Home » Glenn Greenwald sums it up


Glenn Greenwald sums it up — 22 Comments

  1. It appears as though most brainless supporters of Harris-Biden not only dismiss the overwhelming evidence of the corruption of the Biden clan (beholden to the CCP) as Russian propaganda (there exists a book to be written about the bizarre transformation of American “progressives” from strong supporters of the Soviet Union when it was a Communist dictatorship to implacable foes of a no longer Marxist Russia, which is a far lesser threat to us than China, about whose abuses leftists are mostly silent), but also cling to the most laughable attempts to label Greenwald as somehow a “Russian asset.” The entire Democratic Party and the overwhelming majority of its supporters are completely untethered to reality.

  2. j e:

    Combination of China having bought or compromised large chunks of the Elites and Chattering Classes AND some residual gripes about what the Cossacks did to Bubbi’s Bubbi 😛 Plus a #$@ton of sour grapes about Putin putting an end to the Globalist Looting of the Russian Economy during the 1990s. Now it’s a native oligarchy/kleptocracy and strangely enough the Russians prefer being lorded over by their own sorts who are at least patriotic than aliens and outsiders. And *this* is the most terrible crime any nation or race can commit. Apparently :).

    Beyond that, it seems to be a requirement for anyone wanting membership of the Chattering Class Elites today to focus most vigorously on things which do not exist or are not important. China and what it represents and what it might do are the most important questions facing the world today. So therefore we should totally ignore them and focus on Ponies!!! Actually noticing Base Reality will get you ostracised in no time at all. Another manifestation of late state civilizational cancer and thought rot.

    This is not to say that the USA and Russia are or should be natural allies in all theatres. But the current Anti-Russian Hysteria is pathological in the extreme.

  3. If the Left’s attempt to steal this election fails, Trump may be able to tear down much of the Left’s institutional gains.

    If the Left manages to steal the election, then nothing less than civil war can restore America to sanity. Not that the right will immediately riot upon Biden’s being sworn in but because the left will force it upon us.

    “Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give ‘Hate’ a ‘Safe Harbor'”

    Here’s where the left is leading us:
    “Scottish Bill Would Criminalize ‘Hate Speech’ in Private Homes”

    “A controversial bill making its way through Scotland’s Parliament would criminalize hate speech even if the offending words were uttered in someone’s private home.”


    Don’t think it can happen here? Think again. All the dems need are enough congressional votes and a Pres. Harris

  4. This is not to say that the USA and Russia are or should be natural allies in all theatres. But the current Anti-Russian Hysteria is pathological in the extreme.

    I assume it’s all political messaging, and that street-level Democrats just swallow it whole.

    Now it’s a native oligarchy/kleptocracy and strangely enough the Russians prefer being lorded over by their own sorts who are at least patriotic than aliens and outsiders.

    A simpler explanation for Putin’s rapport with his public is that the homicide rate has been cut by 2/3 since 1998, that per capita product in real terms has more than doubled since then, that unemployment rates and employment-to-population ratios are about normal for an advanced economy, that wage arrearages are no longer a problem, that life expectancy at birth has gone up by about 4 years in the last 20, that the country’s fertility rate has dramatically improved and is now above the median for the occidental world, that the country is not in danger of any further territorial losses (and the Chechen insurgency was suppressed with less bloodshed than the preceding administration generated in failing to suppress it), that the country’s military is functional enough for Russia to deploy it here and there toward political ends, that the country isn’t running up public sector debt or foreign debt and can service its debts without effort, and that the country’s economy is more diversified and less dependent on fuel and mineral exports.

  5. j e,

    It’s not really bizarre at all. The Left has been very consistent in whom they support. China is still communist so the left supports it. Just as the Left supports Cuba, Venezuela and Vietnam. Chile is now on the cusp of going communist and as soon as Chile completes its transformation, the Left will again celebrate it.

    When Russia was communist, the left supported it. Now that it’s only a thuggish, capitalistic oligarchy the left is against it. Putin’s Russia perfectly fits the script; all capitalist power structures are oligarchic and thus evil “oppressors”.

    The only thing somewhat new is the evolution and ‘refinement’ of communism’s “class struggle” to now include identity politics… validated by critical race “theory”.

  6. Art+Deco:

    When an Indian prefers to be ruled over by corrupt Indians rather than relatively honest Britons, I guess you can get on board with this. No?

    When a Russian prefers to be ruled over by corrupt Russians rather than puppets of rapacious outsiders, it suddenly gets complicated and it’s time to compile a Big List.


  7. Greenwald (anti-establishment, often preferring truth over partisanship; anti-CIA)
    … [4:30] CIA, & deep state operatives become heroes of the Left… union with the neo-cons, Bush & Cheney operatives, CIA, Silicon Valley & Wall Street … union of Power, along with MainStream Media, fully behind the Dems.
    Authoritarian believers in censorship. Ex-CIA, DOJ folk all telling lies to tell American people what to believe.

    “Equality” vs “Freedom & Liberty”
    French Revolution vs. American Revolution

    The thing about freedom is that it requires responsibility. Freedom to act but responsible for results, able and willing to clean up the mess if the action creates a mess.

    Children don’t have that responsibility to clean up the mess. They have child freedom, the freedom FROM responsibility.

    Too many spoiled brats want adult freedom to act AND child freedom from responsibility. But that causes messes which are not cleaned up.

    Replace the FBI, then defund it.

    On Russia, Putin is strongly pro-family, anti gay marriage — and most Christians appreciate this. I think he even goes to church now. Better than most in the EU…

  8. Art+Deco,

    You just made the case for Putin being a benevolent dictator. That being one who improves his country men’s lot, while being ruthless to anyone who threatens his hold on power.

    Reportedly, Yugoslavia’s Tito was another such dictator.

  9. Shorter Art Deco: “I want a man like Putin.”

    This electro-dance song topped the Russian charts in 2002. Catchy tune, fun, funny and the lip-syncing models gorgeous.

    My boyfriend is in trouble once again:
    Got in a fight, got drunk on something nasty
    I’ve had enough and I chased him away
    And now I want a man like Putin

    One like Putin, full of strength
    One like Putin, who won’t be a drunk
    One like Putin, who wouldn’t hurt me
    One like Putin, who won’t run away!

    I’ve seen him on the news last night
    He was telling us that the world has come to crossroads
    With one like him, it’s easy to be home and out
    And now I want a man like Putin

    One like Putin, full of strength
    One like Putin, who won’t be a drunk
    One like Putin, who wouldn’t hurt me

    –“One Like Putin”

  10. Zaphod,

    Re: “When an Indian prefers to be ruled over by corrupt Indians rather than relatively honest Britons…”

    Well yes, quite so. It’s all about the color of a fellow’s skin, eh what? Surely you don’t actually think that racism is a one way street? FDR put it succinctly, “he may be a bastard but he’s our bastard”.

  11. huxley,

    If the choice is solely between a benevolent dictator who enforces societal stability or a collapsed society where might makes right… which would you choose?

  12. GB is being kind:

    Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.

    –Franklin D. Roosevelt

  13. If the choice is solely between a benevolent dictator who enforces societal stability or a collapsed society where might makes right… which would you choose?

    Geoffrey Britain: The one with the more beautiful supermodels, of course.

    Seriously, I don’t blame the Russians for backing Putin after the chaos of the USSR breakup. (Forgive me, Garry Kasparov!)

    But Putin is still a dangerous son of a bitch and he isn’t ours.

  14. Zaphod:

    Again with the Jews?

    One of your more gratuitous and preposterous swipes at Jews: “some residual gripes about what the Cossacks did to Bubbi’s Bubbi.” Do you really for a moment think that Jews in America today base their opinions of post-Soviet Russia on what happened to some ancestor in tsarist Russia of over a hundred years ago?

  15. @Neo:

    Some of them sure as hell base their attitudes toward Putin on gripes about the Happy Buy it up Cheap and Loot it Times of the Yeltsin era being over. Can you guess how many of the Yeltsin Oligarchs who were able to buy up stuff for pennies on the dollar were Russian Jews with privileged access to foreign capital in the early days? Oh… but Muh Globalisation!

    Given your surname, presumably you’re offspring of 1848ers or in any case German Jews — very different kettle of fish.

    People from the Pale and more recent Russian emigre Jews absolutely have a thing about Russians Being Russian. Just ask Max Boot.

    I’ve made it very clear that I’m all for the existence of Israel and have no problem with most Jews. But nobody gets a free pass. Do you seriously wish to contend that the upper reaches of the American Media do not exhibit massive Jewish over-representation in staffing and ownership?

    Chart from 2013, bit old but still illustrative:


    Go randomly sample 50 Russian Conspiracy articles from NYT / WaPo and then do a surname taxonomy. We both know. Same old same old every time.

    This doesn’t make Jews Bad. It just means that a certain type of Jew has a certain type of statistically predictable behaviour in the political realm.

    To acknowledge this opens a bunch of cans of worms sure.

    To insist that it doesn’t exist just kicks those cans down the road and risks a bad case of botulism when they burst.

    Hell… even the long-running Kasparov – Karpov feud and and opposite political alignments are a Jewish – Son of the Soil Russian thing at the root of it.

    You may not like these boils being lanced, but they exist. To pretend they don’t is not really productive.

    My view on Diaspora Jews (btw 1/8th Litvisch myself so can’t really vote for pogroms) is along the lines of Solzhenitsyn in his strangely hard to find in the West ‘Two Hundred Years Together’ — it’s a fraught history, but we’re stuck with each other so might as well learn to rub along. But this requires self-awareness and brutal honesty all round.

  16. When a Russian prefers to be ruled over by corrupt Russians rather than puppets of rapacious outsiders, it suddenly gets complicated and it’s time to compile a Big List.

    Neither Gorbachev nor Yeltsin were puppets – of ‘rapacious outsiders’ or anyone else. Russia was suffering in 1998 from a severe economic depression born of disruption of relationships between firms.

    Net inflows of foreign direct investment (as a % of GDP) were higher after 2002 than they had been prior to that.

  17. Can you guess how many of the Yeltsin Oligarchs who were able to buy up stuff for pennies on the dollar were Russian Jews with privileged access to foreign capital in the early days? Oh… but Muh Globalisation!

    About 85% of the Soviet Jewish population emigrated.

  18. Zaphod, on “nobody gets a free pass.”
    The Gentile feminists *don’t* get a free pass?
    The Ortho Jews do get a free pass? From the NYC brass?

    “a certain type of Jew has a certain type of statistically predictable behaviour in the political realm.”
    And a certain type of Gentile doesn’t?
    How much did The Jooos have to do, with ginning up the Progressive mov’t of a century ago (whose infantile approach to alcoholism led to birth of the Deep State)?

    You “JQ”ers are, at very very best, fighting the last war (after having trashed the place in the prior one).
    As Talleyrand said about the Bourbons, your crowd forgets nothing, and learns nothing.
    My guess is, that the “JQ” brass is shilling for the Deep State, as Hitler started out as a shill for the German equivalent (when he infiltrated the fledgling Nazi Party in 1919).

    If JQers ever stop cherry-picking the evidence, some of them may be able to face (to paraphrase WSC), that the Jews are “the worst crowd around, *except for all* the others”.

    I write all this as a Gentile of Slavic descent, who sees Russians as blood-siblings, and (as deserving kudos) as, on average, maybe the most honest of large ethnic groups.
    (If only more of them were better at holding their vodka, they’d be towering over most ethnic groups, in attracting affection from others.)

  19. Annual Victims of Communism Poll, 2020 YouGov Survey of 2,100 finds Ignorance and Anti-capitalism More Popular Than Ever commissioned by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. Uuuugh.

    49% of Gen-Z favor Communism, and 64% DO NOT believe communism killed more than the German Nazis did.

    These findings are deeply worrying. Excerpt from the cover post, with LINK at the bottom:

    …35% of Millennials and 31% of Gen Z support the gradual elimination of the capitalist system in favor of a more socialist system.

    It also showed growing concern for Donald Trump as president, especially among younger generations of Americans, with 34% of Gen Z and 35% of Millennials seeing him as the greatest threat to world peace, up 8% and 7% from 2019, respectively. This sentiment held true regarding his handling of the pandemic as well, with 39% of Gen Z and 32% of Millennials believing Trump is more responsible for COVID-19 becoming a pandemic than Xi Jinping of China. Opinions of America’s inequality grew markedly from 2019 with 68% of Americans thinking that America’s highest earners don’t pay their fair share. Among these Americans, 57% of Gen Z and 60% of Millennials favor a complete change of our economic system away from capitalism — a 14% and 8% increase from 2019, respectively.

    “It shock 35% of Millennials and 31% of Gen Z support the gradual elimination of the capitalist system in favor of a more socialist system.

    It also showed growing concern for Donald Trump as president, especially among younger generations of Americans, with 34% of Gen Z and 35% of Millennials seeing him as the greatest threat to world peace, up 8% and 7% from 2019, respectively. This sentiment held true regarding his handling of the pandemic as well, with 39% of Gen Z and 32% of Millennials believing Trump is more responsible for COVID-19 becoming a pandemic than Xi Jinping of China. Opinions of America’s inequality grew markedly from 2019 with 68% of Americans thinking that America’s highest earners don’t pay their fair share. Among these Americans, 57% of Gen Z and 60% of Millennials favor a complete change of our economic system away from capitalism — a 14% and 8% increase from 2019, respectively.

    “It shocks the conscience that more Americans today believe the U.S. President is a bigger threat to world peace than the most brutal dictators in the world, and that four-in-ten Americans believe that their country is a ‘racist’ nation,” says Marion Smith, Executive Director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. “This represents a total failure of our education system, not just in schools but also a basic dishonesty in our media and popular culture. When one-in-four Americans want to eliminate capitalism and embrace socialism, we know that we have failed to educate about the historical and moral failings of these ideologies,” in the world, and that four-in-ten Americans believe that their country is a ‘racist’ nation,” says Marion Smith, Executive Director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. “This represents a total failure of our education system, not just in schools but also a basic dishonesty in our media and popular culture. When one-in-four Americans want to eliminate capitalism and embrace socialism, we know that we have failed to educate about the historical and moral failings of these ideologies.”

    LINK https://victimsofcommunism.org/annual-poll/2020-annual-poll/

    PS John Anderson (Above, interviewing VDH) was Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, circa 1998-9.

    He’s a first rate interviewer for Douglas Murray, too.

  20. Looks like they’ve hit rock bottom:

    They’re even worried that they may be losing support from groups they’ve been taking for granted for decades, believing apparently that repeatedly insulting those supporters and looking on with approval as the latter’s neighborhoods and businesses are destroyed would have NO consequences.

    The only honest aspect of the Democratic Party is that they’ve chosen its most appropriate symbol—Joe Biden—to lead it.

  21. Regarding the FAD of seeing Russia as bogeyman du jour—if I’ve understood the contretemps above (if not, stop reading NOW!)—the reason for it is sheer convenience:

    Hillary Clinton’s “excellent” idea, her “ingenious hoax” which was picked up by Obama and Brennan and the rest of those Katzenjammer Kidz…and they ran with it, expanded it, deepened it, developed it, adding deft touches along the way, boy did they ever. (As befits their perversity, depravity and lust for power.)

    Hillary (despite her famous “reset” with that country AND her political deals with Putin AND her financial deals with Russian corps., as well as Obama’s declarations of greater “flexibility” following the 2012 election) lost, wept profusely gnashed her molars and cried “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA”…and the loyal, loud Leftist and Never-Trump choir—i.e., everyone who wants TRUMP out of the picture—followed suit like the poodles they are (with apologies to poodles).

    Then Ben Rhodes’s famous “echo chamber” kicked in, and well, it was off to the races.

    Still is, really.

    I don’t think this should be too complicated to understand.

    It’s sheer convenience (plus echo chamber shenanigans) all the way down the line.

    Which is why we’re still hearing about it in connection with the Biden crime-family saga. It’s convenient and it “works”…(well, until it doesn’t, maybe).

    But then, I might have misunderstood this particular tempest in a samovar.

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