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They say… — 46 Comments

  1. Makes sense, given his age and therefore risk category, rather than sending medical personnel into the residence at the White House several times a day to check him. Melania can probably be checked just daily and do fine.

  2. Keep them in your prayers. There seem to be enough taken over by evil who are praying for them to die. Evil times we are in. js

  3. I’m with Kate. I’m betting he sails through with no major issues.

    The Liberals are dancing, of course. Esp. the Maskitlers.

  4. I presume that if they are going to treat him aggressively with some of the newer therapies they would want him under close supervision.

    There is no doubt that the media and his enemies, but I repeat myself, will be hysterically gleeful.

    I guess there is no “normal” with this but I researched as much as possible because of my daughter, and granddaughter-in-law; and it seems that the crisis occurs in about 5-7 days after symptom on set, or between 10-12 days, depending on which scientist you believe. By that I mean that is about the time that you will go downhill and require hospitalization, if that is going to happen. Beyond that point, gradual improvement is likely. So, I will hope that a move this soon is in fact precautionary. That, like everything you read or hear in the media, is speculation.

    Some of the Doctors on TV have confirmed what we learned from family experience; and that is they just know so much more than they did early on. Not only about improved therapeutics, but how to effectively time them and in what combinations. One Doctor, who was advertised as very experienced with treatment (I forget which one), said he is 99% likely to recover fully, even with the age and weight issues.

  5. It is a very sad and frightening reality that Joe Biden, a lifetime political B-teamer who is sliding downhill on Life’s slope, is handling this situation better than so many others.


  6. I think that since this is a new treatment, the doctors and scientists would also like to be able to closely monitor responses to inform other users what to expect.
    As usual, CNN were criticizing all the info coming out of the WH. It’s as if they want to know when they will need their black dresses for the funeral. I really wish someone could find a way to sic Antifa on CNN headquarters.

  7. According to the president’s physicians, in addition to a monoclonal antibody infusion, which I can’t get at home, he is taking zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin. In my COIVD-19 drug stash I have exactly those items, plus quercetin.

  8. It is hysterically absurd that Pelosi and Schumer both say they are “praying” for Trump. They are both atheists. Perhaps they are praying to Satan, though.

    It is also absurd to think Melania will be fine, despite the better odds of her younger age. There can be no assurance that she will breeze through it; though the odds of that are high, they are not 100%.

  9. I don’t believe this is just a precautionary measure. I think there is very real concern in the White House that Trump’s symptoms are more than mild. I think the last place in the world that Trump wants to be right now is in a hospital and if there was anyway to avoid giving the appearance that he was sick he would do it. This seems eerily similar to Boris Johnson’s case. I have no particular medical knowledge and I hope I’m wrong but I’m worried.

  10. I have and will continue to pray for President Trump and his First Lady.

    I believe this move is simply precautionary. He’s the POTUS, the ‘Leader of the Free World’ as they used to say, I’m quite sure that all the stops that can be pulled out, are being pulled out. All the medical resources available are being readied.

    Even if President Trump were a 45 year old man in perfect health, he’s still too important to to treat this in a cavalier fashion. And so they aren’t. We’re already in plenty of trouble as a country (though I remain optimistic), I won’t borrow more of it.

  11. Should be fine.

    Trump is a bit of a porker these days, but he clearly has excellent genes which gives him a bit of a leg up. Lot of other people on his diet would have both legs amputated by now and be senile with an insulin resistant glycated up the wazoo brain.

    He’s a Beast. This being a major factor which drives the Progressive Mutants Wild 🙂

  12. This quote from CNN shows the sorry oppressive nature of the Deep State:

    “Current treatments for Covid-19 are limited. There are three that have received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA: the antiviral remdesivir, the steroid dexamethasone and convalescent plasma, which is donated by people who recovered from the coronavirus.

    “According to the FDA, an EUA allows “unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions” from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threat agents “when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.” ”

    An EUA requires an application to FDA, not generated and issued by a phone call! Note that FDA restricts “unapproved uses of approved medical products”.

    Who can say the government does not practice medicine? You cannot use X for an unapproved use without an EUA.

    Dexamethasone is a cheap, amazingly potent steroid used for many, many conditions; it has received the fabled EUA for COVID therapy, which is inherently bizarre. There are many steroids, several potent ones, but only one is FDA approved!
    Steroids are an essential part of any anti-immune therapy, and that includes the “cytokine storm” seen with COVID pneumonitis but also with other illnesses.

  13. Gregory Harper, I do not fault you for looking askance at any statement or action that originates from those in power, no matter who, where, or position in the hierarchy.

    I understand, however, that some of the newer, more aggressive, therapies can have side effects. The effects of others may not be known with a high degree of confidence. Since I assume that they will treat him aggressively, I am inclined to accept the explanation for now.

  14. I am very worried however it will be what it will be. Our nation always takes care of its President with the best of care because he belongs to all of us, not matter what folks think, he is out president. Having said that, this will either be something of a health battle for that old man, younger than I am, or he will be all right. I don’t need more than a daily update about his situation and that is almost too much.

    Meanwhile being older than Trump I plan to go shoot a competition pistol and rifle match in the morning so don’t count us out just because we are old folks.

    With all of the crap the establishment government has been giving him, for once since he was elected I think there are people dedicated, at Walter Reed, giving him their best to get him through this situation. That is all we need to know right now.

  15. I’ve prayed for them (the Trumps, Hope Hicks, Mike Lee, Thom Tillis) already and will do so again morning and evening until they’re all clear.

    I would be very surprised if Trump wasn’t…
    (a.) already hopped up on plenty of Vitamin D and Zinc supplements;
    (b.) receiving high-dose Vitamin D metabolite and UV on the skin;
    (c.) getting antibody treatment (actually that’s been already reported);
    (d.) getting the cholesterol meds (I forget which) that were shown also to help prevent COVID getting into the lungs.

    The Mainstream Media focuses so much on the increase of cases that we forget how the number of symptomatic cases is level or dropping and that the proportion of cases that are effectively treated to full recovery keeps increasing. We are way better at treating this stuff now than we were three months ago.

    I’m therefore optimistic for full recovery. Assuming they do all recover, the chief problem is how it impacts their various reelection races.

  16. I sincerely hope all works out. However my mind tends to run through a lot of possible scenarios. What if Trump dies before the election? Who does Biden run against, or does he win by default? Does Pence become the default candidate? The next 2 weeks just got a lot more complicated to me.

  17. What’s really annoying is that Betfair has suspended wagering on Next US President. Looks like the market went a bit nuts before they shut it down.

    For the record, I’d be shoveling money onto Trump right now if I could.

  18. @physicsguy: “What if Trump dies before the election? Who does Biden run against, or does he win by default?”

    If President Trump dies before the election, Vice President Mike Pence is sworn in as president. He then runs against Joe Biden (or Kamala Harris, depending), and wins in a landslide (as Lyndon Johnson did after being sworn in as president upon the assassination of President Kennedy).

    But I hope the president recovers quickly and completely.

  19. Every individual’s experience is 100% of his experience, and there can be no ultimate confidence about the outcome here. However, the president has access to the best treatments available, and we can have every hope that he will come through this in fine shape.

    I would be surprised if there were any other protocol than having him at Walter Reed, where his condition can be studied and monitored. I have friends who have had this and have come through well. Let’s be supportive of all who contract this disease, and pray for the president.

    Boris Johnson caught this early on. As noted above, there have been many advances since then. Rumors will fly around the media, but be not afraid.

  20. CNN kept talking last night about not using the medical facilities at the WH. Karl Rove described these and contrasted them with what is available at Walter Reed. The WH facilities are in a separate building.

  21. I love the idiot conspiracy theories.

    “I mean, honestly, do we know this is real? Do we know this isn’t some last ditch election ruse where he claims he’s cured himself with some obscure drug that his company coincidentally makes? That sounds ludicrous but ‘gestures at 2020],” tweeted attorney Ken White, who blogs and tweets under the name “Popehat.”

    I used to pay attention to White and Popehat, as they (then) seemed like rational liberals, but after he and/or his co-blogger censored a post about (then) North Carolina’s (new) gender laws, I stopped paying attention. Clearly, things have not gotten more stable since then. TDS seems to have taken deep root. :-/

    MSNBC’s Joy Reid suggests Trump is faking COVID diagnosis to ‘get out of the debates’

    Yes, because Trump has been desperate to avoid the debates from the beginning… Oh, wait…

    And besides that, this means Trump can’t campaign in the field, a place where he was trashing Biden… Oh, wait…

    Freaking imbeciles. How stupid do you have to be to listen to this trollop and actually believe she has a clue?

    A: Stupid enough to vote “Biden/Harris”, apparently.

  22. OMT: Why did CNN have Bob Woodward on to comment about this? We all know he is a medical expert and that he loves Trump.

  23. Trump, I am telling you this now, even if you try to die, We won’t let you.

    And by we, I mean the Divine Counsel and others across the Veil. We will just punt you back here, dude.

    You are blocked from being Abraham Lincoln. We already had Lincoln. We don’t need to see that ending again, it is boring.

  24. News this morning is that Trump is receiving Remdesivir. This is given by IV only in hospitals. It reportedly shortens the illness by several days. That’s one reason for Trump to be at Walter Reed. Another is that he’s in the presidential suite there, which has secure communications facilities designed for the president or senior military officials. It’s a SCIF, unlike, I assume, the residential quarters of the White House.

  25. R.C., I am also praying for Thom Tillis. This morning Raleigh’s major local news station, WRAL, reports that Cal Cunningham, his Dem opponent, has admitted to an adulterous affair with the wife of another veteran. We’ll see how that plays in NC these days. Cunningham is Schumer’s hand-picked candidate. There was a black woman in the Dem primary, with considerable state political experience, who is bitter about Schumer’s interference and funding in the primary.

  26. Given that he’s over 70, there is a small chance things could go south, and it would be best to monitor him in these early days for any subtle changes (heart arrhythmias, etc). I would guess that if there were no major findings over the weekend, he’ll be asking to get out and get on with campaigning virtually.

    That being said, the media complex is kicking things in overdrive to celebrate/discourage potential Trump supporters, even seemingly benign entities. I’ve somehow been getting a daily trivia question sent to my yahoo email for 20 years, and the most topical they have ever been is when they ask a holiday-specific question on that holiday, a celebrity question on the birthday of that celebrity, or an history-related question on the day of an event. But this morning the question was, “Who assumes the presidency if President Trump passes away and Vice President Pence is not able to perform his duties?”

  27. “Do we know this isn’t some last ditch election ruse where he claims he’s cured himself with some obscure drug that his company coincidentally makes?“

    Let’s break this down.

    1. Trump pretending to get COVID is an “election ruse.” Okay. Crazy but not gibberish. Trump is doing X (faking having the virus) to achieve Y (gaining some kind of campaign advantage).

    2. Trump is actually pretending to get COVID so he can fake being cured by a drug made by some company Trump owns. Without even getting into Trump secretly being part of Big Pharma, the sentence starts theorizing about a campaign tactic and ends speculating on a get-rich-quick scam.

    This isn’t any sort of rational thought. It’s magical thinking where any random negative behavior is assigned to Trump, who suddenly becomes not only some kind of diabolical genius but commands an extensive organization capable of executing his devilish plans.

    THIS IS NOT NORMAL. This isn’t even birtherism on steroids. This is a free-floating rejection of reality whenever it conflicts with #orangemanbad.


  28. Put yourself in the shoes of DJT’s doctor. Your patient wants to kick this virus as quickly as possible, After all, he’s got an election campaign in full swing, a debate to appear at in two weeks. Your patient is insisting on using any and all medicines that may shorten the illness. Yes, sir, but you’ll have to go in the hospital so we can monitor and administer the treatments. Your patient doesn’t want to do that, but if that’s what it takes to shorten the recovery process, he agrees. Sending POTUS to the hospital may create the appearance that the POTUS is in worse shape than he is. So, the “abundance of caution” phrase is parsed by the communications staff. Of course, the MSM will gleefully interpret it to mean that the POTUS is in gave danger, a situation they fervently hope is true. After all, they want him to die.

    I would not want to be Navy CDR, Dr. Sean Conley at this point. His first priority is to keep the POTUS alive and get him well from COVID-19. His patient is the leader of the Free World. His survival is a matter of utmost importance. But his patient is not willing to just get well, he wants to get well at “warp” speed. So now Dr. Conley is venturing into the area of experimental medicine to comply with his patient’s wishes. Prayers for the good doctor, POTUS, FLOTUS, and the nation as this drama unfolds.

  29. Mythyx:
    Thanks for the news of the ruling against the Michigan tyrannical government.
    It is disturbing the ruling was 4 v.3.
    “Today’s decision was handed down by a narrow majority of Republican justices who appear to be playing partisan politics with our lives,” [Democratic] party chairwoman Lavora Barnes said.” So the 3 votes against, by Dems, were not partisan???
    Michigan Dems are opposed to a “return to normal” in how lives are regulated.

    Dems never, ever play partisan politics, do they? Nah, of course not, the swine!

  30. Yes, the odds are strong that PDJT comes out of this just fine.
    Maybe wait 24 hours (or not) and it should be safe to start speculating on “what it means” to the election, etc.

  31. Obesity in the management of COVID pneumonitis is an issue when the abdominal fat is bulky enough to interfere with respiration, whether ventilator-assisted or not. It is particularly bad in the prone position, a better position for sputum drainage, where the resulting increased intraabdominal pressure seriously limits diaphragm movement, thus increases pulmonary hypoventilation, and yields what medicine calls “respiratory embarrassment”.

    Being overweight and being obese are two separate categories. Trump is a tall, large-bodied man. At 244 lb., he is no more than 40-50 lb +/- overweight, so he is not formally obese and does not have a BMI in excess of 30 (which is the formal definition of obesity). Not even close!

  32. Re: Obesity. Chris Christie has tested positive. He looks like he is at risk for a bad case.

  33. My brother passed away from Covid complications. He had underlying conditions when he was hospitalized. A-Fib that didn’t get treated for over a year, pneumonia from two years previously that never completely went away and at 6′-3″ tall, he weighed 400 pounds.

    He was being treated with remdisivir, steroids and the blood transfusion treatment. Also antibiotics for infection he got while in hospital. With his weight and preexisting conditions, it was probably a foregone conclusion that he wasn’t going to make it, although the hospital did the best they could.

  34. Mike:
    I reluctantly comment on your description of your brother: untreated a.f.? Why untreated? So he could throw an embolus to his brain and stroke out? Cardioversion is so straightforward. If it fails, anticoagulate! Leaving it untreated is either patient refusal or medical malpractice.

    Pneumonia that “never went away”= probable serious COPD, worsened by severe obesity, causing what we used to call “poor pulmonary toilet”, meaning an inability to get sputum up and out, leaving some airways blocked.

    What was listed as Cause of Death on the certificate? Complications of COVID? Probably not.
    Insufficiently declarative. but it’s a current journalistic trend.

    RBG was reported to have died of “complications” of pancreatic cancer metastatic to her liver, a vital organ obviously. Hollywood people die of “complications” all the time. Unless RBG died of a terminal pneumonia, the cause of death on her certificate would read “Carcinoma of Pancreas Metastatic to Liver.”
    People compiling vital statistics cannot use “Complications” as a cause of death, because it is useless. The leading causes of US deaths are heart disease, cancer, strokes.

  35. Condolences, Mike. It’s an abiding truth that viruses, SARS-CO-2 and others, take out people who are already fragile. A dear friend of mine, with Stage 4 lung cancer, got an opportunistic infection and died last summer.

  36. Further to my 8:32pm comment yesterday, which was very anti-FDA, is today’s news is that FDA had to grant approval for Trump to receive an anti-COVID antibody infusion.
    No one is above the FDA. No one.

  37. Mike – condolences on the loss of your brother.
    “the hospital did the best they could” – one DiL is a nurse (just graduated last year – seems like an eternity ago), and we have other nurse friends.
    They take patient care very personally.

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