Home » Great setup for voting fraud in California


Great setup for voting fraud in California — 42 Comments

  1. I suspect that Montage sees no problem with this in the great state of California, SharonW and JimNorCal may not find it inarguable.

  2. I may have reported this personal experience before; but, it is illustrative.
    Moved to California 8.5 years ago and registered when I transferred my driver’s license. My wife opted to quit driving, so was not registered. (She is old)

    Not long after, as I exited Walmart (yes, we use Walmart frequently for the price savings) there was a table with a man collecting petition signatures. I don’t recall for what. I was spinning my wheels waiting for wife; and noticed he was wearing a ball cap with a USN logo. So, I started a conversation. She came up, and it was divulged that she was not registered to vote. He registered her on the spot. No ID at all; just my revelation that I was retired Navy and that she was a retired Navy wife. We will never know how many he, or a multitude of others, registered under similar circumstances.

    First confirmation of how corrupt the process is. Now, every election we get our vote by mail materials.

  3. The good news is that it’s California which is going to be in the Harris column anyway. The bad news is all the other states where they are pulling this stunt.

    My wife and I received our mail-in ballots for CT about 3 weeks ago and promptly threw them out. We’ve already voted in person twice in special local elections in August, why not in November? I have no idea how many of the people in our town’s colonial cemetery dating back to 1600 also received ballots.

  4. On one hand, California is going to vote Democrat in the presidential election, no question. But on another hand, there were a number of more local races in 2018, almost in my back yard, that unexpectedly flipped from Republican to Democrat, during the 2018 harvest season (if you get my drift).

    I have no proof or evidence of anything, and I don’t know if any local Republicans do or did or even bothered. But for those of us who feel stuck with the Republicans as the only remaining bulwark against “woke” authoritarian socialism, it *reeks*.

  5. There has been several arrests made in Texas in regards to stuffing mail in ballot requests and preparing other voter fraud. What concerns me is the Democrat Party isn’t even trying hard to hide what they are doing, and none of the Republican representatives seem interested in making hay about it.

    Hillary lost because her campaign opted to take voters for granted and avoid the time and effort to visit battleground states. Compared to Hillary, Biden’s campaign is non-existent. I understand gas lighting and biased polls, but it shouldn’t even be close. The right needs to start making clear the consequences of these attempts to destroy our election process. If not, our governance as a Republic will be over.

    In the meantime, the left riot in the street like they care.

  6. physicsguy,

    Starting next week, there is going to be a meteoric rise in “positive” tests running up to Election Day. To show how serious this “third wave” is, they will be delivering tons of (false) positive results to pro athletes, resulting in the suspension of the World Series and the NFL until after Election Day.

    Blue states and states with Democrat governors will then take it upon themselves to cancel all in-person voting. People like yourself who already threw away their mail-in ballot will not be given another one. As this will primarily affect Republican voters (as Democrats are all mailing in their ballots), cries of “voter suppression” will fall on deaf ears.

    After all, if you believed in Science, you wouldn’t have considered subjecting yourself to this ultra-lethal virus and would have safely mailed in your ballot from home.

  7. As a regular California voter, I can always vote the way I usually do; at a polling place on election day. Wrong, or at least partly wrong.

    From Neo’s linked article are two lines.

    B. Kubear:
    How does California check to make sure that you don’t mail in a ballot and then vote?

    In conclusion, all is proceeding exactly as most Legal Insurrection fans have foreseen. As for me, I am going to take my ballot to the polling place and vote by a poll.

    Even though I never asked for a mail-in ballot, I got one anyway. How do they know that I won’t vote twice? Because I must bring that mail-in ballot to my polling place and surrender it prior to being allowed to vote.

    The voting information packet informs you of this new wrinkle on page 2, FAQ #7. But don’t worry if you missed that. If you show up to vote without your mail-in ballot you can always submit a provisional ballot. What could go wrong with that?

  8. physicsguy
    I have no idea how many of the people in our town’s colonial cemetery dating back to 1600 also received ballots.

    That’s OK, as they will vote dead as they did when they were alive. Over the centuries rural CT has tended to vote NOT Democrat: Federalist-Whig-Republican, so those deceased voters should end up voting for Trump.

    Maybe I shouldn’t be so sure that the deceased will vote as they did when they were alive. Ray Stevens found out that his deceased Republican Grandpa voted Democrat. Grandpa Voted Democrat. 🙂

  9. M J R; physicsguy; MBunge:

    Not only does it affect House races and other local races, as you say, but Democratic voter fraud in California would pump up the popular vote, so that – even if Trump somehow managed to win the Electoral College – he might lose the popular vote and set the stage for more complaints (like the kind we’ve already seen post-2016) that he’s an illegitimate president and that we need to do away with the Electoral College.

  10. Neo:

    Democrats don’t need “the stage set for more complaints” — they have all the stage they need to complain about all sorts of things that prevented any and all Democrats from winning their election.

    Funny story (I think, anyway.): My mother in law passed on (at 99.75 years) just before the 2012 election. I carried her voter information/identification packet with me to the polling place, walked in and asked loudly: “does this mean she has to vote Democrat now?”

    Two of the poll workers laughed uproariously; the third was stoney faced. True story.

  11. Booster, frightening and plausible scenario. Over the past 2 weeks “cases” in CT have been rising dramatically though deaths remain low. The increase is due to a surge in testing. The thought did cross my mind about our wonderful Lamont ramping up testing for just such a result.

  12. Heh.. I think back to that terrifying headline on the front page of a newspaper drifting around in the road at the end of the first Resident Evil movie, which set up for the sequel:
    Now in this grand adventure of 2020, the NY Post could actually put one up for real:
    Maybe we’re living in a remake.

  13. If the dems steal the election through obvious voter fraud, it will spell their doom. For if they win through theft, their lust for power will have no satiation. Which will inevitably result in rebellion;

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

    In such an event, logistics are decidedly not on their side.

    The only hope they have for avoiding that doom is to patiently wait until they can ride to victory, when the cycle swings their way again in 2024 or 2028. As it’s questionable that Pence can win election in 2024 and IMO very unlikely in 2028. The MSM will crucify him over his religious ‘fanaticism’. That will be the meme the left uses against Pence and they will do so incessantly.

    But since Trump’s election, the democrat base has shown an utter lack of patience and that impatience will lead to their doom.

  14. Post 5 of 50 in which Neo prepares an excuse for a Trump loss by blaming it on ‘voter fraud’?
    I’m seeing a pattern.

    I really hope it does not reach the stage where Republicans think that the Democrats can only win [including in places like CA] by voter fraud. But I think that is the narrative. We Democratic voters out here are not fake, guys. You know and I know this country is split. Millions want Trump, Millions want Biden. You don’t have to like it but let’s respect it. This election can go either way.

  15. When CA has eliminates the system (ballot harvesting) that facilitates voter fraud I will regain some respect for progressive (D) California voters.

    Millions want Biden? LOL, LOL, LOL.

    Where is that “want” manifested? In the outpouring of enthusiasm for Creepy, Sleepy, “you ain’t black” Joe? “Come on man!”

  16. Montage
    This election can go either way.

    I am reminded of what changed me from Third Party voter to always vote Republican to keep the Demos out. In the 2000 Presidential election in Florida, there were a high number of ballots in Palm Beach County that were thrown out.

    Democrats then claimed that they knew how to interpret the failed ballots- that “unsurprisingly” the voters who cast the failed ballots intended to vote for Gore. Palm Beach County was a Democrat-controlled county. Democrats designed the “butterfly” ballots. Democrats had ample time before the election to test the ballots on sample voters. After the election is too late.

    If Democrats don’t like charges of voter fraud then they should do things like eliminate voter harvesting in California.

  17. Montage:

    Stop the condescending and utterly uncalled for insults.

    I’m not “preparing” an “excuse.” I report on facts. These are facts. The problems with mailing ballots to every voter are so obvious that your denial is the “excuse.” There is no reason that the usual absentee ballot procedure shouldn’t have been followed, or at the most, mailing applications rather than ballots to everyone on the rolls. There were a few states (5 or 6) that have had automatic mail-in (ballots mailed to everyone on the rolls) voting for a while, not just with COVID. But now more states have joined them in this practice, supposedly because of COVID, a practice that is especially susceptible to fraud.

    Or perhaps you’re perfectly fine with dead people getting unsolicited ballots, or the very sketchy practice of ballot harvesting (a different problem, but a problem nevertheless). I am not okay with either, and the problems are very real.

    I am interested in a valid vote, whatever that vote shows and whomever is elected.

    What’s more, almost every article I’ve found on the subject has been misleading about what automatic mail-in ballots are as opposed to the more commonplace, traditional, and less-problematic absentee voting or automatic mail-in applications for ballots. I have yet to find evidence of a single other country that automatically mails ballots to voters on the voting rolls, and the articles that mention “mail-in voting” in other countries do not make it clear what they’re talking about.

    And it would be absurd to think that Democrats can only win in California by fraud. Democrats are overwhelmingly in control of California without fraud, and have been for quite a while. The motives for voter fraud in California would be to pump up the total national popular vote, and also to influence local contests in previously purple areas in California and turn them blue for more local races, such as House contests.

    I have written other posts highlighting some of the potential problems inherent in this system, for example this.

    Bottom line: the Democrats are gung-ho for this method, and yet it is completely unnecessary because there are other more-than-adequate ways to deal with voting during COVID, ways that don’t carry the same risks of fraud.

  18. Neo, sorry for the sarcasm. Anyway, I live in CA. A ballot with my name on it was mailed to me. How exactly would someone be able to get my ballot and vote in my place without breaking into my mail box? Couldn’t they do the same if I had an absentee ballot? The ballot I received has to be signed and the signature has to match what’s on file. If anything that could cause ballots [by anyone] to be tossed if your signature has changed in 20 years. I know mine has. That concerns me more than fraud. Although if fraud can be done with mail-in voting why would you assume only Democrats would do fraud and not also Republicans?
    As far as dead people getting ballots it is true people die between the time the ballots are created and mailed. I suppose someone could pretend to be their dead father or mother but – again- are you saying only Democrats would do that? And are the numbers significant enough to sway an election?

    I think Switzerland has mail ballots and Poland the Russia are doing it this year only. Doesn’t Oregon and Colorado have all mail voting? I have not heard that fraud was rampant. Maybe their method is different than CA? It seems the same from what I read.

    The narrative Democrats use is that Republicans disenfranchise voters in many ways from shortening voting days to allowing fewer election places, making it more difficult to register, having partisan poll watchers and adding essentially a poll tax for felons by not allowing them to vote if they have unpaid fines even after serving their sentences.

    I think both parties have grievances about elections. Some may be legit concerns but I think the will of the people wins out usually.

  19. “I really hope it does not reach the stage where Republicans think that the Democrats can only win [including in places like CA] by voter fraud.” Montage

    Duh. We know the country is split. We also know that the democrats are engaged in voting fraud, as they’ve been repeatedly caught at it. I am unaware of any exposure of republicans doing it and had they been caught, the MSM would be trumpeting it to the heavens. No, we don’t think that democrats can only win by cheating even in blue states. Yes, we do see why democrat operatives could be cheating in blue states to add to the total.

    Once again, here’s why I think that Harris/Biden can only win through massive electoral fraud; utter lack of enthusiasm for Biden. Massive rally attendance for Trump. Polls showing significant support for Trump among blacks and Hispanics. That’s especially significant because the democrat party cannot win without those minority voters. Higher approval of Trump among whites today than in the 2016 election. A strong willingness to lie, cheat and steal on the left justified by the worthiness of the end sought. Given all of those factors, it’s simply not credible to imagine that the democrat party can win an honest election.

    Finally, here’s the difference between the two sides. If Trump wins strongly with both the popular vote and the electoral college, most democrats will still consider him an illegitimate President. Which incidentally is a total rejection of both the Constitution and the rule of law. There will be even more rioting in democrat cities.

    Whereas, if the democrats win without any evidence of fraud, republicans will not reject the vote nor riot and will hunker down and await the next election. While desperately hoping that liberals awaken to what they’re enabling before it comes down to “politics by other means”.

  20. Montage pleads ignorance. How can that be, a progressive being ignorant? Shocking! /sarc

    And then Montage spouts progressive propaganda about standards for elections. Surprised he didn’t rail about the burden of having to have some proof of identity before casting a ballot.

    I’ll respect a CA progressive when they reform their ways.

  21. “The narrative Democrats use is that Republicans disenfranchise voters in many ways from shortening voting days to allowing fewer election places, making it more difficult to register, having partisan poll watchers and adding essentially a poll tax for felons by not allowing them to vote if they have unpaid fines even after serving their sentences.” Montage

    “shortening voting days to allowing fewer election places”,

    Citations please.

    “having partisan poll watchers”

    Since the voting booth is private, upon what basis is there for thinking that republican poll watchers, there to ensure an honest voting tally can possibly intimidate someone for whom they have no idea how they will vote?

    “adding essentially a poll tax for felons by not allowing them to vote if they have unpaid fines even after serving their sentences”

    In Fl and I imagine in other states, felons don’t have the right to vote. Nor should they. As felons, they must earn back the right to vote by demonstrating over a period of years that they’ve joined civil society.

    If they have unpaid fines, then as a former felon, they still haven’t demonstrated a willingness to behave in a civilized manner.

  22. Geofrey+Britain

    In Fl and I imagine in other states, felons don’t have the right to vote. Nor should they.

    In most states, felons have the right to vote upon completion of their sentence- prison time, parole, or probation. In Florida, most felons, with the exception of those convicted of murder or sex offenses, have their voting rights restored upon completion of their sentences. Voting rights for convicted felons.

    If they have unpaid fines, then as a former felon, they still haven’t demonstrated a willingness to behave in a civilized manner.

    In general, if felons still on probation or parole have unpaid fines, they will not be released from their terms of probation/parole. That is, there is nothing “former” about their status if they haven’t paid their fines.

  23. “Is that the future of the US?”

    Sadly, yes. It seems as if the future will also become much more cynical in that this type of fraud and other “win using any means” will become more, for lack of a better word, “normal.”

    That will cause too many people to stay away from participating in the political process which is not good for any country to have a population that is so disenfranchised.

  24. Montage:

    The problem is hardly limited to California, nor is the main problem bona fide voters getting a ballot and sending it in.

    I already said that ballots are being mailed to dead people, as well as multiple ballots to many other people. Ballots are also being found in the trash (for example see this). The postal service is one of many possible weak links in the chain. There’s also this sort of thing (that’s an old post, but Washington has had automatic mail-in ballots for quite a while), this, this one in particular, this, and this.

    Why Democrats? There’s a long tradition of voter fraud in Democratic-run cities, a la the Democratic political machine. A classic example involved none other than Lyndon Johnson (see this).

    Did you ever notice that automatic mail-in voting and the like are mostly limited to blue states? Do you think that’s solely for noble reasons? Methods of voting more amenable to fraud are pushed by Democrats. It’s not that Republicans are so pure that no Republican would ever commit voter fraud, but it’s interesting that Republican states make it far harder to commit fraud.

  25. Neo
    I would say the counter argument to that is that Republicans make it harder for everyone to vote. So it depends what lens you see see all of this through. Also it’s no secret that Republicans believe that the more people who vote the better chances the Democrats win. Paul Weyrich, a conservative strategist who founded the Heritage Foundation once said; “As a matter of fact, our [Republican] leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”

    I don’t assume that mail-in voting will result in fraud and I truly do not believe the Democrats are using in mail-in voting to commit fraud. I think they are trying to make it easier to vote without having people going out during a pandemic to stand in line for 4 hours. If it may lead to more fraud then I see your point. Maybe they should have done a better plan. But I don’t know of major voting fraud cases in Washington, Oregon, Hawaii or Colorado. Also, I believe Utah allows mail in voting and that state is very Republican.

    I’m sure anecdotal evidence is out there to prove your point. But there is also evidence thousands of ballots will be thrown out for one reason or another. I don’t suspect foul play when that happens. Let’s see what happens this year. I definitely prefer to vote in person and plan on doing that.

  26. Montage, you don’t know a lot of inconvenient things about vote fraud, Ballots that mysteriously appeared in King County WA, post election day, that allowed the election of Christine Gregoire (D) as governor of WA. Funny what you don’t know.

    One could speculate that the unique culture of Utah, at least outside of SLC, which stresses honesty and morality may have something to do with the absence of voter fraud there.

    Something about “Jane your ignorant *****” comes to mind.

  27. Gringo,

    Thanks for the correction and info.


    I’ve never had any difficulty whatsoever in voting and see no reason why my black neighbors would have any difficulties either.

    Weyrich was talking about voter turnout and that republicans take voting more seriously than do democrats.

    “I truly do not believe the Democrats are using in mail-in voting to commit fraud.”

    Then you’re either ignorant or willfully blind.

    “Election Fraud? 99% of the votes for Obama in more than 100 Ohio precincts”

    “Barack Obama received more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on election day. In fact, there were a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes. So how in the world did this happen? Third world dictators don’t even get 99% of the vote.”


  28. Actually, third-world dictators DO get 99% of the vote. Occasionally (i.e., when they’re trying a bit too hard—the “work ethic”, you know).

    And that’s PRECISELY the problem:
    The US was enchanted—SEDUCED—by a group of thugs led by a third-world politician (for a variety of reasons, some of them actually defensible).

    Many still are under the spell. (To be sure, the assistance provided by the Mainstream Corrupt Media cannot be overestimated.)

    File under: La grande seduction

  29. Montage,

    I would guess that you do not see the problems. Because You do not WANT to see them. When people express concrete examples and reasons. You brush them away as just an outlier. If there are enough outliers there is a problem. And making it easier to hide that problem is not going to make it any better. I suspect you understand that.

    I see Montage is back but “Jen” has the night off. Fancy that

  30. The ways a loose system can be manipulated are legion. Traditionally, ballots were kept secure, especially after voting, so that no extras could be mixed in. But absentee ballots were recognized as a big potential security problem, so strict rules were put in. One had to swear to a limited number of conditions to obtain such a ballot. And the numbers were quite small compared to the number of people who voted on election day. As a chief election judge we would see perhaps 40 absentee ballots alongside 1000 in-person ballots. This was a manageable load.

    And by load, I mean that each absentee ballot needed a lot of special handling. The application had to be verified against the registration. Then the ballot was mailed. Postal workers, who are not sworn judges, easily recognize unvoted ballots. Are all postal workers honest? Of course not. And postal workers can tell how each household votes, but the political mail the household receives.

    Suppose the ballot arrives unmolested. There is a requirement for a witness to verify the voter’s identity. But hey, let’s get a judge to waive that. So a judge ignores the written law and declares that to be too hard for some person over there, so the requirement is tossed out for all.

    But let us assume the witnessing is done properly. The voted ballot is sealed inside another envelope that has the signatures and other information. There’s another envelope outside that. Need I point out that postal workers know what these envelopes look like?

    The ballot is mailed and received at the elections office. They are used to dealing with hundreds of these. Now there’s tens of thousands, and they must be sorted to the proper precinct and stored securely. Ordinarily, all ballots are processed in the precinct voting place on election day. There’s no way the precinct judges can handle that many, so now the city or county must set up a process to evaluate and count all of those ballots. It used to be these were verified against the paper poll roster. Now that roster is electronic because they have to have this big central ballot counting system. Can electronic rosters be hacked?

    Another security measure was to require all voted ballots be in the precinct by the time the polls close on election day. This was to ensure that “discovered” ballots weren’t added after the event. But that’s all out the window, because now most of the mail ballots are counted in a central warehouse, often weeks before the election day. Hey, no possible fraud opportunities there, right?

    And here in Minnesota that “in by poll closing” has been tossed by our Soros creature Secretary of State. He had a group file a lawsuit seeking to have some of the strict rules tossed. Then, his office crafted a “consent decree” where he agreed to toss the rules–the election laws–out the door and among other things, now ballots can arrive up to seven days after election day–as long as they are postmarked on election day. Oh, and his buddies got a nice chunk of state money also.

    Well, that’s all wonderful, except that many pieces of mail don’t get postmarked anymore. Hey, no problem. If a piece isn’t postmarked, there’s no limitation. None. So if Jerry over there has a nice pile of stolen ballots, and dumps them at election center, without postmarks, those ballots have to be accepted. State law says they should not be, but hey, a federal judge approved the consent decree, and that’s good enough.

    We have been trying to fix a system that wasn’t broken. The result is to make election fraud nearly unstoppable.

  31. Montage knows better. He thinks claiming ignorance on his part proves the rest of us wrong.
    Norm Coleman won a senate race in MN. Until Al Franken’s machine found a few hundred votes in somebody’s car trunk. Everybody knows this. That’s not even outrageous, it being so obvious and…routine.

    Ohio precincts going 99% for Obama? Lack of imagination. The really good precincts went about 110% (of registered voters) for Obama.

    Something like 40% of Detroit precincts in the ’18 election had more votes than voters. According to the dems, this means sixty percent of the precincts suffered voter suppression.

    I suppose we may as well tell Montage and the rest of the dems that nobody allows them the moral high ground after so many demonstrations they think the concept is both hilarious and constraining.

  32. It will be interesting to see if – and it’s a big IF – the Federal Election Commission will have the integrity and courage to declare null and void the election results from jurisdictions in which substantial evidence exists of widespread vote fraud. Conceivably, that could eliminate California’s 55 electoral votes from the total.

    It’s also quite possible, nay, probable, that should the FEC choose to abdicate its responsibilities, civil lawsuits will take up the effort; that’s guaranteed to turn the election into a stunning quagmire of the First Order.

    Which is almost certainly one of the goals of the Left: it you can’t win it honestly, cheat, if you can’t cheat enough, make it worthless.

    All this, probably, will be something future historians point to as the proximate cause of the Second Civil War.

    It’s pretty much guaranteed that’s where we’re going no matter what happens; I find myself coming closer to agreeing that intense armed conflict may be the only way of resolving the disagreements between Americans and Leftists.

  33. Although if fraud can be done with mail-in voting why would you assume only Democrats would do fraud and not also Republicans?

    Well, in my case, primarily because Democrats overwhelmingly support measures (such as universal mailed-out, mail-in ballots) that make fraud easier, and Republicans overwhelmingly support measures (such as voter ID laws) that make fraud harder.

    Furthermore. With regard to shortened hours at polling places and reduced numbers of polling places – who do you think is in charge of establishing those polling places and their hours in the cities where it counts the most (and where the howls about “voter suppression” are loudest)? It ain’t Republicans.

  34. “…if you can’t cheat enough, make it worthless….”

    Precisely, though one might add: “…and make sure to turn up the already high levels of violence and chaos, arson and mayhem, looting and mugging in the streets to make voting at the polls as difficult as possible…while making sure that you hold Trump TOTALLY responsible for the “shameful” absence of democracy, accuse him of “trampling American rights and freedoms” (along with his “clear abuse” and “unprecedented tyranny”) and threaten to, once again, start impeachment proceedings against him.”

    There. That should do it.

    Michelle, any comments, suggestions, improvements?

  35. The Federal Election Commission doesn’t certify election results. City clerks, county clerks, and secretaries of state certify election results.

  36. It’s true that here in California, the presidential race will probably go for Biden. But there’s a lot of other stuff on the ballot, as well. For instance, all of those Orange County districts that the Republicans won based on on-site voting, but lost after the harvested votes were added, are up for election again. A repeal of Prop 209 – the ballot proposition that bans *any* form of racial discrimination by a public entity – is on the ballot. So is a partial rollback of the horrible AB5 that the Dems want to push onto the rest of the country.

    In short, there are plenty of reasons besides the presidential election for the Dems to care about how the vote turns out in California this year.

  37. I’ve lived in California since 1962. Almost 60 years. It used to be incomparably beautiful, and had participation in office by both parties.

    After a while, the Democrats found that they could count the votes on Election Day and then, with a small enough margin, they could “find” (“SURPRISE!”) absentee ballots in car trunks, closets—a multitude of places. Every single time, the Democrat beat the Republican who had seemed to have won on election night. Every. Single. Time.

    Incidentally, Montage, that’s why we “assume only Democrats would do fraud and not also Republicans” Because it is always the Democrat who turns out to win when ballots are “found”.

    Example: All four Republican Congressional winners in 2018 in Orange County “lost” to the Democrat after ballot harvesting. All four. They lost in “numbers significant enough to sway an election” FOUR elections, and just in one county!

    And, Montage, it’s a bit odd you say that dead people might get an absentee ballot because “people die between the time the ballots are created and mailed.” In California, when you register to vote, you are basically asked three questions. (This includes when you renew an ID or license.) 1. Are you a citizen? (You don’t need proof of any kind to answer “Yes.”) 2. Do you want to vote by absentee ballot this time? 3. Do you want to vote by absentee ballot for the rest of your life?

    This results in absentee ballots being sent to an address, election after election, unasked for. People move; people die; ballots continue in perpetuity.

    Add to that the fact that a lot of people have several names (some ethnicities) and many people have a whole collection of fake IDs, it takes little imagination to design whole systems of methods for voting fraud.

    And that’s just one line of fraud.

    That’s how you can get, as in a recent example, 80 ballots sent to a one-bedroom apartment.

    Anyway, there are a lot of ways that California Democrats have found to corrupt the system.

    Just to mention another way: Because we have open primaries, in 2018 I had my choice between two Democrats for the single Senate seat. No Republican possibility.

    But that’s another story.

  38. Hi, Minta. That’s a long time – I’m glad to hear you had such a good run. Funnily enough, a young coworker of mine, whom I think of as a good egg, is about to move to San Diego for a different job. I hope he isn’t in for too rude a surprise, as I did kind of mildly advise him against Cali in general when we last got to talk about it in person, before Everybody’s Favorite Pathogen and the associated “issues” intervened. But it might have come better from you, since you’ve lived there and I never did.

    I was going to ask you about those found-ballot or absentee-ballot instances. Let’s say generally: all the times in Cali when candidate A had a winning tally on election night which later tilted to candidate B in the final count due to the addition of absentees or whatever else. Do you know of any source that has a tally of all of these instances for Cali?

    I ask for two reasons: while you indicate that these have uniformly favored the Dem candidates, I wonder if it’s possible that there might have been a smattering of instances favoring the Rep at some point; and then aside from those, to see the extent, magnitude, and geographic distribution of the trend in such results over time, say the last 10 years or what have you, would be useful.

  39. Hi, Philip! I’ve noticed your mind at work here in the commentariat at Neo’s, and always look forward to your name.

    I cannot remember a single time that a Democrat won on election night and a Republican ended up with more votes over time and thus the seat. Even dear little Kamala took several days to win her seat as AG over the Republican, so maybe its sort of a Rite of Passage for select Democrats.

    As to your friend, is he a devout Progressive who enjoys paying an increasing state income tax? Will he appreciate living in a state that makes the Democrat Platform seem low expectations, and a little old-hat? Is your friend amenable to a body of newly passed Leftist laws (signed by the Governor), that includes one that basically makes it only a misdemeanor if there are ten years or less between an adult and the child s/he has sex with?

    Actually, your friend might find a corner of the state to enjoy even if he is a Conservative. I’m not sure San Diego is has any such corners, but it’s conceivable. There is a rumor that there are places where a Conservative, who suspects another person might be a Friendly, might signal in Morse Code with expressive eyebrows, and then wait to see if there is any response. I warn you it may only be a rumor.

    It’s probably not as bad as I say, and perhaps you were wishing I would give you hope. San Diego is something of a military town. We used to visit 2 of my brothers (in the 1960s) when they were in the Marines at Camp Pendleton there, and there are also Naval and Air Bases around. We now live next to an Air Force Base, and that makes a difference.

    There is a blog called AmericanDigest.org. Gerard, it’s proprietor knows California really well. He recently lost everything in the Paradise fire, and moved to Chico (CA). I think you would enjoy his blog, and also, in the right sidebar, he has his email address. He is a generous hearted man when faced with good-will, with a remarkable background. I believe that if approached to give advice on CA, he would be perfect.

    I highly recommend him and his blog and his advice. And read about his past, everything from being prominently involved in the student movement at Berkeley in the 1960s to … well, I can’t do it justice.

    I hope I haven’t disappointed you. I’ve read too many history and philosophy books to be blind to what’s being destroyed right now, and I’m feeling grim and snarky tonight.

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