Home » The mail-in votes, the 2020 election, and the left


The mail-in votes, the 2020 election, and the left — 39 Comments

  1. Ir does indeed seem to the case that there are no “moderate Democrats left in government”, and, paraphrasing Ann Coulter, one might pessimistically be inclined to state that while there are many bad Republicans in office, there are no good Democrats. The fate of our republic truly is hanging in the balance.

  2. I’m expecting massive vote fraud with mail-in ballots. No clue how that’s resolved.

  3. There is another danger in vote-by-mail which I haven’t seen much discussed, and that’s the danger of voter intimidation.

    If someone is voting at home, then it’s not really always a secret ballot. Someone: an aggressive spouse, a ‘helpful’ minister or activist or neighbor…may exercise a subtle or not-so-subtle pressure. Particularly when one candidate (Trump) is considered socially unacceptable in many circles, I don’t think this is a trivial danger.

    In the election held in Germany after Hitler was already in power, closed voting booths were retained, but a large sign in front of them stated: “All patriotic Germans are proud to show how they vote.” So almost everyone voted at a table in the open.

  4. That is why Trump is incessantly talking about it and Tucker Carlson and the other hosts of Fox News are talking about it too. What they say is getting through. The Democrats screwed up when they did the primaries with mail in voting and showed how botched it was. That and the “sainted” Fauci says in person voting is safe. Will they try…..yes and I believe that the courts will put a stop to it……..but then again I am an optimist.

    All of this can only work in the shadows. People when they become aware of what can happen will not support this. Also it allows the Republicans to do counter moves that should offset any cheating advantage.

    The only way to stop this is to have Trump win by such a margin that the cheating cannot alter the outcome.

    I do believe that Trump will win in a convincing fashion making all of this moot. But be prepared and keep your powder dry. Many many many events are going to happen from now and election day. Durham indictments, debates, COVID, riots, BLM, pulling down statues and a real wild card is if the George Floyd trial starts before the election. You think that Rodney King riots were bad. Wait until the acquittals come down as the leaked body cams on “the Daily Mail” are presented as evidence. The mob will not accept their narrative being wrong. I believe the Democrats will sooooo regret tying their wagon the BLM mob. Non-political people are noticing and the record gun buying

    I read where the Oregon State Police pulled out of Portland because the DA in that county will not prosecute for riot crimes. If Antifa succeeds in taking the Hatfield building I predict that there will be hell to pay for the rioters. Federal charges cannot be dropped lightly.

  5. RE: Article: “I fully expect the last line of defense — if Pres. Trump looks likely to be re-elected — to be a refusal by Democrat state officials to certify the state vote count ahead of the statutorily prescribed day for the meeting of electors of the Electoral College.”
    This is probably correct.

    RE: “Does anyone on the right think that there remain any bars to what the left would be willing to do to gain power and consolidate it with the goal of never being forced relinquish it?”
    I’m an independent, not a right-winger, but the “answer” to your rhetorical question is: NO.

    President Trump is unlikely to get the popular vote. DNC fraud will guarantee it.
    If Trump is going to win in the electoral college again, the Left will de-rail the EC and claim “majority rules” — and rule they will.
    It’s unclear exactly who or what will be President: (1) Joe Biden; (2) Jill Biden (acting in his name); (3) Senator Harris (after Joe is “removed”); or (4) some unnamed cabal of puppet masters who have been using Joe Biden like a ventriloquist’s dummy.

    Many years ago I came to the conclusion that elections were becoming useless political theater. No serious issues ever get debated. Nothing fundamentally changes. After the 2020 election, a great many Americans will come to the same conclusion.

    This will not end well.

  6. In re States not certifying electors: If the election is thrown into the House of Representatives Trump wins. Each State gets one vote. Wyoming = California!

  7. I share your observations, Neo. There are extremist elements of the Democratic party that have no counterpart in the Republican party in terms of size and influence. Yes, it is frightening and not only to you. What frustrates me is the lack of a reasonable counterbalance, that is, a willingness on the part of Republicans to take the gloves off while at the same time maintaining a respect for our governmental institutions and traditions, unlike the radical Dems that you have identified. We should not imitate them; they are evil. But we do need to wake up to what faces us. We need to re-elect Trump just to stop these people.

  8. Trump won 30 states in 2016. That number will be closer to 40 this time. If they actually stick with Biden through the election, it will be closer to 40 as in 41 or 42. The third act is now beginning to be meted out: Israel-UAE is a Middle East paradigm shift, 1st Obamagate plea deal, sacking the TVA bastard executive who had employees training their foreign replacements… oh, and that thing where voters picture the future and it is Portlandia versus Normalville.

    When Trump came down the escalator in 2015, I thought “Oh, brother. the New York blowhard with the paper empire needs free publicity for the next season of his TV show.” He won surprisingly but methodically. Four years later, I’ve come around to thinking he is a 3D chess master. Who would have thought the future of the CCP would be in question, North Korea would no longer be able to get shit by launching a missile over Japan, Iran’s death to America industry would be kaput, and the forgotten Americans whose jobs were outsourced have hope for the first time in 30 years. He gets things in place, then cashes in. It is a skill, not luck. Plus, he has the jujitsu move where he says, for example, “puppies and babies are cute” and the left will reflexively condemn them. Every time.

    Trump has the chess pieces in place to accomplish more than Ronald Reagan. Walter Mondale won Minnesota and DC in 1984. I realize we are in many ways more in 1984 now, but peoples’ sense of self-preservation is not gone yet. In 2016, Minnesota was close. More or fewer people in Minnesota are going to see Democrats as their best bet this year?

  9. The past four years of Democrat tactical behavior seems to be based on ‘Well, this is what we did last time this happened, lets just turn it up to 11, try it again, and see what happens’.

    Thinking the Bush/Gore result, then also thinking about all of the shenanigans when Trump clearly won in 2016: Trying to bully electors to change their vote, states trying to change their rules of awarding electors, trying to get the election annulled, trying 25th Amendment, etc. etc.

    Expect the worst, it’s the best way to avoid nasty surprises.

  10. this may be superficial, but the historical analogies/precedents that i see are Russia 1917 (and preceding), Germany 1930’s, and Spain 1936. One side agitating for their stated beliefs and, except for maybe Germany, the other trusting in the gov’t to be stable and quell the unrest.

    Russia had a civil war, Germany got Hitler. Spain was different in that the army actually attempted (and eventually succeeded) in restoring order.

    there are specifics which differ from the current US situation. I wonder, sometimes if we’ll go down one of those paths or if there will be a repeat of the 1970’s and it just fades away.

  11. Neo,
    I’m as upset but for the opposite reason. Trump wants to completely shut down mail-in voting, which is something we have had in this country for decades. I understand being cautious but shutting down mail-in voting will hurt Republicans too. Do you think older Republican voters only vote in person? Many prefer mailing in ballots. Why should their vote not count? What’s worse is he is pleased to see the USPS fail so that many votes will be too late to be counted. Can you imagine doing that for voters who have voted by mail for years? Why suddenly is mail-in voting this bad thing? Hell, Oregon, Colorado, Utah and Hawaii have only mail-in voting.
    The reason Democrats want to expand it is because of CV19. Why force people out in a pandemic when you can easily have them vote by mail? Trump himself has voted by mail.

  12. Montage, there is a %@#$& difference from absentee voting and mass mail out of ballots. Go %@#$& yourself for trying to muddy the water you screwball! I am so @#$&& sick of you leftists and @##&& lies. I will tell you NEO, I am one of the normally calm ones whose ANGER , not fear, is building against these leftist scumbags and their lies! I have reached the point where I despise the left. The way they destroyed our cities ! They are not American. To hell with them.

  13. Welcome to Ymar’s world. While people were arguing onlien about… whatever it is they thought important at the time, the Leftist alliance, Deep State, and Satanists were planning your Downfall. They think in 100 year plans. Most average people can barely think of this month’s credit card payments.

  14. Absentee voting needs to be vastly curtailed as well. The stolen Washington’s Governor’s election turned up all kinds of people who didn’t live here anymore voting absentee including a Federal Judge in Atlanta.

  15. Andy on August 14, 2020 at 6:04 pm said:
    One of the stranger Trump endorsement.


    I am a liberal who is voting for Trump because I am deeply worried about the state of our country and about the erosion of cultural values like free speech, equality, the non-aggression principle, reason, logic, objectivity and individualism. I am a liberal who is voting for Donald Trump because I OPPOSE racism and sexism, and I see that my old party, the Democratic party, has been entirely eaten up with cancerous racist and sexist beliefs. A mind-virus that threatens to make monsters of men and to end civilization as we know it.
    I am a liberal who is voting for Trump, because despite the names I will be called, and the friends I have lost and will lose, I believe he is the person running who has demonstrated the most commitment to ending war, the most commitment to individualism and equality, the most commitment to free speech. In short, I am a liberal who is voting for Trump because I think he is the most liberal of the candidates I can choose from. And let me say a word about others like me who are a part of #WalkAway, and those I’ve been blessed to get to know in the past year or so — nobody willingly subjects themselves to social ostracism, to name-calling and insults, to risk of losing their job, to risk of losing their family’s safety — without GOOD reason. And that reason is a pursuit of truth.

    I guess she didn’t ask herself, “What would Bernie Goldberg do?”

  16. The rest of the Liberal Voting for Trump post is awe inspiring.

    Mark Granovetter proposed threshold theory as a way of understanding riots. He said that there are those in a riot who have a threshold of zero, who will be the first to throw a rock, and there are not many of those. But then there are those with a threshold of 1, who will be emboldened to throw a rock as long as one other person is already doing it. And then there are those with a threshold of 2, and so on, until you get a full on mob or riot happening. I think this theory explains what is happening in the Democratic party today — not only in regards to actual riots, but in regards to why so many are now mindlessly parroting racist and sexist social justice beliefs. Because others are doing it.
    Well the opposite is true too.
    I believe in a threshold theory for truth. I believe there are those, and there are relatively few of them, who have a threshold of zero and who will be the first to speak truth, even when they are mocked and maligned and threatened and lied about. And those brave people encourage others, they encourage those with a threshold of 1, to start speaking truth because they see at least one other person doing it, no matter the consequences. And those people inspire those with a threshold of 2, and so on, until truth prevails. One person turning on their light, can spark others to turn on their light. Martin Luther King Jr famously said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Or in the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a man who brought down a version of this ideology once before, simply by speaking the truth: “To stand up for truth is nothing. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph…. But not through me.”

    Bernie Goldberg should read it.

  17. The Sunrise Movement — which has been a communist revolutionary Organization originally behind the faux sci “Extinction Rebellion” climate crisis — is organising to attack suburban polling places because Trump’s poll watchers are really there to stop brown and black people from voting.
    All you dudes here be wwwracists, don’tchaknoe.


    Millennial Millie, a video blogger, thus confirms my expectation that election days ahead will be street level warfare ops for the riots and arsons to resume. And clash with normals and Patriots.

    This is what the militia is needed for: keeping out violent strangers from local neighbourhoods, simply voting on Election Day.

    Sunrise was also the Organization prepped to riot in Minneapolis before George Floyd’s death, as Millennial Millie exposed earlier this summer in her documentary https://www.millennialmillie.com/post/undercover-investigation-minneapolis-riot-was-preplanned

    Millie and her husband Gavin were arrested this morning, in a Grand Jury action claimed as “burglary,” presumably in an effort related to today’s release of her newest documentary ”Shadowgate,”


    exposing Obama’s man, John Brennan, who used private military style surveillance info tech contractors as part of the coup plot against President Trump’s campaign.

    But this same contractor AI tools have also been used in Republican campaign intelligence.

    The President, in a tweet, has already donated to Millie and Gavin’s legal defense needs.

  18. If you might imagine that the new documentary “Shadowgate” is a sequel and update of the Edward Snowden expose, you won’t be far off. Just nobody from The Intercept or WashPost involved. Two “whistleblower” sources are involved, though, instead of just one.

  19. Does anyone on the right think that there remain any bars to what the left would be willing to do to gain power and consolidate it with the goal of never being forced relinquish it?”

    When liberty dies in the hearts of a people, no court, no law, no constitution can save it. And by now a majority of “Americans” aren’t: they wish only their side to rule unhindered by law, evidence, reason, morality, custom, tradition.

    Imagining themselves oppressed because the government doesn’t pay for their abortion, contraceptives, and sex changes; because the government can’t cure their transmissible diseases; because the government lets them hear voices they don’t want heard, they will bring about oppressions not seen on this continent since the Aztecs.

  20. Erisguy says “When liberty dies in the hearts of men….”
    Worse. When it’s dead among the next generation.

    Here are some absurdities spouted on YouTube on recent weeks DW and BBC news interview programs concerning the New Cold War with China. Actual
    Moroniel “arguments”
    —Britain invented colonialism and slavery.
    — communist China is free, US puts all under the boot.
    — democracy and communism are the same thing.
    — White People want to keep their power over the world, and therefore are against rising China.

    It’s an avalanche of stupid out there. Monkeys on the Internet would be less harmful to our future.

  21. Awesome excerpt, AesopFan. Powerful and compelling. Re-read worthy. Commanding. Thanks!

    I’ll quote yard and comment:

    this may be superficial, but the historical analogies/precedents that i see are Russia 1917 (and preceding), Germany 1930’s, and Spain 1936. One side agitating for their stated beliefs and, except for maybe Germany, the other trusting in the gov’t to be stable and quell the unrest.

    Russia had a civil war, Germany got Hitler. Spain was different in that the army actually attempted (and eventually succeeded) in restoring order.
    there are specifics which differ from the current US situation.

    I wonder, sometimes if we’ll go down one of those paths or if there will be a repeat of the 1970’s and it just fades away.

    So many parallels have been mooted. Others say “this happened” in Venezuela or is happening in South Africa now. Who to believe?

    Spain is the murkiest claimed historical parallel. And if I raise “La Violencia” in Columbia, 1946-8 as the real structural and relevant CW analog, who knows even the name? No one.

    “I wonder, sometimes if we’ll go down one of those paths or if there will be a repeat of the 1970’s and it just fades away.” I wonder about this every day.

    A CommieCrat beat down for the next three campaigns is highly implausible.

    First, the Marxist Controlled media has joined one side and one side only. And they will suffer only if the masses see them as protecting the enemy Deep State and Ruling Class interests. Only such an expose can delegitimate them completely.

    Who will convince the masses of this? Only this compelling case against the Crimes of the Traitors can defang our enemies and empower self-government voices to smash the Born Again Slavocracy.

    There is an excellent short piece at American Greatness entitled “Obama The Jacobin,” which makes the case that Obama —in his John Lewis memorial speech — has outlined the CommieCrats Revolutionary agenda that they’re running on. And how to completely overturn our Constitutional Republic that protects dissent and minority rights in favor of the very Evils that the Founders feared most: the unlimited Democracy of the mob.

    So, given the way an Evil Media has sided with one power mad side, and without a Bill of Indictment to delegitimise our Revolutionary enemies, who here thinks peace and comity is any one election victory away?

    A third factor is the complete SWJ weaponisation of anti-Nationalism, nihilism, and altruistic race-mongering communism in education.

    Universities may see a 20-40% income drop for the next year, but one “poncho” — a white Latino married to a Japanese-flight attendant wife in Fairfax, Co, Virginia — who teaches in Community Colleges and is a uni adjunct, says HR driven race admin will be the last power center to be cut. (Comment at Powerlineblog, dispatching Hinderaker’s naive optimism.).

    Folks, we are in for a 20 years long Kulture Kampf, and any political loss looks likely to kill our once great, good, and free nation.

    Drink. Drink a lot, if you can stand it. I believe the struggle will get worse and the price to be paid more onerous before it gets better. Hell is for heroes.

  22. Trump wants to completely shut down mail-in voting, which is something we have had in this country for decades.

    About 5-6% of the population of the eastern United States has an abiding problem which makes postal balloting an advisable accommodation. For about 11% of the population of the western United States you can make the same argument. The potential injury to ballot security does not justify postal balloting for convenience or for accommodating people with spot problems.

    You want to address congestion issues, there was a much simpler expedient: moving voting to Friday evening, Saturday morning, and Saturday afternoon.

    Other things you could do would be reducing the number of offices chosen by competitive election (many of our electoral contests were Jacksonian experiments that have remained on the books due to inertia), reducing the frequency with which party primaries are used for nomination and designation of candidates, moving elections to the court system and adjacent offices to May, moving referenda to May, electing all non-judicial offices for four year terms, and arranging your electoral calendar sensibly – federal offices in year 1; municipal councils, county councils, mayors, and county executives in year 2; governors and state legislatures in year 3; miscellaneous offices in year 4.

    Congress in 1974 passed a mess of campaign finance regulations, but they didn’t do the one obvious thing and move the federal election day to the Friday and Saturday after All Saints’ Day, nor could they be bothered to fix a common day for electing delegates to the respective national conventions. Our legislators are negligent slobs.

  23. Britain invented colonialism and slavery.
    — communist China is free, US puts all under the boot.
    — democracy and communism are the same thing.
    — White People want to keep their power over the world, and therefore are against rising China.

    It’s frustrating when people tell stupid lies and invent terrible arguments, but it’s understandable to a small degree: people will tell any lie and have. What mystifies me is why millions apparently believe this junk.

  24. “It’s frustrating when people tell stupid lies and invent terrible arguments, but it’s understandable to a small degree: people will tell any lie and have. What mystifies me is why millions apparently believe this junk.” – Erisguy

    Because they literally do not know any better, having never heard of the alternative aka the truth. Nor will they make the effort to seek it.
    Consult many of Neo’s posts, and readers’ comments by the dozens with personal examples.


    But the LIVs may be onto something here.

    And there is a great solution to the problem of mail fraud.
    “Independent studies suggest that mail delivered by eagle has a 23% chance of arriving at its destination, but a 100% chance of it being awesome if it does.”

  25. The Kamala posts’ comments are dormant, but it would be a shame not to keep up with the news.




    I remember when that was a much-sought-after role in school pageants.
    Sought by teachers, that is, who wanted to cast the entire class as a silent forest.

  26. Erisguy – another answer to your question is in this comment at the Biden mask thread. The lies are sequential and cumulative; and then voters who may want to bail discover that they can’t leave Hotel Democrat.

    Brian Morgan on August 15, 2020 at 7:11 am said:

    Richard, I hear what you are saying which isn’t unreasonable. The problem is that we have a ruling class that leads by deception. The goal posts are always moving. Many years ago I had a boss like this. He would give me a problem to solve. I designed a solution given the requirements and time constraints. He’d rub his hands together and grin with satisfaction, and then say that now it’s got to do something else he purposefully didn’t mention. Over and over again. This is how he managed. After that I try to avoid these types. In political terms, it is equivalent to “if you like your plan, you can keep it.” It is pure deception to get people to swallow a pill that they wouldn’t swallow if given more information. This is how Democrats govern. Give you just enough information to get you to buy into it, and then change the requirements. Been there, done that but people fall for it.

  27. Too close for comfort?
    “We’re starting to think China might be taking sides here,” said one analyst after viewing the footage of the president clearly wearing a Biden-Harris 2020 shirt. “We’re not certain — and don’t quote me on this — but we’re thinking China may not be 100% neutral.”

    The Biden campaign denied sending the swag to the communist leader, with Harris saying, “Questioning me is sexist and racist” and Biden saying, “Who’s Xi? Is Xi cute?”

  28. Andy on August 14, 2020 at 6:04 pm and some later commenters:
    One of the stranger Trump endorsements.

    I was struck by her reference to thresholds of 1 or 2 or x for both the rioters and for the people who should/ must speak up and voice truth to power and everyone else. I am not quite sure if that is evidence of “sheepleness” or the opposite.

    But if there are no real consequences to your actions, or your restraint, then your expression of “courage” or courage is hollow. In 1776 “x” was 56 and they said ” … we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” And they in turn spoke on behalf of one to two million more.

  29. If at any time a critical mass of people–I don’t know, maybe 40%–believe that the outcome of the election process, whatever it is, is illegitimate, it won’t matter then if it’s in the Constitution or even legal. The Constitution is a piece of paper. It is not self executing. Our government follows it because everyone mostly expects it to, at least expects it to pretend to.

    If people stop accepting the current Constitutional order as legitimate it will stop operating, just as the Articles of Confederation did (which had no mechanism built in for dissolving it and coming up with something new).

    I have no idea what would emerge, but it’s worth remembering that about 1/3 of Americans had to leave America after the Revolution. That might be the only reason there was enough consensus to agree on something. I’d be afraid of something similar today: a consensus emerging only because dissenters aren’t around any more.

  30. but it’s worth remembering that about 1/3 of Americans had to leave America after the Revolution.

    There were about 3,000,000 people in the country ca. 1781. I think a five digit population settled in the Canadian Maritime provinces.

  31. More on the controversy, with some facts in place of the Leftist faux outrage (well, the outrage is real; the cause is fake). Ellipses generally indicate Tweets.


    Democrats and media have been pushing a crazy conspiracy that President Donald Trump wants to defund the USPS in order to steal the election.

    I wrote about it here and here.

    Now the USPS already has been funded for the year, so this is just illogical. What’s really going on is that Democrats want there to be additional new monies to go to the USPS in order to fund universal mail in voting in a massive change to the way the election would be handled, creating a nightmare.

    If you can go to the grocery store, you can go vote. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci said there is no reason people can’t vote in November.

    But when Trump wouldn’t accede to what they wanted, Democrats began pushing this crazy theory in order to claim that, by proceeding normally, Trump was somehow trying to suppress the vote.

    On Friday, even Barack Obama and Joe Biden promoted the conspiracy, with Obama out and out claiming that Trump was trying to suppress the vote by attacking the Post Office and Joe Biden pushed the claim that mailboxes were mysteriously disappearing.

    How dare the USPS replace old mail boxes with new mail boxes!

    Apparently the Obama administration was doing a lot of suppressing the vote when they were in office. [Tweets about removal of mail boxes in his tenure.]

    So now that this conspiracy has been endorsed by both Obama and Biden, guess what’s happening today?

    The people complaining that Trump is somehow harassing the Post Office are out in front of the home of the Postmaster General, harassing him. You couldn’t write a better script as to how illogical these folks are.

    Not to mention, it just shows what an arm of the Democrats these protesters are. Democrats promote the conspiracy, suddenly protesters appear from Shut Down D.C., folks who also been involved in BLM and other protest actions. Funny how that works, right? It’s literally the left trying to intimidate a postal official to comply with what they want. But it’s Trump harassing the USPS?

    They went to DeJoy’s house in Washington D.C. to stage a “noise demonstration,” translation: annoy him and his neighbors.

    So they want to take a system that already has longstanding problems, a system that many of these people likely rarely use and overload it with mail in voting. Then when the inevitable nightmare that would happen with that occurs, with late ballots, missing ballots and questionable ballots, use it to claim Trump undermined the election? How about no, straight up?

    Mic-drop bottom line:
    “If these folks can protest DeJoy at his home, why can’t they go and vote at the polls?”

  32. On the Mystery of the Missing Mailboxes that have Biden so upset:

    This is the current liberal narrative. Namely, that Donald Trump is secretly destroying the Post Office to prevent people from voting in November.

    In reality, nothing nefarious is going on. The USPS, which is indeed cash strapped because it’s a terribly run organization that’s always cash strapped and has been for most of its history, is streamlining operations. Part of that is removing redundant, little used mailboxes when there is another one literally just a few feet away.

    Lined story:

    But a Postal Service spokesperson said declining mail volume means the Postal Service is removing “duplicate” boxes from areas that have multiple collection boxes. The USPS confirmed that four mailboxes were removed in Portland this week.

    “First-class mail volume has declined significantly in the U.S., especially since the pandemic,” Ernie Swanson, a spokesman for the USPS, told The Oregonian/OregonLive. “That translates to less mail in collection boxes.”

    Swanson said other facets of service will remain the same, such as pickup times and processing.

    “It shouldn’t affect people at all,” he said.

    Another Postal Service spokesperson, David Rupert, said some of the mailboxes were also removed and replaced with higher-security boxes.

    There are some other, possibly legitimate, concerns mentioned, but the main focus of the Democrat hype is (big surprise!) fake news.

  33. So how much you wanna bet that the “missing mailboxes scandal” gets more extensive coverage by the MSCM than the latest Obamagate revelations (i.e., the Clinesmith “caper”)?….

    (Of course, it’s always possible that Biden is upset that those mailboxes were removed, in Portland at least, because it means there’s less for Antifa to blow up. One can really sympathize, Joe….)

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