Home » Joe Biden and Hunter: don’t ask, don’t tell


Joe Biden and Hunter: don’t ask, don’t tell — 33 Comments

  1. Recent media accounts have called Joe Biden a concerned and caring father in his defense of Hunter and his addiction problems. The same media attacks Trump’s kids, including a minor son. Chelsea Clinton recently wrote how terrible her former friend, Ivana Trump, was for staying close and working with her father.

    The hypocrisy of the “Progressives” shouldn’t surprise me, but many times it does. They say, “Leave Hunter alone!” But in the same breath, “Trump’s children are as guilty as he is.”

    Hunter is truly a security risk for Joe Biden, especially if China or Russia have information on him. Calling it “disinformation” won’t change this.

    But if Joe were somehow elected, he wouldn’t be President for long. Kamala would be installed quickly, perhaps before the inauguration.

  2. Biden surrogate congressman Tim Ryan has demanded (re Hunter) that “we have to leave this poor kid alone.”

    The “poor kid” is 50 years old.

    Avuncular Tim Ryan is 47.

  3. “Willful ignorance” always worked in Chicago, Detroit, Newark, Arkansas, etc. What is the problem now?

    Hunter was always a good boy and he was turning his life around. He can’t be held to the arbitrary standards that apply to everyone else, He is a Biden. The Ukrainians and Chinese saw the potential in him. Besides, the family got half…..

    Anyway, it’s Trump’s fault.

  4. Slightly O/T: Saw an opinion that the reason the FBI sat on this was that, if Biden were to be elected, they’d have something on him.
    Not that this would be a surprise.

    “fool or knave” Is it possible to be such a cunning knave that one could carry off the fool in such a consistent manner as to escape all accusations? Is it possible to be such a fool and accomplish so much…so much you’d hope others don’t discover?

    Or, to ask a rhetorical question, do you need outside help to manage the mix?

  5. How about this? What if Obama was getting a cut from Big Guy Biden? Isn’t that how the Mafia works? Obama is the Godfather and Biden is high level capo. Obama assigned the China, Iraq and Ukraine accounts to Biden and he got nothing done. It was all point shaving.

    I’m telling the world that Joe got paid in bitcoin by Hunter. I want to know if Joe paid Barack in bitcoin.

    And what about the billions that was paid to Iran? Did Barack and Val Jarrett get a cut?

    Not everyone who uses bitcoin is a criminal, but all criminals use bitcoin.

  6. These Dems are all practiced criminals. “I don’t recall.” A relative gets the money; not the politician. Point shaving is how they work.

    Recall my theory that the FBI point shaved the entire Hillary email investigation. They didn’t use their normal efforts in investigating her. It’s like making silly fouls or missing critical free throws. Comey used to play basketball and knows all about point shaving.

  7. “Just as Joe enabled Hunter, the press enables Joe.”

    Yes. The guilty, and those who enable the guilty.

    Just like the wives of famous Dem politicians who cheat on them, and ‘stand by their men’ — enabling more cheating. Like Clinton.

    The reason the press demonizes the Reps is to enable the Dems to do their dirty crimes and not get indicted.

  8. All this appears to have happened around the time the Obama administration was finishing it’s eight years. Biden could see that Hillary would follow Obama, and when she finished her eight years, Biden would be too old (82) to run for president. So it was obvious he had to start raking in all the goodies that were available to him. And he did — from Ukraine, from China, probably from a few other countries. He had long watched how the Clinton Foundation hoovered up money, and must have thought “I’ve been a fool not to do the same.” Not a difficult decision at all.

  9. A former business associate said, “The appearance of a conflict of interest is good enough, at this level of politics, to keep you [Hunter] from doing things like that.” — Neo

    Ah, the nameless former associate. Was that former associate Christopher Heinz? Teresa Heinz’ son and John Kerry’s stepson. I recall the irony of this news item from a year ago. The heir to a corporate empire lecturing Hunter about ethical improprieties is rich.

    Heinz’s decision to end his business relationship with both Biden and Archer was said to be due to concerns about corruption in Ukraine and appearances.

    Heinz’s spokesperson told the newspaper that ‘the lack of judgment in this matter was a major catalyst for Mr. Heinz ending his business relationships with Mr. Archer and Mr. Biden.’

  10. Joe Biden could be telling the literal truth. Maybe he just cashed the checks and never asked where the money came from. Maybe.

  11. I have lived and worked in a foreign country known for its corruption.
    We are rapidly approaching that level.
    So depressing. So sad. So outrageous.
    This needs to be stopped and punished NOW.

  12. The Bidens have been doing this forever. There’s an email on the disk from Hunter to his daughter where he complains that “he’s supported the family for thirty years” but has to give 50% of his income to Joe. Joe not only knows but brought his son into the business as a bag man.

  13. So instead of terminating and killing the traitors, Neo, Americans love to argue ceaselessly and fruitlessly online. As usual.

    HRC is in Jail and Epstein is testifying on where his sources slash clients were… right?

  14. In Yammer-land treason is easily proven and quickly punished. Yammer-land is a particularly violent place whenever there is a change of regime it seems. Everyone longs to live in Yammer-land. Trust him. 😉 ?

  15. “instead of terminating and killing the traitors”

    There’s just a few impediments in the way; Congressional democRats, the Deep State, a corrupted judiciary and perhaps half of America’s citizens…

  16. Sounds like they had a Chinese wall for protection. I was going to suggest it was ironic, but it is more like in-your-face.

  17. I’ve read two comments on BidenGate that put reality in stark perspective. Here’s my version:

    So far, a bad sighted Mac repairman in Delaware has done more to save The Great Republic from corruption in government than the entire law enforcement bureaucracy.

    And what does that tell you about the value of our highly paid state apparatus? And what does this tell you about how they regard us rubes, far from the Swamp of DC?

  18. TJ – the basic problem is that the entire law enforcement bureaucracy appears to be party to the corruption.

    Won’t be the first time a “private citizen” has been the hero.

    Remember that Dan Rather’s fake Bush memo was revealed by pajama-clad bloggers in the basement (aka PowerLine), not by the official fact checkers at the network.
    John Kerry’s bid for President suffered a huge setback with the publication of the Swiftboat crews’ revelation of his lies about military service.

    There are many historical examples of how large gates swing on small hinges.
    (a maxim I borrow freely, but have no citation for)

  19. Who will force Joe to answer?
    The other media, or the DOJ?
    Hasn’t happened with Clintons and Obama yet.

    The Journal adds that it is critical for Biden to answer questions because China would be his toughest foreign policy challenge if he were to win the November election, and it would be important to know if he had been compromised by personal economic interests.

    Although we are seeing progress on the Clinton front, just not from her answering questions.

    The American Oversight liberal interest group has called for an investigation in response to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stating this month that the State Department will release former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, which were stored on her unsecured private server despite containing classified information.

    American Oversight is a left-wing ethics watchdog, activist, and litigation organization that focuses on filing open records requests targeting Republican interests, especially those of the Trump administration.

    Founded in March 2017 in response to President Donald Trump’s election, the group immediately called for an investigation into the reported use by members of the Trump administration of non-governmental email and messaging apps to conduct government business.

    “No one is above the law. If members of the new administration are breaking the law by using personal email accounts or encrypted applications, they must be held accountable,” said Austin Evers, the group’s founder. “The Justice Department and National Archives should immediately investigate these potentially illegal communications.”

    Despite past calls to investigate the Trump administration for possible breaches of government communications protocol, the group is actively seeking to prevent the release of more potentially damaging Clinton emails.


  20. Neo
    Hunter Biden was a mess and had been a mess for most of his adult life.

    The question here if he was/is a mess how then been got / rewarded on global stage?

    Who is/are those behind promoting him knowingly he is a mess?

    What about 1.2 Billion housing project in Iraq rewarded to him who helped him?

    Where is the money gone while no such housing project was done?

    He is not alone a-mess but all those behind him also a-mess which one of them jo biden

  21. It occurs to me that if Joe Biden were actually to come clean about this affair – and supposing further that he were to win on 03-Nov – he might actually gain something real from having done so, namely that in ‘confessing,’ he would also have exposed some of the CCP’s plans and techniques, at least in a general way. That would mean – well, should mean, might mean – that people in his party would be more inclined to look critically at what the CCP does or tries to do in Washington. It might even get Joe some protection from the CCP’s influence.

    On the other hand… if Joe comes clean before the election and loses on the 3rd, then he has a very different problem, I think. It would be quite a gamble.

    Now suppose Joe were to ‘come clean’ after the election – would that change things? That might be again a couple of other different scenarios.

    Of course, the most likely scenario of all is that he continues to try to bury the whole thing… which means, if he succeeds in that, that the CCP will continue to have him by the short hairs, perhaps irrespective of who is President in 2021.

    Am I wrong in focusing on the CCP in this respect? This is the gist that I’ve gathered from the various outlooks presented here and elsewhere, that Joe’s vulnerability to blackmail, etc. is not from the Russian, but rather the Chinese side.

  22. “…a mess…”

    The whole party’s a mess.
    Hunter Biden’s just the guy who got left holding the bag.
    Biden’s not a mess?
    Hillary Clinton?
    The Mainstream Corrupt Media?
    Their pals in antifa? in BLM?
    The Info-tech corps?
    The governors of California, Oregon, Washington State, Michigan, Illinois, NY?
    The mayors of Portland, Seattle, SF, Chicago, NYC, DC?

    For starters.

    If the whole damn thing’s a mess, no one notices that there’s anything that needs cleaning up.

    But covering up? Ah, that’s another matter….

    Welcome to the Pparty, Hunter!

  23. Humans are a mess. Welcome to humanity and Earth.

    om It is actually, for those with guts and a spine. Humans are a mess, though, so let’s give people a break. Expect less out of slaves.

    GB, so we have to elect Trump to see what is going to happen.

    We don’t know what’s in O care, we just have to vote and pray…. lol.

    Last few years I told you it was time to kill them, GB and Neo thought it was extreme, killing their family members. While Neo hasn’t been radicalized, GB has changed the tune up a little.

    If you peeps are at this stage of paranoia… what will happen when the Divine Hammer falls on you in 2021 and the Full Disclosure hits? And you realize Ymar had a point all those times you ignored it?

    Better not have toom any “bullets” around.

  24. The Vampiric Cabal has already lost their top councils. Courtesy of people like Ymar.

    You all are welcome.

    Barry, when people can’t address a topic, they make up fantasies plus red herrings. Isn’t that about right?

    What happened to your debate skills and intellect, did my presence turn them into mush already? You want to see another trick? ; )

  25. Hunter’s email statements about 10% for the “Big Guy” cannot be interpreted in any reasonable way except as references to the Vice President at the time, Joe Biden… unless it is to Obama!

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