Home » It’s the morning after, and America has the Mother of all hangovers


It’s the morning after, and America has the Mother of all hangovers — 15 Comments

  1. As usual Neo, you nail it. Word for word.

    In 2008 here on your blog, I recall live chatting back and forth with a few other Neo followers, as we watched Obama slowly be declared the winner. I feel now like I did then. But I was heartened then by the amazing camaraderie of the other watchers. Kindred spirits. I feel that still.

    Half of America is still not Leftist or under their thrall. I take that as something. Still time for something to change. I, like Neo, will work day to day in the small things to help stop the flow Left, and put faith in a higher power for the longer term.

    Stout hearts everyone. The long grind continues.

  2. Very depressed this morning. I’m still holding out hope for a Trump victory, but what’s depressing to me is the results in Washington state. A near clean sweep by the Democrats. The governor won 60-40. He’s a mediocre person who believes the religion of AGW. Additionally, he pays no attention to the lawless protests and riots that have occurred all summer. It is as if the voters in this state are fine with the lack of law and order, the inept and dictatorial approach to the pandemic, and his constant bellowing about “Green Energy.” 80% of our power generation is already clean hydro-electric. Another dam and more generators in the dams we do have could bring that to 100%. But, no, we have to spend money on wind and solar. And he sympathizes with the no-nothings that want to tear our dams out. Why are there so many virtue signaling fools in this state?

    Due to the lack of law and order, ever higher taxes, and a crumbling infrastructure businesses and individuals are voting with their feet. If I was ten years younger, I would be leaving as well. The state is well on its way to a California-like dystopia. 🙁

  3. For the life of me I don’t understand why America in 2020 – and after the Florida 2000 disaster – can tolerate all of this clear election fraud. Wasn’t a bunch of federal money spent after 2000?

    Why can’t we fix this? I know the Dems are opposed to it because they benefit from it, but really. The Dems planned this whole fraud scheme for months.

    DOJ should have been on this case for years. There’s an entire voting rights division in DOJ and it is only concerned with Blacks voting in the South. What about the rest of the country? We are getting scewed.

  4. I agree completely. The vote fraud this time was professional. Even in my state of Arizona (I fled CA 4 years ago) in GOP districts poll workers handed out Sharpie pens to voters, which invalidate ballots by soaking through. I understand some voters were scolded for using their own ballpoint pens.

  5. They had at the least, four years to prepare this fraud and they pushed all their chips in to the middle of the table. I shouldn’t be shocked but I never expected to see it so nakedly executed, especially by the crew on Fox.

    Anyway, now we really know why Toobin was ‘roughin’ up the suspect’ at that Electoral War Game…

  6. in the spirit of lighting a candle, one thing we can do is donate to Prager University. Their videos are really well done and many changers, in Neo’s sense of the word, cite them as partially responsible.

    can anyone suggest other places to donate?

  7. How much can be attributed to voter fraud compared to actual people voting for Biden? I have a hunch that there was enough to get Biden the coveted 270 in a close race. In a close race. There was enough people to vote against Trump, to even be part of #Resist, and that was the job of the MSM and social media.

    My question for those who did vote for Biden is what are getting that’s actually better than Trump in domestic policy and foreign policy? Remember, despite being seen as the epitome of an American moron, Trump was nominated 4x for the Nobel Peace Prize in an area people believed he’d start WWIII. But instead store owners were boarding up their shop in case he’d win in preparation for the protestors.

    People didn’t vote for Biden because he was that much better, even marginally, but instead they voted against Trump because they believed the lies. He’s a liar. He handled COVID horrifically. He’s a divider. Blah blah blah. Why would the last 8 months determine whether a person is re-elected or not? WHO literally said long lockdowns were actually bad, so why blame Trump for the 200k+ deaths? Trump didn’t shrug his shoulders at the BLM/Antifa riots. He said we needed law & order yet Washington re-elected their governor. Just based on his political record alone the election shouldn’t have been close if voter fraud were present. But it was close. And that’s what the Democrats wanted. It was all they needed.

    So #Resist may have gotten Trump out of office, but they swapped an immensely flawed man who has done real good with a man who really was the backup quarterback for most of his political tenure. Because Orange Man Bad.

  8. bob: “can anyone suggest other places to donate?”

    I donate to Judicial Watch. They do good work in getting
    more government transparency.

  9. In my experience, Democrats are ignorant or stupid or evil, many a combination of two or three. The evil ones rise to the top.

    My despair about the election’s outcome now seems well-supported by the facts. All the hopeful posts here about a Trump win were hope, that’s all.

    With Biden as POTUS, I expect the entire Trump family will be mercilessly and relentlessly persecuted as Gen. Flynn equivalents (he has been financially destroyed).

  10. FRAUD IS GOOD! Because a orange man bad! EVERYBODY SAYS SO.
    And who is teaching about living out simple virtues like honesty? Fair dealing? Or integrity?

    We are in a decline and fall and historic collapse. (Even Glenn Greenwald tweeted his disgust at 2AM in Brazil on this.) First slowly, then all at once.

    This is the moral tale you teach to your grandchildren.

    Not even Barr at “Justice” will Katie the door. And Chinese CCP totalitarianism wins.

  11. Cicero

    Well, you sure didn’t hear a lot of hopefulness from me.

    Actually, though, the GOP did a lot better than I thought. I actually thought we’d lose the entire shebang. I am very pleased that we held the Senate, because that might stop some of the worst legislative moves by the left, although of course it won’t stop executive moves. What’s more, Trump did better than I thought. He may have actually won, or he may have almost won.

    Neither of which will save him from prosecution. And he can’t even proactively pardon himself, I don’t think, because it’s the state of NY that will go after him I believe, and a president can’t pardon state offenses.

    My one hope (and it’s a slim one) is that the Democrats will understand that, if they prosecute him, fully half (or perhaps even more than half) of the country will consider it a declaration of war.

  12. “Trump alone was certainly never going to fix it. That will require much more.”

    Exactly. Even if Trump wins here, we only get 4 more years of him. Then what? Who’s in the bullpen warming up? Nobody.

    The level of corruption exposed just during the Trump years seems to require about 30-40 years of Trumpism to root it all out.

    For these reasons I have always treated the Trump years as a lark, an interesting experiment with almost zero hope for the future. We need more like him, but the GOP will whiff on that opportunity because the party leadership is awful, as always.

    It’s so discouraging.

  13. Trump’s election and (I hope) re-election are just holding actions, but more time is needed than there may be left to maintain this republic. More important than the political fight is the philosophical fight of the idea of individualism versus collectivism and it’s difficult to see the principles and ideals of the former prevailing again for decades.

    Ayn Rand wrote:

    “A dictatorship cannot take hold in America today. This country, as yet, cannot be ruled — but it can explode. It can blow up into the helpless rage and blind violence of a civil war. It cannot be cowed into submission, passivity, malevolence, resignation. It cannot be “pushed around.” Defiance, not obedience, is the American’s answer to overbearing authority. The nation that ran an underground railroad to help human beings escape from slavery, or began drinking on principle in the face of Prohibition, will not say “Yes, sir,” to the enforcers of ration coupons and cereal prices. Not yet.”

    For half of the population the “Not yet” has become “Yes,sir” allowing authority to become more and more overbearing and I’m afraid leading to that explosion by the other half.

  14. Bob: I too support Judicial Watch. Just received a free copy of Tom Fitton’s book, A Republic Under Assault.

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