Home » Although other news has tended to eclipse Spygate…


Although other news has tended to eclipse Spygate… — 14 Comments

  1. You won’t here any alarm from the press because they were doing the same thing… working to destroy the president by any means possible. The law, ethics, and plain decency be damned!

  2. The Democrats are willing to believe the “dossier” is all true. Denny Heck, (D-WA) is running for Lt. Governor here and is claiming there is a mountain of evidence against Trump. He could only believe that if he believed the dossier. I’m sure there are legions of Dems who will not take any time to look at the counter evidence.

    I have said all along that their alibi will be, “We couldn’t take a chance that the POTUS was a Russian asset. There was so much smoke, we believed there was a real fire.” Proving that they proceeded with political malice of intent will be hard, although many of Strzok’s e-mails seem pretty revealing of malice of intent to me.

    John Durham, paging John Durham. We need your results soon.

  3. “Let 100 falsehoods bloom…”

    Should be on most of the mastheads across the nation and around the world.

    (Should make that a million…)

  4. I was on a liberal site recently about Mueller being called to testify before the senate, and most of the story was about how Trump just can’t let it go.
    Of course they want Republicans to just let it go– and that’s the narrative they’re going to push.

  5. The question no one asks is who was pulling the strings? Overthrowing the President would in another time get you drawn and quartered if you failed, no mercy and maximum pain. We know that the investigation was being run out of the Oval office two weeks before Trump took office. We have Susan Rice’s infamous memo to herself saying that Obama told them to do everything “by the book”. Of itself that was an extraordinary thing to say to a bunch of officers of the law who should do that automatically. The conspirators on their own, just decided to continue the investigation with no direction from above? Bureaucrats are not known for either initiative or daring. My suspicion is that Obama was deeply involved via cutouts until the conspiracy unraveled. Food for thought…

  6. I suspect Valarie Jerrett and her old Chicago friends were pulling the strings along with some of the establishment Republicans, (Bush, Bush, Bush, is he here?) were willing to try to sink Trump coming out of the gate. I heard a little bit of the inside upper Republican talk at the time that pressure would be put on Trump and being Trump he would get fed up and step aside and they could all live with Pence. George W has really disappointed me over the last few years.

  7. Sundance at Conservative Treehouse is spawning a movement about disseminating the evidence as briefing documents designed to help conservatives communicate that evidence to others, but ALSO to raise awareness among government officials about how much we know, and how angry we are!

    I find the second objective particularly interesting, in that it recognizes that success is not just nailing the guilty, but first about convincing the AG that we are not going to let him sweep this mess under the rug!

  8. George W has really disappointed me over the last few years.

    When it was known in 2013 that the IRS had volunteered to harass the opposition and then played hide-the-ball with their own inspector-general (while their outgoing directed lied through his teeth to a congressional committee and Lois Lerner took the Fifth), that was the time for Jimmy Carter and the Bushes to speak. They said nothing. The lot of them can do the world a favor and leave public life.

  9. “convincing the AG that we are not going to let him sweep this mess under the rug!” – Ray

    I agree with the idea that putting these documents before the public is both a resource and a warning, but I really don’t think Congress or Judicial Watch (which has received others under FOIA) would have gotten them if AG Barr didn’t want them to be got.

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