Home » Flynn case update: Sullivan’s corruption


Flynn case update: Sullivan’s corruption — 29 Comments

  1. I’m a bit surprised that ‘Judge’ Sullivan hasn’t pulled out the race card. I think it likely that it’s just a matter of time till he does. It’s his “hold card”, his “get out of jail card”.

    Which is where he actually now belongs.

  2. There is Democratic corruption behind this. Can’t prove it, but Trump DOJ and pro-Trump Flynn defense are on same side of the matter. Flynn was set up by Strzok and Comey. Obama has deniability, but he is as crooked as the crookedest Nigerian in Lagos.
    The only sensible construct, to me, is that Sullivan is being paid or being blackmailed with a metaphorical gun held to his head. His history as a judge is not as whacky as his present injudicious intransigence would suggest.

  3. Cicero:

    I just put up the short clip, but if you watch the whole video you can see that what you’re saying about pressure on Sullivan from Obama and company is something they’re saying, too.

  4. The last time things came to a head was the en banc review. There, against the expert’s expectations of a ruling based on – what? – jurisprudence, integrity? – the court supported Sullivan pretty much exclusively along party lines. This was interpreted as the court taking note of Sullivan’s tenure and being quietly deferential but sternly encouraging him to ‘do the right thing’ in a timely way.

    Well he hasn’t done much about that, has he? So I guess the next round will up the ante on the case and revert back to the same court lineup to see what it will decide about Sullivan. Betting on party lines to prevail again, this time – had it wrong, last time.

  5. Nothing here, as terrible as it is, is terribly surprising to anyone who has been following this.
    Let it all come out. Let the avalanche continue to sweep down.
    Obama and his ilk and his circle are shameless thugs in any case.
    They’ll try to brazen it out. Double down. Triple down. Quadruple down.
    And the Main Stream Corrupt Media—essentially co-conspirators—won’t report on it anyway (except to twist it in a way to trash Trump, his administration and his supporters, to finagle it against Trump, to finesse it against the actual truth of the matter), once again nothing new, as they’ve been doing this to Trump over four years now, even as they’ve been defending Obama for about 12.

    Keeping in mind that the Obama administration is “scandal-free” (sorry, that should be free of “major” scandals).

    So how much of American is left to burn down, smash and destroy, Michelle?
    (I guess we’ll have to wait to find out, eh?)

  6. In Latin America, it’s supposedly “silver or lead”–bribe or shot–to judges. The Spanish, which I dare not try to construct here, has a nice rhyme and scan, iirc.

    Judges have a particularly odd position. As somebody said, upon passing the Bar, “I’ve just sworn to uphold your every whim,” speaking to a SC justice.

    It takes a long time and a lot of effort–which is to say, money–to undo what a judge does. As it should, I suppose, but the point is that it makes judges quite powerful in the short and medium runs.

    The late Dennis Showalter in his book on Tannenberg–recommended–going over the incomprehensible gyrations necessary to get the First World War started, implied that one decision was the result of an obstructed bowel–which would put anyone out of sorts. I suppose it’s better to have to go to an appeals court to deal with an obstructed bowel than to have a world war. Point is…that very well could be the issue and if it is, what are you going to do about it?

    Sullivan may be under enormous pressure which, we hope, is restricted to silver–pension or not pension perhaps–but other issues as well could be in play. Some kind of blackmail…?

    Or if he screwed up early on, didn’t want to admit it and now has a sunk cost in various ways so great he has to keep on and can’t go back.

    As has been said, when this first came before him, Flynn looked as if he were going to get justice. Sullivan had been pretty harsh on the DoJ wrt Brady earlier, iirc.


  7. Neo,

    Did you see the Viva Frei clip with Barnes where they discussed the Rittenhouse case? Barnes seems to think that Rittenhouse is getting screwed by an attorney who is wasting the money raised for Rittenhouse for his own publicity but is doing nothing good for Rittenhouse.

    I think he made a good case for the attorney being incompetent and/or more focused on the spotlight.

  8. No doubt because we’re all trying to be our very breast.
    With apparently some success, that is, if the algorithm can be trusted.

    P.S. As far as I can tell, it only occurs in double names separated by a space. But if you’re not that thrilled by this positive intrusion, you can delete it in the “Name” field before you post.

  9. “…not the metaphor…”

    Hmmm. I was always under the impression that the best metaphors were the elusive—or at least ambiguous—ones.

    In any event, I was wondering if Donald Trump might be seen as somehow “swallowing” all the bilge that’s being thrown at him (by those who see themselves as bright, shining stars), digesting it all and becoming—somehow—empowered while encouraging and energizing his loyal and hopeful—if perhaps a bit concerned—supporters.

    To be sure, if such a metaphor were even possible, one no doubt might, on the side of prudence, wish to call the phenomenon a “hole of color” so as to try to avoid alienating (assuming this were possible) the already uber-alienated “resistance”, i.e., even more than they are currently. On the other hand, that last gesture would likely not even be recognized let alone appreciated; though maybe Pierre Delecto might view it with his typically loftier-than-thou mien—perhaps—as a sign that Trump is maturing as a politician?

  10. Imagine 12 justices of the supreme court whose concept of justice is that of a Sullivan.
    Sullivan is the archtype of the “justices” that Biden would pack the courts.with.

    Sullivan will stall or delay any decisions until after the election. If Trump loses, it’s all over for Flynn; he will spend many years in jail.
    The Obama/Sullivan/Holder thuggery will find ways to skirt the law to make sure Flynn get’s hanged.

  11. Richard A.: ‘plata o plomo’. Apparently tied fairly specifically to the Colombian situation with the narcos, as far as the origin and context; though I suppose it could be applied to certain Mexican scenarios as well.

  12. Presumably Flynn will be pardoned in the event that Trump loses the election.
    I wonder whether he has grounds for a civil case against his prior attorneys for malpractice, since they reportedly had a conflict of interest over their own FARA liability. If so, would a pardon impair that case?

  13. Democrats gave up all pretense of integrity a long time ago. Professor Richard Fernandez (at Belmont Club blog and on twitter as Wretchardthecat) has made the point that the Dems aren’t even trying to hide their corruption this election.

    Democrats have developed a mass movement of morally defective haters which seems to be an inevitable development in left-wing revolutions. Their unshakeable faith in their own moral purity allows them to attribute all manner of vile, vicious, hate-filled intent to any who oppose them. It allows them to justify their own corruption and criminality no matter how egregious.

    The Democrats have embraced and now celebrate Lenin’s definition of morality.

    When was the last instance of any shred of humility or wisdom that anyone can recall from a prominent Democrat/liberal public figure?

    Nasty, ignorant and morally retarded is no way to go through life.

  14. Fractal Rabbit:

    I sure wish I knew. I noticed the hyphened names starting just a couple of days ago. I hadn’t changed a thing, and I have no idea what precipitated it. And I have no idea how to eliminate those hyphens. I plan to investigate at some point soon, but I think it’s just some sort of glitch that crept into the template itself and not on my end. Sorry about it.

  15. No need to apologize Neo. I was just curious. At first I thought it was something I did. Then I saw it on the other user names too.

  16. Cicero/neo – I definitely agree Obama is behind this. It was a commenter here who noted the “bat signal” Obama sent when he made that insane video claiming Flynn got away with “perjury” when he had never even been charged with it.

    That’s why I slightly disagree with all the dumping on Sullivan. Of course he richly deserves it but he is no longer the prime mover if he ever was. Doesn’t really matter if he’s being “blackmailed” or is a willing participant. It is Obama’s role that needs to be exposed.

  17. Corruption, Inc., as the Democrats, the MSCM and the Info-Tech Companies slouch towards Stalinism:

    The Democrats and their insipid allies are spinning fast and furious.
    The hypocrisy is off the charts.
    The criminality is in clear view.
    The fear is palpable.
    The avalanche continues.

  18. Someone seems to have upset Rudy.

    Could it be something along the lines of “Look what that dirty rat de Blasio did to MY city!”? Probably not a whole lotta love for Cuomo either.

    (The odd thing is that Bloomberg seems unperturbed. Well, as long as Big Gulps are still banned, all is well, I guess.)

    For that matter, the Libyans are taking “lawfare” to the next level and running with it (wonder who gave them that idea….):

  19. Barry,

    They’ve also locked out some NY Post people’s accounts. And according to Ace of Spades, other people at the NY Post are being pressured to unfollow their own coworkers.

  20. Neo —

    The “+” is the url encoding for a space, e.g. “foo bar” => “http://something.com?name=foo+bar”. I see in the Name field that it’s supplied a + by default, so it was probably an update to your WordPress installation that’s somehow url encoding the name from the cookie. Let’s see if I take it out and post this comment if it continues to show up in the Name field.

    Okay, it did not. So everyone with a space in their username should just be able to take it out of the Name field once, post, and then not worry about it after.

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