Home » The new whiteness of the Jews


The new whiteness of the Jews — 57 Comments

  1. “if the czar only knew” might have been a comfort. But what do you do when there’s no czar?

  2. I really wish there were some talented Hispanics who would ask about the NBA.
    And points scored, minutes played, members of teams, salaries.
    There are more Hispanics in America than there are Blacks.

    That means there should be more Hispanics “playing” in the NBA than Blacks, or else the NBA is racist.

    But Kendi is at least being honest about the only way to achieve such equity. Present discrimination, based on group ID / tribal membership.

    1994 Hutus thought they were underrepresented in elite positions in Rwanda, relative to the Black Tutsis. So over a million Blacks were murdered, mostly by personal machetes and other one-at-a time instruments. Murdered by Blacks.

    That’s the kind of tribalism “anti-racism” that Kendi wants for America. In his mis-diagnosed “racism” cause for bad Black behavior.

    Because free money welfare for having sex and babies before and outside of marriage means kids who are disadvantaged relative to kids with married parents. Especially poor Black kids. Who then more often behave badly, with bad results.

    Systemic promiscuity is the problem, but almost none call it out truthfully – and Trump, with his third wife and multiple sexcapades, is in no way able to lead on this issue. This promiscuity of Trump is his real biggest negative – tho Biden & especially B. Clinton are as bad or worse.

    If the real cause of the problem is not named correctly, promiscuity leading to kids without married parents, there will be lots of other “causes” named which are not the real cause.

  3. As an antidote to the prevailing cult of victimhood peddled by race-hustlers such as Kendi, I would recommend a recent video by Park Yeonmi, who fled an oppressive regime in the DPRK and experienced much hardship en route to freedom, first in South Korea and now in Chicago, having studied at Columbia along the way; she is wise beyond her years, and her video is entitled “I am a North Korean Refugee, but I Refuse To Be a Victim.” Her gratitude for the freedoms afforded by life in this country is very moving.

  4. KC Johnson some years back did an amusing series of posts on the ‘work’ of a menu of faculty employed in the black studies program at Trinity College of Duke University. Just sort of put the inventory out there in the display case and let you look at it. His point was pretty clear. People like Wm. Chafe and Nannerl Keohane had manufactured a class of pseudo-academics who shoot their mouths off but produce no real scholarly work. In graduate school and after, you have this emperors-new-clothes phenomenon conjoined to the arguably more common phenomenon of the blackademic who has to leave academe because he couldn’t produce research at a sufficient clip to meet basic standards in his department conjoined to another phenomenon of the blackademic who slides laterally into a zero-marginal-product position in administration because no one wants the embarrassment of letting him go. Enormous quanta of man-hours and patience are dissipated in such exercises and it’s all done for – one might surmise – this reason: that the 6% or so in the young adult black population who might have the chops for teaching and scholarship are (for the most part) repelled by the humbug and go into business or the working professions.

  5. Because free money welfare for having sex and babies before and outside of marriage means kids who are disadvantaged relative to kids with married parents. Especially poor Black kids. Who then more often behave badly, with bad results.

    Once more with feeling: the TANF rolls (at least up until about 7 months ago) have 1/3 as many people on them as did the old AFDC rolls ca. 1995, even as the population has increased by about 20%, and those on TANF are less likely to be black than those who were on AFDC. About 20% of the black population was collecting AFDC at any one time at generation ago. Less than 4% of the black population were in households collecting TANF in 2018.

  6. As an antidote to the prevailing cult of victimhood peddled by race-hustlers such as Kendi,

    Please not, Kendi couldn’t accomplish a blessed thing unless a mess of academics were willing to pretend he was something he was not. Those betraying their vocation start with the trio who signed his dissertation and extend to the members of every hiring committee who recommended him, every departmental collegium who recommended him, and every instructional dean and provost who approved his hiring and promotion. Say their names, because they are the authors of this burlesque.

  7. A long time ago I pointed out that the set of Jewish males is a subset of white males, with Sammy Davis Jr and a few other exceptions pretty much proving the rule…

    Anyone remember I said this is where it will end up?

    prob not…

  8. “…the common denominator in these categorizations is that the hate against them does not die.” And why would it? The driver is the hatred. It just needs a target. There is little or nothing intrinsically offensive to any of the categorizations; what matters is the fact of “difference,” which can be seized upon and demonized. Any feature –be it clothing or choice of sabbath-day or the shape of one’s nose or the tint of one’s skin– will suffice to justify the hatred.

    People like Kendi are past masters of picking at this scab. They are blow-flies on the wounded body of society.

  9. What we want is more Jews like this fine exemplar:


    and fewer Jews of this sort:


    (That would be one Robert Reich, obviously)

    For anyone who has eyes to see, there are obviously more Robert Reichs running around in the Public Sphere attempting all too successfully to Tikkun the Poor Bloody Olam than there are Dan Greenfields who get that this will end up in a bad place for all of us. I wish the numbers were reversed.

    What Blacks think about Whites, Jews, or the Price of Eggs shouldn’t be of much interest at all in a well-ordered society. All we can and should ask of them is that they should (puts on his Air Jordans) B. E. H. A. V. E.

  10. I had a recent glimpse at the sickness sweeping through society as a result of this kind of thinking.

    When I logged on to my account at USAA.com, I was greeted with an announcement that USAA will be investing $50M over three years toward “racial equality”.
    For anyone unfamiliar, USAA has been one of the really great companies in America. It started as a small association that issued automobile insurance to active duty military officers, hence United Services Auto Association. Because of its excellence, it has grown into a giant. full service financial services entity now available to all current and former military personnel, officer or enlisted, and their families. I have been a member for more than sixty years.

    As part of the justifying statements, the leadership stated that 47% of USAA’s employees are People of Color; but, they needed to make this commitment to diversity and equality. Why? Systemic racism within the ranks? I doubt that. They also stated that 43% of the U.S. military are ethnic minorities, apparently implying that these are treated differently from the other 57%, so need more help; despite constant efforts by the government to insure that is not the case.

    Then, there is the obligatory citation that POC with college degrees have less earning power than whites. Of course there is no discussion about how the comparison protocol adjusts, for instance, between graduates with degrees in Black Studies vs those in STEM.

    The refrain has become a familiar one in Corporate and Academic America.

    I am trying to compose a letter that adequately expresses my revulsion for an action that I can only view as “virtue signaling”, and appeasement in the form of tribute payment.

    Back to the basic subject, as Tom Grey alluded, “equity” is a slippery concept when applied to Race. One can only assume that people who use the term intend it to be applied very selectively. Certainly not at the level of 13.4% across the board.

  11. For better or worse, Blacks taken as a whole hate Whites. Just one of those things at this stage. The history is all a bit of a bore at such a great remove.

    This goes for White anti-Jewish animosity and Jewish detestation of White Christian Society. Every time the ACLU smacks down a Christmas nativity display, peruse the surnames and join the dots.

    Jews get upset because Blacks don’t feel much or any gratitude for their efforts during the Civil Rights Era and post that. Welcome to how the rest of us feel 😛

    Not everyone feels these things and to different degrees. Putting this here before my bestest buddy pops up with a 10 point list refuting observed reality.

    Having lived a good chunk of my life overseas in very different societies – all peopled by variously competing ethnic factions, strikes me that it is INSANE to try to pretend these animosities don’t exist. They won’t go away. They are baked into our human DNA. The way to deal with them is *organically*. Mutually antagonistic communities *can* rub along with each other in daily life.

    The problems tend to occur when the dominant ideology *demands* that we all pretend to love each other. That’s a long topic — but two illustrations from other contexts illustrate this rather well: the bloodletting after the collapse of Communism in Yugoslavia and the implosion of New Order Pancasila in Indonesia. Had these repressive state ideologies not kept a pressure cooker lid on communal strife for decades these terrible things would not have happened.

    Pent up or repressed social stresses are bad. A good first step toward heading off the next pogrom or generalised race war would be to immediately get rid of all speech codes and racial discrimination and tyrannical Federal ‘Civil Rights’ laws and let people thrash things out themselves. It won’t be pretty, but what’s coming with what we now have is going to be far less pretty if we don’t wake up soon.

  12. Zaphod:

    Oh, so you’ve done a count?

    Has it occurred to you that perhaps the Robert Reich types are more prominent in the news/MSM because they are on the side to which the MSM gives more publicity? And that that makes them seem more numerous? There are plenty of prominent conservative Jews, if you look around.

    Of course, then there’s also the question of who is a Jew and what is meant by the designation. Most of the prominent leftist Jews have no religion at all and are secular/ethnic Jews.

  13. Back in the 80s a bunch of us were drinking and BSing, one came up with the suggestion that some day the Left would decide to rehabilitate Hitler. Not wholly serious, but there is a point to it. After Israel had been pushed to a position just above S Africa, and guys like Farrakhan (and Jesse Jackson) were ragging on them, exactly what about Hitler do they dislike?

    The only thing we could think of is that he’s the one who broke off the bromance with Joe Stalin.

  14. “Howard University professor Natalie Hopkinson, replied that “ppl who have become white”—that is, Jews like Weiss—“should not be lecturing Black ppl about oppression.”

    Typical sophistry, hate is hate and whenever hate for a race or ethnicity is excused, diminished and dismissed it reveals an intellectual dishonesty despicable in its deceit.

    Whenever intellectual dishonesty becomes the norm with a group it threatens liberty. We are now at the point where the Left’s intellectual deceit has become a mortal threat to liberty.

    Ultimately, mortal threats must be met where the rubber meets the road. God save us, we are not far from that confrontation. Trump may but delay it and just possibly, lessen its impact.

    Patrick Henry speaks to us today, “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

  15. For better or worse, Blacks taken as a whole hate Whites. Just one of those things at this stage. The history is all a bit of a bore at such a great remove.

    When you find yourself uttering inanities like this, try inserting a real person you know in meatspace as the subject and see if it makes sense.

  16. strikes me that it is INSANE to try to pretend these animosities don’t exist. They won’t go away. They are baked into our human DNA.

    You always sound like you’re on mushrooms. No they’re not baked into our DNA, and no, the enemy is not pretending the animosities do not exist. They’re pretending they are much worse than in fact they are.

  17. @Neo:

    Ethnicity IS the point. Not self-identification. If there is any lesson we’re all going to have to learn it is that our skins are our uniforms. This goes against everything we’ve been indoctrinated with from the cradle but sadly it’s just the way things are in Base (in all senses of the word) Reality.

    As I keep saying, this doesn’t mean that we can’t all rub along. It’s the pretending that we’re all the same or that we all love each other that is going to get us all killed. Is this so difficult to grok?

    As for counting? And media representation? Do we really want to go there? 😀

  18. Of course, then there’s also the question of who is a Jew and what is meant by the designation. Most of the prominent leftist Jews have no religion at all and are secular/ethnic Jews.

    Reich intermarried as did both of his sons. (Reich also received all of his schooling in goyish loci).

  19. And right on schedule Art Deco pops up with an appeal to the Particular when we are talking about the mass effects of different populations interacting with each other.

  20. Zaphod:

    I don’t want to go there. It’s you who are playing the numbers game, and I’m challenging it.

    Jews are not strictly an ethnicity, although they are partly that. There are Jews from all around the world. The main groups are Ashkenazi and Sephardic, groups that differ significantly from each other genetically. And of course converts can be of any ethnicity. What’s more, “Jews” are a very diverse group on the religious continuum. Orthodox Jews vote very very differently from secular Jews. And secular Jews intermarry at enormous rates, so that most secular Jews will be absorbed into the rest of the population rather speedily in the genetic sense. Then will you get into deciding who is a Jew in terms of percentages of Jewish DNA? I doubt you went to go there either, although perhaps you do.

    In addition, Orthodox Jews have a lot more children than secular Jews do, and therefore I will assume their ranks will probably grow as a proportion of the population. Lastly, for various reasons, even secular Jews in the UK tend to vote conservatively now. Same for Israel, once a leftist country.

  21. So Reich intermarrying and not having had his nose buried in Talmudic studies 12 hours per day during his formative years means that his personality and mental makeup are closer to Thomas Jefferson than Rosa Luxemburg? Yeah, sure.

    There being a tendency to radicalism and social deconstructionism amongst a significant subset (not all) of people of Jewish ethnicity is debatable after the last 100 years? Jaysus (sorry) wept!

    And the random offspring of a South Indian Brahmin (observant or not) is more likely to end up running Google than the random offspring (observant or not) of a Bihari Untouchable? Forbidden Thought! Go to Jail, Zaphod. Do not collect Rs. 200.

    Or, again… random offspring of a Sindhi (commercial trading caste for oh, a hundred odd generations) is more likely to succeed in business than a West Country Irishman? Say it ain’t so!

    Presumably you go hunting ducks with French Bulldogs because after all DNA counts for nothing.

    Breeding Will Out. How hard is that to understand? Animals, Humans… the tendencies are the same.

    Perhaps I should go guzzle some shrooms so that I can get my head around your Boomerish worldview.

  22. Re: Hutus, Tutsis…

    Tom Grey, neo: As I recall from reading that book with the tragically understated title:

    We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda by Philip Gourevitch…

    The Hutus were farmers who were shorter, squatter, darker in appearance, while the Tutsis were cattle ranchers and taller, thinner, lighter with thinner noses.


    According to some, the white colonialists favored the Tutsis because their appearances were more in line with white beauty, thus there were odd semi-class, sorta-racial aspects to the genocide.

  23. The sad truth is; racism, bigotry, anti-semitism, misogyny, anti-homosexual and trans bigotry… are all more common among American blacks than American whites. Anyone who lives in a multi-ethnic area knows this. Journalists who do field work in black institutions know this. Many elites, perhaps, do not. Blacks certainly know this.

    It is very sad that Ms. Hopkinson’s peers do not call her out on this. Instead they treat her like an exotic primitive. Like the member of an uncontacted Amazonian tribe, who would not be expected to understand how a cell phone functions, or comprehend the germ theory of disease.

    The academics coddling Ms. Hopkinson do grave harm to her.

  24. Zaphod:

    You write:

    For better or worse, Blacks taken as a whole hate Whites. Just one of those things at this stage. The history is all a bit of a bore at such a great remove.

    This goes for White anti-Jewish animosity and Jewish detestation of White Christian Society. Every time the ACLU smacks down a Christmas nativity display, peruse the surnames and join the dots.


    The vast majority of black people in this country do not hate whites. The vast majority of whites in this country do not hate Jews. And the vast majority of Jews in this country do not detest white Christians. The rest is just your opinion, and not a particularly informed one at that.

    Yes, some black people hate white people. Some white Christians hate Jews, and vice versa. What else is new? In the US, it’s small minorities.

    But of course someone living far away from the US, such as Zaphod, is the expert on US race relations.

    By the way, when you say “you,” it’s not clear whom you’re addressing – me, another commenter, the generic “you” as in “you all”?

  25. @Neo:

    I’m all for Orthodox Jews out breeding the Robert Reichs and Paul Krugmans, believe me.

    The good thing about the Orthodox is they are mainly concerned with themselves. The bad thing about the Orthodox is that they are mainly concerned with themselves.

    Ten Orthodox don’t counter one Robert Reich or come anywhere near doing so.

    Greenfield (Knish) and Goldman (Spengler) being an all-too-rare exceptions to this rule. Fortunately someone or something has the foresight to fund Greenfield to fight the madness. David Goldman is richer than Croesus so can fund himself. When I talk about ethnic communities self-policing, they’re both good models to follow. Not to mention that they have valuable things to teach the rest of us.

    But point remains that the Orthodox are mainly inward-looking and have little influence on public debate or where society is being driven.

    No argument re your mention of demographic trends in Israel. I’m all for them… except the the Haredim are worse than useless militarily. In Israel, too, daily life is much closer to Base Reality. It’s harder for the Israeli Left to believe and propose entirely suicidal policies since even they can sense that beyond a certain point this gets their throats cut. Still, they try ;P

    But back to the original topic. Why should Jews be surprised that Blacks hate them? Did they really think they’d get gratitude for driving down south to take on Sheriff Bubba and the Swamp People or however the story goes? Even I know that there just have to be some really good Yiddish jokes about no good deed going unpunished.

  26. Re Secular Jews in the UK Voting Conservatively Now.

    Yes they do. Because self-interest.

    (I like Self-Interest. It’s real. Not some virtue-signalling BS.)

    Problem is that back in the 90s, same UK Secular Jews voted en masse for Tony Blair / New Labour which filled the country up with Third Worlders, many of whom fantasize about heading to leafy Hamspstead and slitting very comfortably upper middle class Secular Jewish throats.

    Now back in the 90s, UK Secular Jews perceived it to be in their Self Interest to support mass immigration in order to dilute the native population whom for some atavistic reasons they felt vaguely threatened by. In the 2020s they now perceive this *not* to be in their Self Interest.

    I am more than happy that White and Jewish Self Interests appear to be slowing coming into partial temporary (Thanks Henry Kissinger for that insight) alignment. But I do wish that Secular Jews would read up on Chesterton’s Fence.

  27. “An Irishman and a Jew walk into…”

    Sorry, not going be a joke. ^^^ What we have here is Hart-Celler.

    Do-gooding… Unintended Consequences. Immigrant minorities with their own axes to grind (if the Irish had the IQ of Ashkenazis there’d be nothing left but smoking ruins already).

    We’ll never learn. But can we at least learn to slow down and not make grand gestures?

  28. And right on schedule Art Deco pops up with an appeal to the Particular when we are talking about the mass effects of different populations interacting with each other.

    The particular is to get you back to Earth (Elaine Morgan made use of the technique in critiquing popular writing by anthropologists). If you’re speaking of ‘mass effects’, you’re not going to find much of anything outside of public discourse, and much of public discourse is an artifact of the emotional disorders of gentry whites.

    1. The one widespread revealed preference consist of clustering in metropolitan centers. (1) blacks as often as not do not live in such clusters and (2) the formation of such clusters do not require much antagonism at all. Some fairly mild preferences in re who you would prefer to have as a neighbor is sufficient. This has been understood in the literature on urban geography for a generation.

    2. Violent crime is predominately intra-racial (87% of all homicides do not cross the color bar separating the black population from the remainder). Ordinary people go for decades without being caught in the middle of disagreeable racial incidents. The notion that ordinary people are shlepping about seething at other people has no reality outside your imagination.

    3. You have trouble in schools, (1) because the young are sh!ts to eachother as a matter of course and (2) the schools are run by people whose signature feature is learned helplessness.

  29. I believe the majority of whites and the majority of blacks don’t hate each other. Personally, I get along with the blacks I meet who will allow conversation. Anecdotal.

    However, judging by the extraordinarily lopsided crime statistics of black-on-white violence vs white-on-black violence, something is up.

    As I’ve said before, if a Martian were to look at those numbers, that Martian would suspect some portion of the black population is waging race war against whites.

  30. Re Secular Jews in the UK Voting Conservatively Now.

    1. Most British Jews are orthodox. It’s no surprise they vote Tory.

    2. Margaret Thatcher’s cabinets had no shortage of Jews, usually two or three in a set of 22 ministers. The most influential figure in instructing her was Sir Keith Joseph. The association between Jews and the Conservative Party is not a novelty.

    Now back in the 90s, UK Secular Jews perceived it to be in their Self Interest to support mass immigration


  31. On a happier note…

    Over the weekend I was watching a clip from the Rolling Stones/Scorcese concert film, “Shine a Light” where bluesman, Buddy Guy, shows up to do a guest appearance. It’s a good Muddy Waters song, but the performance is priceless. I can’t think of one better for the love, fun and respect being traded onstage. Which Scorcese nails in the film.

    Buddy Guy comes out and plants himself like the Man from Blues Mountain, while the Stones revolve around him. It’s a beautiful moment at the end when Keith Richards hands his guitar to Buddy and says, “It’s yours.”

    The Stones did the most of any rockers to give back to the blues.

    “Buddy Guy & Rolling Stones – Champagne & Reefer”

    HuxleyBob says check it out.

  32. So Reich intermarrying and not having had his nose buried in Talmudic studies 12 hours per day during his formative years means that his personality and mental makeup are closer to Thomas Jefferson than Rosa Luxemburg? Yeah, sure.

    Pro-tip: a silly caricature of what someone says is not an argument contra what someone says.

    It’s not that difficult to divine my meaning. (1) There’s never been anything terribly unusual about Reich’s perspective on policy. He’s unusual only in his interests (interests completely divorced from his actual education and training – which requires quite a bit of hubris). He’s long been a standard-issue liberal. (2) Reich doesn’t give a rip about living any kind of Jewish life, and neither do his sons. And, unlike Leon Wieseltier, Jewish life has never been something they studied either.

  33. The sad truth is; racism, bigotry, anti-semitism, misogyny, anti-homosexual and trans bigotry… are all more common among American blacks than American whites.

    That may be, but it’s not something you encounter in everyday life. I’ve honestly never met a black person who had Jews qua Jews on their radar screen at all. AFAICT, the modal disposition toward homosexuality is to find it funny. Terms like ‘misogyny’ and ‘sexism’ are commonly rhetorical thrusts, not references to social phenomena. ‘Misogyny’ is at least something readily defined and observed, but it’s manifestations are idiopathic and it’s part of the human condition. Unlike ‘misandry’ it’s not incorporated into institutional policy anywhere. And I do not know why you’d object to anyone being ‘anti-trans’. The phenomenon is iatrogenic.

  34. Zaphod:

    You are not the authority on what groups think.

    And your point about Jews in Britain voting the way they do for self-interest is meaningless. First of all, who cares why? People in general tend to vote for their self-interests. Second of all, it doesn’t explain the difference between the voting habits of Jews in England and the Jews in the US, because for both, self-interest would dictate voting conservatively at this point.

    Lastly, Haredi is not synonymous with Orthodox; it is a subset of Orthodox. See this:

    22% of all Jewish respondents to a 2016 PEW survey declared themselves as observant Orthodox (9% Haredim, or “ultra-Orthodox”, 13% Datiim, “religious”). 29% described themselves as “traditional”, a label largely implying little observance, but identification with Orthodoxy. The second largest Orthodox concentration is in the United States, mainly in the Northeast and specifically in New York and New Jersey. A 2013 PEW survey found that 10% of respondents identify as Orthodox, in a total Jewish population of at least 5.5 million. 3% were Modern Orthodox, 6% were ultra-Orthodox, and 1% were “other” (Sephardic, liberal Orthodox, etc.) In Britain, of 79,597 households with at least one Jewish member that held synagogue membership in 2016, 66% affiliated with Orthodox synagogues: 53% in “centrist Orthodox”, and 13% in “strictly Orthodox” (further 3% were Sephardi, which technically eschews the title “Orthodox”).

    Note that in Britain, a much greater percentage of Jews are Orthodox in general.

  35. “I’ve honestly never met a black person who had Jews qua Jews on their radar screen at all.”

    I could be completely wrong but anti-semitism among African-Americans seems largely an elite phenomenon of black political leaders and activists in big cities. It appears to me it starts in New York City or other places with significant Jewish populations who are a competing ethnic group in city politics. And I think it spreads as a common viewpoint to African-American political types who don’t have a lot of local Jews to deal with. Of course, there’s also black intellectuals who absorb anti-Semitism in college.

    The result being anti-Semitism is a thing in mainstream black culture in a way it really isn’t anymore in mainstream white culture. It’s like when it comes to Jews it’s still 1925 in black America. Not an overwhelming amount of real Jew hate but more than a few real Jew haters.


  36. I’ve honestly never met a black person who had Jews qua Jews on their radar screen at all.

    Art Deco: That’s as may be.

    But there are prominent black leaders — Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Rev. Jeremiah Wright — who do and speak out so to their largely black audiences. They don’t lose their black support for doing so.

    Also, black political groups are generally tied to white leftist groups and we know where the left is these days when it comes to Jews.

  37. Rambling guesses.
    We seem a very strange species:
    1. We nearly all died around 60,000 years ago . We got down to such low numbers that we all—almost exactly—have the same genome. One in one thousand base pairs difference…..point 1%. Called the Founder Effect. People were dying and sick and wounded all the time and we just squeaked by.
    2. We were incredibly tribal until agriculture came along. Every paleo site suggests a few hundred people at most…until Ur. (@9000 yrs ago). It looks like relatives lived together and strangers were killed or chased away.
    3. Modernity archeology sites and present culture suggest we are now astonishingly social. In 1491 there were thought to be more people in the new world than in the old. Eg millions around Mexico city. Agriculture suddenly changed us.
    4. Early on, we must have clung to our relatives and fought everyone else. Fiercely….until agriculture and then the Enlightenment.
    5. The slightest difference in appearance was probably enough for warfare.
    6. We are stuck with suspicious waring old genes and a yearning to be highly sociable with people who look like our relatives. The numbers of wars peoples have had—even in recorded history—is astounding.
    7. We needed sociability to get kids with big brains to grow up…maybe to what age? 13 or 14? We had a series of mutations that markedly enlarged our brains and demanded a corresponding long extension of child parenting. All the other hominids didn’t make it.

    If some of this guesswork were true it could explain much.

  38. I wouldn’t be surprised if some members of BLM dismiss The Holocaust as a “White on White” action.

    Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can’t say this often enough. Antisemitism is bad enough, but it’s also a symptom of a deeper political problem.

  39. Rufus T Firefly:

    No comment except to say I have been wondering where you’ve been. Missed hearing your opinions for at least a month or so it seems.

  40. om,

    It is nice to be missed and I have missed reading the words of all the wise folks who comment here under neo’s masthead, including you and neo. I hope all here have been well!

    2020 threw me quite a career curve ball. It seems Covid couldn’t get me physically in July so it came for my income in September, destroying my employer and putting me out on the street. I thought I would be comfortable through to my eventual retirement, in about 10 years, but no such luck. It’s been a trying and busy time. It astounds me when I think of the tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands? millions?) of Americans living the same fate. It seems every day I see a new “going out of business” or “for sale” sign in my neighborhood.

    When released in 2021 I will be curious to see the stat on number of U.S. deaths in 2020 as compared with 2019. It will be interesting to know if we have done a net good through the draconian shutdown measures, of if we simply skirted one type of misery for another.

  41. Dnaxy,

    Re: “Every paleo site suggests a few hundred people at most…until Ur. (@9000 yrs ago).”

    I too always thought that to be the case but not so.

    Göbekli Tepe in “Turkey: Archeological Dig Reshaping Human History”

    “The site isn’t just old, it redefines old: the temple was built 11,500 years ago—a staggering 7,000 years before the Great Pyramid, and more than 6,000 years before Stonehenge first took shape. The ruins are so early that they predate villages, pottery, domesticated animals, and even agriculture—the first embers of civilization.”


    BTW, the top stones weigh up to TEN TONS…

  42. My daughter says that Jews are Schrödinger’s whites. White or not white, depending on the ideological needs of the person categorizing them.

  43. Geoffrey Britain,

    Thank you for sharing that information and link. Amazing!

    On a similar(?) topic, does anyone know of a good, on-line resource attempting to map human and animal evolution, including migratory patterns, purely through DNA data?

  44. No comment except to say I have been wondering where you’ve been. Missed hearing your opinions for at least a month or so it seems.

    I can actually read a positive emotion there. That is strange.

    Walk in?

  45. 2020 threw me quite a career curve ball. It seems Covid couldn’t get me physically in July so it came for my income in September, destroying my employer and putting me out on the street. I thought I would be comfortable through to my eventual retirement, in about 10 years, but no such luck

    Keeping you in mind.

  46. But there are prominent black leaders — Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Rev. Jeremiah Wright — who do and speak out so to their largely black audiences. They don’t lose their black support for doing so.

    Jeremiah Wright led a screwball congregation in Chicago. His votaries begin and end with that congregation. Louis Farrakhan leads a heretical Muslim sect that encompasses < 2% of the Muslim population of the United States and maybe a 10th of that of the network of mosques led by W. Deen Muhammed. For a brief period ca. 1985, Farrakhan was able to fill Madison Square Garden. It was a fad following, and it went the way of most fads. As for Jesse Jackson, the bill of particulars against him is considerable; one thing he's not guilty of is promoting racial hostility except insofar as his pom-pom waving provokes a counter-reaction. (He does have some sort of esoteric issue with Jews, but he's never mobilized his public on that basis, just embarrassed himself saying things like "ya got to go down to Jew-town if you wanna negotiate the suits down"). Jackson hasn't been waving his pom-poms since about 1984. He ran for President in 1988 as a generic leftist. (And one of the amusing features of the 1984 Democratic debates was JJ lapsing into the role of moderator between the bickering Messrs. Mondale and Hart).

  47. I could be completely wrong but anti-semitism among African-Americans seems largely an elite phenomenon of black political leaders and activists in big cities.

    Charles Silberman in his portrait of the Jewish population as it was ca. 1985 made reference to social research on this topic. He said ordinarily anti-semitic sentiments are inversely related to education and income but you have this odd inversion in the black population where the opposite is the case. Glenn Loury has offered the opinion that this is a function of the social dynamics in law schools.

  48. Dnaxy on October 27, 2020 at 12:43 am said: “Rambling guesses. We seem a very strange species: …”

    Dnaxy, your ramblings are very interesting. Could you please post some links to background reading. Thanks.

  49. 1. Love the “Schrodinger’s Jew” comment – i have to remember that one for cuture exchanges.

    2. Initial suspicion of “others” not in one’s tribe is most definitely inborn. But it is only the initial reaction.

    3. If we are to have any hope of “rubbing along together” the government must be agnostic to any “tribes” in its treatment of citizens.

  50. 1. Love the “Schrodinger’s Jew” comment – i have to remember that one for future exchanges.

    2. Initial suspicion of “others” not in one’s tribe is most definitely inborn. But it is only the initial reaction.

    3. If we are to have any hope of “rubbing along together” the government must be agnostic to any “tribes” in its treatment of citizens. The Left revealed much and lost more and more support as it went from demands for equal opportunity, to rigged equality of outcome, and finally to assertions that coexistence is impossible, race is all, and racism an unexpungeable Original Sin.

  51. Rufus @ 1:50am: “… does anyone know of a good, on-line resource attempting to map human and animal evolution, including migratory patterns, purely through DNA data?”
    You may find David Reich’s Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past [2018 version] @ https://www.amazon.com/Who-Are-How-Got-Here/dp/110187032X/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1550080092&sr=1-3&keywords=Who+We+Are+and+How+We+Got+Here

    suitable for your purposes.

  52. Ha! Jew privilege. Redistributive change. Too many Jews in the professional, academic, etc. workplace. Selective-Jew, too. 50 shades of progress.

    Diversity (i.e. color judgment) dogma is a foundational belief of the Progressive Church under the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, relativistic quasi-religion (e.g. “ethics”), that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, and intrinsic value, normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination, not limited to racism, sexism, social standing, economic class, etc. While color bias is intrinsic, diversity is an insidious, progressive prejudice, bigotry (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrisy) depending on your principles. #PrinciplesMatter #HateLovesAbortion

  53. wrt Gobleki Tepe. That was built–as far as we know–by guys bashing rocks with other rocks. You can’t eat that. How do you feed all those guys so long? Back up the neolithic by millenia?
    At Mesa Verde is an illustration of how one of the locals, way back, worked. He was shown on the side of the cliff, one hand and both feet in previously-built handholds in the cliff face. In his other hand is a rock somewhat larger than a croquet ball drawn back for another smash. I suspect his wrist locked up permanently before he finished that one.
    Brings up the problem of motivation. Since aggression by the Peaceful Children of Nature is not allowed, it was to free up their residential footprint on the top of the mesa for more corn.

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