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Glenn Greenwald’s uncensored article… — 15 Comments

  1. Deranged leftists (completely unconcerned with China’s favoring of Biden, on whom the CCP may well have compromising material ) have been savagely attacking one of their own (although Greenwald, to his credit, is a leftist who believes in independence and in thinking freely) with truly insane accusations, their hysterical obsession with “Russia, Russia, Russia” far exceeding anything from the Cold War, when there were, in fact, excellent reasons to be worried about the Soviet Union and about the influence, in government and in the wider culture, of American Communists, financed from and beholden to Moscow.

  2. These documents also demonstrate, reported the Times, “that the countries that Hunter Biden, James Biden and their associates planned to target for deals overlapped with nations where Joe Biden had previously been involved as vice president.”

    I recall some investigative journalist looking at the intersection of activities of Bill and Hillary Clinton when he was governor and she was a top partner at the Rose law firm. The first presidential campaign was underway and some journalist had stated in print that Bill and Hillary must have kept their activities separate so as to avoid any conflict of interest.

    But somebody had the temerity to investigate it (that couldn’t happen in the MSM these days) and found that many or most of Hillary’s legal cases either could have been or were impacted by actions of the Governor.

    As Gordon Gekko said, “If you are not inside, you’re ‘outside!’.” It’s a reference to insider trading, but the principle is similar.

  3. From Neo’s linked article.

    As [Matt] Taibbi wrote on Sunday about this tawdry press spectacle: ” The least curious people in the country right now appear to be the credentialed news media, a situation normally unique to tinpot authoritarian societies.


  4. I don’t doubt that many in the MSM do think that most people are dumb. But I think what they rely upon is human nature; people believe what they want to believe unless and until the evidence is so overwhelming and inescapable that what they want to believe collapses into unsustainability.

  5. Barry Meislin,

    Not to quibble but Joe Biden never had absolute power, what he had was opportunity and treasonous greed. Enabling that opportunity and greed was one Barak Obama. Whose wealth today far exceeds Biden’s…

  6. The Democrats have used Russia as a distraction ever since the DNC and John Podesta’s (password =password) computers were hacked. This distraction relies on our long Cold War history, with Russians aka USSR being the great nuclear threat for decades. Never mind the USSR collapsed about 30 years ago!

    The Democrats studiously avoid the issue of China, which intends to conquer not just the USA but the entire planet. China will soon own many less prosperous countries, including much of black Africa. It is making serious inroads into Latin America.

    By virtue of their anti-Trump mania, which makes them effectively pro-China, and their tolerance of the Antifa-BLM crowd which is akin to the Maoist Red Guards, the Pelosi crowd will turn over the US to our greatest adversary.

    I despair over the American future.

  7. The Dem media SAY, over and over, that it’s Russian dis-information.

    NY Times, TV, Radio, internet, they all say it.

    So it must be true.

    So sad that so many “smart” Americans get fooled again and again, just because they want to believe they live in a country with an honest press.

    But they don’t.

  8. The Americans are not dumb. They are misinformed or uninformed. When they get the information they do process it correctly by and large. The issue is getting the information and for the gatekeepers the walls are crumbling. People are ignoring them and getting around them in myriad ways. As soon as they put up a gate, a cut in the wire comes out.

    By nature I am optimistic and happy. So I view things through the lens of what is possible. I know about the challenges ahead particularly the debt reset but I believe the US will come through it because we still are a can do nation.

    But it starts with us individually living our best life now. Cherish our family and friends. Be a good neighbor. And be a good citizen and vote.

  9. Cicero,

    I strongly suspect that China “owning” much of Africa is going to bite them on the ass. Economically, it’s at the least a questionable investment. Africa will not react well when China stops pretending to be the friendly investor. Given the Chinese’s overt racism toward blacks, sooner or later the ChiComs will drop the mask. China has no experience with ruling over an Empire of non-Chinese. Perhaps they eventually intend to set an example by nuking a few troublemakers.

  10. And from the “Never Mind” files:
    The crooked, dementia-addled, serial liar who is the face of the Democratic Party, USA:

    Nobody, no matter how imaginative, could ever have made this up if they tried.
    (True, “Being There” was a step in a slightly similar direction; but the amiable Chance the Gardener is a relative rocket scientist, actually says things that make sense and doesn’t prevaricate with every second or third statement. No doubt, he’d also be able to read a teleprompter correctly if the need ever arose.)

  11. This Hunter B sounds like he knows his tradecraft and secrecy protocols. How did such a person change his password to “hunter02”, what was his first password?

    He is always the “second rank” and 1 is Big J? That’d be Biden02 then.

    How did he suddenly drop off 3 devices, one of which was damaged that requires, and he was told, that they would copy the data off of to retrieve it due to the damage?

    This is not the behavior of a person that suddenly made a mistake after 20-30 years of tradecraft and spy stuff. This is a person taking Q Atonement deal, to join the anti Cabal alliance. As a price, he has to sever all ties and give up all the info that could be used to blackmail him, and go dark.

    This is a loyalty test, similar to the gang/mafia tests of having you shoot police officers or killing people. After this point, Hunter has no choice but to remain loyal to his new “deal” with the alliance. Because nobody in his old circles would ever deal with him kindly after this episode. Especially not his faimly.

    Where is Hunter? What happened to his family and kids? Where’s the sister?

    Nobody, no matter how imaginative, could ever have made this up if they tried.

    Barry, you only know barely less than 1%. Wait until 2021, assuming you make it.

    I am Sparticus on November 2, 2020 at 10:48 pm said:

    Why are people talking about a debt reset? The quantum financial reset should not have reached critical main stream mass yet.

  12. Haha. Binding spells. Trump eats that stuff up, I wouldn’t worry about it.

    A higher level black wizard or adept, would need live human sacrifices to do much of anything to Trump. Not that they have not tried.

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