Home » More on the Biden corruption/influence saga


More on the Biden corruption/influence saga — 32 Comments

  1. Yes, just the tip of the iceberg. An iceberg that will remain underwater. Nothing will come of this. Nothing. So sad.

  2. I got a text this PM asking me to vote for Biden. I reply that Joe’s been bribed. Here’s part of the text reply I got, “Intelligence officials have deemed the hunter biden laptop story an effort to interfere with the election by Russian operatives.”

    Of course, I pushed back hard on this Russia stuff.

  3. Maybe swallowing some cold water will settle my heart burn.

    I read the WSJ article and the comments, which were slightly better than the usual one line “so’s your mother” from the libs. What struck me was that for all the Trump hate and claims of crimes by Trump and the family, they refuse to accept that in four years of the MSM looking in every nook and cranny and going down every rabbit hole for a felony or even a misdemeanor nothing has been found, nothing that incriminates Trump.

    After the election is over and Trump has won, there is going be a massive circular firing squad within the Democrat party. What genius decided to make impeachment about the Ukraine and inadvertently exposed Biden’s corrupt influence peddling? Whose horrible idea was it to push Biden as the candidate knowing how corrupt he was and is? How many other political figures are going to be implicated in influence peddling, especially selling out to China, which goes back to the Clintons selling missile technology? Trump will have no qualms about prosecuting them.

    As Gandalf said, “Evil will doth oft evil mar”.

  4. Paul in Boston…glad you can get through the WSJ and other MSM articles. I can’t anymore. What is so flabbergasting to me is the level of sophomoric writing going on. I used to have Yahoo as my opening Browser and would chuckle every day reading the just stupid attempts by their ‘writers’ to twist their readers sentiments. Every day. Now Yahoo stopped the comments because probably 80% were conservatives. I finally gave up and now get almost all of my news from blogs. I have always felt the liberals real problem is when they drive us underground, and they have. I believe they will pay the price for it in 10 days. Big time.

  5. Seneca this and Seneca that. Launder and launder again.

    Chris Heinz this and Chris Heinz that. I thought Heinz probably got out before the Burisma mess, but it looks like there were other messes. Will this pull Chris, Teresa, and John Kerry into the spotlight? Can you believe that somehow the Heinz fortune was not enough to take care of Christopher? Reminds me of Raj Rajaratnam for whom 1 or 2 billion just wasn’t enough, so he engaged in insider trading.

    I’ve been wondering if Semion Mogilevich, “the brainy don” of Moscow, is going to show up in this. A documentary I saw recently claimed that the biggest organized crime deal Mogilevich ever did was a nat. gas deal in the Ukraine.

    Paul in Boston gets the “Long Memory Award” for recalling that the Clinton campaign sold critical missile technology to China for perhaps $10M in campaign funds.

  6. “Trump will have no qualms about prosecuting them.”

    Trump will have no qualms but what about DOJ officials?

  7. Stolen property.

    Fake news.

    Russian propaganda.

    These Biden stories will never receive any credence, nor will the majority of the people in this country ever hear of them, much less believe them. The media and our betters will suppress and belittle anyone who dares bring them up in the future.

    When Biden wins after all the mail-in ballots are tallied, we will be locked down in our houses, forced to wear masks while we sleep and shower, and never be allowed to uncover our faces for the rest of our natural lives. And the majority of Democrat voters, who are naturally ugly and misshapen people, will love every second of it.

  8. Booster – “And the majority of Democrat voters, who are naturally ugly and misshapen people, will love every second of it.”

    Until the money runs out. Then there will be such a squawk that will make the French Revolution look tame because now with social media there is a multiplier effect. They will turn on their leaders and consume them. Trouble is we will be part of the supposed feast. I can see many of us going John Galt. If the productive members of society don’t participate the dependent class is going to have to grow or die. I guess it is about an 80/20 split.

    Be armed, be stocked and practice practice practice your firing skills.

  9. Looks like someone has unleashed the Voter Demoralizer-Destructor tonight! So many sads…… Too bad, I already stood in line and voted. Texas Early Voting so far has reached over 65% of the total 2016 vote. And there is still a week of early voting left, plus Election Day.

    I think Biden is going down. I think Trump is going to win – by a very comfortable margin. And it’s not just the Biden and Kerry families. Pelosi’s and Romney’s are also involved in these ‘international intrigue’ influence / money-laundering schemes for favored-son internships.

    Trump came to the Presidency with wealth, brand, fame, and accomplishment already in place. The power of office offers no temptations for him – and now we see why the establishment swamp of mysteriously-wealthy career grifters has been at his throat from Day 1.

  10. I have been going crazy trying to make predictions on the basis of the polls and I am afraid that it looks like Biden will win with around 280 to 260. The good news is that I am usually wrong (the bad news is that I am usually right when I want to be wrong).

  11. This line keeps showing up – “according to an intelligence report obtained by RedState” (or other media outlet).

    Have the Republicans finally started using the Democrats’ weaponized leaks ploy?

    LI commenter tom_swift objects that “It is not evidence that Joe complied with Hunter’s efforts to pervert US policy to the advantage of the Chinese government.”

    Well, we have evidence that Joe complied in Ukraine.
    I suspect the rest will be forthcoming, either in more intelligence reports that the Deep State had deep-sixed for years, or from other patriotic citizens stepping forward (although I was surprised there was even one in the Biden orbit – kudos to Mr. Bobulinski).

  12. “How many other political figures are going to be implicated in influence peddling, especially selling out to China, which goes back to the Clintons selling missile technology?” – Paul in Boston

    A lot, I suspect.
    Remember the Awan clan and Feinstein’s Chinese chauffeur-spy just for starters.

    The Clintons had to win the Presidency back to keep their money-grubbing from being revealed. That’s why they were so furious when Trump won instead.
    As for your predicted Democrats post-election analysis: if it happens, it will be in private.
    It probably won’t happen, because they didn’t learn the same lessons from running a woman also known (to anyone willing to look) to be corrupt.

    None of them seem to have believed President Obama when he said, “At some point you’ve made enough money.”
    On a certain moral and practical level, he is correct (he often was, actually, when you isolate the statements from the context of his speeches and actions).

    But of course, he didn’t mean them or himself; he meant us.

  13. Sparticus – Codevilla is always worth paying attention to. He sounds even more pessimistic than usual, but maybe there is good reason.
    Check out the comments especially this one.

    Capra Ibex10/23/20 at 5:34 am
    Mr. Codevilla also has the benefit (as I do) of knowing what is happening in our former home-country of Italy. A draconian lockdown was imposed by an unelected government (the sixth such government in a mere decade). …

    And what did the Italian police do? You know, those mama’s boys who wouldn’t hurt a fly and who take 2-hour lunches to enjoy the Dolce Vita with their sweethearts? They enforced the lockdown with an iron fist. …

    But, lo and behold: when ruling-class-approved mobs hit the streets for the George Floyd riots (yes, we had them too), not a policeman was to be seen. Even in Italy those protests were marked by unruliness and rampant vandalism (and to hell with COVID related precautions). Any police around for them? Tumbleweeds.

    Cross the border into France–similar situation. The police were only too eager to come down hard on the Yellow Vests, i.e., those who protested against the neoliberal economic and social model that is destroying the middle class and small business. Tear gas, clubs, even live bullets.

    Bottom line: corrupt ruling class==>corrupt police chiefs==>corrupt police culture==>corrupt cops. This doesn’t mean that they are bad people. They only do what they are told. And what they get told is not friendly to those to whom the ruling class is not friendly. We deplorables are also expendables. Never forget that.

    And this:

    stephen10/23/20 at 5:55 am
    I am reminded of the Czech woman who lived under the Nazis and then the USSR-she was asked: “you lived under the flags of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union…what was the difference? Her response; “the flags”.

  14. The “intelligence report” at RedState appears to be a report produced by a private entity from, it says, publicly sourced materials. Essentially, this is what investigative journalists could do if they still did that sort of thing.

  15. Americans have better things to do, like attacking each other online and being unkind to each other.

    They don’t have the time or energy to hunt down Hunter or Biden mafia.

    The reason why some people didn’t like Trump in 2015, like for example Ymar, is not because Trump was “so strong”. It was because he looked too weak. Too weak to kill the swamp rats. The Demons were stronger than just rats.

    They were ALL in on it, ALL guilty, and ALL corrupt. Trump knew it, which is why he decided to run instead of letting US military run a coup de tat. A bloody one that is. They are ALL in the know about Epstein, one way or another. Some are comprades, others just keep silent because they don’t want to be Epsteined or Clintoned.

  16. Bob from Virginia, “I have been going crazy trying to make predictions on the basis of the polls“

    Me too, but I finally decided that Trump is going to win based on the old time reporter’s poll, how big are the rallies? The other day, when I saw Obama speaking at a Biden rally in Philadelphia that had a turnout of fifty people, I knew it was over for Biden. If Obama can’t get people to show up in a heavily black city, who’s going to? In an honest election, Trump in landslide.

  17. If Trump wins, there is a 5% chance Bidet et. al. will be indicted.
    If he loses, Bidet is home free.

    If TRump wins, there is a 10% chance that Durham’s investigation will result in indictments, and a much lower chance that anyone will go to jail.

  18. [Mixed metaphor alert.]

    I don’t always prefer metaphors but, when I do, I prefer them mixed.

  19. It’s evening for me, but I’m mourning for the Dem media who keep trying to avoid discussion of Biden’s corruption.

    So many lies against Trump, which are actually true accusations against Dems.

    But what I and most of us are guilty of is too much focus on the President – what about Congress? Unless Reps win control of the House, there won’t be much draining of the swamp.

    Do you even know who is running in your district? Mine in CA is … (from DDG search) Former Assemblyman Tim Donnelly.

    The Dem fear with Bernie was that they would lose too many House seats with a “socialist” as the candidate. They got stuck with Biden ’cause none of the other dwarfs had enough name recognition or charisma to win the primaries.

    I think the Dems actually know Biden will lose, but are pushing to avoid Reps winning House seats. And will be cheating to try to win.

  20. Tom Grey:
    I have a very conservative Rep. in the House. But of course he is impotent under the Pelosi-Democrat collective majority.
    Ben Franklin warned us that we are “A Republic, if you can keep it”.
    It is very clear to me that we cannot.

    I greatly fear Dopey Joe will win and the Senate will be lost.
    That will sound the death knell for America.
    If you think there will be a popular anti-Democratic electoral uprising in 4 years, you are fantasizing.

  21. The corruption encompasses everything:

    The politicians are corrupt — Clintons, Gore, Obamas, Kerry, Biden, et al

    The news media is corrupt. Big Tech is. Hollywood is. Publishing is. The arts are.

    The universities are corrupt. Science and Economics have been corrupted to serve the liberal narrative. The social sciences are worse than corrupt.

    Wall Street, the national Chamber of Commerce — corrupt.

    Labor has always been corrupt.

    Democrat’s big city machines are beyond corrupt. And it goes to way more than just election fraud.

    And the Deep State is far more than just corrupt. The deep state is treasonous.

    The Democrat party is a criminal organization. The Biden crime family is just one small branch.

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