden-only ballots that came in late was different than the percentage of Biden-only ballots that came in early. I bet we are never told that statistic.”
Undervote ballots could be indicative of either confused voters who thought they were voting straight ticket by marking Biden, or it could be indifferent voters, or incompetent voters who were participants in a ‘ get out the vote” ballot harvesting operation. We get you the ballot, you mark it as we direct, and we do the rest. These could be kept as a kind of reserve if postal workers could be found to cooperate with a postmark bundling operation.
I also find the Biden top and Republican down ballot voting very interestimg, though in the case of a couple million ballots cast 50 or 60 thousand is not that many. But it either shows there are fair numbers of sensitive Republicans around, or that “Independents” , which may amount to the same thing in this instance, voted for Biden. If of course, that is the way the original ballot is actually marked.
In any event we have to keep thinking critically and pursue hard evidence not rumors.
There are reports going around that the US army has seized the Scytl computer in Germany. It apparently started with Louie Gohmersomeone in Texas, who got it from a supposed tweet in German, which he apparetntly cannot read for himself. To listen to this scatterbrain talk, you might think you were listening to Sean Hannity chase the thread of a complete thought around his head.
Now, there is no metaphysical reason to assume that the US Army could not take possession of a computer. But the first thing one wonders about is the exact mechanism involved in the American military seizing third party private property in an allied host nation.
1. Why do so many people think that the burden of proof is absolute certainty? We don’t require certainty to put someone to death.
2. Statistical anomalies add up and multiply. We can compute the likelihood of them happening by chance. When the likelihood gets to ridiculous, we have SCIENCE. Seriously. That’s all science is quite often.
We know Biden stole the election to a level of certainty that far exceeds any of the supposed “science” that supports global warming theory or Covid policies or so many liberal ideologically driven policies.
3. All inferences and presumptions should be resolved against the party that broke the laws and rules. If their secrecy, their refusals to follow court orders, their refusals to obey state laws, their refusals to adhere to the constitution, are what make it difficult to prove their fraud — we should be entitled to assume that the fraud was real.
Never allow the criminal to profit from his crimes. You get a lot more crime.
Since Montage didn’t reply to my comment of several days ago, I am reposting it. Historical Note on Mourning a Country.
Montage: So Trump haters have a 4th option as well and it’s wanting to have general competence and decency in a commander in chief and one less narcissistic.
Copied and pasted from IamSparticus, with slight change in question. Please give your response to these Trump policies:
You don’t like that he ordered the killing of Iranian terror-master Soulemani?
You don’t like that he is putting the squeeze on the Mullahs?
• You don’t like that he met with Kim Jung Il who has not performed a single nuclear or missile test since meeting with him after conducting 4 tests during Obama’s term?
• You don’t like that he is stopping Chinese technology theft through spying?
• You don’t like that he put tariffs on dumped Chinese goods that forced them to agree to buy more US products?
• You don’t like that he scrapped NAFTA for USMC and stopped the export of US jobs?
o What would be super powerful to this question is if You lost your job to China or Mexico like I lost my job of 35 years. Or someone that both of You know.
• You don’t like the US having energy independence while reducing its carbon emissions? Something no other country can claim. (US is still importing oil, just a lot less…)
• You don’t like that he withdrew from the Paris Accords that doesn’t have China or India doing any carbon mitigation until after 2035 when global climate change experts say is too late?
• You don’t like that he gave Ukraine weapons that stopped Russia from overrunning the country? That Obama/Biden policy of providing non-lethal aid like blankets and food was the proper response to an armed invasion?
• You don’t like that Germany and France now have to pay more for their defense which makes them very angry?
• You don’t like that his administration has made more arrests for human trafficking in the last few years than Bush and Obama did in 16 years?
o You don’t like that he has set-up a task force to combat human trafficking which the wall is an integral part. You don’t like about this?
Moving to COVID response. That has to be handled very carefully based on a person’s frame of reference. Some good people are VERY safety minded.
• You don’t like that Trump put on a travel ban from China than Europe that all the Democrats condemned particularly Biden?
• That he put into place OPERATION WARP SPEED to develop a vaccine?
• That he followed the scientists when Fauci said masks don’t work in March?
o You don’t like that?
• You don’t like he still says wear a mask even when the WHO says they are ineffective?
“3. All inferences and presumptions should be resolved against the party that broke the laws and rules. If their secrecy, their refusals to follow court orders, their refusals to obey state laws, their refusals to adhere to the constitution, are what make it difficult to prove their fraud — we should be entitled to assume that the fraud was real.”
Very well said. Thank you.
I’ll answer one of these because it matters today.
I don’t recall Trump saying we should definitively wear a mask. He has mocked people for it. Recently made fun of Biden and even Laura Ingraham for wearing one at a rally. So he is certainly not definitive about wearing one primarily because many of his followers want to flout ‘freedom’ about not covering their face. But you are incorrect about the WHO. What they said – and you can look it up – is that masks alone are not enough. You also need to social distance, clean your hands, keep the masks clean and if possible wear one that has layers. Saying a mask is not enough absolutely does not mean don’t wear a mask.
And make sure your mask fits, use it once, discard it correctly, don’t touch it, and and and, or it won’t do squat for you or anyone else. That’s how they work in theory, but don’t in practice.
Enjoy being locked down again by Emperor Nuisance, and don’t think of coming to WA or passing through OR.
Your governor is in line with Newsom so I’m not sure what you are talking about.
“COVID-19 cases have doubled in Washington over the past two weeks. This puts our state in as dangerous a position today as we were in March,” Inslee said. “Limiting and reducing travel is one way to reduce further spread of the disease. I am happy to partner with California and Oregon in this effort to help protect lives up and down the West Coast.”
Good thing you have a Democratic governor and will continue to for a long time. He talks sense.
There is so much you are ignorant about.
Fatality rates do not justify King Jay’s actions, as other commentors on this blog have pointed out (Bryan Lovely IIRC).
Inslee is as much as clown as your Emperor. You wouldn’t know sense if it was stapled to a 2×4 that smacked you in the forehead.
Enjoy your lockdown and loss of work. Sucks to be you in many ways.
You don’t recall Trump saying people should wear a mask, but actually, Trump has had a complicated message regarding masks, and he’s definitely recommended them quite a few times. One thing he is not interested in is a universal mandate to wear them. As far as Trump’s attitude on masks goes, see this from July. In typical fashion, NBC says he’s “muddying” his message, but if Obama had said exactly the same thing they’d have called it “nuanced.” In that article, Trump seems to be saying that masks are good but they won’t stop the epidemic, and that there are liberty issues involved as well in requiring them. He adds that masks can cause harm if not used correctly, something that quite a few people have said as well. For example, masks can give people a false sense of security so that they take more risks. Here’s a summary of some of the risks of masks, and I’ve seen plenty of other health articles mentioning them as well.
In addition, not only has the Fauci recommendation on masks changed from the early days of the pandemic, but Trump himself advocated them quite a long time ago. I remember this from late March, when Trump talked about using scarves as masks and even demonstrated how to do it during a press conference, back during the time that Fauci was still not recommending masks. Trump was even up-front about the fact that they didn’t have enough masks and therefore were saving them for medical personnel, something that Fauci admitted later.
And I’d highly recommend dropping your condescending paternalism towards om’s remarks – “there there, little boy, be grateful that daddy Democrat is in charge.” You don’t get what he’s saying.
Key grafs:
“The ‘Lincoln Project’ doxxed the two Porter Wright lawyers who signed the Pennsylvania complaint, tweeting their pictures, addresses and telephone numbers, and encouraging leftists to harass them…
“This harassment, which includes threats to the licenses of lawyers who represent Republican clients, is an unprecedented violation of political norms. But it’s also a tell.”
The mask zealots simply cannot be deterred. Masks accomplish nothing outdoors unless in very tide conditions and even then it’s questionable. In places like stores it’s also questionable because you are simply not close enough for long enough while passing someone in an aisle.
Where they MAY help some is in the home but the zealots know this is a bridge too far and even though a few have danced around requiring masks in the home they never go all the way.
I mean why not require masks while sleeping or perhaps some governor can mandate no sleeping face to face with your significant other.
Do it for grandma.
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All the apparent Biden only ballots is pretty damning.
Tens upon tens of millions of citizens of our moribund republic believe, with good cause, that this election was stolen, although proving this in court beyond any reasonable doubt may prove well-nigh impossible. Numerical and statistical anomalies abound, as well as so-called software “glitches” in the (rejected by the state of Texas) Dominion system (these may not be glitches at all, but attempts to subvert the tally) and signed affidavits alleging irregularities and the unlawful treatment of Republican poll-watchers, not to mention considerable evidence of ballot-harvesting and illegitimate votes being counted and significant lack of correlation between up-ballot and down-ballot choices. All this evidence aside, how can any intelligent and rational person truly believe that the contested states simply stopped counting in the middle of the night, only to discover (without any oversight), in the wee hours of the morning, massive batches of votes all favoring Senile Joe?
Fraud is theft.
America is being stolen from us.
By an evil party and persons.
The indications of fraud are overwhelming. Joe Biden said they had the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of the country, and for once he was telling the truth.
In addition to Biden’s “gaffe”, there is video of the ghastly daughter (Chiara) of the ghastly mayor of NYC alluding to Biden’s stealing of the election.
I see experts such a Karl Rove saying they will not find a sufficient number of fraudulent ballots to overturn the result.
As far as I am concerned that reflects a logical disconnect. Of course they would not. Ballots are like dollars, once separated from the voter they become essentially fungible and barring a visible anomaly you cannot detect the ones that entered the pot illicitly.
The issue is whether the elections were conducted legally. We know that they were not in multiple contested states; perhaps in all. The Constitution allows state legislatures to establish their election procedures, but bars other officials from tampering with them. Several states ignored the constitutional prohibition against will nilly changes to the strictures established by their legislatures. If the elections themselves were fraudulent, then all ballots cast were fraudulent. The constitution also provides remedies for fraudulent elections. The individual Legislatures choose the electors.
There seems to be little information in the public sector as to how the Trump legal team will challenge results. That may be because the initial counts, or recounts, are not complete. Of course, their challenges, no matter the grounds, will depend on the Courts. Therein lies the problem. Not even SCOTUS is faithful to the constitution.
Oh yeah red flags and flashing lights do abound but what if those who can do something about it refuse to act.
In Michigan, the local judge Tim Kenny threw out the certification suit because there was not enough “evidence”. So we are bumping up against the judicial wall of resistance. He found that the main plaintiff Melissa Carone was “not creditable”. That her affidavit does not “square” with other affidavits. WHAT THE HECK!!!!! I was there. Everything she state was true. How do “food trucks” not deliver food but boxes that look like ballot transport boxes.
If you have evidence of fraud but the courts don’t believe it then you are doubly screwed. This is all apparent but if authorities don’t act it is justice denied.
This is more an indictment of the Michigan Republican Party than anything else. All of this is going to end up at the US Supreme Court as I don’t see the Michigan State house controlled by the Republicans refusing to certify the vote.
But I am resolved to fight on and fight harder for this country. Big Business, Big Labor, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Media and Big Education may be arrayed against me and my follow travelers but I will fight on. We defeated the British. We defeated the communists and we will defeat the internal totalitarians. Stayed engaged and stay involved.
Remember you are not alone despite everything the “bigs” try to tell you. There are 70M of us and we will not forget.
The Blaze [conservative website] read through 234 pages of affidavits in Michigan regarding voting irregularities and didn’t find actual fraud. Plus the number of challenges pertained to less than 1000 ballots.
It’s good that Republican ballot watchers were allowed to observe.
I guess some people want to believe the computer systems flipped votes. I don’t think that can ever be proven. But if Republicans want to believe the election system is phony why would they ever want to vote again? Telling people to vote but watch out because the system is rigged is not a winning strategy.
Interestingly, Trump just tweeted today that the election was the most secure election ever .. except for the rigged vote the Democrats did!
Lol, this makes no sense…
LOL from the man of the one party state. It is good that the law is sometimes followed?
Nothing to see, move along. LOL
OT enjoy your Thanksgiving and other traditional gatherings in the land of Nuisance. If you are allowed to enjoy.
Montage, please explain the difference between voting irregularities and fraud. In order to differentiate you must know intent. Absent that knowledge, you might suppose that 234 pages of irregularities in one state might be an indicator of intent.
WRT to Trump’s tweet, I guess you don’t recognize sarcasm. Well, my wife used to warn me, a pretty sarcastic person, to refrain when talking to our daughters; because children don’t understand sarcasm.
Montage – did you read the attached post? Statistics don’t lie. There are strong indicators of fraud that need to be verified. I have been involved with quality systems and processes my entire professional life. To date I have not seen a creditable refutations of the base charges. Why, because nothing has been tested or verified.
What is lacking is a serious effort to “test” the hypothesis. If someone does this and watches the security tapes you would see it organized chaos. Tell me can you see size 12 font for 6 feet away? From 35 feet away? How does 6 states simultaneously stop counted for three hours and then 100’s of thousand Biden votes appear and no Trump. Explain that. You can’t. Why not. Come up with a plausible explanation and share it.
Without data you are just another person with an opinion. All we want is the chance to test the hypothesis.
Trump antipathy has warped many a person’s perspective including yours. All we ask is that the process and votes be verified and all legal votes be counted. The Democracy Initiative Secretaries of State and Attorney Generals has walked over our fundamental basic right and we are angry about it. Allow us to test the results and satisfy ourselves. If you don’t then you are in agreement that fraud has happened.
This is the closing of act one of the tragicomedy. Act two is starting which is the certification of the vote and its challenges. The other acts will follow. We are 70M strong and we will not forget.
Ah, such a helpful person, to give campaign advice to the right! You don’t think the right should talk about the possibility that the election was fraudulent, because such talk might depress the vote next time. However, if results really are determined by fraud, then not voting next time is just as good as voting, because the game is rigged either way.
What’s more – and I don’t think you’re aware of this – people didn’t need to be told there might be fraud to suspect it, because of the actual facts that were present and undisputed: (1) the recent switch to enormous numbers of mail-in votes (and in some cases, to automatic mailing to everyone on the flawed voter rolls) by states not accustomed to voting that way (2) the sudden switch in the wee hours of the morning from strong Trump leads in most swing states, to Biden leads (3) the filing of a large number of complaints by poll watchers and others connected with the voting process.
Prior to the election a lot of people – a lot – suspected fraud would occur, simply on account of the widespread relaxation of rules in many swing states. For decades there’s been a lawfare war going on between left on right on voting rules, with the left advocating for fewer and fewer checks on fraud (in the name of voting access) and the right alarmed at the increased opportunities for fraud. When COVID struck, the left used it as an opportunity to change rules still further, and plenty of people saw danger ahead. So this is not some fake drummed-up controversy by leaders on the right or even by Trump. This is a real grassroots concern that goes way back.
If extra ballots for Biden have been created, it would be nearly impossible to prove because the ballots are separated from their envelopes and just become “naked ballots.” So even a recount would prove nothing. With voting fraud, an ounce of prevention is worth a million tons of cure. If fraudsters are creative, there are many ways to do it, and once the damage is done, it probably cannot be undone. This entire election should have been set up in a manner that engendered trust. It was not.
neo: Thanks for taking the trouble.
Sometimes I get so weary with all the context and exposition which must be laid out to meet a Democrat talking point. I’d rather pull song allusions out of my hat.
Sing it Otis!
Oh, she may be weary
Young girls they do get weary
Wearing that same old shaggy dress, yeah yeah
But when she gets weary
Try a little tenderness, yeah yeah
–Otis Redding, “Try a Little Tenderness”
I am Spaticus,
Re: “We defeated the British. We defeated the communists and we will defeat the internal totalitarians.”
We defeated the British through war. We defeated the Soviets through a willingness to create and deploy better weapons and most importantly, convincing them that we were willing to fight.
Defeating our “internal totalitarians” will require a similar commitment.
You are willfully blind to the reality of what you support and in that willful blindness, you embrace complicity in that treason.
Can the evidence be followed to a decisive conclusion?
Does equal protection require vote counting transparency?
Are free and fair elections legally required or just a nice idea?
In yonder hen house corner, might that be the tip of a fox’s tail?
Most of the time the govt works on cruise control with decisions made by bureaucrats. The problem US has is that there is no accountability so they are never dismissed. Here is another example.
US officials have been lying to Trump – and the American people – about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them, according to the outgoing Syria envoy. Trump thinks it’s 200
Neo’s responding to those like Montage as if they are making a good faith argument and might be swayed by actual facts looks like a real waste of life span.
In fact, as Rules for Radicals prescribes, doing this wastes the opposition’s time and energy. There is no good faith. It’s a scam.
However, Neo thinks there may be others watching who could benefit from being informed correctly. Bless her for her energy and effort. May it bear fruit, even if we don’t see it.
Without appropriate consequence, feedback mechanisms are absent.
Any US official who lies to Trump should be summarily fired. Its the Flynn rule, evidenced when Gen. Flynn failed to fully inform V.P. Pence.
Richard Aubrey,
Good faith or not, Montage’s willful blindness is enabling treason.
Neither is voting if the system is rigged. And of course, precautions of the kind suggested in the analytical videos you have apparently missed would go some way to correcting that suspicion.
But, in planning for the long haul, it might be well to keep reminding one’s people anyway of the fact that the collectivist other, really is radically and morally other and cannot be trusted to keep any agreement. And, that if you want to enjoy a life free of their suffocating demands and offloaded costs, and their unrewarding uninvited presence, then you will have to find a way of politely distancing yourself from them and their limitless claims, one way or another.
This, would be in preference to delusionally pretending that voting in community with them pays off because in the imagined final analysis we are supposedly all one big happy human family – which we are not – and that we all want the same things out of life – which we don’t – and that we eventually share the same moral sensibilities – which has been proven false again and again and …
The Biden family’s big guy and crack head alone prove that that is not true. You dont even have to take into account the other socially pernicious and dysfunctional moral breeds involved in the Democrat Party racket. What sensible person can deny that Democrats are by and large a behavioral poison in bodily form that eventually erodes and degrades whoever and whatever it insistently comes into contact with?
Crackhead and his senile pater Big Guy, may very well self destruct before 4 years elapse. But who imagines that the supply of the kind is exhausted with them or that we can ever be one people again?
Richard Aubrey:
You’re misinterpreting my motives. There are reasons that I often respond to people such as Montage, but the reasons have nothing to do with convincing them of anything, nor do the reasons have to do with thinking that they are acting in good faith. And yet I still don’t think it’s a waste of time, although it may not be worth quite the amount of time I put into it.
Here are the reasons I often do it:
(1) It gives me some personal satisfaction to make points in an argument.
(2) My responses are not usually directed to the person, although I’m addressing the person. I am thinking of other readers on the blog, both regulars and drop-ins. Trolls and people like Montage definitely like to waste people’s time and cannot be convinced of much of anything, but other people read here and I don’t like poor reasoning to go unchallenged.
Here is the kind of analysis that is being done. I have no idea if it has been debunked
This from this thread:
“I went looking through the data I got from my script, trying to find if the moment the Antrim glitch happened in Michigan is there. And it is. Here is the Data. [ ]
And here is the specific part when the switch happened. [ ]
You can see in that picture, that Trump lost 3,096 votes, those all went to Biden. BUT, Trump also lost 2,324 votes, that went nowhere.
EDIT: Those 2,324 were moved from Trump to Jorgensen.”
One take away of this whole mess for me is that the US claims of the gold standard for elections and rule of law is blown out of the water for the whole world to see. US definitely in “banana republic territory.” So who are we to criticize others!
That in itself is very damaging to all US citizens of both parties.
It’s not just in the battleground states that smell funky…
I’ve been filling out my spreadsheet of Soviet presidential election results by county. 38 of the 39 counties changed in a partisan democrat direction, by an average of 4.7%. That’s a lot for a close election. And at first glance, it’s the the Republican leaning counties had the highest percentage change. Interestingly King County (Seattle/Microsoftia…which has 30% of the statewide vote) had the 2nd lowest partisan change (+0.7% Democrat).
More interesting is that the 2020 statewide voter participation rate was historically high (a full 12% above 2016):
2020 82.0%
2016 70.0%
2012 71.6%
2008 73.8%
Need to do some more digging.
Your argument is that because fraud may have exited then it definitely did exist. Which is basically saying mail-in voting = fraud. Period. You leave no room for the possibility that millions of Americans voted legitimately by mail.
It’s incorrect to say the sudden switch in the wee hours of the morning from strong Trump leads in most swing states without understanding another reason for this fact. First, only MI and PN switched quickly. But it makes sense because by law Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin could not count ballots until election night. [States like FL and OH allows mail-in ballots to be counted prior to election day. So they had quicker results.]
Second, in-person votes, which leaned Republican were tallied first because they were easy to count. Then after the regular count was done by late evening they began to show mail-in ballot counts. The reason for the delay is because “Mail ballot processing involves everything from opening envelopes to checking voter signatures to flattening ballots that have been crumpled or creased in transit. The procedures can be time consuming…” Those ballots leaned heavily toward Democrats and were in very populated cities – not small counties which could tally fast. This fact was known long before the election. Why? Because of Covid. Democrats are more wary of standing around with strangers in line for a long time than Republicans are. Mail-in ballots are convenient. They were also the legal choice. Should those voters votes be denied because their might be fraud?
But more important to your theory, rather than the votes being tallied and reported like they usually are on election night as a mix of both parties you had the first part of the night mostly R’s and the second part mostly Ds. The fact that it was at ‘wee hours’ was simply because those votes were now being counted. But they continued well into the day, actually.
For the sake of argument, if you believed there were shenanigans in MI and PA then Biden still wins 270 because he won GA, AZ and NV. I know you have theories about those state… fine. It still has to be proven with evidence. I don’t see that happening.
I know you can’t be convinced but try looking at all the evidence and facts. You aren’t doing that. I’m looking at all the facts. There is nothing so far.
One fact that I don’t think anyone has equated with the results of this election is this: No candidate for president has ever won office when proposing to raise everyone’s taxes. (He plans to repeal the Trump tax cuts. That raises both most individual and all business taxes. In addition he promised to raise taxes on all who earn over $400,000/year plus increases on corporations.) Did half the country not understand that their taxes were going to increase under Biden? The previous candidate who promised tax increases, Walter Mondale, lost bigly. That Biden, with that campaign promise, was able to attract enough votes to win in states where Trump won in 2016 – Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona – is an anomaly in itself. Did the Trump voters stay home? Nope. They voted in even larger numbers and he got more minority votes than in 2016. Yet, the tax raising candidate was able to turn out record numbers of voters to vote for him.
Another issue is that Biden promised to stop fracking, a big pocket book issue for Pennsylvania. But the state rushed changes to its voting laws designed to enhance the ability to manufacture votes, and the AG promised days before the election that Trump could not win Pennsylvania. How could he be so sure unless the fix was in? Philadelphia is the key to Pennsylvania. The necessary votes were manufactured there. – dead people, president only ballots, nursing home residents who voted, walking a round money ballots, harvested ballots, and more were produced in the numbers necessary.
The Dominion computer systems are another avenue for changing votes. Whether a hand recount can reveal that I don’t know. It would seem that it would but it has to be a real hand recount not another run through the machines.
Then here are the statistical anomalies. I don’t know enough about statistics to say much, but the link’s knowledgeable fraud investigators had plenty to say.
It’s like tracks in the snow. If you don’t follow them quickly, they soon disappear. That means that we need to keep following them now.
I’m back…forget the part of my comment on voter turnout. Found real data on the SoS website. Looks like 81% is about average for the Soviet, so 2020 isn’t out-of-line (actually slightly below 2008). 2016 was the outlier at 78.7%.
P.S. – Hi JJ…
Soviet of Washington, thanks for doing that digging. I was flabbergasted by the results in WA. If the Republicans ever had some issues to run on this was the year. With dictatorial COVID-19 restrictions, uncontested violence and takeover of a part of Seattle (not to mention the nightly closures of I-5), a failed unemployment insurance system, and more, it seemed that Republican candidates had a real chance to make some headway this year. Nope. It was as if, the Dems had been doing an outstanding job and swept through all the offices in a near blue wave. Are the people of WA that blind to incompetent government? I hope not, but the vote seems to tell another story. Unless………the machines are fixed here as well. What you describe sounds like a cunning algorithm designed to up the Democrat numbers and from Republican strongholds.
Mr. Bojangles. Mr. Bojangles.
Mr. Bojangles, Dance
Thank you very much!
neo wrote, “(2) My responses are not usually directed to the person, although I’m addressing the person. I am thinking of other readers on the blog, both regulars and drop-ins. Trolls and people like Montage definitely like to waste people’s time and cannot be convinced of much of anything, but other people read here and I don’t like poor reasoning to go unchallenged.”
But but this was the “most secure election in history.”
There are problematic districts in problematic cities with legacies of voter fraud over history; this we know. There are instances of witnesses from bipartisan groups that had every right to be present, being escorted out of counting halls in those districts. There are instances of ballot-counting being officially shut down, and resuming in secret privacy. There are instances of ballots being filled out in parking lots with human screens around vans to avoid prying eyes.
But: Why are these real-time infractions, having been identified in real time, allowed to proceed unchallenged? Where are the roving teams of Federal Marshalls, on hand to act on these reports to catch the bastards red-handed with armed Federal authority that cannot be refused? It’s hard to believe we don’t have the appetite for honest elections when we certainly have the capabilities to enforce them.
The other point is: Knowing the appetite that Americans have for fair elections, and suspecting that there was a stronger Trump vote than the results are falsely imputing – I wonder how long it will be before some engaging entrepreneur decides to set up a Block-chained second vote and invite Americans to vote again to find out what the results really were. Wouldn’t that just be fun? I’d vote again under secure circumstances in a heartbeat just to find out. Nothing better than finding out just how strong the majority really is.
“Nothing to see behind the curtain.” Or behind the blocked off windows, or from counting without observers, or from observers that are intentionally placed far enough away to prevent them from seeing anything. No evidence to see or to evaluate. Funny how that works.
Montage: “try looking at all the evidence and facts.”
As Neo said, once an illegal ballot is intermingled with legal ballots, it becomes indistinguishable. Tho obviously with a larger turnout.
If the truth is that most places had Dems illegally ballot harvesting and changing voters’ votes to Dem, like the Texas nurse now arrested for doing so for 165 residents in a nursing home, such illegally gained ballots look legal.
Recounting them as legal makes them look even more legal – even if by assumption we know they started as illegal.
False legal votes.
One of the sad facts about elections, well known to dictators, is that control of counting of the ballots is more important, and far easier, than controlling the voters.
The fact is – none can prove that all Biden votes are legal, or even that he has more legal votes than Trump in any given state, nor vice versa.
It is “assumed” that they are legal. With the burden of proof on those claiming fraud.
Protection against fraud is based on the rules.
If the rules are not followed, that is evidence that fraud might have happened.
Even with evidence that fraud might have happened, there is often no proof that all votes are legal, nor proof that any votes are fraudulent.
This election, every sworn affidavit is sufficient evidence of fraud for me to claim there was fraud. Every obstruction against observers, and especially against Rep observers, is evidence of the gov’t vote counters trying to steal the election.
The voting machine changing votes seems to be a huge problem – tho what happened to all the Trump paper ballots (for the hand recount?).
Stealing in the big cities is easier, as you say:
Those ballots leaned heavily toward Democrats and were in very populated cities – not small counties which could tally fast. So 10%, or 20% more fraud ballots would be easily mixed in with legal ballots.
Trump won so much that the prepared for 10% (20%?) fraud ballots wasn’t enough.
Evidence: stopping the counting.
Later dumps of 90%+ Biden ballots.
400,000 (???) ballots with Biden, but no (time to mark) downstream votes.
If a 1,000 folks have to falsify 400 Biden votes in an hour, they don’t have time to vote for the senator.
Are none of the 1,000 (?) Dem gov’t cheaters willing to give evidence? That’s the big, sad question for me. So few honest gov’t cheaters / guilty enough to repent.
‘We will never know the real legal vote’ – unfortunately true.
We won’t even get close, despite getting close being easy to do:
Redo the election in the Fraud Cities.
Legal voters – In Person Voting
But cheating Dems won’t do this — more evidence they know they were cheating.
Tho I also don’t hear Trump calling for this.
I actually have been looking but don’t quite know what he and his team is doing.
I believe he’s trying to present enough evidence to convince enough states to not certify, but haven’t seen that clearly articulated by his team.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 8h
For years the Dems have been preaching how unsafe and rigged our elections have been. Now they are saying what a wonderful job the Trump Administration did in making 2020 the most secure election ever. Actually this is true, except for what the Democrats did. Rigged Election!
Your first sentence at 6:35 is a complete misstatement of what I’ve said.
So, as is often the case with you, I’m torn between thinking you have almost no reading comprehension and thinking you purposely create strawmen. Luckily, I don’t really have to choose – it can be sometimes one, sometimes the other.
However, there’s no need to read the rest of your comment, when you begin it with garbage like that.
My point is that the Democrats have consistently pressed for methods that would create a huge opportunity for fraud, in particular this year. So the problem is not just whether fraud was committed or not, although of course it’s worse if fraud was committed. The problem is that we cannot get at the facts, because the voting methods made it impossible – with so much mail-in voting, envelopes no longer associated with the ballots, and in some cases ballots even destroyed after the data being entered into machines, observers not allowed to watch in some instances, etc. etc.. The methods used this year in particular have made a huge percentage of the American people distrust the results, which is a BIG problem in and of itself. And the actions of the Democrats and the anti-Trump forces in Russiagate – investigating Trump on made-up partisan grounds, and lying about almost every aspect of it – have justified and increased that distrust.
Here is what I wish would happen going forward.
1. For any “federal elections” there be one set of rules for all states to follow. For state/local elections etc set their own rules if they don’t like the federal rules.
2. Give all the states 2 months of early voting before Nov 3. If you can’t make it to the polls in 2 months … did you really want to vote that bad?
3. For the ones that can’t make it to the polls to vote in person let them vote by mail but they would show cause why they can’t vote in person. This year because of covid19 had merit of voting by mail but this was the exception not the norm.
All this would have to be done by legislation to be lawful and binding.
These are just a few recommendations to keep this klusterf*ck from happening again. I’m sure others can add more.
Am I dreaming or could this be workable?
Joe Biden says he wants to unite and heal the nation. Let’s put his feet to the fire and see how bad he wants to do that!
Washington voters are a lost cause. Inslee got 51% in 2012, 53% in 2016, and 57% this year. This idiot is getting more popular.
I got into a frustrating discussion today with a female relative about the coming lockdown in WA to be announced on Monday. She kept going on about how Inslee had kept us safe. How I asked. Well look at our numbers she said. But what did he do I asked. He kept us safe she said. You can’t convince someone like that.
I’m a little surprised that the returning lockdowns and the cancelling of the holidays by dictatorial governors and mayors hasn’t gotten more coverage on conservative sites.
It’s pretty much all the people in my circle are talking about.
I guess some people want to believe the computer systems flipped votes. I don’t think that can ever be proven.
Montage: We have iron-clad reason to believe that software, somewhere in the chain from the voting machine to the data feed to CNN can flip votes. Per my comment in the previous fraud post:
In a clip from CNN coverage of the 2019 Kentucky governor election between Andy Beshar (D) and incumbent Matt Bevin (R) you can literally see from one moment to the next 560 votes being transferred from Bevin to Beshar. The overall vote count remains the same.
I guess some people (read “Montage”) don’t want to believe the computer systems have flipped votes.
Bevin (R) lost to Beshar (D) by a mere 5000 votes. Only 10 flips of 560 votes would buy the Democrat that election.
In the sad event the Creepy Joe moves from his basement to the big house maybe King Jay can land a cabinet position? It is also rumored that Kate Brown of OR is also angling for some such slot. Win win for the NW. With those two tools at the head of any agencies the feds will be even more hamstrung. Secretary Dunning-Kreuger x two.
Neo. I was complimenting you on your reason number two. Sorry I wasn’t clearer.
Whether Trump loses legally, the fact is that the dems cranked up a massive cheating machine. Though it may be yet superfluous, as my mother used to say, “It’s the thought that counts, dear.”
Win, lose, or draw. Can anybody explain why the dems should ever be trusted again?
Richard Aubrey:
Oh, I didn’t get it.
As far as Democrats go, the answer is, “they should never be trusted.”
Read the rest of what I wrote. It explains the reason for wide variation of ‘middle of the night’s votes’ that leaned heavily toward Biden. Hint: it wouldn’t in a normal election because the ballots would not be segregated between regular and mail-in ballots.
I hope you can accept Biden as the president even if you dislike him.
Tom Grey
You write evidence was 400,000 ballots for Biden but no downstream votes. Explain what that means?’
There was a false tweet by a Texas Republican about Biden getting 138K extra votes but he realized it was a typo so he took down the tweet. However, Trump never corrected the record.
The sworn affidavits I read don’t prove fraud so I’m not sure how you could extrapolate that the same kind of thing happened in every polling place where there were Democrats. I’d be willing to believe fake ballot dumps by operatives or computers switching the vote to Biden before I would assume individual poll workers somehow created 100K votes in the right places. That would be quite a coordinated effort. Karl Rove likened it to ‘Star Trek’ proportions.
Anyway, I can’t convince you and you can’t convince me. So be it.
I don’t know if Denny Heck for a year would be any better unfortunately. He has been my congressman and he always painted himself as more moderate until he started accusing Trump of being a secret Russian agent ala Schiff.
Fellow WA staters:
Yeah, most of the people I know are perfect blockheads about Covid, cowering in fear and trusting that their (D) politicians are “saving” them. Meanwhile, of course, the case fatality ratio has declined statewide to 1/12 of what it was, and in King County to about 1/20.
I went to Northwest News Network to see if they had anything on the new lockdown, and found this interesting story: No ‘Blue Wave.’ Late-arriving votes favor GOP candidates for WA Legislature. So I absolutely would not doubt that vote-fiddling toward Biden occurred even in “safe” Washington State.
Anyway, I can’t convince you and you can’t convince me. So be it.
Montage: I can’t help but notice you skipped over my solid example of a computer flipping votes.
You come here to lecture us condescendingly about our need to believe there has been fraud in this election. Now it’s clear you have pretty strong needs of your own.
So you slink out with “Anyway, I can’t convince you and you can’t convince me. So be it.”
So be it, indeed.
Sydney Powell just released this …
“US Army seizes Dominion servers in Germany, Trump lawyer vows, ‘I’m going to release the Kraken’”
Let’s see what comes of this. If true and they find massive “glitchs” it could be a game changer but they have to do it NOW!
Like I wrote the other night, the one with an actual army.
After thinking on this a bit … How could servers in Germany have any affect on the machines here in the US that was supposedly not connected to internet?
I’m no expert on this maybe others can share some light.
source code maybe?
I had not read your comment. I don’t read all of them addressed to me.
I watched the YouTube video about Kentucky previously and it’s not definitive at all. It doesn’t prove what you say it does. The voice-over tells us that the CNN tally is tied in with the official government vote totals. But that is not based on what I read. Vote totals are relayed from the Secretary of State’s office to AP stringers who then feed the data to CNN et al. So it is very likely that the totals were mis-reported or mistyped. They very well could have also been mistyped by a person at the polling place and then corrected. I work with numbers every day and it’s not uncommon to see someone type a set of numbers into the wrong column. We’re human. So we are likely seeing the correction ‘in real time.’ I’d like to hear what CNN or the Secretary of State says in Kentucky. I would not assume it means cheating happened. But please note it’s Kentucky. That is hardly a hot bed of liberal Democrats. And if it was they would most certainly have attempted the same thing against Mitch McConnell, right?
No reason to read the rest of it. The first sentence was enough of a strawman.
However, I read your second sentence in your 10:00 PM comment, which was also a strawman. The main point of my objection to the “middle of the night” election process was the fact that reports are that they stopped counting the vote in many states, and they also threw out the observers when or before they resumed counting. As for the disparity between the number of Biden votes and Trump votes in the late-night ballots, I fully expected that disparity to occur. I think everyone expected it; I even recall reading months ago that it would happen. It was the way it happened (the stoppage, the blocking of the observers) and the ratios being even more skewed towards Biden than expected. I would certainly like to see some hard figures on that, as well.
No country in Europe (except Switzerland, which has a very special and unusual system) has mail-in voting. They have very limited absentee ballots (and some don’t even have that) and the absentee ballots are limited to those with really good excuses or who live abroad or are in the military. They reason is they know that mailed ballots are highly subject to fraud. Another rule they have there – in countries that do allow some absentee ballots – is that the absentee ballots must be counted first. Again, that’s because they – unlike our Democrats – are actually concerned that fraud be stopped, and they realize that leaving the mailed ballots for last is another invitation to fraud.
One of the reasons that some cities such as Philadelphia (and in the olden days, Chicago) delay their counts is so they can know how many votes they need to manufacture. Philadelphia has a long history of voting fraud that is well-known.
Also, in PA, mailed ballots were allowed to be counted starting at 7 AM on voting day. And yet – interestingly enough – nine counties decided to wait to start counting till Wednesday morning. Philadelphia does not appear to have been among those counties that waited – and yet we are led to believe that most or all of those late-night votes came from Philadelphia? That’s assumed, but I can’t find an article that documents where the votes came from. If not Philadelphia, we wouldn’t expect them to be so very heavily Democratic, because the rest of the state wasn’t.
What’s more – and I think this is telling – apparently even though Trump appears to have lost the state, the other Republicans did quite well. That immediately made me think that in PA there might have been a lot of ballots marked only for the presidential contest, for Biden. That has been reported in a number of states, and it’s suspicious, because if people were making fraudulent ballots for Biden and were in a big hurry to do it that’s exactly how it would be done. It would be fascinating to see if the percentage of Biden-only ballots that came in late was different than the percentage of Biden-only ballots that came in early. I bet we are never told that statistic.
That could be that a lot of Republicans grew to dislike Trump for some reason. I didn’t see polls that indicated that; his approval was always high among Republicans. What’s more:
People don’t ordinarily just forget to vote for anyone other than president. It sounds as though there were a lot of votes just for president, though, and I’d love to know whether they were mostly mail-in votes, and whether they were overwhelmingly for Biden. That doesn’t prove anything, but to me it indicates a very good possibility of fraud. I believe the same strange phenomenon occurred in some other swing states that are disputed. I would love to see whether PA and those other states have a much higher percentage of these “Biden-only” ballots than states such as Ohio and Florida.
I did some number-crunching and discovered that, as of now, 107, 852 more voters in PA voted for Biden than voted for Democrats for US Congress. That doesn’t tell us how many people voted only for Biden and didn’t cast a vote for Congress at all, but it certainly indicates there might have been many such ballots that were blank except for the Biden vote. In contrast, there were about 56,000 more votes for Republican members of Congress than there were for Trump. This doesn’t tell us whether some people voted just for Trump or what percentage of those 56K voted for Biden in addition to the GOP candidate for Congress. But all of those would be very interesting figures to have, and it would also be interesting to know whether this was unusual voting behavior for that state.
Me thinks the US Army just said to China Joe: Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
Yes, I would like to see the undervote totals as well. Each election thousands of voters all over the US vote only for the presidential candidates and leave the rest of the ballot blank. It could tell us something if the numbers were higher for mail-in and if they were in swing state. I would think that mail-in ballots would have more choices selected because if people vote from home they would presumedly have more time to consider other candidates and propositions etc. While in the voting booth they may feel hurried and conclude they are only there to vote for president anyway.
The Epoch article linked below on the problems and lack of audit trails in Dominion Voting Systems is amazing. I spent my life doing bank systems, where multiple examiners and auditors forced a high level of testing on software and systems, and required built-in audit trails that could be tested at any time.
Voting is more important than bank systems IMO, but the types of people who run the election machinery have no ability or capability to do anything but operate what they are given.
It is impossible to not believe that millions of votes could have been switched inside the Dominion Systems, and that it will be impossible to ever know what actually happened.
Here is a software expert who observed Dominion in live operation: :
Then we see that Dominion is associated with high level Democrats.: Senator Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, is a shareholder of Dominion Voting Systems. The software company also has ties to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Her former chief of staff is one of the lobbyists on the company’s first-ever lobbying firm—Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck.
Then there’s me talking about many of these events, before Nov 3 and 2.
Montage’s willful blindness is enabling treason.
But you know GB, it is not treason… if they succeed. Then it is called patriotism. One man’s patriot is another man’s terrorist.
In Civil War 1, Lincoln, Sherman, Nathan Bedford, Lee. It depends on humanity’s personal biases, whetehr they see them as war criminal, tyrant, or hero.
There is an Huge amount of voting irregularities coincidentally shared in the four major democrats controlled cities in contested states Biden badly needed that weren’t found in other states. Optically the stoppage of counting in the middle of the night and the sudden restart under no supervision that coincidentally where biden’s incredible reversals took place in all these cities is so problematic that by itself warrants a full audit.
Undervote ballots could be indicative of either confused voters who thought they were voting straight ticket by marking Biden, or it could be indifferent voters, or incompetent voters who were participants in a ‘ get out the vote” ballot harvesting operation. We get you the ballot, you mark it as we direct, and we do the rest. These could be kept as a kind of reserve if postal workers could be found to cooperate with a postmark bundling operation.
I also find the Biden top and Republican down ballot voting very interestimg, though in the case of a couple million ballots cast 50 or 60 thousand is not that many. But it either shows there are fair numbers of sensitive Republicans around, or that “Independents” , which may amount to the same thing in this instance, voted for Biden. If of course, that is the way the original ballot is actually marked.
In any event we have to keep thinking critically and pursue hard evidence not rumors.
There are reports going around that the US army has seized the Scytl computer in Germany. It apparently started with Louie Gohmersomeone in Texas, who got it from a supposed tweet in German, which he apparetntly cannot read for himself. To listen to this scatterbrain talk, you might think you were listening to Sean Hannity chase the thread of a complete thought around his head.
Now, there is no metaphysical reason to assume that the US Army could not take possession of a computer. But the first thing one wonders about is the exact mechanism involved in the American military seizing third party private property in an allied host nation.
1. Why do so many people think that the burden of proof is absolute certainty? We don’t require certainty to put someone to death.
2. Statistical anomalies add up and multiply. We can compute the likelihood of them happening by chance. When the likelihood gets to ridiculous, we have SCIENCE. Seriously. That’s all science is quite often.
We know Biden stole the election to a level of certainty that far exceeds any of the supposed “science” that supports global warming theory or Covid policies or so many liberal ideologically driven policies.
3. All inferences and presumptions should be resolved against the party that broke the laws and rules. If their secrecy, their refusals to follow court orders, their refusals to obey state laws, their refusals to adhere to the constitution, are what make it difficult to prove their fraud — we should be entitled to assume that the fraud was real.
Never allow the criminal to profit from his crimes. You get a lot more crime.
Since Montage didn’t reply to my comment of several days ago, I am reposting it. Historical Note on Mourning a Country.
So Trump haters have a 4th option as well and it’s wanting to have general competence and decency in a commander in chief and one less narcissistic.
Copied and pasted from IamSparticus, with slight change in question. Please give your response to these Trump policies:
You don’t like that he ordered the killing of Iranian terror-master Soulemani?
You don’t like that he is putting the squeeze on the Mullahs?
• You don’t like that he met with Kim Jung Il who has not performed a single nuclear or missile test since meeting with him after conducting 4 tests during Obama’s term?
• You don’t like that he is stopping Chinese technology theft through spying?
• You don’t like that he put tariffs on dumped Chinese goods that forced them to agree to buy more US products?
• You don’t like that he scrapped NAFTA for USMC and stopped the export of US jobs?
o What would be super powerful to this question is if You lost your job to China or Mexico like I lost my job of 35 years. Or someone that both of You know.
• You don’t like the US having energy independence while reducing its carbon emissions? Something no other country can claim. (US is still importing oil, just a lot less…)
• You don’t like that he withdrew from the Paris Accords that doesn’t have China or India doing any carbon mitigation until after 2035 when global climate change experts say is too late?
• You don’t like that he gave Ukraine weapons that stopped Russia from overrunning the country? That Obama/Biden policy of providing non-lethal aid like blankets and food was the proper response to an armed invasion?
• You don’t like that Germany and France now have to pay more for their defense which makes them very angry?
• You don’t like that his administration has made more arrests for human trafficking in the last few years than Bush and Obama did in 16 years?
o You don’t like that he has set-up a task force to combat human trafficking which the wall is an integral part. You don’t like about this?
Moving to COVID response. That has to be handled very carefully based on a person’s frame of reference. Some good people are VERY safety minded.
• You don’t like that Trump put on a travel ban from China than Europe that all the Democrats condemned particularly Biden?
• That he put into place OPERATION WARP SPEED to develop a vaccine?
• That he followed the scientists when Fauci said masks don’t work in March?
o You don’t like that?
• You don’t like he still says wear a mask even when the WHO says they are ineffective?
“3. All inferences and presumptions should be resolved against the party that broke the laws and rules. If their secrecy, their refusals to follow court orders, their refusals to obey state laws, their refusals to adhere to the constitution, are what make it difficult to prove their fraud — we should be entitled to assume that the fraud was real.”
Very well said. Thank you.
I’ll answer one of these because it matters today.
I don’t recall Trump saying we should definitively wear a mask. He has mocked people for it. Recently made fun of Biden and even Laura Ingraham for wearing one at a rally. So he is certainly not definitive about wearing one primarily because many of his followers want to flout ‘freedom’ about not covering their face. But you are incorrect about the WHO. What they said – and you can look it up – is that masks alone are not enough. You also need to social distance, clean your hands, keep the masks clean and if possible wear one that has layers. Saying a mask is not enough absolutely does not mean don’t wear a mask.
And make sure your mask fits, use it once, discard it correctly, don’t touch it, and and and, or it won’t do squat for you or anyone else. That’s how they work in theory, but don’t in practice.
Enjoy being locked down again by Emperor Nuisance, and don’t think of coming to WA or passing through OR.
Your governor is in line with Newsom so I’m not sure what you are talking about.
“COVID-19 cases have doubled in Washington over the past two weeks. This puts our state in as dangerous a position today as we were in March,” Inslee said. “Limiting and reducing travel is one way to reduce further spread of the disease. I am happy to partner with California and Oregon in this effort to help protect lives up and down the West Coast.”
Good thing you have a Democratic governor and will continue to for a long time. He talks sense.
There is so much you are ignorant about.
Fatality rates do not justify King Jay’s actions, as other commentors on this blog have pointed out (Bryan Lovely IIRC).
Inslee is as much as clown as your Emperor. You wouldn’t know sense if it was stapled to a 2×4 that smacked you in the forehead.
Enjoy your lockdown and loss of work. Sucks to be you in many ways.
You don’t recall Trump saying people should wear a mask, but actually, Trump has had a complicated message regarding masks, and he’s definitely recommended them quite a few times. One thing he is not interested in is a universal mandate to wear them. As far as Trump’s attitude on masks goes, see this from July. In typical fashion, NBC says he’s “muddying” his message, but if Obama had said exactly the same thing they’d have called it “nuanced.” In that article, Trump seems to be saying that masks are good but they won’t stop the epidemic, and that there are liberty issues involved as well in requiring them. He adds that masks can cause harm if not used correctly, something that quite a few people have said as well. For example, masks can give people a false sense of security so that they take more risks. Here’s a summary of some of the risks of masks, and I’ve seen plenty of other health articles mentioning them as well.
In addition, not only has the Fauci recommendation on masks changed from the early days of the pandemic, but Trump himself advocated them quite a long time ago. I remember this from late March, when Trump talked about using scarves as masks and even demonstrated how to do it during a press conference, back during the time that Fauci was still not recommending masks. Trump was even up-front about the fact that they didn’t have enough masks and therefore were saving them for medical personnel, something that Fauci admitted later.
And I’d highly recommend dropping your condescending paternalism towards om’s remarks – “there there, little boy, be grateful that daddy Democrat is in charge.” You don’t get what he’s saying.
Something to keep in mind:
Key grafs:
“The ‘Lincoln Project’ doxxed the two Porter Wright lawyers who signed the Pennsylvania complaint, tweeting their pictures, addresses and telephone numbers, and encouraging leftists to harass them…
“This harassment, which includes threats to the licenses of lawyers who represent Republican clients, is an unprecedented violation of political norms. But it’s also a tell.”
The mask zealots simply cannot be deterred. Masks accomplish nothing outdoors unless in very tide conditions and even then it’s questionable. In places like stores it’s also questionable because you are simply not close enough for long enough while passing someone in an aisle.
Where they MAY help some is in the home but the zealots know this is a bridge too far and even though a few have danced around requiring masks in the home they never go all the way.
I mean why not require masks while sleeping or perhaps some governor can mandate no sleeping face to face with your significant other.
Do it for grandma.