Home » The media is part of a Biden protection racket


The media is part of a Biden protection racket — 28 Comments

  1. The story about Greenwald is especially fascinating because he is a leftist (and gay) anti-Trumpian. On Mediaite (which always draws a large number of brainless Democratic commenters), I happened to read a particularly stupid comment from someone very hostile to Greenwald’s honesty; this person was seriously arguing that there actually existed proof that Wikileaks (run by hard-leftists and anarchists) had been doing the bidding of both the GOP and of the Russians. It is distressingly obvious that far too many “progressives” (both ordinary citizens and journalists) are completely oblivious to facts and evidence and are instead inhabiting a world untethered to reality.

  2. The media.
    And the FBI.
    And the CIA.

    Of course it’s entirely possible that the latter two were entirely unaware of Joe’s and Hunter’s excellent (and rather remunerative) global adventures over the past—how many years is it now? Six? Eight? Twelve?

    And how by enriching themselves, they’ve compromised their country, its institutions, its security and its people.

    (Because not even the FBI and the CIA are perfect.)

    So maybe it IS just the media….

  3. More from Greenwald’s statement:
    “I had no objection to their disagreement with my views of what this Biden evidence shows: as a *last-ditch* attempt to avoid being censored, I encouraged them to air their disagreements with me, by writing their **own articles that critique my perspectives**, and letting readers decide who is right….
    But modern media outlets do not air dissent; they quash it.”

    With this clutch performance, I will definitively say, GG is the greatest man I’ve ever spoken with at length.

  4. Disappointed, perhaps even bored, with having to try subverting the system from the outside, it looks like Hillary’s decided to subvert it from within.

    If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em…in order to beat ’em.

    (Or bring ’em a really nice gift horse, all wrapped up with ribbons.)

  5. You do realize that the MSM has gone “all in,” that it’s pushed every one of it’s chips on to the Democrat’s and Biden’s number, and there’s no going back.

    Biden looses and it will take generations–if they even can–for them to regain any of their credibility, and the trust that people formerly had in them, They will become a bitter joke.

    Of course, they probably comfort themselves in the MSM with the notion that the “sheeple”–those that might have happened to notice and catch on to what took place–will soon forget, and go back to chewing and looking down at their feet.

  6. Glenn Greenwald:

    Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication….
    I had no objection to their disagreement with my views of what this Biden evidence shows: as a *last-ditch* attempt to avoid being censored, I encouraged them to air their disagreements with me, by writing their **own articles that critique my perspectives**, and letting readers decide who is right….
    But modern media outlets do not air dissent; they quash it.

    Not for the first time, I am reminded of Iowahawk’s oft-quoted tweet: “Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.”

  7. Freedom of the Press is predicated upon the premise that all sides of important issues will be available to the public in a roughly equal manner.

    When the media en mass decide that only the side they favor has validity and that they are justified in withholding any information contrary to their agenda, they have become propagandists and have lost their right to act as licensed disseminators of information.

    As a corrective start; the FCC must pull the major media’s broadcasting licenses and declare social media to be publishers.

    America cannot survive a one party media.

  8. You do realize that the MSM has gone “all in,” that it’s pushed every one of it’s chips on to the Democrat’s and Biden’s number, and there’s no going back.

    Snow on Pine: This is why, in addition to common sense, I’ve stopped worrying about Biden’s poll numbers.

    Aside from a few mavericks like Greenwald, the media has shown no compunctions about torching its credibility. Ultimately as part of the MSM, why wouldn’t the polling companies be “all in” for Biden too?

  9. FiveThirtyEight has an interesting feature — an interactive map. If you click a state to change its presumed result, the change ripples through the rest of the country and rejiggers all the numbers.

    –“Explore The Ways Trump Or Biden Could Win The Election”

    Right now 538 has Trump with 11% chance of winning. If you click Minnesota to red, that changes to a 70% chance of winning.

    Guess where Biden is campaigning tomorrow…

    Okay, well, then why is Joe Biden going to Minnesota on Friday? A Republican hasn’t won the state since 1972, and yet, four days before the election, the Biden campaign, which has enough money on hand to work at expanding the map for Democrats, is coming to what should be safe territory for them.

    Some in the media are seeing sirens.


    Actually I hope some of the media are hearing sirens. Whatever.

  10. It’s always interesting how the greatest matters of Man and State get filtered through petty personal grievances. What exactly was not letting Greenwald publish his article in The Intercept going to accomplish? The story is already out there. Greenwald has over a million followers on Twitter. Tucker Carlson would have him on for an entire hour to talk about the story. What did the collection of knobs at The Intercept think was going to happen?

    For all the stuff about Biden and Trump, I suspect the lesser lights whom Greenwald mistakenly brought in have always been resentful that he’s a much bigger deal than any of them and this was a chance to exercise that resentment.


  11. “…if the left wins this election they have plans to achieve one-party rule, and that the MSM not only seems fine with it but seems to be actively promoting it in a way that cannot be denied because it’s right out in the open for all to see. ”

    Reminded me of something that caught my eye today:


    Note the implicit assumption. The writer is just fine with us becoming the sort of country in which a head of state, on leaving office, has to flee the country.

  12. Glen Greenwald is about as left as you can get and at the same time sticking to the core liberal value of truth seeking. This is what I think of prejudicially as the ‘decent left’, but unfortunately that has become a rarity. Likewise Bret Weinstein. For anyone wanting to see an intelligent and extremely civil conversation between right and left this Dark Horse podcast between Bret Weinstein and Douglas Murray is a real treat.

    Watch it or not as you are so inclined, but it contains one gem that is worth including here – the reference to philosopher Immanuel Kant’s dove. Kant’s dove makes the mistake of believing that the air through which it is flying is holding it back and believes the solution to its problem is to eliminate the air.

  13. As I ate dinner tonight, I was forced to listen in on a SNL skit of the last debate between Trump and Biden. It was an exercise in puerile ‘humor’ in which Trump was portrayed as a moron and Biden as a mentally diminished but well meaning old man.

    As I listened to my daughter and son-in-law laugh it reconfirmed for me why young voters sure to vote for Biden are unconcerned about his advancing senility. They know he won’t be in charge and that the right people, the people who care and are on the right side of history will be in charge.

    This video perfectly encapsulates the willful blindness of those voters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UvavR4AhLk

    See, they don’t care about being lied to and don’t care about the illogic because it’s for the right cause. And nothing is more important than being on the side of what they’ve been told ad infinitum is the right way to think.

    But when what they’re enabling comes home to roost for them then at least a few may realize that it was they who enabled the chains of their current and future oppression. Most however will simply see themselves as the victims of what somehow, someway went all wrong. Just as has happened in Venezuela.

    It’s a hard truth; people cannot be saved from their foolishness when their ego is fully invested in their indoctrinated identity. Only those who deeply value truth, wherever it leads and who ground themselves in common sense manage to free themselves.

  14. My prediction: The Legacy Main Stream Media will never again enjoy any credibility whatsoever. Trump will win, and the LMSM with become increasingly irrelevant, being relegated to hare-brained conspiracy-peddling and the same lower & lower viewer numbers while the demographics in our society go through a massive corrective re-alignment. They will become like a UHF channel in the age of cable.

    Wokeism will wither & die. Identity politics likewise. Marketing campaigns will have to completely re-align themselves to consumers and once again appeal to them on the basis of the merit of their products, not the purity of their politics. Watch it happen. The Progressive Project is done for, bankrupt both in principle and inspiration. I guess this makes me a contrarian.

  15. Aggie,

    I can’t see confidence in the media’s credibility lessening more than it already is because those who believe the media accept ‘truth over facts’. They want, they need to believe and would be utterly lost if they abandoned what they want to be true.

    Nor is it just the media, kids from kindergarten up are being incessantly indoctrinated into the Left’s lies. The 1619 project is currently being taught in something like 1600 public schools and that is almost certainly a low figure. Critical race theory which posits that all whites are racist is endemic in schools and companies and until recently in government agencies. And almost certainly still is being promoted in state and local governments.

    The leftist cancer has metastasized throughout much of our societal institutions and only the most radical of surgeries can stop it.

  16. @Geoffery Britain I agree with your observation of how the woke will process however the excesses of the progressive project come home to roost.

    “Most however will simply see themselves as the victims of what somehow, someway went all wrong. Just as has happened in Venezuela.”

    Full speed ahead and damn the cognitive dissonance. It takes a lot of suffering to disabuse people of untenable views and if the untenable views win out we will get civilisational collapse. I have personally witnessed the consequences of the persistence of untenable views in Zimbabwe, but not in Venezuela.

    Still there is an obvious counter movement in Western Civilisation that holds out some hope of avoiding disaster. Trump in the US, Brexit in the UK, the yellow Jackets in France etc which is taking place at a deeper – I would say archetypal layer.

    So I also share @Aggie’s contrarian view that “the Progressive Project is done for, both in principle and inspiration.” I think the pendulum has reached the top of its swing and the choice in the US is between pushing the pendulum in the reverse direction, or accelerating the collapse of the Progressive paradigm by some combination of ruining the economy with wealth destroying legislation, or trying to impose a suffocating political correctness on Americans both Republican and Democrat, and clinging to power through constitutional manipulation like in Zimbabwe and Venezuela. The road to hell is paved with lots of other good intentions too, I suspect.

  17. Wokeism will wither & die. Identity politics likewise. Marketing campaigns will have to completely re-align themselves to consumers and once again appeal to them on the basis of the merit of their products, not the purity of their politics. Watch it happen.

    I’ve been saying that since 20-aught-9!

    Bell-bottoms and LSD went away, but rap and wokeism never die.

  18. I searched NBC, ABC, and CBS news divisions for “Bobulinski” and none had anything re Joe Biden himself actually meeting with Bobulinski. They all reported that Trump invited him as a guest at the debate, there because he was a former business partner of Hunter. That’s it, folks. That’s the extent of the major TV networks coverage of Tony Bobulinski.

  19. How ridiculously corrupt can the media get? Glad you asked.

    Greenwald’s former editor has sent out a statement blasting him and, I am not making this up, literally says there are a bunch of inaccuracies in what Glenn is saying about the situation BUT SHE WON’T SAY WHAT THEY ARE. She just promises some future comment listing Glenn’s inaccuracies.

    Anybody want to lay odds any such specific list will NEVER be forthcoming?


  20. Anybody want to lay odds any such specific list will NEVER be forthcoming?

    She’s bought and paid for by Pierre Omidyar, just like Charlie Sykes et al. Nothing will be forthcoming but handwaving, chaff, and lies.

  21. While we await neo’s latest, here’s Michael Moore on the polls. Moore isn’t one to dispute party dogma, but, like Willie Brown, he is a canny political observer and willing to call out Democrats when their foolishness could cost them political power:

    “Trump has tightened virtually every one of these swing states to the point where — what are they saying this morning?… ‘Biden’s five points ahead in Wisconsin… maybe three points ahead in Florida, two points ahead in Arizona’… Listen, don’t believe these polls,’” Moore told The Hill TV’sRising. “The Trump vote is always being undercounted. Pollsters, when they actually call the Trump voter, the Trump voter is very suspicious of the ‘Deep State’ calling them and asking them who they’re voting for.”

    “I think the safe thing to do is — this is not scientific, I’m just saying from my experience of being a Michigander — whatever they are saying the Biden lead is, cut it in half right now in your head. Cut it in half and now you’re within the 4-point margin of error. That’s how close this is. That’s how desperately close this is.”


    Moore was ringing the alarms back in 2016 too. He knew Democrats were losing the blue collar vote in the Rust Belt.

    I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president. President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP.”

    Never in my life have I wanted to be proven wrong more than I do right now.


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