Home » Trump tackles the anti-American anti-history anti-truth indoctrination in our schools


Trump tackles the anti-American anti-history anti-truth indoctrination in our schools — 21 Comments

  1. Manchester, in his preface and suffix to “The Arms of Krupp” says about the same thing, in terms of the aryan crouching in the bushes with his spear.
    And some people think the Versailles Treaty caused WW II.

  2. Written before the revolution(s) of 1848, post-Napoleon, pre-Marx, pre-Bismarck and the unification of Germany. A unified Germany, what a pox on Europe that turned out to be?

  3. It is very interesting that Trump should be making this push now, with this order coupled with the one about stopping “anti-racism” “training” in the departmental organs the other day. I suppose, Neo, that you’re correct about it being a somewhat delayed reaction (hopefully not too late) made possible by the self-revelation of the CRT activists – I like to think it is a movement of God to cause them to reveal themselves prematurely, but we’ll see – I’m not a prophet. But I hope it’s not just a sort of maneuver to shore up his base. I tend to think it isn’t, but if he should end up losing the election, then these efforts to dial back the madness will necessarily go up in smoke.

    Of course, since we are dealing with a German writer, I, as is my wont, went and sniffed out the original citation. That essay ends with a cautionary moral (my translation impromptu):

    Since you [Frenchmen] are born Classicists, despite your current Romantic fascination, you are well acquainted with Mount Olympus. There, among the nude gods and goddesses cavorting with their nectar and ambrosia, you will observe one goddess who, though surrounded by such joy and amusement, nevertheless is ever armored and bears helm on head and spear in hand. That is the goddess of wisdom.

    I wonder if it would be well for those of Trump’s people who will be running this new educational effort to coordinate with the already existing 1776 Unites project, for example.

  4. Meanwhile, at Princeton, the truly egregious Eisgruber seems to be hoist with his own petard. By threatening an investigation, Betsy DeVos is calling the bluff of this spineless administrator whose only function seems to be caving to radical demands and engaging in mindless virtue-signaling.

  5. neo states, “Of course, four years ago the results of the ongoing leftist miseducation of America and its youth hadn’t reached the obvious fever pitch they have today, although leftist educators had nevertheless been doing their work of indoctrinating in leftist wokeness and the “anti-racist” form of racism for many years.

    The latest; “BLM Takes Over California Schools”
    Pledge to BLM or fail!

    Yes, in the near future, to graduate from a California public high school… pledging to the left will be required to secure a high school diploma.

  6. Yes, Alinsky them and hold them to their own ‘standards’. If systematic racism is the norm, then every College and University is in violation of multiple Constitutional provisions.

    So too with every media outlet and major corporation.

    So too with every major professional team sport. Equal opportunity means that only 13.4% of a team can be black. 13.4% of coaches can be black. Let them have what they wish for, “good and hard”.

  7. Diversity refers to individuals or it’s class-based bigotry, an insidious, progressive condition. The one exception is the male and female sexes equal in rights and complementary in Nature.

  8. Philip Sells:

    Thanks for the translation.

    Heine moved to France in 1831 at around 34 years of age and lived there till his death at 56. So when he wrote that, he actually lived in France and had lived there for many years. He was indeed German and wrote in German (as far as I know), but he spoke French fluently. He had left Germany because of censorship and anti-Semitism.

    This is interesting:

    One theme is said to define Heine’s work: his ambivalent relationship to Germany, his homeland. Comparing Heine’s correspondence clearly brings his inner conflict to light: “The German language breaks my ears. My own poems disgust me sometimes, when I see that they’re written in German,” he wrote to a friend in 1822, while later in his epic poem “A Winter Tale” he would write:

    “And hearing the German language I felt strange beyond all measure;

    It was as if my heart began

    To bleed away with pleasure….”

    That’s obviously not a literal translation, because of the rhyme.

  9. “I wonder if it would be well for those of Trump’s people who will be running this new educational effort to coordinate with the already existing 1776 Unites project, for example.” – Philip

    My first thought, reading the announcement last night, was, “Trump must have been talking to the 1776 Unites people.”
    He has made a lot of allies in the black religious establishment, as well as with the historically black universities.

    (IF we can keep Betsy DeVos 4 more years, we might chip away at the Gramscian Education Complex!)

    I don’t think the pollsters are tapping into the full anti-BLM, anti-Antifa community.

    Regarding the timing, it’s a tricky political art. You can’t introduce a program that nobody yet thinks is needed, which is why things have to get really bad sometimes before you can get enough people pushing the bandwagon to turn it around. Case in point: Churchill in the lead-up to WWII.
    I think President Trump is very good at seeing where the new crowds are going and jumping out in front of them, especially when he is already marching that direction.

    In re the passing of Justice Ginsburg: that just upped the ante for the election!
    We know Trump’s proposed pool of replacements; Biden (or Harris) will now have to come up with a Democrat slate.

    “I like to think it is a movement of God to cause them to reveal themselves prematurely” – Philip

  10. Erm, well, Trump saying he’s going to sign an executive order about something he’s seen in the news, I’m not sure it means much.

    The people who have to carry out that order are not elected and can’t be fired, and are the ones bringing things like the 1619 project into the schools and the workplace in the first place…

  11. BTW, put this in the folder marked”with friends like these….”


    In the abstract, his point is that kids need a balanced presentation of American history – the bad and the good.
    Which is true, although I don’t think he made sufficient allowance for starting with the Good while they are young, and introducing the Bad when they are old enough to actually understand the complexities of life and history.

    However, when the house is burning down, you don’t argue about how the it should have been built, you just get the hoses running.

  12. Geofrey made a comment elsewhere that is relevant.

    If the Left manages to steal the election then IMO Civil War will be unavoidable because our choice will then be either ‘living’ under 1984 or fighting to reestablish 1776.

    I hope we can re-establish 1776 without the War, if possible.
    It will never be done without some kind of fighting, legal and political.

  13. Trump is like pulling all the wishes from Ymar’s wish bag.

    So funny.

    The same reason people hate on Trump is the same reason people hate on Ymar. Except people don’t have the excuse of a fake news excuse when it comes to Ymar.

    What you see is what you get.

  14. In Fairfax, Virginia, the teachers don’t want the parents to look at what they are teaching the students with distant learning. People can now see the leftist propaganda being taught to their children and they are making angry calls to the local talk radio station.

  15. There are teachers who are pro-Revo. Note the number of teachers arrested in the Antifa/BLM riots. How much are they pushing Revo in their classrooms? I am reminded of a conversation I had with a magnet school student some 2 decades ago. Being a magnet school student, he was bright, but also very contentious. He said that he wanted to become a high school teacher so that he could “educate” students to become lefties.

    He got a math degree, continued his contentious political ways, and ended up teaching English in Latin America for about a decade. He came back home and recently began a new career as a high school math teacher. His decade of teaching English will probably help his teaching math. His politics haven’t apparently changed, as one can find online a comment where he supported Evo Morales’s attempt at vote fraud in Bolivia. I would not be surprised to find out he is pushing politics as much as he can in his classes. Bring on the Revo! After all, it worked so well in Latin America. 🙂

    I suspect that his contentiousness is rooted in not having a functional father. His father did get a degree, got A’s in some challenging courses, and did have a job for several years. His bipolar father later became addicted to various substances and spent his life in and out of treatment facilities, the street, and prison. For decades he hasn’t held a job for more than a couple of days. His son the math teacher (for now) blames government for not assisting his father sufficiently. At least the son isn’t addicted to any drugs.

  16. You can’t be systemically racist and have more than one third black mayors in the largest 100 cities.

  17. @ Gringo: “Note the number of teachers arrested in the Antifa/BLM riots. ”

    Interesting (well, sorta). I’m not too surprised. I also heard a number were counselors as well. Good grief. Anyone have the link?

  18. GRA
    @ Gringo: “Note the number of teachers arrested in the Antifa/BLM riots. ” Interesting (well, sorta). I’m not too surprised. I also heard a number were counselors as well. Good grief. Anyone have the link?

    Boston Globe: Five Arrested ast Providence Protest Against Police.Those arrested including local educators….
    Jul 26, 2020 Lauren Matthias, 30, of South Kingstown, a teacher at the Paul Cuffee School, a charter school in Providence, was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

    13 ‘Antifa Teachers’ Arrested in Portland: Viral Mugshots Explained
    Only one could be confirmed to have worked in education, but there was not an indication that they worked in public schools.

    There was a posting claiming that 13 arrested in Portland were teachers. Snopes called it “unproven.” I have found a list of 300+ arrested in Portland riots, but no job data.


  19. Ray on September 19, 2020 at 10:34 am said:
    In Fairfax, Virginia, the teachers don’t want the parents to look at what they are teaching the students with distant learning. People can now see the leftist propaganda being taught to their children and they are making angry calls to the local talk radio station.
    * * *
    But will the parents remember this once kids are back in jail school without their supervision?

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