Home » Denouncing white supremacy: Say it my way. And do it now. Again and again.


Denouncing white supremacy: Say it <i>my</i> way. And do it now. Again and again. — 28 Comments

  1. Time for Trump to turn the question around. Reporter: Do you condemn White Supremicism? Trump: Can you clarify what you mean by the term and give examples? Reporter: Blah Blah Blah. Example Proud Boys! Trump: I don’t know enough about the Proud Boys to determine whether they fit your definition, but I comdemn them anyway!

  2. Weak and cowardly Republicans continue to fall for this nonsense, seemingly unaware that they are caught in a trap set for them by leftists. It is a foolish game at which they can never win, yet, just hours ago, the truly moronic members of the House (371-18!) voted to condemn QAnon, a silly theory which (with one trivial exception) has done absolutely no harm, while over the last several months, violent Antifa/BLM thugs have looted, burned and murdered (causing billions in damage and ending many innocent lives). Have Biden and Harris (or the DNC) been asked, hysterically and repeatedly, to condemn the damage done to this country by Trump-hating mobs?

  3. One of the most amazing things encountered this (momentous) year for me has been watching neighbors earnestly and a little breathlessly typing out messages on the NextDoor social media app about how White Supremacists and Boogaloo Bois are primarily responsible for all the upheaval in Dem cities.

    As the MC5 would have said
    “Your mama and papa don’t know what the trouble is
    They can’t see what it’s all about.
    Don’t get your news from the newspaper!
    Just get out on the streets and check it out!”

    There are many people who watch XiNN, MSNBC, read NYT, WaPo, listen to NPR, BBC, subscribe to Economist and so and on. They universally consider themselves well informed. But they have no idea of the undercurrents.

  4. Diversity dogma (i.e. color judgments) under the Twilight faith; Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent (“=”) quasi-religion (“=”); and liberal (i.e. divergent) ideology of the Progressive (i.e. unqualified monotonic) Church, that denies individual dignity, denies individual conscience, normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination, not limited to racism (e.g. color prejudice, color supremacy), breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion

  5. My wife has been unable to comprehend why I could not stand John Roberts. I suppose he was formerly fairly subtle; although he did not fool me. It is becoming easier to comprehend my disdain now.

    One mystery for me is how these openly hostile “persons” keep their White House press credentials. I mean could they attack him anymore viciously if he canceled them all, and told their employers to either find some biased correspondents who had enough professionalism and discipline to at least disguise their bias, or forgo access to the President or WH staff?

  6. JimNorCal:

    XiNN very good, Winnie’s most trusted news source. CCPNN.

    Big Tech has to silence Tim Pool, can’t have any views that deviate from NewsSpeak ….

  7. Roberts, Baier and Stirewalt have been making noises for months to ingratiate themselves with the dems and their colleagues in the openly left media.

  8. As a PoC I at times want to have that mic in my face and ask the press why they’re so concerned about white supremacy and who tipped them to be concerned. Why now? Where was this deep concern when Obama was president?

    I also want to turn to the Intelligentsia and ask them how often do they venture outside their academic bubble and urban spaces to explore the non-urban and non-prog world of America. Vox doing a piece about some fringe white nationalist group in rural Idaho or Missouri doesn’t count.

    I am not worried about any white supremacist or nationalist, be it an individual or group.

  9. I have observed here previously, perhaps more than once, that blacks are becoming the new upper class, based on pigment not achievement, with us white Euro-Americans ranked below them. Remarkable, since they are only 13% of the population, less educated, less economically productive as measured by incomes.
    Well, I’m not ashamed of being white. I’m rather glad of my genetic inheritance from Europe, which goes beck to Sweden in the 1600s. That inheritance has done me no harm.

    I can point to a generally useful Euro-history (the many wars excepted) as the source of the now-fading Western Civilization, unlike Africans, who cannot point to much of anything in the pre-colonial era. And of course, African chiefs sold their own tribesmen into slavery, to the Arabs who came by.

    All this phony bellowing about white supremacy will push some into that very direction as a defensive response. Whiteness is no sin, regardless of how the white(!) Left seeks to make it such.

    As to Roberts, Baier, and Wallace, Fox News has shifted left, as have all major corporate CEOs. The prognosis for America is not good.

  10. Roberts should be disciplined by his employer, as should Wallace. They purport to be reporters, not opinion essayists.

  11. Along with Wallace’s unacceptable “white supremacy” question, I was very annoyed at his labeling critical race training as “racial sensitivity training.” CRT identifies white people as inherently evil, and subjects them to humiliation and bullying because of who they are.

  12. }}} WTF? He’s pushing a false narrative in the face of the actual facts.

    Welcome to the party, pal?


    }}} Have Biden and Harris (or the DNC) been asked, hysterically and repeatedly, to condemn the damage done to this country by Trump-hating mobs?

    Actually, this needs to be the response. Anytime someone asks for condemnation of white supremacists:

    “Abso-fuckin-lutely. What have you done to condemn the damage done to this country by Trump hating mobs and racist brownshirt thugs of the Left?”

    Then badger them for an answer, and shame them for the weasel-worded “no” it’s going to be. They won’t admit to shame, but you’ll have scored a dozen points on them, and they’ll know better than to raise that topic again.

  13. What’s the matter with white supremacy? I’ve been in several countries where white supremacy ended and the results weren’t good. I’ve been in the Congo, Rhodesia and South Africa. When I was in Rhodesia they had a national airline, a national railroad and a university. The country was prosperous. Under black supremacy, that’s all gone. In twenty years of black rule the country was bankrupted. However, everybody in Zimbabwe did become a trillionaire.

  14. A lie has believability when it supports what people who accept the lie want to believe and that is why it doesn’t matter how many times it is proven that Trump has condemned white supremacists.

    What this all comes down to is that the MSM is using freedom of the press to advance sedition, insurrection and treason.

    Until they are held personally accountable, nothing will change. That goes for academia and the democrat party as well. They’re not the least bit interested in effecting Constitutional change, only in using the Constitution as a bludgeon to destroy it.

    You can’t keep a Republic peaceful if half the people demand a socialist democracy and are willing to do or condone whatever it takes to achieve it.

    ” I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Abraham Lincoln.

  15. JimNorCal,

    They consider themselves well informed because the alternative is too disturbing to both their world view and their ego. A lie that purports to confirm their beliefs is far more comfortable than a truth that would if faced, force them out of their comfort zone.

    Old Flyer,

    “One mystery for me is how these openly hostile “persons” keep their White House press credentials.”

    No doubt there’s an abundance of like minded ‘persons’ waiting in the wings to replace them if needed. Kick say CNN out of WH briefings and they’re all likely to boycott the WH briefings. Then incessantly lie that it all proves that Trump wants to do away with “the freedom of the press”.


    Roberts and Wallace have the full approval of their bosses.

  16. Biden claims, lying, because he knows it’s a lie, that Trump hasn’t denied support for white supremacists:

    James Woods, tweeted a video that shows Trump condemning white supremacy multiple times since 2016, but even going back to 2000:

    Jim Acosta on Twitter, 10/1/20:
    Trump has finally condemned white supremacists… on Hannity.

    Reagan Battalion, citing Acosta himself:
    TO WIT:
    “Trump condemns KKK and white supremacists commenting on Charlotesville: ‘Racism is evil’.” – Jim Acosta on Twitter, 8/14/17 12:42p

  17. just hours ago, the truly moronic members of the House (371-18!) voted to condemn QAnon, a silly theory which (with one trivial exception) has done absolutely no harm, while over the last several months, violent Antifa/BLM thugs have looted, burned and murdered (causing billions in damage and ending many innocent lives).

    If it is so silly, why is the Leftist alliance declaring war against it and censoring it?

    Logic, people.

  18. Logic and Leftist in the same stream of thought. What is the problem here? This brain not so big as a planet after all.

    Oh, because QAnon is involved it must be true? Nope, that brain is not as big as a planet after all, if it cleaves to QAnon. The answers must be in the stars.

  19. It’s not a “knaves or fools” option any longer.

    The marxo-fascists with by-lines KNOW they’re lying.
    They have simply thrown in their lot with chaos and are just sure so sure that chaos will treat them reasonably when fully realized.
    They’d be happy with revolution because they believe it will all resolve in their favor.

    They’re in for an awfully big shock & rude awakening.

    What sorrow for those who say
    that evil is good and good is evil,
    that dark is light and light is dark,
    that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.
    What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes
    and think themselves so clever…just as fire licks up stubble
    and dry grass shrivels in the flame,
    so their roots will rot
    and their flowers wither. – Isaiah 5:20-24…selected

  20. I denounce diversitists of every color judgment.

    I reject the Rainbow that excludes black, brown, and takes gay pride in the shredded remains of white.

    I dismiss feminism and other chauvinistic ideologies.

    I do not kneel to mortal gods and goddesses in their own minds.

    Some, Select Black Lives Matter… No. Baby Lives Matter.

    #HateLovesAbortion #PrincipalsMatter #PrinciplesMatter

  21. Ray:
    I too was once in South Africa, long ago, on a medical mission, when it had about 2 million whites and circa 20 million blacks. The blacks were (and are) of different tribes that hated one another, still do. Members of more than one single tribe could not work in the gold and diamond mines, because if two tribes they would kill each other. So the mines had dormitory housing, and after some weeks all would be sent home, replaced by members of another tribe.
    This was part of the motive of SA’s creation of “homelands” for each of the various tribes.

    There was also the not unreasonable fear that the slaughter of whites as had occurred in Kenya by the Mau Mau movement could be replicated in SA.

    The condemnation of Apartheid arose in the USA, not in SA or black Africa. Mandela’s good motives died with him. It should be recalled that his wife was vicious, possibly a murderess.

    Where is SA today? Governed in a state of chronic corruption, with serious inflation, high unemployment and a declining currency. The SA constitution was recently amended to allow government seizure of white-owned farms without compensation, for small-parcel redistribution to blacks. Zimbabwe will be re-created, because agricultural productivity will decline as farming returns to hoe and shovel subsistence from large, mechanized, highly capitalized farms which are seized for redistribution..
    It should be remembered that in the 1960s economic growth in SA was exceeded only by Japan. That was under the “evil” whites!

    Another Rhodesia in the making. Ian Smith was not wrong! Egalitarianism never works out well.

  22. This drive to condemn Trump as a racist is driven by the known fact that he is making significant inroads in the Black and Hispanic communities. Some estimates of blacks supporting Trump go from 15-24%. This would be catastrophic for the Dems. The liberal Hispanic media claims that 66% of their viewers thought Trump won the debate. The liberal media (this includes Fox) needs to continue beating the drum that Trump hasn’t distanced himself from the KKK, Proud Boys etc to turn the blacks back towards the Democrat party.

  23. “It’s not a “knaves or fools” option any longer.
    The marxo-fascists with by-lines KNOW they’re lying.” – John Guilfoyle on October 3, 2020 at 3:02 am

    John Nolte agrees with you.

    We all know how Wallace double-teamed President Donald Trump during Tuesday’s debate. No reason to get into all of that again. We all know how Wallace only asked questions of former Vice President Joe Biden that would allow him to look moderate and questions of Trump filled with misinformation about the “Very Fine People Hoax” and the like — so what I’m talking about is what he said afterwards, the straight up lies he told afterwards about how what happened at the debate was Trump’s fault.

    This is what the liar Chris Wallace said on Thursday:

    “Here’s what happened. You know, we began the first segment on the Supreme Court. They each got their two minutes, and they both obeyed in that particular case. And then, Biden started to answer a question and the president started interrupting him,” Wallace said.

    “He bears the primary responsibility for what happened on Tuesday,” Wallace added.

    He is flat-out lying.

    He’s flat-out looking into the camera, looking Fox News viewers in the eye, and lying.

    The proof he’s lying is all right here. The video of the debate. The transcript of the debate. It’s all right here, and what you will see is that Chris Wallace is a liar.

    What you will see is that Joe Biden interrupted Trump six times before Trump interrupted Biden.

    What’s more — and this is important — Chris Wallace himself interrupted Trump THREE TIMES in the first few minutes of the debate.

    So not only is Chris Wallace lying when he says Trump started it, he is also lying when he lays the blame for what the debate devolved into on Trump. For it was Biden and Wallace who ran the debate off the rails, who set the tone, who interrupted Trump constantly before Trump interrupted anyone.

    As far as John Roberts… What a breathtaking liar he is. What a preening deceiver and manipulator he proved himself to be.

    During the briefing, Roberts demanded “a definitive and declarative statement, without ambiguity or deflection, as the person who speaks for the president, does the president denounce white supremacism, and groups that espouse it, in all their forms?”

    So McEnany fires off all these examples of the president doing exactly that, including yesterday when Trump told Roberts’ own reporter-wife, “In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.”

    Nevertheless, on and on it went like this, with Roberts denying the White House and Trump have denounced white supremacy. It was like a Monty Python sketch.

    This is a real transcript after McEnany read off all the times Trump denounced white supremacy, including the day before:

    And then, because he hadn’t told enough lies in the briefing room, Fox News brought him on the air to crybaby about how people shouldn’t get mad at him for lying.

    Roberts had a total crybully meltdown.

    Fox News is not your friend.

    Fox News is not your friend.

    Fox News is not your friend.


    It was Joe Biden and Chris Wallace who set the tone for the first presidential debate – who deliberately rode the debate off the rails – because it was Joe Biden and Chris Wallace who interrupted Trump a handful of times before the president decided, If that’s how you want to play the game, let’s play the game.

    You can watch the full debate below, and what you will see is a civil debate until Joe Biden and Chris Wallace decided it was okay to start interrupting the president.

    Watch for yourself. Take you just a few minutes.

    As you can see, it went like this…

    Trump answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

    Biden answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

    Then Trump started responding to Biden’s answer, and that’s when Wallace and Biden began cutting him off and interrupting…

    Here’s the transcript. This is after both candidates have answered the first question without interrupting each other. Now it is Trump’s turn for a rebuttal and this is exactly how it happened:

    And this is where — if you can believe it! — the moderator, Chris Wallace, jumped in to interrupt the president…

    Look closely at what Wallace does… Trump is making a point about how Democrats want to take away everyone’s private insurance, and Wallace not only jumps in to shut the president up, he then hands the discussion over to Biden.

    He does that again shortly afterward, but that’s as far as I watched the video.

    Anyone who watches the first ten minutes of last night’s debate, and again, it’s all right here, will see that Trump’s tone was respectful and patient right up until Biden and Wallace decided to interrupt and silence the president.

    So, are there any conservative TV pundits left besides Tucker Carlson?
    I only know what I read on the blogs – haven’t watched network media in 30 years or more.

  24. I wish more Republicans would say they are totally against the KKK, and against all Jim Crow discrimination laws, and other Democratic Party methods of discrimination. Explicitly reminding people of history – the Reps want to treat all Americans as individuals, the Dems want to treat people as members of groups. The Dems supported the KKK and all Jim Crow laws were Democratic Party laws — and Dems in CA today are trying to bring back legal discrimination.

    One of the truths that can hardly be spoken is that Affirmative Action is based on racial discrimination.

    I condemn it and all laws and policies which treat group members differently based on their group, rather than their individual character.

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