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Roundup — 28 Comments

  1. A madman with a consummate sense of irony, he certainly knows how to twist in the knife.

    However, believing (apparently) that irony is a one-way-street, and having picked fights with the Greeks, the Cypriots, the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Israelis, the E.U. and—perhaps—with this latest blast-from-the-past stunt, the Russians, all this together with an iffy economy, the question is at what point will he find himself overextended.

    (Though it’s entirely possibly that he’s just an accomplished thug and that I’m giving him far too much credit…)

  2. The imbedded foxnews clip in the Turley article is pure propaganda. I’ve erased fox along with all the rest of the networks from any time in my life. They’ve lost me, ever since the idiot sons took over.

    As for Turley, has he lost his mind? Would he be a cop in Seattle or a citizen in Seattle given this council rule he thinks the judge should let stand? Talk about no skin in the game!

  3. Yeah, I think Erdogan knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s the new Ottoman sultan. Mehmet the Conqueror won Aya Sofya fair and square by conquest and he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. Even as it was, defaced by interior and exterior Islamic elements, it’s a gorgeous and awe-inspiring space. I’m glad I saw it.

  4. And I think this should give Spain the go-ahead to ignore any talk of restoring Islamic worship to the cathedral in Granada, once a mosque. Tough luck, guys.

  5. I was in Hagia Sophia in 2006. At the time, the removal of large painted panels with Quran calligraphy were being removed. Beneath those panels, erected in the 15th and 16th centuries by Muslim “convert” workmen, they found that the mosaics had been carefully protected with mud and straw to avoid injury to the mosaics.

    Erdogen has taken a big step back from the modern world. Turkey will suffer the consequences.

  6. Not long before I departed my progressive Episcopalian church in San Francisco, I got embroiled (who, me?) in an online fest about Hagia Sophia with my fellow congregants.

    Their position was, “Isn’t it marvelous how well Muslims and Christians are getting along in Turkey, especially Istanbul?”

    Mine was, “What? Christians have been almost entirely disappeared from what was once the center of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Constantinople.”

    Well, I’m not surprised that Hagia Sophia is now a mosque. And it does matter. Though I imagine my Episcopal friends will manage to rationalize this as well.

  7. People won’t be as concerned about holy temples, once the holy gods descend. Then they will be busy fighting a war against Satan, to argue over whose temple that is.

    Well, I’m not surprised that Hagia Sophia is now a mosque. And it does matter. Though I imagine my Episcopal friends will manage to rationalize this as well.

    There’s not much difference between human rationalizations. What is the difference between Neo’s rationalizations vs Huxley’s rationalizations? It’s the same phenomenon and hijacking. Remote hijacking specifically.

  8. So last night it looks to me that we now have coordinated efforts across many cities, including of all places, Omaha. It certainly seems to me that we are witnessing the opening shots of CW2 by the left. They are pushing as hard as possible for a lethal response from the feds/and or police. At which point they will have full justification (in their minds) to open the flood valves of destruction.


  9. As of today the news has changed…
    the police are now putting together videos diagramming what is happening
    the most interesting being the Chicago video in which they slowly go through the tape with colored arrows and indicators showing how this is very organized like a designed military movement within the boundaries of the situation so that the response has to be limited.

    frozen bottles of water before they are thrown are not actionable
    the banners cant be ripped down until AFTER they fall apart and the sharp pipe ends are exposed

    they have video of peaceful protestors running behind the crowd and changing their clothing in preparation of the fight

    they have video of someone dropping weapons on the ground, and peaceful protestors who are not in black picking them up and throwing them

    large communist symbols are held up

    let me explain how this is DESIGNED – and i believe with outside help from other states think tanks… ie. experts who have had decades of experience in this are designing and informing and training the INSURGENTS and REVOLUTIONARIES, telling them what to do and what not to do within. fellow travelers in the press have been activated and again, are doing things below the level of outright ability to be accused, outed, and removed/diffused.

    I said many times a while ago to study the revolutionary movements and riots as in he czech republic so that you would recognize what was going on. i am sure no one did because neo didnt – they go where she goes… and while she says she tried and talked about thigns and such, it missed out on the key things. this is like a teacher who says they are teaching but leaves out tiny parts of the education in which later education revolves around. technically they taught, but long term outcome, it amounts to busy work (labor theory of value) not real value work. people always claim their busy work is real work, and you cant argue the point, but you CAN point out that it didnt really result in knowing… it just results in people siting around spouting unresearched theories from what they see

    The protests are very well thought out, even to their request. The core of this is that their request is something that cant be granted. ie. the removal of police. You remove the police, and they will not go quietly into that good night they will go bat crap crazy and the full revolution is on… but if you dont, they have a never ending excuse to keep doing this endlessly… which is the point of asking or requesting something that cant be granted.

    its tactical… its not about the actual validity of any request, but about how the request appears such, so that useful idiots join and provide cover and more. without the larger idiot crowd, the insurgents would be rounded up in an hour, charged and over. so all this has a point and purpose tacitcally and has been well thought out and planned as in a think tank. Umbrellas are against pepper spray and the ability to see if a weapon is drawn, or other things. The weapons are limited in such a way so that the whole of it isnt shut down as it would be if four protestors drew hand guns and shot at police from behind umbrellas…. (for a place in which guns are easily available, and crossbows, and wrist rocket sling shots are even easier to get… the rioters are policing their own to prevent those from appearing!!)

    The idea here is NOT to achieve the stated goal, but to wear the opposition down, demoralize, and to create what Stalin referred to as ‘normalization”… which is really acclimation…

    soon, there are going to be some key incidents… ie. false flag… they are going to hurt their own so they can claim it was from external points… the idea is to keep the crowds of idiots present and keep them wearing things down.

    this follows a formulea… if you study other events in history, you see that over time they became more and more regimented in action and outcome… and designed against the weakness of non authoritarian states, who do not control their press…

    where did the hong kong protestors go?
    they have been disappearing… they were allowed to make noise and present a public front, but responding to them in any quick manner was not available because unlike states in the past, they have a dependency on the economics of their image. So they act clandestine…

    There are things that the law can do in this, but there is no will to action on it. Take the items being thrown.. each item being thrown may have fingerprints of the people who prepared them, or threw them… they should be collected and processed, and stored…

    the wheels of justice in a free state move slowly… so it has to behave differently… lots of images are being taken and being recieved… they will be processed… stuff thrown should be collected and processed (as above)…

    even if people are not prosecuted for it, the public could be informed of findings
    that is, what employer would hire someone whose name appears on lists many times as having thrown things or damaged property? they certainly cant get a public trust job… forget about higher clearances… they certainly can end up with a bad tick on their records for background checks… to whit they would have to pay and go to court to clear up if they decide to fight it which is not cheap not easy and drawn out, or suffer the consequences in terms of employment, state benefits, loan programs, etc..

    there are ways to fight insurrection…
    without costing peaceful protestors their rights..
    after all, a person who never throws anything, is not someone who is on record.

    the police will not be defunded… quite the opposite
    the police will become MORE military like, not less
    the reforms they want, will not happen as other things will take priority
    the politicians who sided with them are quickly finding out NO ONE is on their side… (the mob is against them, the people the mob hurt is against them)

    It is unknown if the citizens who are now yelling at how they dont deserve their cars to be smashed their businesses destroyed, their lives disrupted… (as in the juvenile detention center in Oregon)… are connected to their choice of voting… if they voted FOR the current politicians in office, then they are wrong, they DO deserve what happened as they facilitated it. the idea that you can do that and it be wrong it blows up in your face is not a very moral position…

    NOTE… this is now Civil War… or CW2… etc..
    this is an insurgency and movement much like in germany 1930s
    that wasnt a civil war either, as the good folk never rose up to fight
    the numbers just arent there… the number of insurgents is not a large number
    the number of others to clash against is non existent…

    this is NOT a CW.. .and anyone who thinks so, has definitely NOT studied history of conflicts and revolutions… they are confused… and THAT was the disservice of not discussing things like slovakia, and other places… they have no ability to discern the difference… or to realize that if the protestors went too far as in a real civil war, the regular people would crush them, as the numbers willing to fight are not high enough… not at all… not only that but the lines are not so easy to discern… there is no clear division where a majority of the population sides with the violent protestors… if there was, the news would not have to play lying games to keep the things going… you would see more one on one altercations witout crowds… there are symptoms to any desease.. and CW is not the desease we have here…

  10. Clever Democrats! (AKA It’s amazing what you can get away with when you have a lot of “audacity” and the extraordinary power of a corrupt media behind you!)
    – – – – – –
    Regarding “not a CW”, I would beg to differ simply because the Democratic Party and the Corrupt media—and others—that supports it is actively encouraging the “insurrection”, the violence, the disenfranchisement of the police and the delegitimization of the Federal troop who have been sent to control if not end the violence.

    It may not be CW in the sense that citizen is pitted against citizen, at least not yet. But it most certainly is if you consider the political ramifications of the Democratic Party’s siding with those whose stated cause is the destruction of the state.

  11. Forgot to mention, Artful, that that was a terrific post….

    I guess the hope is that we can learn something from it….

  12. Easier version of what art wrote, watch yuri bezmenov.

    Physics, what you are seeing are mind controlled human slaves. You are all in the matrix, esp your mind physics.

    Who wants to be first and last human to tell me now that they are not tired of winning… does 2020 look like victory yet?

  13. In the spirit of “roundup”, here’s someone you should all (as in ALL) get to know a little better (that is, if you’re at all interested in the exquisite structure of the glorious scheme…as well as, one hopes, the great unraveling).
    The Conservative Treehouse presents—the one and only Tashina “Tash” Gauhar:
    H/T Sidney Powell twitter feed.

  14. The Seattle Police did a good job last night. A judge set aside the mayor’s decree that they couldn’t use pepper spray, rubber bullets, and other non-lethal weapons. So they took the rioters on head on. They arrested 45 people, and managed to keep the rioters under pretty good control. Unfortunately, the arrestees will be out today and probably won’t face much of a penalty. How does a police department deal with these thugs when the DA won’t prosecute them? We need some new laws to help the cops. Illegal assembly/rioting should be an automatic one year in jail with a $5000 fine. As long as there are no real consequences for these thugs they will keep wreaking havoc. It should also be an automatic five year sentence for assaulting a police officer. Killing a police officer should be an automatic death penalty with only one appeal. These thugs have no fear of the police and feel like they can do anything to them with little or no consequence. And the Democrat politicians are making it possible.

    Art’s suggestion that the police are studying videos and photos is true. That will allow them to arrest the worst of them after the fact, but if the local DAs don’t prosecute, it’s all for naught. The Feds are doing that in Portland. That’s where you hear the outraged bleating about officers arresting people and putting them in unmarked cars. The Feds have IDed the perps from video and picked them up after the riot’s over. The unmarked (rented vans) vehicles are only good tactics. The thugs will attack and burn your vehicle if it’s identified as an official vehicle. The Feds are much tougher than the local DAs. They will not let rioters and anarchists go on small/no bail and will prosecute them to the fullest extent possible. That needs to happen in the cities as well.

    The definition of sedition = the crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction. IMO, the ANTIFA and BLM thugs are engaged in acts of sedition. BLM’s list of demands is basically demanding the overthrow of our government. As such, I believe a case can be made for declaring their activities an insurrection where the National Guard forces could be activated where necessary to quell these riots and jail the guilty thugs. We’ll see what happens.

    Our police forces are outnumbered and their overseers, the Democrat mayors and governors, are reveling in the consternation it’s causing the POTUS. I think their tactics are going to backfire. People in the suburbs are seeing these riots and all the destruction and asking what would happen if the rioters and anarchists decided to ravage their neighborhood. The suburban police might stop them, but not before they had done an unacceptable amount of damage. There’s a reason gun shops can’t supply the demand for guns and ammo right now. IMO, people are going to vote for law and order in November. After that, it’s going to take a lot of police/FBI/National Guard/Homeland Security efforts and maybe years to put this Marxist BLM/ANTIFA movement out of business.

  15. Round ’em up, move ’em out!…

    Here’s how NOT to launch a sexual harassment lawsuit:

    (I mean one can understand her motives—Hannity! Carlson!…Prime Time!! The Big League!!—but she really ought to have prepared a bit better: deleted some emails and tweets, and invented some others. Well, maybe next time she’ll have better luck…and/or maybe this time she should sue her lawyer for malpractice…make at least some money out of this farce…)

    File under: #MeDumb

  16. Barry, good link to American Thinker – I added it for Artfl to prior post comment because “social justice” should have as a goal the optimal raising of children.

    This only occurs when the mothers and fathers are married and stay married.

    Republicans should be claiming there can be no “social justice” until there is family justice for the children – and raising them in families with a mother and father.

    And admitting this problem is not such a problem for the rich, like Trump, but is a huge problem for all who make less than the US median of income (about $60k/yr).

    In Slovakia, one of the leaders of a party (We are Family – Sme Rodina) has 11 kids from 9 different non-married women. His facebook is full of pictures of him and some of his kids.

    Terrible example for poor folk.

    Optimal culture for poor people is not optimal for rich. We should be pushing laws and culture which help poor folk more.

  17. Tom its only a problem culturally, given that the wealthy dynastic families (not new wealth) realized their power came from multigenerational effort… Trumps fortune goes back to its start with his grandfather… if you do not have a whole family and a life like a mutt, you do not get this power potential. Its why the wealthy sided with feminism… what is for you is not for them… the low class USED to copy the wealthy and had better lives and this was bad for the dynastics because suddenly someone came to challenge their position and families were large… but if you look.. how many children does nancy pelosi have? five… how many children does the politician who could see russia from her window? five… MANY of these political families have more than three kids… ie. power dynasties…

    this goes back to the classic example of the rothschildes… whose father put one in each country to control banking across the globe… or if you read history, the medici family… or the vanderbuilts… this was why the hyphenated names… not for feminist reasons… (ergo the joke that its not her name its her fathers name)… but to show which families were joined… as in the days of royalty.. if you start unravelling the names, and the new names, you will find their children are dotted all over at the best jobs in press, companies, etc…

    funny how that works out..

    the lower class people who did this and dont have a family history and dont know their past, are transitory… they have no anchors, and they have no futures… they are completely disposable because of it and were convinced to do it to themselves… what if Hitler made no ovens but convinced jews to self exterminate with abortions… he would have done what was done here in the US to what is now the target group of anti-racisms racism… which once they are neutered, people like blasio will have no problem going after the other classical target for they will have zero protectors… just as the amish wont either..

  18. I seem to be making a number of long comments here lately, but I just have to get certain things out. (TL;DR = I’m more than shocked, and I can’t really get myself to care, respectively.)

    It just came to my attention finally about the situation in Denver with the Colorado state capitol building. It absolutely blows my mind that a state Capitol would just be surrendered to vandals without a fight. Is that really what happened?? Tell me it’s not so. This is what war – a lost war – looks like.

    As for Agia Sofia in Istanbul (it’s funny that most people at my church would probably give me the stink-eye for calling it anything other than Constantinople, even though the city has been basically out of Greek hands for almost 600 years now – so I don’t talk about it)… I feel as if I have to say something about it. Even though I’m an Orthodox Christian and part of a Greek church, I frankly have a hard time getting much worked up about the re-mosquification of the cathedral. Yes, it was and in certain ways still is a holy place, and yes, it was the – I’ll put it crudely and say the “political” center of Christendom for centuries (although I don’t really mean this word in the typical sense). There are other less obvious things that give Agia Sofia significance, such as the role that its clergy and choirs played in setting up many of our liturgical details which later spread throughout the Orthodox world. I can imagine that there must have been quite a few hymns which were first chanted or reached their fullest expression there. What if St. John Koukouzelis worked there? And some saintly Patriarchs preached there.

    But look, the building was taken from us over half a millennium ago by right of conquest, had already been mosquified once in 1453 and has been used as a mosque for fully 85% of the time from then to now. What happened last Friday is to me just a reset to status quo ante. Sure, I’d love to see those minarets blown to bits (they are an obscenity), and sure, Erdogan is what he is, and sure, the bit about the imam carrying that scimitar and all the rest is just a giant piece of insolence; but at the end of the day, Agia Sofia is a building. Souls are more important than buildings, right? To hear Greeks talk sounds a lot like the relationship of Jews to the Temple, and it just doesn’t feel right to me that we should be making some kind of equivalence of this nature. Jews and the Temple at Jerusalem have a connection that is fundamentally different and more justified in my view.

    Besides, even if the Orthodox were to regain it at some point, would we be worthy of inhabiting it? Or is it really about worldly pride in possessing that wonder of the old world? Is it that Greece could finally feel “important” again if she had the old imperial capital back? I think that as Christians, we should accept loss of worldly glories as routine. Yes, we can exert ourselves to create truly beautiful things that elevate people’s souls. But any expectation that those things will last forever is a fool’s dream, a phantom of the world. Christ came not to put up grand buildings, but to save souls. How would having Agia Sofia back in Greek or Russian hands help anybody if it’s just a trophy? Now if, for example, it were to become a focal point for the renewal of spiritual life in Europe (especially combined with Mt. Athos), or from which we would finally get our act together and preach Christ to the Turks – that I would call a real justification.

    Actually, it just occurred to me… is there a conceivable parallel between the re-mosquification of Agia Sofia and the ruin of the Capitol at Denver? The latter has basically been lost in a battle. So was the former (albeit on a greater scale and with more at stake). Both events are connected with the decay of the civilizations that created those structures, as expressed in the manner of their loss – the one because the Empire finally reaped the fruit of centuries of mistakes along the way, and the other because the society just can’t be bothered to fight for it. It’s just an unformed thought and maybe too much of a stretch.

  19. Tom – yes, there is a parallel, which you elucidated, but although I agree with some of your points about the Cathedral itself (the Church is not a Building), there is undeniably a symbolic factor in Erdogan’s chess-move, and it would not be wise to ignore it.
    Inviting the Pope to come was either a taunt, or an expectation that he would accept; apparently, Francis had to be pressured into denouncing the change.


    Prior to Sunday, [7/12] the pope had been criticized among some Orthodox news sites for his “sad silence” on the decision [by Turkey], which was heavily opposed by Orthodox churches around the world, who argued that the monument’s neutrality as a museum served as a point of unity between East and West.

    According to the Orthodox Times news agency, the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate said Friday they regret that their concern and that of other Orthodox churches “has not been heard.”

    “Unfortunately, this decision is not aimed at pacifying the existing disputes, but, on the contrary, it can lead to even greater divisions,” they said.

    Last Sunday Pope Francis came under fire for omitting a portion of text in his Angelus appealing for religious freedom and human rights in Hong Kong. He has yet to speak out about the issue.

  20. On the subject of, um, repurposing churches.


    French media quoted the Nantes prosecutor as saying that the 39-year-old Rwandan, who’d been tasked with the job of locking up the cathedral, told the investigating magistrate that he lit three fires: on two cathedral organs and an electrical box. His motives were unknown.

    The prosecutor said the arson charge is punishable by a 10-year jail term and a fine of 150,000 euros ($175,000).

    Picked up immediately after the fire, held for over a day and then released, the man was detained again on Saturday morning, on the basis of evidence gathered by police forensic experts and a 20-strong team of investigators who questioned more than 30 people, the prosecutor said in a statement.

    The fire broke the main stained-glass windows between the cathedral’s two towers and destroyed its main organ. Dating from the 17th century, the organ was called the “soul of the cathedral” by faithful.

    The cathedral was built over five centuries and completed in 1891. The organ had previously survived a serious fire in 1972, which annihilated much of its wooden structures.

  21. And now for something completely different.

    I’ve commented here a time or two before about UFOs, a subject which I actually view as one of potentially great significance with reference to our view of ourselves as human beings, of our civilization, our planet, and our place in the Universe.

    Something which, while being viewed as “off the wall,” in “tin-foil hat territory,” and illusory could–in the great scheme of things, and for us–perhaps turn out to be of supreme significance and importance.

    If, in the modern era, cumulatively thousands of UFOs–possessing and demonstrating characteristics and capabilities “light years” above our current capabilities and technologies–have been/are flying around and through U.S. and other country’s airspace, and especially—as we’ve now seen officially reported–over U.S. Navy battle groups, and over U.S. ICBM installations, over nuclear weapons, military storage areas and installations, over civilian nuclear power plants (not to mention over numerous cities and towns), and near many military and commercial passenger aircraft, have been doing so since at least the mid 1940s, and have been witnessed–all over the world, in fact–and often by serious people, by many credible, trained observers, and sometimes observed simultaneously by multiple observers on land, on ships, in the air, and by radar—I’d call that, at a minimum, a major national security problem, and a phenomenon that deserves serous investigation and attention.

    Lately I’ve noticed an uptick in developments, and in the visibility of this issue.

    The emergence of the UFO focused “To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science,” and their HISTORY Channel show ”Unidentified,” the emergence, this April, of officially authenticated military videos of three UFO incidents, and the U.S. Navy changing its reporting requirements to encourage it’s pilots, and other naval personnel, to report UFO sightings, language in the 2021 Intelligence Authorization Act mandating the production of an unclassified report (with a classified annex) on UFOs, the information that has been gathered on them, an estimate of the national security threat they might pose, and where they come from, members of the Congress reportedly being briefed on the UFO issue, the report/admission this year that there is currently a Task Force within U.S. Naval Intelligence which tracks such UFO sightings, plus news report references to the U.S. military being given recent classified briefings about “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

    Of course, in this “highly charged political atmosphere,” this could all be just one of several carefully staged “shiny objects,” a campaign of “distraction,” but I get the feeling that it might not be.

    I certainly could be wrong, but it appears to me that this subject is—starting a couple of years ago and, now, all of a sudden—being more and more swiftly pushed into public view, and being presented this way to build up to some type of major revelation/announcement.

  22. Cont’d–Of course, if such a world-altering announcement were actually on the horizon, perhaps the increasing visibility of this subject is being orchestrated so that, when such an announcement is made–and inserted as just another news item among many other currently occurring, horrific developments–the groundwork has been laid, it’s been anticipated, and it’s now “old hat”–and it’s impact might be far less than it might otherwise be in terms of public disturbance.

    This whole unfolding series of revelations the equivalent of the now standard Washington, D.C. “Friday night document dump.”

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