Home » More on COVID and hydroxychloroquine – from a guy with an interesting history


More on COVID and hydroxychloroquine – from a guy with an interesting history — 28 Comments

  1. Thanks, Neo. I thought I recognized the name, but couldn’t place it. His article is excellent.

  2. The feds drove Ivins to suicide. So, Team Mueller has at least one scalp and no perp. Good work at the fed level of “good”.

  3. The HCQ fight has been bizarre. There is some amorphous entity, or group of entities, so invested in pushing antivirals and vaccines that mere mention of HCQ in polite company will result in attacks.

  4. If President Trump said don’t take HCQ, the MSN would be calling him a fool and demanding that everybody take it.

  5. As it is, my internist tried to get me to agree to take a statin, because of a formula in which the controlling variable is my age. This is in spite of the fact that I get at least two hours a day of cardiovascular activity. However, he told me that if I get the coronavirus he will NOT prescribe HCQ. Bizarre is the right word.

  6. “…bizarre….”’
    No, NOT bizarre.

    HCQ + ZINC (OR QUERCETIN) AND, perhaps, Azithromycin SAVES LIVES.

    Trump suggested HCQ.

    Therefore, HCQ (+ see above) MUST, like Trump, be delegitimized. TOTALLY and PERPETUALLY.

    Because the MSCM definition of Trump is “psycho-killer who must be PUT DOWN to SAVE THE COUNTRY”.

    IOW, the number of dead and the amount of chaos “under Trump” (i.e., “caused by Trump” must be maximized).

    The Democratic Party and its MSCM cohort have decided that MAXIMIZING American deaths (and classifying as many deaths as possible as “COVID19-caused deaths”, even if they’re not) AND MAZIMIZING chaos (while at the same time disguising such chaos and violence by classifying it as “morally justified” and “non-violent”) is an EFFECTIVE WAY to remove Trump from office and therefore ETHICALLY DESIRABLE AND MORALLY NECESSARY.

    (Yes, it sounds insane, but here we are.)

    And the NY AG has some further “ideas” to “pursue” (Nancy Pelosi’s “secret weapon”?):

    With Joe Biden obviously NOT compos mentis, it’s time for Obama et al., AND the Democratic Party and its entrenched, deep-state columns AND the MSCM to POUR IT ON.

    Keeping in mind (as one must) that Lee Smith’s “The PERMANENT Coup” is about to be released:

  7. None of this is accidental or just TDS.

    The evil ones *need* an inflated body count. That also explains all the maneuvers such as loading up the rest homes with covids to kill the elderly, the constant inflation of the death numbers, and infected numbers, etc, so on and so forth.

    This is not now nor has it ever been about the disease. This is about the 2020 election.

    A lot of honey traps regarding elections were set up and sprung since 2016. Most of the evil ones’ fraud machinery is shut down. The mass mail voting is their only option to commit the fraud levels they’ll need to even make it appear as if they won either the popular or electoral.

    These are murderers.

    To them, we are just cattle. Their term for us among themselves is “useless eaters”.

  8. On the subject of inflating counts, I ran across a study this week, I believe out of South Korea, in which they had found detectable RNA pieces out to 12 weeks. That’s what PCR tests respond to (not, as the general public seems to believe, infectious virus). So by expanding testing of non-symptomatic people in any area where there has been community spread for several weeks, you are guaranteed an explosion of “cases!” that is meaningless – the majority of those “cases!”, at that point, would be people still shedding RNA pieces who had the virus – probably without even knowing it – weeks before.

  9. @KyndlyllG:

    Bang on correct! This kind of thing drives me nuts, but we live in a details/schmetails world now, it seems.;


    Careful, you might trigger a few folk around here with the ‘Cattle’ reference (Shut it down, the ‘Cattle’ know! Hehe :P).

    But more seriously, while I don’t and will never be able to move in exalted circles where one gets to meet the true Davos Men, I have socialized with the next rung down: those who do the janitorial wealth management work and pitch new schemes to the Great Ones. These are the sorts who read the Economist and the FT, pay serious money to have their photos taken with Al Gore.. those types. After a nice dinner and plenty of alcohol, talk does sometimes get around to overpopulation and the Gaia Fetish. Put simply, they want most of us dead. Lots of details and circumlocutions. But they want most of us dead.

  10. and the Nazi who persecuted Hatfill was none other than Obergruppenfuhrer Robert Müller.
    his next victim also likely innocent , Ivins, was harassed into suicide.

  11. @Avi:

    Setting aside the rampant sociopathy at the top of our institutions (in which sociopaths thrive best) and the generalized institutional indifference to things like Truth and Justice, another issue is probably modern management theory.

    Mueller and his team were just Meeting Their KPIs. That’s all.

    Standing between a Type A Apparatchik and his/her KPIs is a sure way to become road kill.

  12. What is happening with HCQ is despicable. Here’s a French doctor’s take on this.

    “We have a treatment in COVID-19 and it doesn’t have the support of Big Pharma and their experts!

    Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is effective in treating COVID-19.

    It is effective in halting the progression of the disease, provided it is given early enough and provided it is given in accordance with “contraindications” and safety of use (cardiac).

    It costs nothing and the powerful pharmaceutical industry does not want to hear about it.

    Big Parma has done everything to outlaw and demonize it, including the publication in the most prestigious medical journal (Lancet) of a fraudulent article withdrawn 12 days later.

    Let’s stop saying that there is no treatment for COVID-19 or that only a vaccine will save us!

    There is a treatment for this disease, not in intensive care, where it is too late, but to prevent it from going to intensive care, so to be given early enough, by general practitioners or emergency doctors.

    The key to defeat COVID-19 already exists. We need to start using it.”

    His key takeaway– There are billions of dollars to be made from a vaccine. If a $20 treatment works, do we really need to spend $10 billion on a vaccine? That’s the amount the federal government is spending on Operation Warp Speed.


  13. Great article, Neo. I sent it to my entire distribution list.

    Fauci is an incompetent corrupt hack with blood on his hands for his total failure in his pandemic prescriptions. Unless his goal was to maximize deaths and illness, in which he has been wildly successful.

    He needs to be disgraced, along with Redfield, Birx, and the rest of the CDC and FDA honchos.

  14. Standing between a Type A Apparatchik and his/her KPIs is a sure way to become road kill.

    especially when they are just following orders

  15. “There are billions of dollars to be made from a vaccine.”

    All very true, no doubt. (And a perfidious gambit.)

    But in this case, I believe it’s entirely beside the point.

    The point being to “get Trump”. By any and all means at their disposal.

    And if they have to kill and destroy—to lie and undermine—to do it, then they will.

    They already have.

    And they are continuing to do so.

    (Everything else is commentary.)

  16. “But they want most of us dead.”

    OK, the Malthusian Mafia I understand. The St. Greta of Stockholm road show I understand.

    But it seems that both of these have to do with ultimate CONTROL.

    What I DON’T understand is, if they “want[ed] most of us dead”, then why are they trying to save millions of third-worlders by moving them into the first world?

    That is, unless you mean they want to destroy the “first world” (as we know it); and/or “want most of the first-worlders dead”.

    Which raises the question, Why…?

    Seems (once again) an issue of control. Why control? (No doubt, “Because we can!”)

    To be sure, historically speaking, having achieved such control (whether due to Communist or National Socialist variants) the inevitable result is not “all” but “many of us dead”….

    Just curious….

  17. @Barry Meislin:

    Valid point re why the Camp of the Saints.

    I guess part of it is that there isn’t a grand conspiracy. There rarely is, of course. Most conspiracy theories are Low IQ Folks’ ways of processing emergent phenomena or stuff just too complicated to fit very simple models.

    Different people want different things.

    As you say, there is a Malthusian Mafia. None of these ever seem to want to set an example by offing themselves first, though.

    The Billionaire Class live in the Bubble. They are largely outcome independent of the fate of nation states and peoples. Or at least very strongly believe this to be the case.

    Their Upper Servant Class: successful politicians, CEOs, the types of functionaries who seem to effortlessly flit from government to private sector to semi-government and at worst only ever fail sideways… these people also largely believe themselves to be outcome independent.

    Many of the rest just plain hate other white people not of their class. Status anxiety, necessary signaling required of candidates for the Upper Servant Class, etc. What better way to #@$@ over the despised (because only one slip up at work) Flyover Country Class than by swamping them with the Third World — who also conveniently do the lawns of the haters.

    Why the elites of Western Civilization have turned against their own peoples is beyond my pay grade. To be brutally frank, there *is* a Jewish element to wanting to increase diversity and make all things permissible in order to feel safer as a minority amongst a bunch of minorities in countries with no clear native majority. Very mean of me to bring it up, but eppur si muove and all that. This is the great Kevin MacDonald Heresy, of course. It needs to be aired, because it grows larger than it really is if kept in the dark through censorship and fear of being non-personed. But for the record, I don’t think it’s the root cause or even the prime mover… more an opportunistic-instinctive thing. As I’ve said plenty of times before in comments here, the fault lies deeper in us all. Something is wrong in our Civilizational DNA and the roots reach way back.

    So I don’t think it’s about Control either. Sure there are sociopathic opportunists of all ilk who will happily trash their civ inheritance for present monetary and status gains, but that just doesn’t seem sufficient to explain what’s going on.

    No idea what the solutions are, but first step would be ‘encouraging’ elites to understand that they have personal stakes in the survival if not rejuvenation of the present disposition. Too much moral hazard floating around for my liking.

    The first thing Xi Jinping (not a great fan of the man) did upon gaining power was to demonstrate very clearly in a bunch of ways that the various Chinese Elites are not outcome independent and that acting as if they were would get them dispossessed and/or dead. Nasty, but necessary. Endlessly Defecting Elites of any and all ilks are a serious problem. Don’t recall reading anything about this in The Prince, but then it was probably obvious back in the day that defecting carried real risks.

    TL;DR: Super complicated and full of contradictions and above my intellectual pay grade. I recommend an ‘Engineering Solution’: Greatly raise the costs of Elite Betrayal and Defection. Then, as my Control Systems Professor used to say: “Suck it and See.” (And then stepwise refine approach.)

  18. “there *is* a Jewish element to wanting to increase diversity and make all things permissible in order to feel safer as a minority amongst a bunch of minorities in countries with no clear native majority.”

    interesting theory except it has obvious flaws. bringing in islamonazis and other Jew hating groups does not make Jews safer.
    also the Jewish element that wants to increase diversity have no loyalty to the Jewish people and don’t care if a Yeshiva student from Australia gets killed in the Crown Heights pogrom. And like Soros and Zuckerberg and Schiff are traitors to the Jewish people who are finishing the job started by Hitler by marrying gentiles and having gentile children. Since their progeny are goyim they don’t give a shit about increasing diversity to make Jews safer.
    Perhaps if it were the Jewishly committed segment of the Jewish community were pushing for endless diversity, but Trump has 81% support among Jewish Jews.

  19. @Avi:

    That’s kind of No True Scotsman 😛

    Then again, if you’ve had any dealings with the dying breed of old school HSBC bankers or Jardine (Matheson) Johnnies Out East, you’ll know that there is nothing more amoral and avaricious than a Lowland Scotsman on the make! 😛 If Hitler had grown up in Colonial Hong Kong, there wouldn’t be a bagpiper alive today.

    You’ll be pleased to know that I’m a fervent Zionist. No better way to deal with all these distractions than by going off to make the desert bloom, etc, etc. Seriously. I also admire your strongly ethnocentric views on the wrongness of marrying out. Life is much simpler when we all look after our own community interests and forget the charade of ‘We are the World’. Of course have to be a a bit careful moderating friction around the interfaces between communities. A rising tide lifts all boats, and nobody who is sane wants a falling tide.

    But you don’t get to pick who is a Jew. Your enemies whether on the Right or Left do. Same as the Leftists get to decide who is a ‘Racist’. Understand that the West is rapidly becoming a kind of Analogue to the Ottoman Milet System. Everyone is going to have to police their own. As you say, the Zuckerbergs, Soroses, etc. are traitors to their own people. They also happen to be traitors to *both* nations whose passports they are eligible to carry. In this debate we’ll ignore that the aforementioned have probably hurt more non-Jews than Jews because (a) not so many of you and (b) beyond perfunctory mutual well-wishing, neither of us has a dog in the other’s Race’s race 😛 Which brings us back to better you police your own. Whitey has enough of his own people in need of correction to want to bother with you guys if you bother with yourselves. Given how far the West has slipped, self-policing of communities may be the best we can hope for.

  20. were I to have a time machine , i would gladly bring Soros to Aushwitz and trade him for a young religious Jew who by now would have 60 great grandchildren.
    also by Soros/Zuck marrying out and having gentile offspring, their line ends, but ok until they die they are mine.
    Solzhenitsyn called for “Russian Gentiles” and Jews alike to take moral responsibility for the “renegades” from both communities who enthusiastically created a Marxist–Leninist police state after the October Revolution. Yup I agree with his statement. there was a time we had Sicari to deal with scum like Soros.
    But to your original point , they are too estranged from their roots to be part of a Jewish conspiracy.

  21. Avi: I do not agree with Solzhenitsyn on this. No army can be held accountable for the crimes of its deserters, especially thouse who do the pillage even without ditching their uniforms. They provoke antisemitic reactions amongst gentiles worse than anybody else. And Soros face is so ugly as if it was a caricature from “Der Sturmer” without any adding to the original. A Devil himself, so it looks.

  22. Historically those Marxists of the Jewish origin had the same motivations and logic as Helenizators under Antioch Epiphan. Macabbean revolt was a proper response to these national traitors.

  23. No army can be held accountable for the crimes of its deserters,
    That army has the duty to capture and execute those deserters

  24. Leon Trotsky’s real name was Lev Bronstein. During one of the earliest anti-Jewish actions, even before Stalin, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow (there still was one) went to Trotsky and asked him to aid his fellow Jews. Trotsky said, “I am not a Jew, I am an international socialist! To which the rabbi replied, “The Trotskys make the revolutions, and the Bronsteins pay the bill.”

  25. Nice! Yeah, I read this piece yesterday.

    This is THE Best roundup of the HCQ mal-reporting (the Evil Left weaponised more Big Lies), and I had put his new book on the potential for a mystery China flu coming at us as a terror threat from last December — and then I found Steve Bannon’s Pandemic podcast interviewing Hatfill in February.

    I was in the “this time the virus threat” could be different camp by mid-January. I hate to be right this time.

    If I recall correctly, the perp that Hatfill was persecuted for after 9/11, has never been found. And that among the ringleaders of Hatfill’s persecution was someone from the circle of Deep State Evil; Andrew Weissman, Bob Mueller, and James Comey.

    I don’t think anyone — maybe, Sydney Powell? — has traced that arc, from Hatfill through Obamagate today.

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