Home » Kim Klacik goes for another walk


Kim Klacik goes for another walk — 24 Comments

  1. Perhaps Klacik is more important for her ads reaching some blacks all over the country and making them go, “Hmm…”

    Biden’s greatest weakness may be the black and Hispanic minority votes.

  2. I have been trying to figure out for a while why so many big US cities have turned into Democrat one-party states. Did the Republicans just give up on them? Do the Democrats have some kind of special magic sauce? Is everyone just really stoned? Anyway, I’m with Kim Klacik all the way and wish I could vote for her. Twice.

  3. It will be a tough climb for Klacik. There is a gal in California, Elizabeth Heng, who ran against Rep. Costa (D) 2 years ago. She is also smart, articulate-she had some great ads, one very similar to KK’s first one. Her race was closer as the California’s Central Valley is way more red than Baltimore. But she still lost.

  4. huxley,

    I was just thinking the same thing. I think her chances are pretty grim but she may serve a better purpose just getting the word out that black people haven’t gotten crap for loyally sticking to the Democrat plantation.

    Its too bad her chances aren’t good because Baltimore is a sh!#hole and needs a whole army of Kim Klaciks.

    We were visiting Johns Hopkins regularly for a while a few years back due to my wife’s illness. As we all know, the hospital is a pretty serious place with a well-deserved reputation. People come from all over the world to be seen by the various specialists there. When speaking to the people on the phone before going, Johns Hopkins has a couple of hotels they use close-by. All those hotels have serious security. All off-duty police paid by Johns Hopkins, not the hotels, though the hotels don’t mind. They have obvious security (officers in armor with firearms). They have less obvious security as well. When we checked in at 6pm on a Thursday night I counted no less than six of the obvious security guards patrolling the hotel.

    The hospital has a shuttle from the hospital to the hotels. They don’t recommend driving. The shuttle drivers were also all armed off-duty police. And the neighborhoods we drove through were like something from a post-apocalyptic science fiction film. There were burned out cars left in the middle of the roads. Blocks and blocks of boarded up and vandalized housing and businesses.

    It was certainly an education for us.

  5. Tina:

    I would suspect ballot harvesting in CA may have played a role in her loss. CA where third world politics meets Silicon Valley? With enough time leftists turn everything into *hit.

  6. “I have been trying to figure out for a while why so many big US cities have turned into Democrat one-party states. Did the Republicans just give up on them? Do the Democrats have some kind of special magic sauce? Is everyone just really stoned?”

    Demographic slide and the effect of nepotism in generations of affirmative action government jobs.

    It’s the “bad money drives out good money” effect in local politics and the prizes of those politics.

    It’s also tribal.

  7. Think Chicago. Decades of leftist corruption produce squalor, rampant crime, and hopelessness. It is the nature of the scorpion and voters are the frog.

  8. no men in her ad…. guess they dont matter… and are not part of the solution…

  9. @Artful Dodger

    Funny thing is that the Black Matriarchy aren’t going to vote for her whatever she says. They’ll be too jealous of her relatively good looks.

    The archetypal Black Church Lady goes all in for the Son She Wished She Had Had — i.e. Obama types.

    You’re right of course re the Women Thing. But I’ve irritated enough people already before my second coffee of the day so will refrain from further comment.

  10. She’s young, smart, and strong enough to keep fighting until she pries that district from cold, dead, dem fingers.
    Next ad will probably include men. Despite what people say, I think having men follow a woman is still a difficult image.
    She can’t win if she doesn’t try and she’s giving it a good shot.

  11. Artfldgr,

    I think she’s appealing to women in the ad because, sadly, in black communities like Baltimore, the men have checked out, for lack of a better term, far, far more than the women.

    Black women in those communities are doing the lion’s share of the work. They’re the ones raising the kids. They’re the ones holding down jobs, often multiple jobs. And the boys juts follow their fathers: out the door to the next baby momma. I think she’s just directing her money at the people she needs to vote for her.

  12. Denizens of U.S. black communities have become addicted to their own pathologies.

    Welfare checks, food stamps, fatherless households, feral adolescents on the prowl, street drugs and hip-hop, illiteracy…,

    Kim Klacik represents the opposite of all that. She’s got a steep uphill climb to get elected.

  13. The archetypal Black Church Lady goes all in for the Son She Wished She Had Had — i.e. Obama types.

    You mean by sleeping with a a white man?

  14. Fractal, that makes perfect sense. Thinking back to the one time I served as a pollwatcher downtown, in a majority-minority precinct, I do believe – and granted that this is a memory from a number of years ago – that of the various black voters that I saw come through, most were not necessarily women – I don’t quite trust my memory on this well enough to say that with certainty – but I am pretty sure that, of the black men who came to vote, most were elderly or at least relatively older.

    I think that, when people generally think of “black communities,” they almost always have the inner-city urban ghetto type of scenario in mind. The depth of poverty and pathology can vary – for example, Glens Falls, Schenectady, or the South End of Albany are mild compared to Philly – but it is interesting that this is what we generally think of under this category.
    Yet we know that the black middle class is increasing in strength over time. My feeling is that as blacks attain to the middle or upper classes, because they move to different places and generally out of the inner city, the consciousness of a black middle-class ‘community’ tends to dissolve. At least this seems to be so in the eyes of the majority. I guess my question is whether there is at this stage a meaningful election “market” for the black middle-class vote as a category. I don’t know what the population and economic stats are, so don’t know if there’s the critical mass to have such a thing yet.
    (Above written before I actually stopped and watched the ad. Geoffrey is right, it was quite something, better than some movie trailers I’ve seen lately. Have never seen a South Asian lady on crutches in political campaign material before; one of many unique touches. Hope that ad didn’t cost her an arm and a leg, though who knows… maybe worth it even if it did?)
    I went back to watch it all the way through so I could grapple with what Art and Browninhawaii touched upon together with Fractal. My feeling is that Klacik was targeting this ad pretty specifically to the female side of the community, as Fractal indeed pointed out. It makes me wonder if she might have something similar lined up for the next couple of weeks highlighting issues of greater impact with the men.

  15. Zaphod said: “Funny thing is that the Black Matriarchy aren’t going to vote for her whatever she says. They’ll be too jealous of her relatively good looks.

    The archetypal Black Church Lady goes all in for the Son She Wished She Had Had — “

    That is sadly and pathetically true in quite a few ways. The despair is the outcome of a system of processes, with many that are partly controlled by the choices of the despairing. One hopes this cycle they rise above and place hope & optimism first.

    This is the first election cycle I have seen where so many sharp, smart, educated and public-spirited black candidates are coming forward in good numbers, pointing out the flaws, challenging the status-quo, and putting forward their ideas and energy. Liberal or Conservative, who cares? What’s needed is change to the decades-old status quo. There are too many doddering old fools in Congress, paranoid about their grip on power. Fresh blood is needed.

  16. Fractal – I am not. I’ve lived in NY for half my life now, however. I’m Upper Midwest originally.

  17. “What’s needed is change to the decades-old status quo. There are too many doddering old fools in Congress, paranoid about their grip on power. Fresh blood is needed.” – Aggie

    Could not agree more.
    Both parties are happy to keep people around if they are useful to the “cause” –
    Of the 10 oldest people in Congress, there are 5 of each party.

    That’s why I am enthused about all the Young Republicans now in Congress (and yes, at my age, even Ted Cruz is young–).
    Of course, the Democrats are moving that way also, with The Squad mostly.

    See what they are pushing now about Feinstein (age 87) – same for all the rest of the old fossils is in the works.


    I make an exception for Apex Predator Mitch (78, practically young in that company!) while he is getting conservative judges confirmed.

  18. ArtfldgrUselessNothing on September 22, 2020 at 9:28 pm said:
    no men in her ad…. guess they dont matter… and are not part of the solution…
    * * *

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