Home » Please watch this great WalkAway video


Please watch this great WalkAway video — 49 Comments

  1. Meanwhile, Judge Sullivan’s dives further down the rabbit hole in a public display of pure perversity (for the “just” cause of keeping Michael Flynn in legal limbo). One can smell the desperation of the man, a venal U.S. Justice who simply does not give a rat’s a** and doesn’t care who knows it:
    File under: “I gotta hold out until November, I gotta hold out until November, I gotta…”

  2. Yes, it’s a wonderful example of how you can change your mind if you are willing to accept the primacy of facts over ideology. As Artful pointed out here long ago regarding the Communists, never accepting the evidence is the necessary ingredient to keeping your belief system intact. David Mamet has said the same, you can only remain a liberal by ignoring facts.

    I watched this several days ago and was most impressed by the look on her face when she described her experience as an ER nurse and had to deal with miscarriages at twenty two weeks. It had to be very sobering to compare the reality with the sloganeering of “A Woman’s Right to Choose”. It had to raise the question of exactly what is a woman choosing with a late term abortion? It not exactly life affirming is it? In fact it shows a real contempt for life.

  3. Thank you for sharing that. I read your own “walk away” story only recently and I commend you both. The cognitive strength it takes to push past the lifetime of brainwashing is uncommon. It’s what makes the technique so darn effective. Even if you DO think differently, the Maoist tactics we now find ourselves experiencing make it increasingly costly to express those thoughts. This alone allows for the “controllers” to create an environment where everyone thinks they are the only ones who think that way. I hope she does not experience too much backlash for having the courage to post her story.

  4. Just watched, so far, the first 13 minutes; tough to listen to without blowing a fuse.
    Got me thinking.

    That lying, elitist POS, Barack Obama has enough influence whereby he can call up the wealthiest 500 folks in the USA (think Buffet, Gates, Bezos, Oprah, Koch Bros., the many hedge fund billionaires, et. al. ) and have them commit to each donating, say, $ 500 million (if your net worth is 5 billion $$$ or more, plus you get a tax deduction, this is not going to financially hurt these folks), to establish many many charter schools across the USA.
    He , Obama, could do this and these fabulously wealthy folks – most of whom are liberal progressive – would be happy to do this.
    Think of how this would benefit those forced to attending the worst schools on earth.

    Of course, Obama would never do this. After all, he was forced, kicking and screaming, to stop trying to end a scholarship program for promising black students in the DC school district while he was president. But that’s Ok; one of his kids is going to Harvard and the other to the U of Mich.

  5. Viewed the whole video, and it was an extremely impressive and revelatory story recounted by a very smart and articulate young woman.

    Pass it around, and perhaps it will change quite a few minds.

  6. Wow. This is absolutely fabulous. And I loved the look of pure happiness and joy on her face when she declared herself free and a conservative woman. But how can I send it to a DIL who would be very offended for being considered “brainwashed,” and who loves AOC.

  7. A person in the comments section at Jonathan Turley’s blog linked to the video a couple of days ago. I watched it all. Georgia is articulate and she seems to have really thought through her political change.

    But one thing that bothered me about the video is all of the subtle edits. So many cuts and splicing together is hard to pull off while making it seem seamless and spontaneous. It made me wonder if there’s more to it than what it appears. Talking into a camera for who knows how long (hours?) to get it edited down to 45 minutes, and all the time spent editing to get it to appear “seamless”.

    I hope I am wrong to be suspicious. I want this to be what it appears to be – a young woman honestly sharing why she has changed her political views.

  8. That was really good. I especially appreciated this insight of hers, after her teaching experience… “There is a certain type of person who makes fighting racism part of their identity. The problem with that is, if the existence of a problem is part of a person’s identity they become very threatened by the idea of that problem being resolved, and they may even engage in sabotaging behaviors. Frankly I think a lot of this woke ideology is a sabotage effort. That’s why you see some of these people desperately trying to expand the definition of racism so that there’s always going to be a sufficient amount of it, so they can continue wallowing in their heroic identity.”

  9. Neo:

    Watched the whole thing and it was fascinating.

    One thing she concluded is that the Dems are essentially nuts. Here’s a little Omaha story that confirms this.

    The county attorney in Omaha is Don Kleine. He’s a Dem. Probably 66-68. Alum of my Jesuit high school and Creighton Law. Stellar reputation. Fair guy. Race blind. He convicted the “Creighton” murderer. Long story and an extremely difficult case. Former Creighton Medicine resident killed four people included a little boy who was the son of two med school profs. I know his parents. Kleine is a hero to me.

    Flash forward to the George Floyd riots in Omaha. Black rioter attacks bar owner. Gets him in a headlock for 18 seconds. Bar owner tells him to get off. Shoots and kills the guy.

    There’s lots of video evidence. County attorney Kleine, his staff and the cops review the evidence. Kleine gives a press conference. DDB watches. Kleine says self-defense. No charges.

    DDB impressed and writes an OWH op-ed praising Kleine. He really got the facts and law of self-defense down cold.

    Bar owner is a former Marine and, according to Yelp reviews, a racist. Big uproar. Dems go nuts and protest outside Kleine’s house.

    Kleine decides to ask for a grand jury. Presiding judge agrees and appoints my former law school classmate and retired AUSA as special prosecutor. He’s black.

    Grand jury indicts bar owner for murder. A few days later, the bar owner commits suicide in OR the day before he was to turn himself in. Tucker Carlson discussed this case.

    Here’s my point. On Sunday, the Nebraska Dems pass a resolution stating that Democrat Don Kleine is a white supremacist! Kleine not happy. Says he might switch parties.

    The Dems are nuts.

  10. John Tyler

    Warren Buffett’s daughter Susie spends millions each year on the failing Omaha Public Schools.

    Her Sherwood Foundation employs more people than her dad does at his BRK HQ.

  11. Cornhead:

    I had heard about the case and the suicide, but not the details.

    Sounds like Kleine’s first mistake was to give in to the mob that was harassing him at his house. The mob senses weakness, and their own power.

    The left also has no hesitation to attack those on the left, or liberals, who are insufficiently leftist.

    The whole thing is so awful.

  12. Lord, she’s hard to watch. The whole Valley Girl rising intonations, hand gestures, eyes going all over the place, plus constant uhs, ums, likes, reallys and totallys.

    Yes, I’m being superficial, yes, she’s a brave soul following her convictions, but I’m going to have read the transcript on this one. She’s not 16 anymore and I’m pretty sure she’s smarter than her presentation.

    But if a Valley Girl can get it, there’s hope for everyone!

  13. Neo

    BLM motto: Liberals get the bullet too.

    Another point: Liberal Omaha lawyer Ryan Wilkins wrote extensively on Medium about this case. Claims he got over a million views on FB.

    Wilkins picketed Kleine’s house. He cried when the bar owner was indicted. But what set me off is that this former law review completely misstated the NE law of self-defense. The county attorney, of course, knew the law. DDB had to look it up, but at least I did!

  14. “She says she got to where she felt, “I need to think for myself, and I need it like I need oxygen.” It is sad, but there are a considerable number of people who evidently never felt this emotion.

  15. But huxley, she did successfully employ the phrase structure “by dint of…” So it’s not all bad. 🙂 And considering her youth, I thought she had those (what I think of as) “Millennialisms” reasonably under control for much of the time. She’s still in her twenties; these things can be hard to control. I hear it in my youthful coworkers all the time – drives me absolutely mad inside.

    Hi, Clay. To your point about all the snips and splices… I see this a lot in some people’s YT vids of themselves speaking for a length of time. It is curious, but maybe they’re just that nervous that they have to recompose or do multiple takes of some point that feels important to them. In this case, I thought Georgia had an additional reason for some of the cuts – I thought I heard some kind of knocking noise or something at certain moments while she was talking and thought it reasonable that she might have paused the video for a bit until the disturbance from the neighbors or the cat or whatever it was stopped.

    Also hello to Amy – I agree that that point from Georgia was very significant. It had never occurred to me to think of it in those terms, but it rings true.

  16. Philip Sells: You’re a better man than I!

    Of course, I’m happy to have Georgia on our side and I wish her well.

    Can you judge a man
    By the way he wears his hair?
    Can you read his mind
    By the clothes that he wears?
    Can you see a bad man
    By the pattern on his tie?

    Well then, Mister, you’re a better man than I
    Yeah, Mister, you’re a better man than I

    –The Yardbirds, “Mister, You’re a Better Man Than I” (1966)


    Love them Yardbirds. Didja know that Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck came out of that group? Phenomenal.

  17. I’d never actually listened to a Yardbirds song before, at least not consciously. That one is quite interesting.

  18. Impressive speaker for her own walkaway journey

    I had to rewind the clip a few times and listen to the specially noteworthy minutes 13:00 to 13:30.

    She might as well substitute all those gross woke American characters with the PLO, the refuge camps, the PLO’s condemnation of the UAE/Israel Abrahamic peace treaty et al…Peace comes, PLO is out of a job.

    In my Iranian youth, I fancied running away from home and joining the PLO commandos helping their “just” cause fighting against the Israeli occupation. A brainwashed knucklehead I was then. Thank God life, age , immersion in American culture, and maturity put kibosh on my naivete.

  19. Amy, glad you noted this valuable insight:
    “That’s why you see some of these people desperately trying to expand the definition of racism so that there’s always going to be a sufficient amount of it, so they can continue wallowing in their heroic identity.”

  20. Cornhead, a few days ago I looked at Ryan Wilkins political campaign page on Facebook where he had been talking about that case. It was clear he was deeply involved in getting the grand jury going after the former Marine . He made claims that the Marine was a neo Nazi type, partly based on his business logo, but then they say that about all of us. Maybe he was, maybe he was not. I saw on the FB page a lengthy back and forth debate between Wilkins and another supposed lawyer, who basically argued that the former Marine was racist but the facts of the case was self defense. I left Wilkins a couple of private message comments on FB after the Marine committed suicide , one of which may have not been my finest hour, but I was furious….he has not responded.

  21. I have watched many of the walkaway videos and as a conservative I can say that many of the former Democrat/Liberals can really present their case in a compelling way. There is one from a Gay man that talks about how hateful his liberal friends became when he switched and the acceptance from conservatives. All good stuff and uplifting to watch.

  22. Hi there, Rose. I’m excited to discover that you’re from Iran. I think that the first Iranian that I met – although I might be wrong about this – well, let’s say the first Iranian that I ever met whom I knew to be Iranian was a fellow foreign-exchange student at university in Germany.

    Well, anyway, I decided to follow your approach and go over the video again. It seemed to me that while normally I wouldn’t have invested the effort in a video of this length – forty-seven minutes or so is long for this kind of topic – the second listening is worthwhile because the number of points that Georgia raised, and their variety, do much to show the overall evolution of her thought. I think what you pointed out around 13 minutes is one highlight, but there are other interesting moments like that, such as when she mentions how Hillary’s “hot sauce” comment set her off. It’s funny how sometimes seemingly minor and idiosyncratic things will make a huge difference in one particular person’s perception. I find that interesting about Georgia that she picked that particular moment as being of significance.

    Noteworthy to me is also that Georgia is around the age at which I read The Great Gatsby for the first time.

  23. Thank you for recommending that Neo, I never watch the Walkaway testimonials, I prefer to read them, but that was wonderful and I will pass it on to anyone who asks me why I am voting for Trump.
    Because my change began 30 years ago but for all the same reasons as this lovely woman. I come from a teaching family and was familiar with the endless cycle of ‘reforms’ that never improved anything. All lip service and shibai*
    Then I saw my first on the ultra sound. That began the great ‘awakening’. I asked myself a similar question; ‘If they are lying about THAT, what else are they lying about?’
    And then the Soviet Union fell and the Democrats didn’t celebrate. Like it was a bad thing! I didn’t try to compartmentalize or rationalize that away, just took note. HRC put me off from the get go (I quit my job to stay home with my newborn and guess what? I make a mean chocolate chip cookie!) and I knew Slick Willie (so glad I can say I voted 3rd party instead!) for what he was – that guy us girls warn each other about. Still, it took me almost a decade to shake the programming – she’s right, it is that strong. The Dems very cleverly to present the issue as one of morality rather than results oriented policy and I think women are particularly susceptible to that framing. And an college education has us all thinking of ourselves as part of the bien pensant.
    But it was all there in my subconscious and when 9/11 happened it all came crashing down. In one second I went from ‘hating’ Bush to thanking God he was POTUS and not Al bore.
    I have heard it takes a significant emotional event (SEE) to effect real change so I give credit to this woman for being able to make the change without the impetus of a violent attack. Good for her.
    This video is very professionally done but is genuine nevertheless. I kept hearing ‘You Are So Beautiful’ playing in my head as I watched it! I also got the strangest sense of an invisible presence beside her – an angel on her shoulder, so to speak. She’s not about to preach but I get the feeling this has been a deeply spiritual experience for her.
    Now if she’d just ixnay the iray otequays!

  24. * Shibai. A Japanese word that in Hawaiian pidgin means; the ‘run around’, lies, or B.S.

  25. Huxley

    DDB = David D. Begley = Cornhead

    OWH = Omaha World-Herald

    NE = Nebraska

    AUSA = Assistant US Attorney

  26. Thank you, David (Cornhead). I knew what “NE” was, but like Huxley, I had no idea what the other three were.

    It’s a good idea for everyone that if you are going to use acronyms, you should spell it out the first time. As you can see, not everyone has the inside scoop and knows what you are talking about.

  27. Just great to see someone of a much younger generation deal with the cracks in her received world view, As an American, I experienced that narrowing of permissible ideas in Australian academia from 1975 onward. The moment of truth came to me in ’91 as I drove across Nebraska listening to the Senate Democrats do all they could to block the 91 Gulf War by claiming how virtuous they were for dumping the South Vietnamese in it. These wre not the Democrats that took on the Japs and Nazis and later under Truman took on the communists in Greece, the Ruskies with the Berlin Airlift, and Norks and the ChiComs in Korea. My Samsung fridge and my LG Washing machine are a direct legacy of Harry Truman. For someone my age, Trump is looks a lot more like Truman than a traditional Republican.

  28. Thank you for posting this. I watched the whole thing and was fascinated even though I don’t usually like videos. Yes, the cuts are distracting visually but most likely necessary to make the thing flow as well as it does — she is not really all that articulate, but that’s one of the things I like, it’s obviously from the heart. As huxley says, her language is dull and tedious much of the time. But she comes up with a few great lines — because she authentically cares enough, and sees the situation clearly enough, that she puts the important things well. She is not star material; sure, she is smarter than the average bear, and much prettier, but overall she is a normal person who sincerely wants to share a life-changing experience. I find that inspiring.

    I really like the way she described the psychological aspects of the gradual awakening; even when she agreed with conservatives she felt guilty about that and didn’t think there was anywhere she *really* fit, because of the conditioning. That’s the issue of deepest significance here, in my view, the extent to which people are being successfully conditioned to believe there is something wrong with thinking for oneself.

    I love the way her face changes as she recounts the journey; when she finally gets to the part of the story in which her mind truly awakens, her face wakes up too. Just lovely.

  29. What really resonated with me is when she was talking about her friends reactions to certain things. (Wish I could recall what exactly she was talking about). My own disillusionment with left probably started in 2000, maybe a bit before, but it really hit home when I saw the left’s (and my longtime liberal friends) reaction to Sarah Palin. People that I always viewed as feminists, or at least supporters of women, joined in the online mob to attack her. I know that Palin wasn’t the most polished or smartest woman, but she deserved way better treatment than she got. I think that was the point of no return for me. And then with the way that Trump was treated after he got the nomination (and I don’t really like Trump) and subsequently the presidency, I have vowed to myself that I will never vote for a Democrat again. It does seem that people, like Georgia and Keri Smith (from Unsafe Space) and others are catching on, I just worry that it will take too long.

  30. “…catching on…”

    It’s very simple: The Democrats have shown indisputably over the past 12 years that they should be kept as far away from positions of power as possible.

    Every day, they further demonstrate this; yet in their Looking-Glass world, they seem very much to pride themselves on it.

    I suppose one should thank them for clarifying the threat they proudly pose.

  31. Thanks Neo for this beautiful story. It was inspirational.

    Some of us have Democrats in our families that we love, so we have to hide parts of our intellectual adventures. Oh well, a good spouse, dentist and auto mechanic should be immune from political criticism.

  32. Her video was excellent and well worth the time to watch it all. It was a bright spot that I needed after the “debate” last night.

    I wish I could be more optimistic but the mainstream media, the unions (especially federal workers and teachers), Hollywood and the deep state are just too powerful to permit more than a very few people like her to wake up.

    I’m not by nature a pessimist, but I’m having a hard time not sinking into pessimism as the election approaches and the attacks get more frantic.

  33. I have watched 3-5 minute of every “walk away” video that you have posted. I watched all 46+ minutes of this one. She explains how I feel and felt and my reasons for changing from a D voter to an R voter better than I or any one else ever could.

    I especially relate to her continuing to justify irrational ideas because of her brainwashing.

    Mine strong hold on a nonsensical idea was that if the US unilaterally disarmed (no nukes) eventually so would our enemies. My rational brain would say, “Humans, by nature, would take advantage of us.” Then I would quickly silence my rational brain and tell it, “Shut up. If we just keep trying it will work.”

    As one of my favorite bloggers likes to say: the mind is a difficult thing to change.

  34. This is a very good ‘walk away’ video. Like Doug, I typically only watch a few minutes of such videos; I watched this in its entirety (albeit, staggered over a couple hours) yesterday and then re-watched a good portion of it today.

    First, the criticisms. As others have pointed out, Georgia does rely on filler words (‘like’, ‘you know’, ‘um’, etc.) a great deal, and it can be a bit distracting. In addition, it does appear to be heavily edited. But I think both of these features are indicative of a largely extemporaneous monologue, truly from the heart. It was either unscripted or, at most, Georgia relied on a skeleton outline. Few people can give a lengthy unscripted monologue, particularly on matters so personal, without relying on a great deal of filler language. My guess is the edits mostly are to take out additional filler and some repetition as well.

    In any case, content trumps form in videos such as this, and Georgia’s content is substantial.

    I think Georgia’s most powerful moment comes near the end, when she explained after late 2018 she started to concede conservatives had some good ideas, but was still wary of them because they must have come to those ideas for the wrong (read: nefarious) reasons. I think this attitude is very, very common among many Democrats and liberals (not leftists who reflexively view the very existence of conservatives as pure evil). In many ways, it is a defense mechanism: when you feel you’re own positions are threatened you’re likely to go after the character of your opponents.

    It cannot be overstated: for moderate and liberal Democrats (again, not leftists) image and appearance is a huge component of keeping them from walking away. While the leadership and activist contingent of the Democrat party has largely gone full “Woke” and full SJW, many, many ordinary Democrats have certainly not and have been in a state of cognitive dissonance for sometime. The MSM-Entertainment-Academia complex is aware of this and has been very diligent and artful in responding. While it comes dressed up in many packages (some heavily jargon-laced) it basically boils down to:

    1. Trump is a Nazi.
    2. Trump supporters are Nazis
    3. If you disagree with anything we say, you are a Trump supporter and, therefore, Nazi.
    4. In addition, staying quiet is unacceptable (“silence is violence” after all). You must proclaim your allegiance to everything we deem vital, or you will be deemed a Trump supporter and, thus, a Nazi.
    5. If you choose to be a Nazi, be wary. We encourage others to expose Nazis

    We on the right can scoff and eye-roll at the utter asininity of the above. But it has a profound effect on many moderate and liberal Democrats. It makes ‘walking away’ very perilous and dicey.

  35. I haven’t watched yet but will tonight after work. Since many of you said things like, “I watched all 46 minutes,” I wanted to mention that Youtube videos can be sped up using the tool icon. You can watch up to 2X speed, which is handy for someone who doesn’t much like to watch video and would rather read a transcript!

    I usually watch at 1.25 to 1.5 speed, depending on how fast the person talks normally.

    Maybe it’s something I can send to my liberal English professor son!

  36. I’m pretty sensitive to Valley Girl Speak, and it grates so badly on me that I cannot listen to anyone who talks like that.

    However this woman, Georgia, although she employs some of the mannerisms or gestures, does not consistently end her sentences on the uptick, nor squeal, nor sound quizzical whenever she utters a declarative sentence in the indicative mood. So … not so bad compared to much of what we are forced to listen to.

    Second, regarding the edits. I’m fine with them, as it condenses her delivery. Who needs to watch her groping for a word or marshaling her next thoughts?

    Of all the obnoxious talking styles out there, among the worst is the rambling “I gotta say …” ex-sports commentator idiocy exemplified by Sean Hannity: a man who could not follow a straight line to a point if you held his goddamned nose to it.

  37. My beloved daughter, a new college student, has gone pretty far in on the woke thing… I am happy (enough) to have her engaged in American political life, but I constantly challenge her on “facts” that aren’t. Last night we were arguing on the phone about the debate, specifically the claim that Trump “refused to denounce white supremacy.” I had my ducks in a row; she didn’t, but was, rather, relying on what people had told her. I told her several times to go look at the transcript, I laid out what Trump actually said at Charlottesville, and now I just have to hope that someday she will actually do either thing.

    She was shocked,a week or so ago, to hear that I am a Trump supporter, not just a Republican doomed to vote for him. Last night for the first time I began to lay out exactly why, since her position was, “I can’t vote for anyone who calls someone’s dead son a ‘loser.'” (Now, I need to go to the transcript on that, because while we intended to watch the debate, we were instead wrangling the interactions between our dog and the dog we’re dog-sitting throughout almost all of it, so I don’t know which Biden Trump was referring to – though I wouldn’t put it past him to say something like that about Beau, sadly.) But in any case, I told my daughter, “I don’t condone that kind of statement by anyone. I deplore the tone of public discourse these days. But the stakes are so much higher than whether the President is rude or uncouth – I’ll vote for Trump because, even setting aside the things he’s done as president that I actively approve of, what I see coming from the Democrats, what they’re saying they will do as well as what they’re actually doing in places where they already have full control, is so dreadful. Not just for the economy, although that’s huge, but for the nation’s spirit.” I talked about Biden’s statement that if Trump is reelected, riots will continue and grow, and that I see no other way to interpret that statement except as blackmail (“we can control the riots and will make them worse if you don’t vote for me”) or as pandering (“if I am elected, I’ll give them what they want, and you watch, they’ll go away”). She said, “Or, it means he has a better plan for dealing with them than Trump.” My answer: “That’s the pandering I’m talking about. Biden has said that his ‘better plan’ is ‘bringing them’ – the rioters – ‘to the table.’ Negotiating with terrorists, in other words. Does that sound like a good idea? Because to me it sounds both terrible and profoundly un-American.”

    Of course she laughed at me and said I was being dramatic and said life just isn’t that serious. I (commendably, for me!) didn’t come back with, “Thanks for the advice, 18-year-old who has never yet paid rent or taxes and who has lived a life of ease.” I love my girl – but her dad and I are just gritting our teeth through this fall with her.

  38. To Huxley and others who were annoyed by this young woman’s speech mannerisms — I, too, noticed all the likes and ums and you knows. They didn’t bother me as much as they bothered some of you. Maybe that’s because my adult children are somewhere in the neighborhood of what must be her age, with the career history she described. Plus, I used to teach teenagers who were probably around the age that she was then, and I’m still friendly with some of my former students. I hear these patterns in the speech of my students and my children’s friends — if not so much, fortunately, in their own — and I’m used to listening past them.

    But the important thing is that this woman’s target audience is people of her own age and younger. She is speaking the language of her generation, and that’s the right one for her to speak, if she’s going to be understood and trusted by other young people who grew up in circumstances like hers.

    I thought, actually, that the unselfconsciousness of her speech added to her sincerity and credibility. More important, her courage is downright admirable. She’s at a stage in life where her reputation, career and future could be destroyed for life by doing something like this. She did it anyway, and she did it joyously.

    I never watch videos that are this long. I’m a fast reader, I love the written word and I don’t have the patience for the much slower pace of a talking head on video or podcast. But I watched every word of this one, and rewound some of it to listen again. I hope others do, too, and I wish the best for this brave, thoughtful young soul.

  39. Of course she laughed at me and said I was being dramatic and said life just isn’t that serious. I (commendably, for me!) didn’t come back with, “Thanks for the advice, 18-year-old who has never yet paid rent or taxes and who has lived a life of ease.” I love my girl – but her dad and I are just gritting our teeth through this fall with her.”

    You probably should have said it. It might have shocked and even hurt her, and it might have cost you, but it would have been the truth, and perhaps caused her to rethink her sense of entitlement.

    But, yes I know, kids at that age tend to believe, (and have been told by their state paid minders ) that the world exists for their benefit and that they are the people who really count. Because the future is us!.

    Others, whether they formulate the thought coherently or not, exist to either serve them or to further their enlightened sensibilitites. Sensibilites, as you point out, ” untainted” by mercenary and grubby considerations related to survival as a free and independent being in a material world.

    It’s easy to believe this until you finally have to feed yourself by offering a product or service to others who are not coerced into buying.

    And of course, it is to avoid ever being exposed to just that kind of judgment and cold-eyed appraisal that so many people in every socoety devote so much desperate, if not fully self-aware, effort. Some, will commit suicide, or be willing to turn society into a homicidal termite heap, in order to avoid ever doing so..

  40. It would be a good experiment to edit the video to remove all the “likes” and play it back to this young woman, who generally expresses herself well with a well-chosen vocabulary. She would immediately see how much better her ideas come across. And she’s just amazingly pretty, isn’t she? Except for the tragic hair.

  41. Texan99:

    She is very pretty indeed. But as far as the “likes” go, some people who say that a lot find it quite difficult to eliminate, because it’s not necessarily used consciously. For them it’s more of a filler word such as “um,” used while thinking of how to express themselves.

  42. Jamie:

    Remember the phrase “the school of hard knocks”? I wonder if young people today ever hear it, or know what it means.

  43. Jamie:

    One more thing – I believe (without checking the transcript at the moment) that your daughter was probably referring to the Atlantic hit piece on Trump that said that several unnamed sources said Trump had called troops “losers.” Far more people who had been at that meeting – including Bolton, who hates Trump – said Trump never said any such thing. Biden’s son Hunter, the corrupt one, is very much alive, but Biden’s son Beau, who is reported as having been a good person, died of a brain tumor a few years ago. Beau was a veteran. And so Joe Biden, during the debate, said that Trump called his dead son a “loser.” Using pathos to attack Trump on a lie told about Trump.

  44. I just guessing, of course, but the edits may have been to specifically remove the “modern” speech mannerisms that some find offensive, as well as to cut out neighborhood noise/distractions. She was not in a soundproofed studio and wasn’t reading a script. I think that she just “let it rip” and then cut out the pauses and the fumbling for words. That was kind of her and not offensive to me. Probably better than you’d get over coffee and cookies. And the sound was pretty good. Hard walls, ceiling, etc are fine for converting speech to garbled noise. But I agree that text is the way to go for most presentations.

    The presidential “debate” was theater. Slo-Joe tried to run a scripted set piece, President Trump went in to disrupt the staged presentation. Since he was responding to challenges, he apparently went in “cold” showing responsiveness and mental agility. I’d want Presidernt Trump facing off the challenges to the U.S. instead of Biden who’d be waiting for the committee to tell him what to do. The President sees the details of the game which is how the Israeli/Arab, Serbia/Kosovo deals were made. He avoided the Iran/IRGC war trap and waited to answer with the hit on General Soleimani which helped with the conflicts in Iraq and Syria. The air show at Dier ez Zor (variously spelled), Syria was prime gamesmanship without a hostile word being spoken. The “debate” just allowed him to show his style.

    There never was going to be a “debate”. The President may have missed a few snappy returns, but Obama left his pen for Executive Orders and Trump hired Kayleigh to handle the details with the “media”. I liked the show.

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