Home » “Silence is Violence” leads, of course, to compelled speech


“Silence is Violence” leads, of course, to compelled speech — 31 Comments

  1. Yes, this has been a problem for quite some time, but recently it has become a great deal more troubling (perhaps even worse than “silence is violence” T-shirts are those emblazoned with the words “We Shoot Racists” for sale on Amazon, available for both men and women). Two new books are attempting to address this madness from an academic perspective, Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and The Parasitic Mind by Gad Saad.

  2. Hello darkness my old friend
    I’ve come to talk to you again
    ….about the sound of violence
    ….Fool said I you do not know
    violence like a cancer grows …..

    The left loves violence, nihilistic sociopaths in pursuit of power.

  3. I believe Prof. Turley is incorrect when he characterizes “Silence is violence” as alliteration, which is the repetition of *consonental* sounds. “Silence is violence” is just a rhyme.

  4. You no longer even have the right To remain silent, welcome to biden’ america, which is a counterfeit copy of mao’s china, finally it is us stealing china’s trade secrets instead of the other way around like always.

  5. Neo:

    Being a Man for All Seasons Fan you may recall that the linchpin of More’s defence was that his (albeit deafening) silence on the topic of the King’s marriage to Anne Boleyn could not be construed in Law as being a voiced objection (hence Treason) to it. And because of this Rich had to perjure himself in order to obtain the conviction.

    It’s no accident that Hilary Mantel’s suspiciously anachronistically progressive portrayal of that first master of Lawfare, Thomas Cromwell has made her into the literary darling of UK BBC / Guardian / Independent / New Class types.

  6. “Silence is Violence” works well as a mob chant.

    The rhyme will go down well too with the illiterate / marginally literate Black Underclass (i.e most of them) for whom the Spoken Word has a power and talismanic sense we’ll never understand at more than an intellectual level.

    It’s not quite up there with “When Adam delved and Eve span / Who was then the Gentleman?”, but you can get yourself a pretty decent insurrection going with a rhyme or three.

  7. More lies from the Left.

    Also happening- a “source / person that won’t give its name”, said that, on a trip, President trump was insulting + disrespectful of the military + some veterans.


    There’s a saying from the 1980s:


    ” It happened! I can find you 10 people that will say that this happened.”

    Mr. B-

    “And I can find you 10 MORE LIARS just as FAST!”

  8. If it’s okay to shoot racists, then it seems the same logic makes it appropriate to shoot those who slander others as racists. It’s a simple matter of self defense.

  9. @Stan:

    I predict that we’re going to enter a new golden age of rational debate and gentility — History being repeat with examples of Action / Reaction.

    Before we reach these sunny uplands, discourse will be conducted according to the tag Ultima Ratio Regum, with Every Man a King. The tools of discourse will require regular cleaning and oiling.

    But when it’s done, we’ll be able to look back and say with Pride™ …

    “We wuz Kangs!”

    Well, perhaps that’s over-egging the pudding 😀

    (The Prussians engraved “The Final Argument of Kings” on their field guns. You’ll see it on captured WWI Artillery pieces in museums and at small town war memorials.)

  10. Police should have simply called George Floyd a white suprematist then putting a knee on his neck for 8 minutes would have been justified for the left regardless whether there were other reasons Responsible for his death or not. Worry that it would be hard to prove that he was? Don’t worry, accusation is all it takes to prove guilt for the left. Have they ever presented any evidence to prove any of the conservatives and white cops they accused of being racist were actually racist, exactly

  11. A refusal to speak out in support of leftist dogma, is a sure identifier of the “deplorables”… those in need of “reeducation” and among whom are sure to be the “irredeemables”… those fit only for the gulags and killing fields.

  12. which means of course that decrying violence will get fewer and fewer listeners because they won’t believe it’s violence

  13. It was Huey Long in the early 1930s who popularized the slogan “Every man a king but no man wears a crown,” in his speeches, in the Senate, and on his nationwide radio show until he was assassinated in September 1935. He was on the road to challenge Franklin Delano Roosevelt for the Democratic nomination for president in 1936. He might well have won had he not been killed.

  14. I also rejected the comment from Bill Cosby some years back: “if you are not part of the solution [to the race issue] then you are part of the problem.”
    The only way to end racism is to stop focusing on race as a meaningful criterion for anything [outside of medical issues? probably still for alleged perpetrator identity?? Darn, harder than I thought!].
    But as you all know the Left still has plenty of other “isms” to employ.

    While reading Andrew McCarthy’s 9/5/20 article at NRO: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/09/its-a-straight-line-from-biden-to-blm/ it occurred to me that maybe we should appropriate the acronym BLM for Blastocyst Lives Matter.

  15. Silence is violence? As any Buddhist can tell you Silence is the gateway to the Deathless. And as Shakespeare put it in Hamlet”…the rest is silence…” There is more to silence than is dreamt of in your philosophy…er… dear comrades.

  16. Two items to flesh out where dishonest speech leads to violence. Somewhere, I read someone reports on asking two local Militia groups what they will do if Civil War comes: then they will attack the sources destroying American culture.

    What this means is not definite. But I believe every that media outlet and college and university campuses will be sacked and burned.

    Anyone else got a better clue?

    Second, CommieCrats are laying the ground work to fight a Ttump victory by ensuring a protracted election vote counting process. Presumably, this will go on while urban rioting spreads.

    Specifically, Raheem Kassan reports on a document issued by the Transition Integrity Project — an Owellian doublespeak name, no doubt. The sponsors names include Soros, one of Bill Gates funded outlets, and. CCP funded “Institute” that I’ve never heard of before.

    Kassan briefly reviews the co-posted nine page Executive Summary. The document concludes:

    “Lastly, on page nine, they say:

    “The scale of recent demonstrations has increased the stakes for the Democratic Party to build strong ties with grassroots organizations and be responsive to the movement’s demands.”

    “They want the mobs as Joe Biden’s base.”


    Is this organising legal actions concerning the election? Or activism for the street? Or both?

    I don’t think that it pretends to not take sides.

    First, they proclaim that they are not taking sides in the election outcome. Then comes this admission and supported by no evidence whatever: “However, because the primary threat to the integrity of the election and transition appears to come from the Trump Administration,” our recommendations apply to countering Trump and his supporters.

    I guess all the recent riots, still ongoing, mean not her
    Got that? Excuse me while I wretch at the Deep State coup plotters revealing themselves, having learned nothing factual over 0.5 years.

  17. When der fuehrer says we is de master race
    We heil heil right in der fueher’s face
    Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace
    So we heil heil right in der fuehrer’s face

    When Herr Goebbels says we own the world and space
    We heil heil right in Herr Goebbels’ face
    When Herr Goring says they’ll never bomb this place
    We heil heil right in Herr Goring’s face
    Are we not he supermen Aryan pure supermen
    Ja we are the supermen (super duper supermen)
    Is this Nazi land so good
    Would you leave it if you could
    Ja this Nazi land is good
    We would leave it if we could
    We bring the world to order
    Heil Hitler’s world to order
    Everyone of foreign race
    Will love der fuehrer’s face
    When we bring to the world this order

    When der fuehrer says we is de master race
    We heil heil right in der fueher’s face
    Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace
    So we heil heil right in der fuehrer’s face

    When der fuehrer says we is de master race
    We heil heil right in der fueher’s face
    Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace
    So we heil heil right in der fuehrer’s face

    –Spike Jones and His City Slickers

  18. Bonus (anti-communist) Music:

    Songs of Forest brothers(Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania)

    Some history if you dont know
    Forest Brothers – Fight for the Baltics

    Like Anne Frank people mostly think wrongly about the history for both her, and forest peoples.
    [and refuse to learn the whole history – much to their detriment as things progress]

    Death of the Bear

    Kremlin uni [Finnish Patriotic Song] [English and Finnish lyrics]

  19. This “hate speech is criminal” was entirely foreseeable when the first hate crime laws were introduced and passed. A crime is a crime, and, except for murder, thinking (premeditation) has nothing to do with any criminal charge.

    But it is a “hate crime” for two straights to murder a homosexual; that is a special, hateful kind of murder! Wonder what happens to gays who murder straights…are they charged with committing a hate crime? We all know they are not.

    The USA is being turned upside down. The black female Democrat lawyer and mayor of Washington revels in painting Black Lives Matter on public streets. Silence is violence unless one is violently and noisily a riot participant.

  20. Oh, it’s a lot easier than that:
    “Hate speech is what I say it is….”
    (With apologies, of course, to Humpty Dumpty.)

    And organizations like the UN or the OAS or the EU or [your university of choice] can (and will) doctor the language so that it sounds a lot more sophisticated and high brow.

    (…though there is something to say for the original.)

  21. And we have a winner!
    “Confirmation” for the MSCM now means “unproven allegation that is repeated by more than one (preferably anonymous)’source'”.
    (Orrr, the same—anonymous—‘source’ more than one time?…)

    Yes, these guys are really, really on their game!!


  22. “No matter how many sources make the same allegations to different reporters, the allegations and story aren’t “confirmed” simply because the people told you, too. They’re still allegations. You’re simply alleging the same claims.” – Attkisson

    Puts me in mind of the sourcing in some scholarly publications, where the author cites 10 publications asserting some claim, and when you run them down, 9 of them were themselves citing the one original source (which may or may not have been correct).

    It’s also like the old joke about the personnel interviewer asking the applicant if he really has 10 years experience in the field, or just 1 year repeated 10 times.

  23. Mollie said the same thing.
    No names, no sources.
    If you are going to be a whistleblower, you have to blow the whistle in public.


    Reminder: it is literally impossible for anonymous sources to “confirm” a report, particularly when the original report is based solely on anonymous sources. The same people can repeat claims to multiple reporters, of course, particularly when engaged in a campaign operation.

    Glenn Greenwald at the Intercept talked about the news media that “confirmed” CNN’s false story about Wikileaks giving info to Trump before publication (they misread the email date – at 4 different outlets?) – and Mollie’s commenter points out another example.

    Fiery but mostly peaceful
    Sep 4
    Replying to
    Corroboration is a concept that the Left didn’t understand during the Kavanaugh smear campaign — and they apparently still don’t understand it.

  24. “Corroboration…”

    Ah, yes. Who could possibly forget the Great Avenatti?

    The (con)fabulous Christopher Steele?

    Actually, I think the Left understand “corrobation” very, very well: You float a whole litany of lies out there—a whole network, an entire web—and you keep telling them (you reinforce them; you “corroborate” them) so that they become irrefutable.

    So that reality becomes entirely perverted.

    (Society eventually collapses because of the immense weight of those lies, but the operation is a huge success, it’s planners deserving of a well-earned pat on the back along with the adulation of the faithful, of the persuaded…. Until disaster strikes, that is….)

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